I am currently passing arguments to gnuplot via shell.
I am extracting data that has a timescale in milliseconds (just a raw length)
The x axis is displayed with these raw values (ie 6000, 120000, 18456...) I would like to convert it to minutes or seconds via the arguments I am passing to gnuplot via my script (shell). I currently have the following argument:
"set title 'temperature stress test results for " + $sn + " on " + $datetime + "
set term png size 1450, 800
set xlabel 'Time(ms)'
set ylabel 'Temperature (C)'
set key right top
set autoscale
set yrange [20:55]
set format x '%.0f'
set grid
set datafile sep ','
set output '" + $pngfile + "'
plot '" + $_ + "' using 1:3 with lines title 'heater', '" + $_ + "' using 1:9 with lines title 'cam0', '" + $_ + "' using 1:10 with lines title 'cam1', '" + $_ + "' using 1:11 with lines title 'cam2', '" + $_ + "' using 1:12 with lines title 'cam3'"
is there a way to rescale the x axis ? I was expecting something like (x = x / 60000) to get it in minutes for example
Gnuplot's basic unit for time data is one second. You have data in milliseconds, so you will need to divide by 1000 before interpreting it as a time. Because your data is an absolute number of [milli]seconds rather than a clock time, you should use the relative time formats tH tM tS. These permit fractional values, and will not wrap at clock intervals. I.e. the minute count does not reset to 0 when it hits 60.
To plot input data given in millisecond on an x axis labelled in Minutes and Seconds to millisecond precision:
set xlabel 'Time (minutes:seconds)'
set xtics time format "%tM:%.3tS"
plot $DATA using ($1/1000.):3 title 'whatever'
plot sample [-1000:10000] '+' using ($1/1000.):1
I'm trying to display a statement 1000 times in QBASIC (using for statement). I think the program works properly, but I cannot see the 1000 statements because I cannot scroll up and down in the output window of QBASIC. I can see only the last part of the 1000 statements.
FOR x = 1 TO 1000
PRINT "maydie";
That will be very hard. For QBasic you have to know how PRINT works. Than with look you could write an TSR program that does what you want in some other language. Alternative is store everything in array and create you own display routine with scrolling. But with 1000 lines will run into memory restrictions
In short, unless you're using a modern take on QBasic, you can't.
What you can do is print the output to a text file:
OPEN "C:\somefile.txt" FOR OUTPUT AS #1
FOR x = 1 TO 1000
PRINT #1, "maydie":
This will write "maydie" to C:\somefile.txt 1000 times. Then use some text editor to view the output. You could even use a program to count the lines of text, something like OPEN "C:|somefile.txt" FOR INPUT AS #1: WHILE NOT EOF(1): INPUT #1, junk$: i = i + 1: WEND: PRINT "There were " + STR$(i) + " lines."
Though the other answerers are correct in saying that it is not inbuilt and hence not possible, I agree that this is very desirable! Consequently, I have time and time again devised scripts based on the following:
DIM text(1 to 1000) AS STRING
'Define text below: Here I've just defined it as every line being
'"maydie" with the value of the line number, but it could be whatever.
FOR i = 1 TO 1000
text(i) = STR$(i) + "maydie"
position% = 0
FOR i = 1 to 25
LOCATE i, 1: PRINT text(i); SPACE$(80 - LEN(text(i)));
IF x$ <> "" THEN
CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(72) 'Up arrow
position% = position% - 1
IF position% < 0 THEN position% = 0
CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(80) 'Down arrow
position% = position% + 1
IF position% > 975 THEN position% = 975
CASE CHR$(0) + "I" 'Page Up
position% = position% - 24
IF position% < 0 THEN position% = 0
CASE CHR$(0) + "Q" 'Page Down
position% = position% + 24
IF position% > 975 THEN position% = 975
CASE CHR$(27) 'ENDS the Program on ESC key.
FOR i = 1 to 25
LOCATE i, 1: PRINT text(i + position%); SPACE$(80 - LEN(text(i + position%)));
Tested and works! If you want to use it multiple times in your program for multiple different text blocks, you can just turn it into a function and pass it the variables you want.
The results of my program simulations are several datafiles with the first column indicate success (=0) or error (=1) and the second column is the simulation time in seconds.
An example of these two columns is:
1 185.48736852299064
1 199.44533672989186
1 207.35654106612733
1 213.5214031236177
1 215.50576147950017
0 219.62444310777695
0 222.26750248416354
0 236.1402270910635
1 238.5124609287994
0 246.4538392581228
. .
. .
. .
1 307.482605596962
1 329.16494123373445
0 329.6454558227778
1 330.52804695995303
0 332.0673690346546
0 358.3001385706268
0 359.82271742496414
1 400.8162129871805
0 404.88783391725985
1 411.27012219170393
I can make a frequency plot (histogram) of the errors (1's) binning the data.
set encoding iso_8859_1
set key left top
set ylabel "P_{error}"
set xlabel "Time [s]"
set size 1.4, 1.2
set terminal postscript eps enhanced color "Helvetica" 16
set grid ytics
set key spacing 1.5
set style fill transparent solid 0.3
`grep '^ 1' lookup-ratio-50-0.0034-50-7-20-10-3-1.txt | awk '{print $2}' > t7.dat`
stats 't7.dat' u 1
set output "t7.eps"
plot 't7.dat' using (bin($1,binwidth)):(1.0/STATS_records) smooth freq with boxes lc rgb "midnight-blue" title "7x7_P_error"
The result
I want to improve the Gnuplot above to and include the rest of datafiles lookup-.....-.txt and their error samples, and join them in the same frequency plot.
I would like also avoiding the use of intermediate files like t7.dat.
Besides, I would like to plot a horizontal line of the mean of the error probability.
How could I plot all the sample data in the same plot?
If I understand you correctly, you want to do the histogram over several files. So, you basically have to concatenate several datafiles.
Of course, you can do this with some external programs like awk, etc. or shell commands.
Below is a possible solution for gnuplot and a system command and no need for a temporary file. The system command is for Windows, but you probably can easily translate this to Linux. And maybe you need to check whether the "NaN" values do not messup your binning and histogram results.
### start code
reset session
# create some dummy data files
do for [i=1:5] {
set table sprintf("lookup-blahblah_%d.txt", i)
set samples 50
plot '+' u (int(rand(0)+0.5)):(rand(0)*0.9+0.1) w table
unset table
# end creating dummy data files
FILELIST = system("dir /B lookup*.txt") # this is for Windows
undefine $AllDataWithError
set table $AllDataWithError append
do for [i=1:words(FILELIST)] {
plot word(FILELIST,i) u ($1==1? $1 : NaN):($1==1? $2 : NaN) w table
unset table
print $AllDataWithError
# ... do your binning and plotting
### end of code
Apparently, NaN and/or empty lines seem to mess up smooth freq and/or binning?!
So, we need to extract only the lines with errors (=1).
From the above code you can merge several files into one datablock.
The code below already starts with one datablock similar to your data.
### start of code
reset session
# create some dummy datablock with some distribution (with no negative values)
Height =3000
Pos = 6000
set table $Data
set samples 1000
plot '+' u (int(rand(0)+0.3)):(abs(invnorm(rand(0))*Height+Pos)) w table
unset table
# end creating dummy data
stats $Data nooutput
Datapoints = STATS_records
# get only the error lines
# plot $Data into the table $Dummy.
# If $1==1 (=Error) write the line number $0 into column 1 and value into column 2
# else write NaN into column 1 and column 2.
# Since $0 is the line number which is unique
# 'smooth frequency' will keep these lines "as is"
# but change the NaN lines to empty lines.
Error = 1
Success = 0
set table $Dummy
plot $Data u ($1==Error ? $0 : NaN):($1==Error ? $2 : NaN) smooth freq
unset table
# get rid of empty lines in $Dummy
# Since empty lines seem to also mess up binning you need to remove them
# by writing $Dummy into the dataset $Error via "plot ... with table".
set table $Error
plot $Dummy u 1:2 with table
unset table
bin(x) = binwidth*floor(x/binwidth)
stats $Error nooutput
ErrorCount = STATS_records
set multiplot layout 3,1
set key outside
set label 1 sprintf("Datapoints: %g\nSuccess: %g\nError: %g",\
Datapoints, Datapoints-ErrorCount,ErrorCount) at graph 1.02, first 0
plot $Data u 0:($1 == Success ? $2 : NaN) w impulses lc rgb "web-green" t "Success",\
$Data u 0:($1 == Error ? -$2 : NaN) w impulses lc rgb "red" t "Error",\
unset label 1
set key inside
binwidth = 1000
plot $Error using (bin($2)):(1.0/STATS_records) smooth freq with boxes t sprintf("binwidth: %d",binwidth) lc rgb "blue"
set xrange[GPVAL_X_MIN:GPVAL_X_MAX] # use same xrange as graph before
plot $Error using (bin($2)):(1.0/STATS_records) smooth freq with boxes t sprintf("binwidth: %d",binwidth) lc rgb "magenta"
unset multiplot
### end of code
which results in something like:
you can pipe the data and plot directives to gnuplot without a temp file,
for example
$ awk 'BEGIN{print "plot \"-\" using ($1):($2)";
while(i++<20) print i,rand()*20; print "e"}' | gnuplot -p
will create a random plot. You can print the directive in the BEGIN block as I did and the main awk statement can filter the data.
For your plot, something like this
$ awk 'BEGIN{print "...." }
$1==1{print $2}
END {print "e"}' lookup-*.txt | gnuplot -p
I'm trying to make a real time process list at python. I want that every 5 seconds the list i made will be updated. Moreover I want to get cpu time usage for each process but the output is 0 for some reason....
This is a part from the code:
def start(self):
while True:
processes = []
for process in self.wmi_object.Win32_Process ():
size = int(process.WorkingSetSize) / 1024
p = psutil.Process(process.ProcessId)
cpu_percent = 0# p.cpu_percent(interval=1)
processes.append( process.Name + " " + str(process.ProcessId) + " " + str(size) + "kb" + " " + str(cpu_percent) )
except : pass
self.clientNetwork.send ( pickle.dumps(processes) )
I don't know how to make this a right. Every 5 second the processes just added to the list the previous stay instead of being deleted.
Appriciate help :)
Model Decreasing-err Constant-err Increasing-err
2025 73-78 80-85 87-92
2035 63-68 80-85 97-107
2050 42-57 75-90 104.5-119.5
which data-structure (use of -err) described here.
To plot the points, I run
set terminal qt size 560,270;
set grid; set offset 1,1,0,0;
set datafile separator " -";
set key autotitle columnhead;
plot for [i=2:6:2] "data.dat" using 1:(0.5*(column(i)+column(i+1))):(0.5*(column(i+1)-column(i))) with yerror;
and get
However, I would like to add a line fits to these points which you cannot do just with with yerrorlines because of kinks.
My pseudocode for fitting the increasing and decreasing lines
inc(x) = k1*x + k2;
con(x) = n1*x + n2;
dec(x) = m1*x + m2;
fit inc(x), con(x) dec(x) for [i=2:6:2] "data.dat"
using 1:(0.5*(column(i)+column(i+1))):(0.5*(column(i+1)-column(i)))
via k1,k2,n1,n2,m1,m2;
where the problem is in using the function fit with for loop.
How can you use Gnuplot's fit in a for loop?
I would like to fit many lines at the same time to the data.
I would use do in conjunction with eval to do this:
# Define your functions (you can also use do + eval to do this)
f1(x) = a1*x+b1
f2(x) = a2*x+b2
f3(x) = a3*x+b3
# Loop
do for [i=1:3] {
eval sprintf("fit f%g(x) 'data.dat' u 0:%g via a%g, b%g", i, i, i, i)
You can adapt the above to your own purposes.
I have this snippet of code:
import PySide.QtGui
app = PySide.QtGui.QApplication('')
wnd = PySide.QtGui.QWidget()
mly = PySide.QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
combo = PySide.QtGui.QComboBox()
table = [ ('Lorem','ipsum','dolor','sit','amet'),
('Duis','vestibulum','eu','tortor','euismod') ]
for (one,two,three,four,five) in table:
combo.addItem('%-12s | %-12s | %-12s | %-12s | %-12s' % (one,two,three,four,five))
I have obtained this (1) and I'm looking for something like (2): all columns tabulated.
The combobox have the standard proportional font (MS Shell Dlg 2 from QtDesigner). I don't want to use monospaced font.
I have tried to calculate the maximum width in pixels of every column with combo.fontMetrics().boundingRect(text).width() and fill every column with spaces:
borde = ' '
unspc = ' '
maxwdt = {0:0, 1:0, 2:0, 3:0, 4:0}
for lstlin in table:
for (ndx,val) in enumerate(lstlin):
unwdt = combo.fontMetrics().boundingRect(borde + val + borde).width()
if (unwdt > maxwdt[ndx]):
maxwdt[ndx] = unwdt
for lstlin in table:
txtlin = ''
for (ndx,val) in enumerate(lstlin):
txtcmp = borde + val + borde
while (combo.fontMetrics().boundingRect(txtcmp).width() < maxwdt[ndx]):
txtcmp += unspc
txtlin += txtcmp + '|'
and I have obtained (3).
There are any other method to format a text with proportional font for use in a QComboBox?. Thanks.
Your algorithm is fine, but it can only be as accurate as the width of a standard space in the proportional font you are using.
To get more accurate results, use the thinnest possible whitespace character available. For fonts with good unicode support, this will be the HAIR SPACE U+200A.
On Linux (using the DejaVu Sans font) I can exactly reproduce (3) by changing the following two lines in your example script:
# hair-space
unspc = '\u200a'
borde = unspc * 10