Get all the possible topics with Gensim HdpModel - gensim

I'm trying to implement a topic detection function with the HdpModel of Gensim. I choose the HdpModel since it is a model that does not require to know, a priori, the number of topics to detect. That's really cool.
The problem is that the method to generate the topics (print_topics) receives an argument to indicate the number of topics. The docs say that the num_topics param (which is optional) will indicate the number of topics to be selected, and that passing the -1 value will result on all topics be retrieved by significance.
But when I set -1 it retrieves no topics. If I try not defining the parameter, just calling print_topics(), the default number of topics is always returned (20 topics). So, how can I retrieve all the possible events? This is supposed to be the main contribution of Hdp.


ActiveMQ create hierarchical topics with wildcards

I have read in the ActiveMQ documentation, that subtopics can be created by using wildcards. So for instance I could create the topics:
I could then register to either one of the topics, or to all (physicalEnvironmet.>)
But how is it working for more complex structures, like this:
Would the topic for Flickering be called:
And could I still have a precise selection, like only subscribing to topics considered with light:
So basically I am asking If there is a level restriction for subtopics and If there is maybe a more easy way to create hierarchical topic orders.
In my 10+ yrs of messaging, every hierarchal topic structure ends up being replaced, b/c the taxonomy never works out. Your overall message pattern suggests a moderate total volume, so I suggest a flexible event model where you use fields to define the variance vs topic names eventType="Environmental" sensorType="Light". This allows you to add new ones and then have the option of filtering out what clients want and do not want without having to mess with the broker.
Another option is to use JMS headers to do the same. This would allow you to use selectors to do broker-side filtering.

Design of notification events

I am designing some events that will be raised when actions are performed or data changes in a system. These events will likely be consumed by many different services and will be serialized as XML, although more broadly my question also applies to the design of more modern funky things like Webhooks.
I'm specifically thinking about how to describe changes with an event and am having difficulty choosing between different implementations. Let me illustrate my quandry.
Imagine a customer is created, and a simple event is raised.
Now let's say Bob spends lots of money and becomes a gold customer, or indeed any other property changes (e.g.: he now prefers to be known as Robert). I could raise an event like this.
This is nice because the schema of the Created and Modified events are the same and any subscriber receives the complete current state of the entity. However it is difficult for any receiver to determine which properties have changed without tracking state themselves.
I then thought about an event like this.
This is more compact and only contains the properties that have changed, but comes with the downside that the receiver must apply the changes and reassemble the current state of the entity if they need it. Also, the schemas of the Created and Modified events must be different now; CustomerId is required but all other properties are optional.
Then I came up with this.
This covers all bases as it contains the full current state, plus a receiver can figure out what has changed. The Before and After elements have the exact same schema type as the Created event. However, it is incredibly verbose.
I've struggled to find any good examples of events; are there any other patterns I should consider?
You tagged the question as "Event Sourcing", but your question seems to be more about Event-Driven SOA.
I agree with #Matt's answer--"CustomerModified" is not granular enough to capture intent if there are multiple business reasons why a Customer would change.
However, I would back up even further and ask you to consider why you are storing Customer information in a local service, when it seems that you (presumably) already have a source of truth for customer. The starting point for consuming Customer information should be getting it from the source when it's needed. Storing a copy of information that can be queried reliably from the source may very well be an unnecessary optimization (and complication).
Even if you do need to store Customer data locally (and there are certainly valid reasons for need to do so), consider passing only the data necessary to construct a query of the source of truth (the service emitting the event):
So these event types can be as granular as necessary, e.g. "CustomerAddressChanged" or simply "CustomerChanged", and it is up to the consumer to query for the information it needs based on the event type.
There is not a "one-size-fits-all" solution--sometimes it does make more sense to pass the relevant data with the event. Again, I agree with #Matt's answer if this is the direction you need to move in.
Edit Based on Comment
I would agree that using an ESB to query is generally not a good idea. Some people use an ESB this way, but IMHO it's a bad practice.
Your original question and your comments to this answer and to Matt's talk about only including fields that have changed. This would definitely be problematic in many languages, where you would have to somehow distinguish between a property being empty/null and a property not being included in the event. If the event is getting serialized/de-serialized from/to a static type, it will be painful (if not impossible) to know the difference between "First Name is being set to NULL" and "First Name is missing because it didn't change".
Based on your comment that this is about synchronization of systems, my recommendation would be to send the full set of data on each change (assuming signal+query is not an option). That leaves the interpretation of the data up to each consuming system, and limits the responsibility of the publisher to emitting a more generic event, i.e. "Customer 1234 has been modified to X state". This event seems more broadly useful than the other options, and if other systems receive this event, they can interpret it as they see fit. They can dump/rewrite their own data for Customer 1234, or they can compare it to what they have and update only what changed. Sending only what changed seems more specific to a single consumer or a specific type of consumer.
All that said, I don't think any of your proposed solutions are "right" or "wrong". You know best what will work for your unique situation.
Events should be used to describe intent as well as details, for example, you could have a CustomerRegistered event with all the details for the customer that was registered. Then later in the stream a CustomerMadeGoldAccount event that only really needs to capture the customer Id of the customer who's account was changed to gold.
It's up to the consumers of the events to build up the current state of the system that they are interested in.
This allows only the most pertinent information to be stored in each event, imagine having hundreds of properties for a customer, if every command that changed a single property had to raise an event with all the properties before and after, this gets unwieldy pretty quickly. It's also difficult to determine why the change occurred if you just publish a generic CustomerModified event, which is often a question that is asked about the current state of an entity.
Only capturing data relevant to the event means that the command that issues the event only needs to have enough data about the entity to validate the command can be executed, it doesn't need to even read the whole customer entity.
Subscribers of the events also only need to build up a state for things that they are interested in, e.g. perhaps an 'account level' widget is listening to these events, all it needs to keep around is the customer ids and account levels so that it can display what account level the customer is at.
Instead of trying to convey everything through payload xmls' fields, you can distinguish between different operations based on -
1. Different endpoint URLs depending on the operation(this is preferred)
2. Have an opcode(operation code) as an element in the xml file which tells which operation is to used to handle the incoming request.(more nearer to your examples)
There are a few enterprise patterns applicable to your business case - messaging and its variants, and if your system is extensible then Enterprise Service Bus should be used. An ESB allows reliable handling of events and processing.

Storm fields grouping

I'm having the following situation:
There is a number of bolts that calculate different values
This values are sent to visualization bolt
Visualization bolt opens a web socket and sends values to be visualized somehow
The thing is, visualization bolt is always the same, but it sends a message with a different header for each type of bolt that can be its input. For example:
BoltSum calculates sum
BoltDif calculates difference
BoltMul calculates multiple
All this bolts use VisualizationBolt for visualization
There are 3 instances of VisualizationBolt in this case
My question is, should I create 3 independent instances, where each instance will have one thread, e.g.
builder.setBolt("forSum", new VisualizationBolt(),1).globalGrouping("bolt-sum");
builder.setBolt("forDif", new VisualizationBolt(),1).globalGrouping("bolt-dif");
builder.setBolt("forMul", new VisualizationBolt(),1).globalGrouping("bolt-mul");
Or should I do the following
builder.setBolt("forAll", new VisualizationBolt(),3)
.fieldsGrouping("forSum", new Fields("type"))
.fieldsGrouping("forDif", new Fields("type"))
.fieldsGrouping("forMul", new Fields("type"));
And emit type from each of the previous bolts, so they can be grouped on based on it?
What are the advantages?
Also, should I expect that each and every time bolt-sum will go to first visualization bolt, bolt-dif will go to second visualization bolt and bolt-mul will go to third visualization bolt? They won't be mixed?
I think that that should be the case, but it currently isn't in my implementation, so I'm not sure if it's a bug or I'm missing something?
The first approach using three instances is the correct approach. Using fieldsGrouping does not ensure, that "sum" values go to "Sum-Visualization-Bolt" and neither that sum/diff/mul values are distinct (ie, in different bolt instances).
The semantic of fieldGrouping is more relaxed: it only guarantees, that all tuples of the same type will be processed by a single bolt instance, ie, that it will never be the case, that two different bolt instances get the same type.
I guess you can use Partial Key grouping (partialKeyGrouping). On the Storm documentation about stream groups says:
Partial Key grouping: The stream is partitioned by the fields
specified in the grouping, like the Fields grouping, but are load
balanced between two downstream bolts, which provides better
utilization of resources when the incoming data is skewed. This paper
provides a good explanation of how it works and the advantages it
I implemented a simple topology using this grouping and the chart on Graphite server show a better load balance compared to fieldsGrouping. The full source code is here.
topologyBuilder.setBolt(MqttSensors.BOLT_SENSOR_TYPE.getValue(), new SensorAggregateValuesWindowBolt().withTumblingWindow(Duration.seconds(5)), 2)
// .fieldsGrouping(MqttSensors.SPOUT_STATION_01.getValue(), new Fields(MqttSensors.FIELD_SENSOR_TYPE.getValue()))
// .fieldsGrouping(MqttSensors.SPOUT_STATION_02.getValue(), new Fields(MqttSensors.FIELD_SENSOR_TYPE.getValue()))
.partialKeyGrouping(MqttSensors.SPOUT_STATION_01.getValue(), new Fields(MqttSensors.FIELD_SENSOR_TYPE.getValue()))
.partialKeyGrouping(MqttSensors.SPOUT_STATION_02.getValue(), new Fields(MqttSensors.FIELD_SENSOR_TYPE.getValue()))
.setNumTasks(4) // This will create 4 Bolt instances
.addConfiguration(TagSite.SITE.getValue(), TagSite.EDGE.getValue())

#Storm: how to setup various metrics for the same data source

I'm trying to setup Storm to aggregate a stream, but with various (DRPC available) metrics on the same stream.
E.g. the stream is consisted of messages that have a sender, a recipient, the channel through which the message arrived and a gateway through which it was delivered. I'm having trouble deciding how to organize one or more topologies that could give me e.g. total count of messages by gateway and/or by channel. And besides the total, counts per minute would be nice too.
The basic idea is to have a spout that will accept messaging events, and from there aggregate the data as needed. Currently I'm playing around with Trident and DRPC and I've came up with two possible topologies that solve the problem at this stage. Can't decide which approach is better, if any?!
The entire source is available at this gist.
It has three classes:
used to emit the messaging data
simulates the real data source
creates a separate DRPC stream for each metric needed
also a separate query state is created for each metric
they all use the same spout instance
creates a single DRPC stream with all the metrics needed
creates a separate query state for each metric
each query state extracts the desired metric and groups results for it
Now, for the problems and questions:
is it necessary to use the same spout instance or can I just say new RandomMessageSpout() each time?
I like the idea that I don't need to persist grouped data by all the metrics, but just the groupings we need to extract later
is the spout emitted data actually processed by all the state/query combinations, e.g. not the first one that comes?
would this also later enable dynamic addition of new state/query combinations at runtime?
I don't really like the idea that I need to persist data grouped by all the metrics since I don't need all the combinations
it came as a surprise that the all the metrics always return the same data
e.g. channel and gateway inquiries return status metrics data
I found that this was always the data grouped by the first field in state definition
this topic explains the reasoning behind this behaviour
but I'm wondering if this is a good way of doing thins in the first place (and will find a way around this issue if need be)
SnapshotGet vs TupleCollectionGet in stateQuery
with SnapshotGet things tended to work, but not always, only TupleCollectionGet solved the issue
any pointers as to what is correct way of doing that?
I guess this is a longish question / topic, but any help is really appreciated!
Also, if I missed the architecture entirely, suggestions on how to accomplish this would be most welcome.
Thanks in advance :-)
You can't actually split a stream in SeparateTopology by invoking newStream() using the same spout instance, since that would create new instances of the same RandomMessageSpout spout, which would result in duplicate values being emitted to your topology by multiple, separate spout instances. (Spout parallelization is only possible in Storm with partitioned spouts, where each spout instance processes a partition of the whole dataset -- a Kafka partition, for example).
The correct approach here is to modify the CombinedTopology to split the stream into multiple streams as needed for each metric you need (see below), and then do a groupBy() by that metric's field and persistentAggregate() on each newly branched stream.
From the Trident FAQ,
"each" returns a Stream object, which you can store in a variable. You can then run multiple eaches on the same Stream to split it, e.g.:
Stream s = topology.each(...).groupBy(...).aggregate(...)
Stream branch1 = s.each(...)
Stream branch2 = s.each(...)
See this thread on Storm's mailing list, and this one for more information.

Google App Engine: Message class using list properties for receivers

I have a message model and I want it to have several receivers, possibly a lot of them.
I would also like to be able to tell for each receiver if the message was viewed or not (read/unread). Also I would like a receiver to be able to delete the message.
The two possible solutions are the following, for each I have a Message model an User model.
For the first (using the ideas presented here
I have a MessageReceivers class which has a ListProperty containing the users that will receive the message and set the parent to the message. I query of this with messages = db.GqlQuery('SELECT __key__ FROM MessageReceivers WHERE receivers = :1', user) and the do a db.get([ key.parent() for key in messages ]).
The problem I have which this is that I'm not sure how to store the state of the message: whether it is read or not and a subsequent issue whether the user has new messages. An additional issue would be the overhead of deleting a message (would have to remove user from receivers list property)
For the second: I have a MessageReceiver for each receiver it has links to message and to user and also stores the state (read/unread).
Which of this two approached do you consider that it has a better performance? And in the case of the first do you have any suggestion on handling the status of the message.
I've implement first option in production. Drawback is that ListProperty is limited to 2500 entries if you use custom index. Shameless plug: See my blog bost
Read state storing. I did this by implementing an entity that stored unread messages up to few months back and then just assumed older ones read. Even simpler is to query the messages in date order, and store the last known message timestamp in entity and assume all older as read. I don't recommended keeping long history in entity with huge list property, because reading and storing such entities can get really slow.
Message deletion is expensive, no way around that.
If you need to store state per message, your best option is to write one entity per recipient, with read state (and anything else, such as flags, etcetera), rather than using the index relation pattern.
