Finding a specific text in a cell then deleting its row - sorting

Okay, so I have a name list where I write names in. Those names go in alphabetical order in another list where I give the names numbers. But whenever I add or remove names, cell shift places but the numbers remain the same, so if Adam had 1 1 1 1 and Bobby 2 2 2 2, by adding Ben he will take Bobby's place (because of the alphabetical order) and have 2 2 2 2 while Bobby will have 0 0 0 0. How do I make the numbers go after the name?
Photos with the examples (watch where appleboy comes in):
The sheet:

you don't have a lot of options...
you can either have your names in order as you add them, then assign numbers to them (both actions on the same sheet) and then use simple SORT formula in sheet2 to get alphabetically sorted those names.
the 2nd option is to set up a lookup table on some helper sheet3 and then use ArrayFormula with VLOOKUP to match the ID (unique names). and then in B2:
=ARRAYFORMULA(IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A2:A, sheet3!A:F, {2,3,4,5,6}, 0)))
the 3rd option would be to use a sorting script for a specified range
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName("ChangeSheetNameHere");
var range = sheet.getRange("A2:Z");
function onEdit(e) {
range.sort([{column: 1, ascending: true}]);


List non-unique entries and their counts sorted in descending order

If I have a list of names in a sheet for example:
First Name|Last Name|Something else|
And then I want a second sheet which then shows the list of non-unique first names and their count, and the list being in descending order. So in this example that would be:
First Name|Count
What I found was this example
which sorts of partitions the sheet entries by occurrence.
So as of now I have
In the first column and
=IF(ISBLANK(A2);;COUNTIF(Names!C3:Names!C12000; A2))
In the second. This does the job somewhat (it still shows the names with count 1), but the second column needs a copying of each cell downwards for each new entry leftwards. Is there a way to tie this up directly in one line? While filtering out the unique occurrences at that.
(Also the formulas are quite slow. The names sheet has about 11k entries so far. These formulas make the sheet crash at times atm. So I kind of want to sorts of comment out the formulas most of the time and only display them by commenting out the formulas. So the second column also just being one formula would be very helpful.)
=QUERY(SORT(QUERY(A2:A, "select A,count(A) group by A"), 2, ), "where Col2>1", )
I think this should work if your headers are in row 1.
=QUERY(QUERY(Sheet1!A:A,"select Col1,COUNT(Col1) where Col1<>'' group by Col1",1),"where Col2>1 label Col2'Count'",1)

Validation list with multiple criterias

I sort out my problem but I am wondering if an easier way doing it doesn't exist.
With the function onEdit(), I am creating from a first validation list, a second validation list in the next cell.
So, the code below is just for information.
var validationRange = data.getRange(3, myIndex, data.getLastRow());
var validationRule = SpreadsheetApp.newDataValidation().requireValueInRange(validationRange).build();
activeCell.offset(0, 1).setDataValidation(validationRule);
In this validation list, I need to select a name, taking into account two additionnal criterias :
It means that "Patrick" attended "2" times and last time was in week "W22".
I need to take into account these two criterias to select one of the attendee
I.E. : I try to let each person participate the same number of times but not every week (the oldest first)
So, I created a validation list with a "sorted key" that allows me to first see the person who has attended less and for longer.
Key Sorted
This validation list is used 3, 5, 7 times in the same sheet because person can do different activities. Then, when all person are selected another script removes the values between # to keep only the name in the final sheet.
So, the question is :
could we create a validation list with multiple columns, the selected value being only the value of the first column.
I guess many users would enjoy it when we glance at questions about multiple criteras selection lists.

Google Apps Script: Activate and sort rows when cells in given column are not blank

I'm extremely new to Apps Script and trying to make my first thing. It's a shopping list.
I want to create a function that will activate and then sort (by Column 1, 'Aisle #') all rows where there are values in a given other column (Column 3, 'Qty'). The idea is to sort the items on the list for that week (i.e., with a value filled in for Qty) by aisle to give me the order I should be looking for things. I do not want to sort items which are in the spreadsheet but without
a value for Qty.
Here is what I've got so far:
var sheet = ss.getActiveSheet()
var range = sheet.getDataRange();
var rangeVals = range.getValues()
function orderList2(){
if(rangeVals[3] != ""){
sheet.activate().sort(1, ascending=true);
I'm trying to use "if" to define which rows to activate before doing the sort (as I don't want to sort the entire sheet—I only want to sort the items I will be buying that week, i.e., the items with a value in Column 3). The script runs but ends up sorting the entire sheet.
The closest thing I could find was an iteration, but when I did it, it ended up only activating the top-left cell.
Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated!
Use Range.sort() instead of Sheet.sort() if you don't want to sort the entire sheet.
You want to sort the data according to the value in column A (Aisle #), if the corresponding value in C (Qty) is not empty.
If my assumption is correct, the rows where Qty is empty should go below the rest of data, and they should not be sorted according to their Aisle #.
In this case, I'd suggest the following:
Sort the full range of data (headers excluded) according to Qty, so that the rows without a Qty are placed at the bottom, using Range.sort() (if you don't need to exclude the headers, you can use Sheet.sort() instead).
Use SpreadsheetApp.flush() to apply the sort to the spreadsheet.
Use getValues(), filter() and length to know how many rows in the initial range have their column C populated (variable QtyElements in the sample below).
Using QtyElements, retrieve the range of rows with a non-empty column C, and sort it according to column 1, using Range.sort().
Code sample:
function orderList2() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var firstRow = 2; // Range starts at row 2, header row excluded
var fullRange = sheet.getRange(firstRow, 1, sheet.getLastRow() - firstRow + 1, sheet.getLastColumn());
fullRange.sort(3); // Sort full range according to Qty
SpreadsheetApp.flush(); // Refresh spreadsheet
var QtyElements = fullRange.getValues().filter(row => row[2] !== "").length;
sheet.getRange(firstRow, 1, QtyElements, sheet.getLastColumn())
.sort(1); // If not specified, default ascending: true
//.sort({column: 1, ascending: false}); // Uncomment if you want descending sort

Move entire row when sorting column (Google Apps Script)

I have a list of names in Column B, and a bunch of data (ID number, bank account details, etc.) in columns C:AK that corresponds/belongs to the name in column B.
I want to sort column B alphabetically, but the entire rows data must move with the name when sorted.
E.g. Lets say Ted is in B2 and Amy is in B3. When I do myrange.sort(2), Ted will now move to B3, but C2:AK2 must also now become C3:AK3. Otherwise Amy's personal details will now show up in the same row as Ted.
Does that make sense?
Example code:
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName('Summary');
var curRange = sheet.getRange("B2:B6");
Your range only contains a single column so naturally, calling the 'sort()' method ignores all other columns in the sheet. You should select the entire data range and then sort by the selected column
var sortRange = sheet.getRange("B2:AK");
sortRange.sort({column:2, ascending: true});

Using XPATH to select the row *after* a row containing certain text

I can't work out if this is possible or not, I've got a basic table but that table has a varying number of rows and data within it.
Assuming the table is just one column wide and a random number of rows long to select a row containing the text "COW" I can do something very simple like do: -
But lets say that this table contains two types of data in it, a list of animals and, underneath each animal, a list of attributes, all in the same column, looking something like this: -
Horns = 2
Hooves = 4
Tail = 1
Horns = 0
Hooves = 0
Tail = 1
Is there a way using XPATH to first identify the row that contains the text COW and then select the row directly after this to return the text "Horns = 2"?
It seems that you want something like this:
This will select the first td in the row immediately following the row which contains the td which contains COW.
