Keep uniform distribution after remapping to a new range - random

Since this is about remapping a uniform distribution to another with a different range, this is not a PHP question specifically although I am using PHP.
I have a cryptographicaly secure random number generator that gives me evenly distributed integers (uniform discrete distribution) between 0 and PHP_INT_MAX.
How do I remap these results to fit into a different range in an efficient manner?
Currently I am using $mappedRandomNumber = $randomNumber % ($range + 1) + $min where $range = $max - $min, but that obvioulsy doesn't work since the first PHP_INT_MAX%$range integers from the range have a higher chance to be picked, breaking the uniformity of the distribution.

Well, having zero knowledge of PHP definitely qualifies me as an expert, so
mentally converting to float U[0,1)
f = r / PHP_MAX_INT
then doing
mapped = min + f*(max - min)
going back to integers
mapped = min + (r * max - r * min)/PHP_MAX_INT
if computation is done via 64bit math, and PHP_MAX_INT being 2^31 it should work

This is what I ended up doing. PRNG 101 (if it does not fit, ignore and generate again). Not very sophisticated, but simple:
public function rand($min = 0, $max = null){
// pow(2,$numBits-1) calculated as (pow(2,$numBits-2)-1) + pow(2,$numBits-2)
// to avoid overflow when $numBits is the number of bits of PHP_INT_MAX
$maxSafe = (int) floor(
((pow(2,8*$this->intByteCount-2)-1) + pow(2,8*$this->intByteCount-2))
($max - $min)
) * ($max - $min);
// discards anything above the last interval N * {0 .. max - min -1}
// that fits in {0 .. 2^(intBitCount-1)-1}
do {
$chars = $this->getRandomBytesString($this->intByteCount);
$n = 0;
for ($i=0;$i<$this->intByteCount;$i++) {$n|=(ord($chars[$i])<<(8*($this->intByteCount-$i-1)));}
} while (abs($n)>$maxSafe);
return (abs($n)%($max-$min+1))+$min;
Any improvements are welcomed.
(Full code on

Here is the sketch how I would do it:
Consider you have uniform random integer distribution in range [A, B) that's what your random number generator provide.
Let L = B - A.
Let P be the highest power of 2 such that P <= L.
Let X be a sample from this range.
First calculate Y = X - A.
If Y >= P, discard it and start with new X until you get an Y that fits.
Now Y contains log2(P) uniformly random bits - zero extend it up to log2(P) bits.
Now we have uniform random bit generator that can be used to provide arbitrary number of random bits as needed.
To generate a number in the target range, let [A_t, B_t) be the target range. Let L_t = B_t - A_t.
Let P_t be the smallest power of 2 such that P_t >= L_t.
Read log2(P_t) random bits and make an integer from it, let's call it X_t.
If X_t >= L_t, discard it and try again until you get a number that fits.
Your random number in the desired range will be L_t + A_t.
Implementation considerations: if your L_t and L are powers of 2, you never have to discard anything. If not, then even in the worst case you should get the right number in less than 2 trials on average.


Generating Random Numbers for RPG games

I'm wondering if there is an algorithm to generate random numbers that most likely will be low in a range from min to max. For instance if you generate a random number between 1 and 100 it should most of the time be below 30 if you call the function with f(min: 1, max: 100, avg: 30), but if you call it with f(min: 1, max: 200, avg: 10) the most the average should be 10. A lot of games does this, but I simply can't find a way to do this with formula. Most of the examples I have seen uses a "drop table" or something like that.
I have come up with a fairly simple way to weight the outcome of a roll, but it is not very efficient and you don't have a lot of control over it
var pseudoRand = function(min, max, n) {
if (n > 0) {
return pseudoRand(min, Math.random() * (max - min) + min, n - 1)
return max;
rands = []
for (var i = 0; i < 20000; i++) {
rands.push(pseudoRand(0, 100, 1))
avg = rands.reduce(function(x, y) { return x + y } ) / rands.length
console.log(avg); // ~50
The function simply picks a random number between min and max N times, where it for every iteration updates the max with the last roll. So if you call it with N = 2, and max = 100 then it must roll 100 two times in a row in order to return 100
I have looked at some distributions on wikipedia, but I don't quite understand them enough to know how I can control the min and max outputs etc.
Any help is very much welcomed
A simple way to generate a random number with a given distribution is to pick a random number from a list where the numbers that should occur more often are repeated according with the desired distribution.
For example if you create a list [1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4] and pick a random index from 0 to 9 to select an element from that list you will get a number <4 with 90% probability.
Alternatively, using the distribution from the example above, generate an array [2,5,8,9] and pick a random integer from 0 to 9, if it's ≤2 (this will occur with 30% probability) then return 1, if it's >2 and ≤5 (this will also occur with 30% probability) return 2, etc.
Explained here:
A probability distribution function is just a function that, when you put in a value X, will return the probability of getting that value X. A cumulative distribution function is the probability of getting a number less than or equal to X. A CDF is the integral of a PDF. A CDF is almost always a one-to-one function, so it almost always has an inverse.
To generate a PDF, plot the value on the x-axis and the probability on the y-axis. The sum (discrete) or integral (continuous) of all the probabilities should add up to 1. Find some function that models that equation correctly. To do this, you may have to look up some PDFs.
Basic Algorithm
This algorithm is based off of Inverse Transform Sampling. The idea behind ITS is that you are randomly picking a value on the y-axis of the CDF and finding the x-value it corresponds to. This makes sense because the more likely a value is to be randomly selected, the more "space" it will take up on the y-axis of the CDF.
Come up with some probability distribution formula. For instance, if you want it so that as the numbers get higher the odds of them being chosen increases, you could use something like f(x)=x or f(x)=x^2. If you want something that bulges in the middle, you could use the Gaussian Distribution or 1/(1+x^2). If you want a bounded formula, you can use the Beta Distribution or the Kumaraswamy Distribution.
Integrate the PDF to get the Cumulative Distribution Function.
Find the inverse of the CDF.
Generate a random number and plug it into the inverse of the CDF.
Multiply that result by (max-min) and then add min
Round the result to the nearest integer.
Steps 1 to 3 are things you have to hard code into the game. The only way around it for any PDF is to solve for the shape parameters of that correspond to its mean and holds to the constraints on what you want the shape parameters to be. If you want to use the Kumaraswamy Distribution, you will set it so that the shape parameters a and b are always greater than one.
I would suggest using the Kumaraswamy Distribution because it is bounded and it has a very nice closed form and closed form inverse. It only has two parameters, a and b, and it is extremely flexible, as it can model many different scenarios, including polynomial behavior, bell curve behavior, and a basin-like behavior that has a peak at both edges. Also, modeling isn't too hard with this function. The higher the shape parameter b is, the more tilted it will be to the left, and the higher the shape parameter a is, the more tilted it will be to the right. If a and b are both less than one, the distribution will look like a trough or basin. If a or b is equal to one, the distribution will be a polynomial that does not change concavity from 0 to 1. If both a and b equal one, the distribution is a straight line. If a and b are greater than one, than the function will look like a bell curve. The best thing you can do to learn this is to actually graph these functions or just run the Inverse Transform Sampling algorithm.
For instance, if I want to have a probability distribution shaped like this with a=2 and b=5 going from 0 to 100:*5*x%5E(2-1)*(1-x%5E2)%5E(5-1)+from+x%3D0+to+x%3D1
Its CDF would be:
Its inverse would be:
The General Inverse of the Kumaraswamy Distribution is:
I would then generate a number from 0 to 1, put it into the CDF^-1(x), and multiply the result by 100.
Very accurate
Continuous, not discreet
Uses one formula and very little space
Gives you a lot of control over exactly how the randomness is spread out
Many of these formulas have CDFs with inverses of some sort
There are ways to bound the functions on both ends. For instance, the Kumaraswamy Distribution is bounded from 0 to 1, so you just input a float between zero and one, then multiply the result by (max-min) and add min. The Beta Distribution is bounded differently based on what values you pass into it. For something like PDF(x)=x, the CDF(x)=(x^2)/2, so you can generate a random value from CDF(0) to CDF(max-min).
You need to come up with the exact distributions and their shapes you plan on using
Every single general formula you plan on using needs to be hard coded into the game. In other words, you can program the general Kumaraswamy Distribution into the game and have a function that generates random numbers based on the distribution and its parameters, a and b, but not a function that generates a distribution for you based on the average. If you wanted to use Distribution x, you would have to find out what values of a and b best fit the data you want to see and hard code those values into the game.
I would use a simple mathematical function for that. From what you describe, you need an exponential progression like y = x^2. at average (average is at x=0.5 since rand gets you a number from 0 to 1) you would get 0.25. If you want a lower average number, you can use a higher exponent like y = x^3 what would result in y = 0.125 at x = 0.5
PS: I adjusted the function to calculate the needed exponent to get the average result.
Code example:
function expRand (min, max, exponent) {
return Math.round( Math.pow( Math.random(), exponent) * (max - min) + min);
function averageRand (min, max, average) {
var exponent = Math.log(((average - min) / (max - min))) / Math.log(0.5);
return expRand(min, max, exponent);
alert(averageRand(1, 100, 10));
You may combine 2 random processes. For example:
first rand R1 = f(min: 1, max: 20, avg: 10);
second rand R2 = f(min:1, max : 10, avg : 1);
and then multiply R1*R2 to have a result between [1-200] and average around 10 (the average will be shifted a bit)
Another option is to find the inverse of the random function you want to use. This option has to be initialized when your program starts but doesn't need to be recomputed. The math used here can be found in a lot of Math libraries. I will explain point by point by taking the example of an unknown random function where only four points are known:
First, fit the four point curve with a polynomial function of order 3 or higher.
You should then have a parametrized function of type : ax+bx^2+cx^3+d.
Find the indefinite integral of the function (the form of the integral is of type a/2x^2+b/3x^3+c/4x^4+dx, which we will call quarticEq).
Compute the integral of the polynomial from your min to your max.
Take a uniform random number between 0-1, then multiply by the value of the integral computed in Step 5. (we name the result "R")
Now solve the equation R = quarticEq for x.
Hopefully the last part is well known, and you should be able to find a library that can do this computation (see wiki). If the inverse of the integrated function does not have a closed form solution (like in any general polynomial with degree five or higher), you can use a root finding method such as Newton's Method.
This kind of computation may be use to create any kind of random distribution.
Edit :
You may find the Inverse Transform Sampling described above in wikipedia and I found this implementation (I haven't tried it.)
You can keep a running average of what you have returned from the function so far and based on that in a while loop get the next random number that fulfills the average, adjust running average and return the number
Using a drop table permit a very fast roll, that in a real time game matter. In fact it is only one random generation of a number from a range, then according to a table of probabilities (a Gauss distribution for that range) a if statement with multiple choice. Something like that:
num = random.randint(1,100)
if num<10 :
case 1
if num<20 and num>10 :
case 2
It is not very clean but when you have a finite number of choices it can be very fast.
There are lots of ways to do so, all of which basically boil down to generating from a right-skewed (a.k.a. positive-skewed) distribution. You didn't make it clear whether you want integer or floating point outcomes, but there are both discrete and continuous distributions that fit the bill.
One of the simplest choices would be a discrete or continuous right-triangular distribution, but while that will give you the tapering off you desire for larger values, it won't give you independent control of the mean.
Another choice would be a truncated exponential (for continuous) or geometric (for discrete) distribution. You'd need to truncate because the raw exponential or geometric distribution has a range from zero to infinity, so you'd have to lop off the upper tail. That would in turn require you to do some calculus to find a rate λ which yields the desired mean after truncation.
A third choice would be to use a mixture of distributions, for instance choose a number uniformly in a lower range with some probability p, and in an upper range with probability (1-p). The overall mean is then p times the mean of the lower range + (1-p) times the mean of the upper range, and you can dial in the desired overall mean by adjusting the ranges and the value of p. This approach will also work if you use non-uniform distribution choices for the sub-ranges. It all boils down to how much work you're willing to put into deriving the appropriate parameter choices.
One method would not be the most precise method, but could be considered "good enough" depending on your needs.
The algorithm would be to pick a number between a min and a sliding max. There would be a guaranteed max g_max and a potential max p_max. Your true max would slide depending on the results of another random call. This will give you a skewed distribution you are looking for. Below is the solution in Python.
import random
def get_roll(min, g_max, p_max)
max = g_max + (random.random() * (p_max - g_max))
return random.randint(min, int(max))
get_roll(1, 10, 20)
Below is a histogram of the function ran 100,000 times with (1, 10, 20).
private int roll(int minRoll, int avgRoll, int maxRoll) {
// Generating random number #1
int firstRoll = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(minRoll, maxRoll + 1);
// Iterating 3 times will result in the roll being relatively close to
// the average roll.
if (firstRoll > avgRoll) {
// If the first roll is higher than the (set) average roll:
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
int verificationRoll = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(minRoll, maxRoll + 1);
if (firstRoll > verificationRoll && verificationRoll >= avgRoll) {
// If the following condition is met:
// The iteration-roll is closer to 30 than the first roll
firstRoll = verificationRoll;
} else if (firstRoll < avgRoll) {
// If the first roll is lower than the (set) average roll:
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
int verificationRoll = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(minRoll, maxRoll + 1);
if (firstRoll < verificationRoll && verificationRoll <= avgRoll) {
// If the following condition is met:
// The iteration-roll is closer to 30 than the first roll
firstRoll = verificationRoll;
return firstRoll;
check if the roll is above, below or exactly 30
if above, reroll 3 times & set the roll according to the new roll, if lower but >= 30
if below, reroll 3 times & set the roll according to the new roll, if
higher but <= 30
if exactly 30, don't set the roll anew
return the roll
performs well
You'll naturally have more results that are in the range of 30-40 than you'll have in the range of 20-30, simple due to the 30-70 relation.
You can test this by using the following method in conjunction with the roll()-method. The data is saved in a hashmap (to map the number to the number of occurences).
public void rollTheD100() {
int maxNr = 100;
int minNr = 1;
int avgNr = 30;
Map<Integer, Integer> numberOccurenceMap = new HashMap<>();
// "Initialization" of the map (please don't hit me for calling it initialization)
for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
numberOccurenceMap.put(i, 0);
// Rolling (100k times)
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
int dummy = roll(minNr, avgNr, maxNr);
numberOccurenceMap.put(dummy, numberOccurenceMap.get(dummy) + 1);
int numberPack = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
numberPack = numberPack + numberOccurenceMap.get(i);
if (i % 10 == 0) {
System.out.println("<" + i + ": " + numberPack);
numberPack = 0;
The results (100.000 rolls):
These were as expected. Note that you can always fine-tune the results, simply by modifying the iteration-count in the roll()-method (the closer to 30 the average should be, the more iterations should be included (note that this could hurt the performance to a certain degree)). Also note that 30 was (as expected) the number with the highest number of occurences, by far.
<10: 4994
<20: 9425
<30: 18184
<40: 29640
<50: 18283
<60: 10426
<70: 5396
<80: 2532
<90: 897
<100: 223
Try this,
generate a random number for the range of numbers below the average and generate a second random number for the range of numbers above the average.
Then randomly select one of those, each range will be selected 50% of the time.
var psuedoRand = function(min, max, avg) {
var upperRand = (int)(Math.random() * (max - avg) + avg);
var lowerRand = (int)(Math.random() * (avg - min) + min);
if (math.random() < 0.5)
return lowerRand;
return upperRand;
Having seen much good explanations and some good ideas, I still think this could help you:
You can take any distribution function f around 0, and substitute your interval of interest to your desired interval [1,100]: f -> f'.
Then feed the C++ discrete_distribution with the results of f'.
I've got an example with the normal distribution below, but I can't get my result into this function :-S
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <chrono>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
double p1(double x, double mean, double sigma); // p(x|x_avg,sigma)
double p2(int x, int x_min, int x_max, double x_avg, double z_min, double z_max); // transform ("stretch") it to the interval
int plot_ps(int x_avg, int x_min, int x_max, double sigma);
int main()
int x_min = 1;
int x_max = 20;
int x_avg = 6;
double sigma = 5;
int p[]={2,1,3,1,2,5,1,1,1,1};
default_random_engine generator (chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count());
discrete_distribution<int> distribution {p*};
for (int i=0; i< 10; i++)
cout << i << "\t" << distribution(generator) << endl;
plot_ps(x_avg, x_min, x_max, sigma);
return 0; //*/
// Normal distribution function
double p1(double x, double mean, double sigma)
return 1/(sigma*sqrt(2*M_PI))
* exp(-(x-mean)*(x-mean) / (2*sigma*sigma));
// Transforms intervals to your wishes ;)
// z_min and z_max are the desired values f'(x_min) and f'(x_max)
double p2(int x, int x_min, int x_max, double x_avg, double z_min, double z_max)
double y;
double sigma = 1.0;
double y_min = -sigma*sqrt(-2*log(z_min));
double y_max = sigma*sqrt(-2*log(z_max));
if(x < x_avg)
y = -(x-x_avg)/(x_avg-x_min)*y_min;
y = -(x-x_avg)/(x_avg-x_max)*y_max;
return p1(y, 0.0, sigma);
//plots both distribution functions
int plot_ps(int x_avg, int x_min, int x_max, double sigma)
double z = (1.0+x_max-x_min);
// plot p1
for (int i=1; i<=20; i++)
cout << i << "\t" <<
string(int(p1(i, x_avg, sigma)*(sigma*sqrt(2*M_PI)*20.0)+0.5), '*')
<< endl;
cout << endl;
// plot p2
for (int i=1; i<=20; i++)
cout << i << "\t" <<
string(int(p2(i, x_min, x_max, x_avg, 1.0/z, 1.0/z)*(20.0*sqrt(2*M_PI))+0.5), '*')
<< endl;
With the following result if I let them plot:
1 ************
2 ***************
3 *****************
4 ******************
5 ********************
6 ********************
7 ********************
8 ******************
9 *****************
10 ***************
11 ************
12 **********
13 ********
14 ******
15 ****
16 ***
17 **
18 *
19 *
1 *
2 ***
3 *******
4 ************
5 ******************
6 ********************
7 ********************
8 *******************
9 *****************
10 ****************
11 **************
12 ************
13 *********
14 ********
15 ******
16 ****
17 ***
18 **
19 **
20 *
So - if you could give this result to the discrete_distribution<int> distribution {}, you got everything you want...
Well, from what I can see of your problem, I would want for the solution to meet these criteria:
a) Belong to a single distribution: If we need to "roll" (call math.Random) more than once per function call and then aggregate or discard some results, it stops being truly distributed according to the given function.
b) Not be computationally intensive: Some of the solutions use Integrals, (Gamma distribution, Gaussian Distribution), and those are computationally intensive. In your description, you mention that you want to be able to "calculate it with a formula", which fits this description (basically, you want an O(1) function).
c) Be relatively "well distributed", e.g. not have peaks and valleys, but instead have most results cluster around the mean, and have nice predictable slopes downwards towards the ends, and yet have the probability of the min and the max to be not zero.
d) Not to require to store a large array in memory, as in drop tables.
I think this function meets the requirements:
var pseudoRand = function(min, max, avg )
var randomFraction = Math.random();
var head = (avg - min);
var tail = (max - avg);
var skewdness = tail / (head + tail);
if (randomFraction < skewdness)
return min + (randomFraction / skewdness) * head;
return avg + (1 - randomFraction) / (1 - skewdness) * tail;
This will return floats, but you can easily turn them to ints by calling
(int) Math.round(pseudoRand(...))
It returned the correct average in all of my tests, and it is also nicely distributed towards the ends. Hope this helps. Good luck.

Randomly pick elements from a vector of counts

I'm currently trying to optimize some MATLAB/Octave code by means of an algorithmic change, but can't figure out how to deal with some randomness here. Suppose that I have a vector V of integers, with each element representing a count of some things, photons in my case. Now I want to randomly pick some amount of those "things" and create a new vector of the same size, but with the counts adjusted.
Here's how I do this at the moment:
function W = photonfilter(V, eff)
% W = photonfilter(V, eff)
% Randomly takes photons from V according to the given efficiency.
% Args:
% V: Input vector containing the number of emitted photons in each
% timeslot (one element is one timeslot). The elements are rounded
% to integers before processing.
% eff: Filter efficiency. On the average, every 1/eff photon will be
% taken. This value must be in the range 0 < eff <= 1.
% W: Output row vector with the same length as V and containing the number
% of received photons in each timeslot.
% WARNING: This function operates on a photon-by-photon basis in that it
% constructs a vector with one element per photon. The storage requirements
% therefore directly depend on sum(V), not only on the length of V.
% Round V and make it flat.
Ntot = length(V);
V = round(V);
V = V(:);
% Initialize the photon-based vector, so that each element contains
% the original index of the photon.
idxV = zeros(1, sum(V), 'uint32');
iout = 1;
for i = 1:Ntot
N = V(i);
idxV(iout:iout+N-1) = i;
iout = iout + N;
% Take random photons.
idxV = idxV(randperm(length(idxV)));
idxV = idxV(1:round(length(idxV)*eff));
% Generate the output vector by placing the remaining photons back
% into their timeslots.
[W, trash] = hist(idxV, 1:Ntot);
This is a rather straightforward implementation of the description above. But it has an obvious performance drawback: The function creates a vector (idxV) containing one element per single photon. So if my V has only 1000 elements but an average count of 10000 per element, the internal vector will have 10 million elements making the function slow and heavy.
What I'd like to achieve now is not to directly optimize this code, but to use some other kind of algorithm which immediately calculates the new counts without giving each photon some kind of "identity". This must be possible somehow, but I just can't figure out how to do it.
The output vector W must have the same number of elements as the input vector V.
W(i) must be an integer and bounded by 0 <= W(i) <= V(i).
The expected value of sum(W) must be sum(V)*eff.
The algorithm must somehow implement this "random picking" of photons, i.e. there should not be some deterministic part like "run through V dividing all counts by the stepsize and propagating the remainders", as the whole point of this function is to bring randomness into the system.
An explicit loop over V is allowed if unavoidable, but a vectorized approach is preferable.
Any ideas how to implement something like this? A solution using only a random vector and then some trickery with probabilities and rounding would be ideal, but I haven't had any success with that so far.
Thanks! Best regards, Philipp
The method you employ to compute W is called Monte Carlo method. And indeed there can be some optimizations. Once of such is instead of calculating indices of photons, let's imagine a set of bins. Each bin has some probability and the sum of all bins' probabilities adds up to 1. We divide the segment [0, 1] into parts whose lengths are proportional to the probabilities of the bins. Now for every random number within [0, 1) that we generate we can quickly find the bin that it belongs to. Finally, we count numbers in the bins to obtain the final result. The code below illustrates the idea.
% Population size (number of photons).
N = 1000000;
% Sample size, size of V and W as well.
% For convenience of plotting, V and W are of the same size, but
% the algorithm doesn't enforce this constraint.
M = 10000;
% Number of Monte Carlo iterations, greater numbers give better quality.
K = 100000;
% Generate population of counts, use gaussian distribution to test the method.
% If implemented correctly histograms should have the same shape eventually.
V = hist(randn(1, N), M);
P = cumsum(V / sum(V));
% For every generated random value find its bin and then count the bins.
% Finally we normalize counts by the ration of N / K.
W = hist(lookup(P, rand(1, K)), M) * N / K;
% Compare distribution plots, they should be the same.
hold on;
plot(W, '+r');
plot(V, '*b');
Based on the answer from Alexander Solovets, this is how the code now looks:
function W = photonfilter(V, eff, impl=1)
Ntot = length(V);
V = V(:);
if impl == 0
% Original "straightforward" solution.
V = round(V);
idxV = zeros(1, sum(V), 'uint32');
iout = 1;
for i = 1:Ntot
N = V(i);
idxV(iout:iout+N-1) = i;
iout = iout + N;
idxV = idxV(randperm(length(idxV)));
idxV = idxV(1:round(length(idxV)*eff));
[W, trash] = hist(idxV, 1:Ntot);
% Monte Carlo approach.
Nphot = sum(V);
P = cumsum(V / Nphot);
W = hist(lookup(P, rand(1, round(Nphot * eff))), 0:Ntot-1);
The results are quite comparable, as long as eff if not too close to 1 (with eff=1, the original solution yields W=V while the Monte Carlo approach still has some randomness, thereby violating the upper bound constraints).
Test in the interactive Octave shell:
octave:1> T=linspace(0,10*pi,10000);
octave:2> V=100*(1+sin(T));
octave:3> W1=photonfilter(V, 0.1, 0);
octave:4> W2=photonfilter(V, 0.1, 1);
octave:5> plot(T,V,T,W1,T,W2);
octave:6> legend('V','Random picking','Monte Carlo')
octave:7> sum(W1)
ans = 100000
octave:8> sum(W2)
ans = 100000

How to calculate iteratively the running weighted average so that last values to weight most?

I want to implement an iterative algorithm, which calculates weighted average. The specific weight law does not matter, but it should be close to 1 for the newest values and close to 0 to the oldest.
The algorithm should be iterative. i.e. it should not remember all previous values. It should know only one newest value and any aggregative information about past, like previous values of the average, sums, counts etc.
Is it possible?
For example, the following algorithm can be:
void iterate(double value) {
sum *= 0.99;
sum += value;
avg = sum / count;
It will give exponential decreasing weight, which may be not good. Is it possible to have step decreasing weight or something?
The the requirements for weighing law is follows:
1) The weight decreases into past
2) I has some mean or characteristic duration so that values older this duration matters much lesser than newer ones
3) I should be able to set this duration
I need the following. Suppose v_i are values, where v_1 is the first. Also suppose w_i are weights. But w_0 is THE LAST.
So, after first value came I have first average
a_1 = v_1 * w_0
After the second value v_2 came, I should have average
a_2 = v_1 * w_1 + v_2 * w_0
With next value I should have
a_3 = v_1 * w_2 + v_2 * w_1 + v_3 * w_0
Note, that weight profile is moving with me, while I am moving along value sequence.
I.e. each value does not have it's own weight all the time. My goal is to have this weight lower while going to past.
First a bit of background. If we were keeping a normal average, it would go like this:
average(a) = 11
average(a,b) = (average(a)+b)/2
average(a,b,c) = (average(a,b)*2 + c)/3
average(a,b,c,d) = (average(a,b,c)*3 + d)/4
As you can see here, this is an "online" algorithm and we only need to keep track of pieces of data: 1) the total numbers in the average, and 2) the average itself. Then we can undivide the average by the total, add in the new number, and divide it by the new total.
Weighted averages are a bit different. It depends on what kind of weighted average. For example if you defined:
weightedAverage(a,wa, b,wb, c,wc, ..., z,wz) = a*wa + b*wb + c*wc + ... + w*wz
weightedAverage(elements, weights) = elements·weights
...then you don't need to do anything besides add the new element*weight! If however you defined the weighted average akin to an expected-value from probability:
weightedAverage(elements,weights) = elements·weights / sum(weights)
...then you'd need to keep track of the total weights. Instead of undividing by the total number of elements, you undivide by the total weight, add in the new element&ast;weight, then divide by the new total weight.
Alternatively you don't need to undivide, as demonstrated below: you can merely keep track of the temporary dot product and weight total in a closure or an object, and divide it as you yield (this can help a lot with avoiding numerical inaccuracy from compounded rounding errors).
In python this would be:
def makeAverager():
dotProduct = 0
totalWeight = 0
def averager(newValue, weight):
nonlocal dotProduct,totalWeight
dotProduct += newValue*weight
totalWeight += weight
return dotProduct/totalWeight
return averager
>>> averager = makeAverager()
>>> [averager(value,w) for value,w in [(100,0.2), (50,0.5), (100,0.1)]]
[100.0, 64.28571428571429, 68.75]
>>> averager(10,1.1)
>>> averager(10,1.1)
>>> averager(30,2.0)
> But my task is to have average recalculated each time new value arrives having old values reweighted. –OP
Your task is almost always impossible, even with exceptionally simple weighting schemes.
You are asking to, with O(1) memory, yield averages with a changing weighting scheme. For example, {values·weights1, (values+[newValue2])·weights2, (values+[newValue2,newValue3])·weights3, ...} as new values are being passed in, for some nearly arbitrarily changing weights sequence. This is impossible due to injectivity. Once you merge the numbers in together, you lose a massive amount of information. For example, even if you had the weight vector, you could not recover the original value vector, or vice versa. There are only two cases I can think of where you could get away with this:
Constant weights such as [2,2,2,...2]: this is equivalent to an on-line averaging algorithm, which you don't want because the old values are not being "reweighted".
The relative weights of previous answers do not change. For example you could do weights of [8,4,2,1], and add in a new element with arbitrary weight like ...+[1], but you must increase all the previous by the same multiplicative factor, like [16,8,4,2]+[1]. Thus at each step, you are adding a new arbitrary weight, and a new arbitrary rescaling of the past, so you have 2 degrees of freedom (only 1 if you need to keep your dot-product normalized). The weight-vectors you'd get would look like:
[w0*(s1), w1]
[w0*(s1*s2), w1*(s2), w2]
[w0*(s1*s2*s3), w1*(s2*s3), w2*(s3), w3]
Thus any weighting scheme you can make look like that will work (unless you need to keep the thing normalized by the sum of weights, in which case you must then divide the new average by the new sum, which you can calculate by keeping only O(1) memory). Merely multiply the previous average by the new s (which will implicitly distribute over the dot-product into the weights), and tack on the new +w*newValue.
I think you are looking for something like this:
void iterate(double value) {
weight = max(0, 1 - (count / 1000));
avg = ( avg * total_weight * (count - 1) + weight * value) / (total_weight * (count - 1) + weight)
total_weight += weight;
Here I'm assuming you want the weights to sum to 1. As long as you can generate a relative weight without it changing in the future, you can end up with a solution which mimics this behavior.
That is, suppose you defined your weights as a sequence {s_0, s_1, s_2, ..., s_n, ...} and defined the input as sequence {i_0, i_1, i_2, ..., i_n}.
Consider the form: sum(s_0*i_0 + s_1*i_1 + s_2*i_2 + ... + s_n*i_n) / sum(s_0 + s_1 + s_2 + ... + s_n). Note that it is trivially possible to compute this incrementally with a couple of aggregation counters:
int counter = 0;
double numerator = 0;
double denominator = 0;
void addValue(double val)
double weight = calculateWeightFromCounter(counter);
numerator += weight * val;
denominator += weight;
double getAverage()
if (denominator == 0.0) return 0.0;
return numerator / denominator;
Of course, calculateWeightFromCounter() in this case shouldn't generate weights that sum to one -- the trick here is that we average by dividing by the sum of the weights so that in the end, the weights virtually seem to sum to one.
The real trick is how you do calculateWeightFromCounter(). You could simply return the counter itself, for example, however note that the last weighted number would not be near the sum of the counters necessarily, so you may not end up with the exact properties you want. (It's hard to say since, as mentioned, you've left a fairly open problem.)
This is too long to post in a comment, but it may be useful to know.
Suppose you have:
w_0*v_n + ... w_n*v_0 (we'll call this w[0..n]*v[n..0] for short)
Then the next step is:
w_0*v_n1 + ... w_n1*v_0 (and this is w[0..n1]*v[n1..0] for short)
This means we need a way to calculate w[1..n1]*v[n..0] from w[0..n]*v[n..0].
It's certainly possible that v[n..0] is 0, ..., 0, z, 0, ..., 0 where z is at some location x.
If we don't have any 'extra' storage, then f(z*w(x))=z*w(x + 1) where w(x) is the weight for location x.
Rearranging the equation, w(x + 1) = f(z*w(x))/z. Well, w(x + 1) better be constant for a constant x, so f(z*w(x))/z better be constant. Hence, f must let z propagate -- that is, f(z*w(x)) = z*f(w(x)).
But here again we have an issue. Note that if z (which could be any number) can propagate through f, then w(x) certainly can. So f(z*w(x)) = w(x)*f(z). Thus f(w(x)) = w(x)/f(z).
But for a constant x, w(x) is constant, and thus f(w(x)) better be constant, too. w(x) is constant, so f(z) better be constant so that w(x)/f(z) is constant. Thus f(w(x)) = w(x)/c where c is a constant.
So, f(x)=c*x where c is a constant when x is a weight value.
So w(x+1) = c*w(x).
That is, each weight is a multiple of the previous. Thus, the weights take the form w(x)=m*b^x.
Note that this assumes the only information f has is the last aggregated value. Note that at some point you will be reduced to this case unless you're willing to store a non-constant amount of data representing your input. You cannot represent an infinite length vector of real numbers with a real number, but you can approximate them somehow in a constant, finite amount of storage. But this would merely be an approximation.
Although I haven't rigorously proven it, it is my conclusion that what you want is impossible to do with a high degree of precision, but you may be able to use log(n) space (which may as well be O(1) for many practical applications) to generate a quality approximation. You may be able to use even less.
I tried to practically code something (in Java). As has been said, your goal is not achievable. You can only count average from some number of last remembered values. If you don't need to be exact, you can approximate the older values. I tried to do it by remembering last 5 values exactly and older values only SUMmed by 5 values, remembering the last 5 SUMs. Then, the complexity is O(2n) for remembering last n+n*n values. This is a very rough approximation.
You can modify the "lastValues" and "lasAggregatedSums" array sizes as you want. See this ascii-art picture trying to display a graph of last values, showing that the first columns (older data) are remembered as aggregated value (not individually), and only the earliest 5 values are remembered individually.
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Challenge 1: My example doesn't count weights, but I think it shouldn't be problem for you to add weights for the "lastAggregatedSums" appropriately - the only problem is, that if you want lower weights for older values, it would be harder, because the array is rotating, so it is not straightforward to know which weight for which array member. Maybe you can modify the algorithm to always "shift" values in the array instead of rotating? Then adding weights shouldn't be a problem.
Challenge 2: The arrays are initialized with 0 values, and those values are counting to the average from the beginning, even when we haven't receive enough values. If you are running the algorithm for long time, you probably don't bother that it is learning for some time at the beginning. If you do, you can post a modification ;-)
public class AverageCounter {
private float[] lastValues = new float[5];
private float[] lastAggregatedSums = new float[5];
private int valIdx = 0;
private int aggValIdx = 0;
private float avg;
public void add(float value) {
lastValues[valIdx++] = value;
if(valIdx == lastValues.length) {
// count average of last values and save into the aggregated array.
float sum = 0;
for(float v: lastValues) {sum += v;}
lastAggregatedSums[aggValIdx++] = sum;
if(aggValIdx >= lastAggregatedSums.length) {
// rotate aggregated values index
aggValIdx = 0;
valIdx = 0;
float sum = 0;
for(float v: lastValues) {sum += v;}
for(float v: lastAggregatedSums) {sum += v;}
avg = sum / (lastValues.length + lastAggregatedSums.length * lastValues.length);
public float getAvg() {
return avg;
you can combine (weighted sum) exponential means with different effective window sizes (N) in order to get the desired weights.
Use more exponential means to define your weight profile more detailed.
(more exponential means also means to store and calculate more values, so here is the trade off)
A memoryless solution is to calculate the new average from a weighted combination of the previous average and the new value:
average = (1 - P) * average + P * value
where P is an empirical constant, 0 <= P <= 1
expanding gives:
average = sum i (weight[i] * value[i])
where value[0] is the newest value, and
weight[i] = P * (1 - P) ^ i
When P is low, historical values are given higher weighting.
The closer P gets to 1, the more quickly it converges to newer values.
When P = 1, it's a regular assignment and ignores previous values.
If you want to maximise the contribution of value[N], maximize
weight[N] = P * (1 - P) ^ N
where 0 <= P <= 1
I discovered weight[N] is maximized when
P = 1 / (N + 1)

Derive integer factors of float value?

I have a difficult mathematical question that is breaking my brain, my whiteboard, and all my pens. I am working with a file that expresses 2 values, a multiplicand and a percentage. Both of those values must be integers. These two values are multiplied together to produce a range. Range is a float value.
My users edit the range, and I have to calculate a new percentage and multiplicand value. Confused yet? Here's an example:
Multiplicand: 25000 Apples
Percentage: 400 (This works out to .4% or .004)
Range: 100.0 Apples (Calculated by Multiplicand * Percentage)
To complicate things, the allowable values for Percentage are 0-100000. (Meaning 0-100%) Multiplicand is a value between 1 and 32bit int max (presumably unsigned).
I need to allow for users to input a range, like so:
Range: .04 Apples
And calculate the appropriate Percentage and Multiplicand. Using the first example:
OriginalMultiplicand: 25000 Apples
OriginalPercentage: 400 (This works out to .4% or .004)
OriginalRange: 100.0 Apples (Calculated by Multiplicand * Percentage)
NewRange: .01 Apples
NewPercentage: 40
NewMultiplicand: 25 Apples
The example calculation is easy, all that was required was adjusting down the multiplicand and percentage down by the scale factor of the new and old range. The problem arises when the user changes the value to something like 1400.00555. Suddenly I don't have a clean way to adjust the two values.
I need an algorithmic approach to getting values for M & P that produce the closest possible value to the desired range. Any suggestions?
To maximize the numbers of decimal points stored, you should use a P of 1, or 0.1%. If that overflows M, then increment P.
So for your example of 1400.00555, P is 1 and M is 1400006
Your algorithm would search for the lowest P such that M does not overflow. And you can do a binary search here.
public int binarySearch(int P0, int P1) {
P = (P1 - P0)/2;
if(P == P0) {
if(R/(P0/100f) does not overflows 32-bit int) {
return P0;
} else {
return P1;
if(R/(P/100f) does not overflows 32-bit int) {
return binarySearch(P0, P);
} else {
return binarSearch(P, P1);
P = binarySearch(1, 100000);
M = round(R/(P/100f));
(I had a bad method here, but I erased it because it sucked.)
There's got to be a better way than that. Let's rephrase the problem:
What you have is an arbitrary floating-point number. You want to represent this floating-point number with two integers. The integers, when multiplied together and then divided by 100000.0, are equal to the floating-point number. The only other constraint is that one of the integers must be equal to or less than 100000.
It's clear that you can't actually represent floating-point numbers accurately. In fact, you can ONLY represent numbers that are expressible in 1/100000s accurately, even if you have an infinite number of digits of precision in "multiplicand". You can represent 333.33333 accurately, with 33333333 as one number and 1 as the other; you just can't get any more 3s.
Given this limitation, I think your best bet is the following:
Multiply your float by 100000 in an integer format, probably a long or some variant of BigNumber.
Factor it. Record all the factors. It doesn't matter if you store them as 2^3 or 2*2*2 or what.
Grab as many factors as you can without the multiplication of them all exceeding 100000. That becomes your percent. (Don't try to do this perfectly; finding the optimal solution is an NP-hard problem.)
Take the rest of the factors and multiply them together. That's your multiplicand.
As I understand from your example, you could represent the range in 100000 different multiplicand * percentage. any choice of multiplicand will give you a satisfying value of percentage, and vice versa. So you have this equation in two variables:
Multiplicand * Percentage = 100.0
You should figure out another equation(constraint), to get a specific value of Multiplicand OR Percentage to solve this equation. Otherwise, you could choose Percentage to be any number between 0-100000 and just substitute it in the first equation to get the value of Multiplicand. I hope I understood the question correctly :)
Edit: OK, then you should factorize the range easily. Get the range, then try to factorize it by dividing range by percentage(2-100000). Once the reminder of division is zero you got the factors. This is a quick pseudo-code:
get range;
percentage = 2;
while(range % percentage != 0)
multiplicand = range / percentage;
All what you have to do now is to calculate your limits:
max of percentage = 100000;
max of multiplicand = 4294967295;
Max of range = 4294967295 * 100000 = 429496729500000 (15-digit);
your Max range consists of 15 digit at a maximum. double data types in most programming languages can represent it. Do the calculation using doubles and just convert the Multiplicand & Percentage to int at the end.
It seems you want to choose M and P such that R = (M * P) / 100000.
So M * P = 100000 * R, where you have to round the right-hand side to an integer.
I'd multiply the range by 100000, and then choose M and P as factors of the result so that they don't overflow their allowed ranges.
say you have
1) M * P = A
then you have a second value for A, so also new values for M and P, lets call then M2, P2 and A2:
2) M2 * P2 = A2
This I dont know for sure, but that is what you seem to be saying imho: the ratio has to stay the same, then
3) M/P = M2/P2
Now we have 3 equations and 2 unknowns M2 and P2
One way to solve it:
3) becomes
M/P = M2/P2
=>M2 = (M/P)*P2
than substitute that in 2)
(M/P)*P2*P2 = A2
=> P2*P2 = A2 * (P/M)
=> P2 = sqrt(A2 * (P/M))
so first solve P2, then M2 if i didn't make any mistakes
There will have to be some rounding if M2 and P2 have to be integers.
EDIT: i forgot about the integer percentage, so say
P = percentage/100000 or P*100000 = percentage
P2 = percentage2/100000 or P2*100000 = percentage2
so just solve for P2 and M2, and multiply P2 with 100000

"Approximate" greatest common divisor

Suppose you have a list of floating point numbers that are approximately multiples of a common quantity, for example
2.468, 3.700, 6.1699
which are approximately all multiples of 1.234. How would you characterize this "approximate gcd", and how would you proceed to compute or estimate it?
Strictly related to my answer to this question.
You can run Euclid's gcd algorithm with anything smaller then 0.01 (or a small number of your choice) being a pseudo 0. With your numbers:
3.700 = 1 * 2.468 + 1.232,
2.468 = 2 * 1.232 + 0.004.
So the pseudo gcd of the first two numbers is 1.232. Now you take the gcd of this with your last number:
6.1699 = 5 * 1.232 + 0.0099.
So 1.232 is the pseudo gcd, and the mutiples are 2,3,5. To improve this result, you may take the linear regression on the data points:
(2,2.468), (3,3.7), (5,6.1699).
The slope is the improved pseudo gcd.
Caveat: the first part of this is algorithm is numerically unstable - if you start with very dirty data, you are in trouble.
Express your measurements as multiples of the lowest one. Thus your list becomes 1.00000, 1.49919, 2.49996. The fractional parts of these values will be very close to 1/Nths, for some value of N dictated by how close your lowest value is to the fundamental frequency. I would suggest looping through increasing N until you find a sufficiently refined match. In this case, for N=1 (that is, assuming X=2.468 is your fundamental frequency) you would find a standard deviation of 0.3333 (two of the three values are .5 off of X * 1), which is unacceptably high. For N=2 (that is, assuming 2.468/2 is your fundamental frequency) you would find a standard deviation of virtually zero (all three values are within .001 of a multiple of X/2), thus 2.468/2 is your approximate GCD.
The major flaw in my plan is that it works best when the lowest measurement is the most accurate, which is likely not the case. This could be mitigated by performing the entire operation multiple times, discarding the lowest value on the list of measurements each time, then use the list of results of each pass to determine a more precise result. Another way to refine the results would be adjust the GCD to minimize the standard deviation between integer multiples of the GCD and the measured values.
This reminds me of the problem of finding good rational-number approximations of real numbers. The standard technique is a continued-fraction expansion:
def rationalizations(x):
assert 0 <= x
ix = int(x)
yield ix, 1
if x == ix: return
for numer, denom in rationalizations(1.0/(x-ix)):
yield denom + ix * numer, numer
We could apply this directly to Jonathan Leffler's and Sparr's approach:
>>> a, b, c = 2.468, 3.700, 6.1699
>>> b/a, c/a
(1.4991896272285252, 2.4999594813614263)
>>> list(itertools.islice(rationalizations(b/a), 3))
[(1, 1), (3, 2), (925, 617)]
>>> list(itertools.islice(rationalizations(c/a), 3))
[(2, 1), (5, 2), (30847, 12339)]
picking off the first good-enough approximation from each sequence. (3/2 and 5/2 here.) Or instead of directly comparing 3.0/2.0 to 1.499189..., you could notice than 925/617 uses much larger integers than 3/2, making 3/2 an excellent place to stop.
It shouldn't much matter which of the numbers you divide by. (Using a/b and c/b you get 2/3 and 5/3, for instance.) Once you have integer ratios, you could refine the implied estimate of the fundamental using shsmurfy's linear regression. Everybody wins!
I'm assuming all of your numbers are multiples of integer values. For the rest of my explanation, A will denote the "root" frequency you are trying to find and B will be an array of the numbers you have to start with.
What you are trying to do is superficially similar to linear regression. You are trying to find a linear model y=mx+b that minimizes the average distance between a linear model and a set of data. In your case, b=0, m is the root frequency, and y represents the given values. The biggest problem is that the independent variables X are not explicitly given. The only thing we know about X is that all of its members must be integers.
Your first task is trying to determine these independent variables. The best method I can think of at the moment assumes that the given frequencies have nearly consecutive indexes (x_1=x_0+n). So B_0/B_1=(x_0)/(x_0+n) given a (hopefully) small integer n. You can then take advantage of the fact that x_0 = n/(B_1-B_0), start with n=1, and keep ratcheting it up until k-rnd(k) is within a certain threshold. After you have x_0 (the initial index), you can approximate the root frequency (A = B_0/x_0). Then you can approximate the other indexes by finding x_n = rnd(B_n/A). This method is not very robust and will probably fail if the error in the data is large.
If you want a better approximation of the root frequency A, you can use linear regression to minimize the error of the linear model now that you have the corresponding dependent variables. The easiest method to do so uses least squares fitting. Wolfram's Mathworld has a in-depth mathematical treatment of the issue, but a fairly simple explanation can be found with some googling.
Interesting question...not easy.
I suppose I would look at the ratios of the sample values:
3.700 / 2.468 = 1.499...
6.1699 / 2.468 = 2.4999...
6.1699 / 3.700 = 1.6675...
And I'd then be looking for a simple ratio of integers in those results.
1.499 ~= 3/2
2.4999 ~= 5/2
1.6675 ~= 5/3
I haven't chased it through, but somewhere along the line, you decide that an error of 1:1000 or something is good enough, and you back-track to find the base approximate GCD.
The solution which I've seen and used myself is to choose some constant, say 1000, multiply all numbers by this constant, round them to integers, find the GCD of these integers using the standard algorithm and then divide the result by the said constant (1000). The larger the constant, the higher the precision.
This is a reformulaiton of shsmurfy's solution when you a priori choose 3 positive tolerances (e1,e2,e3)
The problem is then to search smallest positive integers (n1,n2,n3) and thus largest root frequency f such that:
f1 = n1*f +/- e1
f2 = n2*f +/- e2
f3 = n3*f +/- e3
We assume 0 <= f1 <= f2 <= f3
If we fix n1, then we get these relations:
f is in interval I1=[(f1-e1)/n1 , (f1+e1)/n1]
n2 is in interval I2=[n1*(f2-e2)/(f1+e1) , n1*(f2+e2)/(f1-e1)]
n3 is in interval I3=[n1*(f3-e3)/(f1+e1) , n1*(f3+e3)/(f1-e1)]
We start with n1 = 1, then increment n1 until the interval I2 and I3 contain an integer - that is floor(I2min) different from floor(I2max) same with I3
We then choose smallest integer n2 in interval I2, and smallest integer n3 in interval I3.
Assuming normal distribution of floating point errors, the most probable estimate of root frequency f is the one minimizing
J = (f1/n1 - f)^2 + (f2/n2 - f)^2 + (f3/n3 - f)^2
That is
f = (f1/n1 + f2/n2 + f3/n3)/3
If there are several integers n2,n3 in intervals I2,I3 we could also choose the pair that minimize the residue
Another variant could be to continue iteration and try to minimize another criterium like min(J(n1))*n1, until f falls below a certain frequency (n1 reaches an upper limit)...
I found this question looking for answers for mine in MathStackExchange (here and here).
I've only managed (yet) to measure the appeal of a fundamental frequency given a list of harmonic frequencies (following the sound/music nomenclature), which can be useful if you have a reduced number of options and is feasible to compute the appeal of each one and then choose the best fit.
C&P from my question in MSE (there the formatting is prettier):
being v the list {v_1, v_2, ..., v_n}, ordered from lower to higher
mean_sin(v, x) = sum(sin(2*pi*v_i/x), for i in {1, ...,n})/n
mean_cos(v, x) = sum(cos(2*pi*v_i/x), for i in {1, ...,n})/n
gcd_appeal(v, x) = 1 - sqrt(mean_sin(v, x)^2 + (mean_cos(v, x) - 1)^2)/2, which yields a number in the interval [0,1].
The goal is to find the x that maximizes the appeal. Here is the (gcd_appeal) graph for your example [2.468, 3.700, 6.1699], where you find that the optimum GCD is at x = 1.2337899957639993
You may find handy this JAVA code to calculate the (fuzzy) divisibility (aka gcd_appeal) of a divisor relative to a list of dividends; you can use it to test which of your candidates makes the best divisor. The code looks ugly because I tried to optimize it for performance.
//returns the mean divisibility of dividend/divisor as a value in the range [0 and 1]
// 0 means no divisibility at all
// 1 means full divisibility
public double divisibility(double divisor, double... dividends) {
double n = dividends.length;
double factor = 2.0 / divisor;
double sum_x = -n;
double sum_y = 0.0;
double[] coord = new double[2];
for (double v : dividends) {
coordinates(v * factor, coord);
sum_x += coord[0];
sum_y += coord[1];
double err = 1.0 - Math.sqrt(sum_x * sum_x + sum_y * sum_y) / (2.0 * n);
//Might happen due to approximation error
return err >= 0.0 ? err : 0.0;
private void coordinates(double x, double[] out) {
//Bhaskara performant approximation to
//out[0] = Math.cos(Math.PI*x);
//out[1] = Math.sin(Math.PI*x);
long cos_int_part = (long) (x + 0.5);
long sin_int_part = (long) x;
double rem = x - cos_int_part;
if (cos_int_part != sin_int_part) {
double common_s = 4.0 * rem;
double cos_rem_s = common_s * rem - 1.0;
double sin_rem_s = cos_rem_s + common_s + 1.0;
out[0] = (((cos_int_part & 1L) * 8L - 4L) * cos_rem_s) / (cos_rem_s + 5.0);
out[1] = (((sin_int_part & 1L) * 8L - 4L) * sin_rem_s) / (sin_rem_s + 5.0);
} else {
double common_s = 4.0 * rem - 4.0;
double sin_rem_s = common_s * rem;
double cos_rem_s = sin_rem_s + common_s + 3.0;
double common_2 = ((cos_int_part & 1L) * 8L - 4L);
out[0] = (common_2 * cos_rem_s) / (cos_rem_s + 5.0);
out[1] = (common_2 * sin_rem_s) / (sin_rem_s + 5.0);
