How to unzip all zip files to similarly named directories - bash

I want to unzip all zip files in a directory, but I don't know how the contents were zipped (with a directory? by what name?), so I want to place the unziped contents into a directory named like the original zip file (in my case these are zip files students submitted to our Learning Management system).
I originally found the reverse of this, but it wasn't what I needed.

find . -name '*.zip' -print -exec unzip '{}' -d '{}'-unzipped \;


Loop through and unzip directories and then unzip items in subdirectories

I have a folder designed in the following way:
I would like to write a bash script that will loop through and unzip the folders and then go into each subdirectory of those folders and unzip the files and name those files a certain way.
I have tried the following
cd parentDirectory
find ./ -name \*.zip -exec unzip {} \;
for fname in *
mv $fname $attempt{count}.cpp
count=$(($count + 1))
I thought the first two lines would go into the parentDirectory folder and unzip all zips in that folder and then the for loop would handle the unzipping and renaming. But instead, it unzipped everything it could and placed it in the parentDirectory. I would like to maintain the same directory structure I have.
Any help would be appreciated
excerpt from man unzip
[-d exdir]
An optional directory to which to extract files. By default, all files and subdirectories are recreated in the current directory; the -d option allows extraction in an arbitrary directory (always assuming one has permission to write to the directory).
It's doing exactly what you told it, and what would happen if you had done the same on the command line. Just tell it where to extract, since you want it to extract there.
see Ubuntu bash script: how to split path by last slash? for an example of splitting the path out of fname.
putting it all together, your command executed in the parentDirectory is
find ./ -name \*.zip -exec unzip {} \;
But you want unzip to extract to the directory where it found the file. I was going to just use backticks on dirname {} but I can't get it to work right, as it either executes on the "{}" literal before find, or never executes.
The easiest workaround was to write my own script for unzip which does it in place.
> cat unzip_in_place
unzip $1 -d `dirname $1`
> find . -name "*.zip" -exec ./unzip_in_place {} \;
You could probably alias unzip to do that automatically, but that is unwise in case you ever use other tools that expect unzip to work as documented.

Copy files recursively to all sub-domain folders

On my server, I have x number of sub-domains
Their folder names are like this: ,,
and they all exist in one location.
I am trying to write a simple bash script to copy all folders and files in folder SOURCE for example to all of those sub-domain folders (and replace existing).
In other words, I want to copy my files from source to any folder with the name *
I tried rsync but couldn't do the *.mydomain part
I suggest:
for i in *; do rsync -aSv "SOURCE/" "$i"; done
The trailing / after SOURCE is important.
You can use find command to search all files and then use this output to copy them, e.g. assuming you are searching in /home and copying to /target
find /home -name "*" -exec cp -r {} /target/ \;
But one problem in above solution I see is it might find files / folders with these names and copy them none the less (not sure if it will maintain the same folder hierarchy), perhaps IF you are only looking for folder then try below instead,
find /home -name "*" -type d -exec cp -r {} /target/ \;

How to use (shell) find to recursively find files of specific type then cp only the newest one for each folder

I'm trying to write a script that goes into a folder that has a bunch of zip files that were unzipped, then use the find command to search each subdirectory recursively, look for files of the .MCA type, and finally copy only the newest one to another directory. So far I can't figure out how to grab only the newest file. Would -newer work? How would I do this for every file?
find . -mindepth 2 -name "*.MCA" -exec cp {} tempMCA \;
If you can use rsync instead of cp then you can run:
find . -mindepth 2 -name '*.MCA' -exec rsync --update {} tmpMCA \;
The --update option tells rsync to only copy the files if the source is newer than the destination.

Problems using find and cp to copy just .jpg files from a LOT of directories to one new path

I tried the search, but couldn't find the answer to my specific problem.
When I use,
find /recovered_files "*.jpg" -type f -exec cp {} /out \;
to copy all .jpg files from directories within the /recovered_files directory, the /out directory gets filled with every single file (jpg, txt, xml etc etc) from within the source directories.
Can anyone please explain wherein my stupidity lies, pleeeeeease???
Many thanks, Mark.
What you're doing at the moment is equivalent to calling cp /dir/dir/dir/file.jpg /out for each file, which will copy the file into /out. Thus, all of the files are being put into the same directory.
rsync allows filters to select only certain files to be copied. Change from and to to the appropriate directories in the following:
rsync -r from/* to --include=*.jpg --filter='-! */' --prune-empty-dirs
Credit to this post for this solution.
Edit: changed to rsync solution. Original as follows:
find from -name "*.jpg" -type f -exec mkdir -p to/$(dirname {}) \; -exec cp --parents {} to \;
You should replace from and to with the appropriate locations, and this form won't quite work if from begins with /. Just cd to / first if you need to. Also, you'll end up with all the files inside to underneath the entire directory structure of from, but you can just move them back out again.

Unzip Folders to Parent Directory Keeping Zipped Folder Name

I have a file structure as follows:
I have a script that unzips the folders to the parent directory "archives", but it is unzipping the contents of the folders to the "archives" directory. I need the zipped folders to remain as folders under the "archives" directory. The resultant file structure should look like this:
I am currently using the following:
find /home/username/archives/zips/*.zip -type f | xargs -i unzip -d ../ -q '{}'
How can I modify this line to keep the original folder names? Is it as simple as using ../*?
You could use basename to extract the zip into the desired directory:
find /home/username/archives/zips/*.zip -type f -exec sh -c 'unzip -q -d ../"$(basename "{}" .zip)" "{}"' \;
