Unzip Folders to Parent Directory Keeping Zipped Folder Name - bash

I have a file structure as follows:
I have a script that unzips the folders to the parent directory "archives", but it is unzipping the contents of the folders to the "archives" directory. I need the zipped folders to remain as folders under the "archives" directory. The resultant file structure should look like this:
I am currently using the following:
find /home/username/archives/zips/*.zip -type f | xargs -i unzip -d ../ -q '{}'
How can I modify this line to keep the original folder names? Is it as simple as using ../*?

You could use basename to extract the zip into the desired directory:
find /home/username/archives/zips/*.zip -type f -exec sh -c 'unzip -q -d ../"$(basename "{}" .zip)" "{}"' \;


How to copy all files with the same name into another directory using cp command

I have directory named "Documents". In this directory I have 5 files:
I want to copy only those files in whose names there is a word "user" to another directory. How I can do this with cp command?
cp User* /path/to/dir try this, will be enough.
If you wish unusual way:
find . -type f -name 'User*' -print0 | xargs -0 cp -t /path/to/dir/for/copies/
For your case it is:
cp User[1-9].txt /dst_dir
We copy only files with User in the beginning, than some digit and finally .txt.

Shell script to extract all zip files in a directory and its sub directory, and copy the extracted files into another folder with same hierarchy

I have some zip files like below.
I want these files to unzip and store into the another folder. like
I tried with the find command and able to unzip, but couldn't copy in the destination folder.
I tried to unzip by following command. but have no idea about copy into the destination folder.
find -name '*.zip' -exec sh -c 'unzip -d "${1%.*}" "$1"' _ {} \;
This might be works for you.
find . -name "*.zip" | while read filename; do unzip -o -d "`dirname "$filename" | sed -r 's/etk/newf/g'`" "$filename"; done;
You may also get better solution by referring following links.
Recursively unzip

Get all content from a folder with subfolder copied to another directory with bash

I have a directory that has many folders in it that have sub folders again and then there are some files. Can I write a bash script that copies all the files from the given directory into one single folder? So that I do not have to navigate through ever single folder and copy the content to another folder.
In the topmost dir under which you want the files to be copied:
find . -type f -exec cp {} /some/new/location \;
Finds all the normal files and then copies them to /some/new/location
You could use find to list all files inside the folder:
find ./source -type f
and then use the output as argument for cp, it would look like this:
cp $(find ./source -type f) destination
There would be problem if there are some files within the original directory tree with conflicting name. In that case cp would refuse to copy additional files with the same name with error like:
cp: will not overwrite just-created destination/t22' with./source/test/t2/t22'
To make copies of files with same name, you can use backup option, like this:
cp --backup=numbered $(find ./source -type f) destination
If you want to see what is happening use -v (verbose) option
cp -v --backup=numbered $(find ./source -type f) destination

Unix - batch file to unzip folder with specific name

I need a batch script for unix but I don't know it very well.
I have folder A and his subfolder
Each zip file contains a xml file and a text file
The script have to do 2 things:
unzip all the zip files that are in all folder named 'c' of all sub
folder of 'A' ; the unzipped files should stay in the same folder in
which was the zip
all the unzipped files that have xml extension have to been renamed
someone can help me?
Thank you very much
You can do like this.
#find the folder 'c' and unzip all zip files
for folder in `find ./A -name c -type d`; do unzip $folder/data.zip -d $foler; done
#find all .xml files and change the extension to .edefg
for file in `find ./A -name *.xml -type f`; do mv "$file" "${file%.xml}.edefg"; done
You must go to all dir's.
Would be something like
find A -type d -name c | while read dir; do
cd ${dir} || continue
unzip -u *.zip
cd - # not needed in bash where this code is performed in a subshell
EDIT: Added -u flag for when the script is called twice.

Traverse directory and zip certain subdirectories in place

How can I bulk-zip folders in subdirectories without including the parent folder in the zip archives? I have a folder structure like this:
When I run:
find . -type d -name "folder02" -exec zip -r '{}'.zip '{}' \;
I get "folder02.zip" which always extracts its contents into a parent folder "folder01". How can I prevent this? For me it creates useless parent folder structures when extracting these archives anywhere else.
Using some simple bash:
find . -type d -name "folder02" -exec bash -c 'cd "$(dirname "{}")"; zip -r "$(basename "{}")".zip "$(basename "{}")"' \;
