UiPath - How to change back from Delegate: Body? - uipath

I am not aware that I changed (not even saved it differently) anything in the workflow, but the content of all containers changed to "Delegate: Body" (see picture):
The Robot works, nevertheless it is not so confortable because also preview pictures disapear, in Selector is only the window for text and I cannot validate it.
Does anyone have an idea how to turn it back?
Edit: there is result of search for packages:

This is due to the fact that the designers didn't load. It's most likely a bug. Does it happen even if you close and re-open the project?


Webcore NSBeep()! when copy from uiwebview

I'm developing an epub reader with monocle (https://github.com/joseph/Monocle) which is launched in a uiwebview. My problem is that when I try to copy some text, like what we would do in any other uiwebview, it doesn't seems to do anything... well, I get Webcore NSBeep()! in output view.
any idea or approach?
Webcore NSBeep()! is a error notification, because when you try to copy text from UIWebview the text is not copied into your clipboard and the error notified using a beep (IMHO which is not wise way of notifying errorr by any platform, it would have been any visual indication)
And please note : NSBeep() is part of the ApplicationKit framework which doesn't exist on the iPhone.
I had the same strange issue, irritatingly enough everything worked for quite some time. Then with some changes, this error happened. Reverting the code did not help. After a whole day searching and thinking, I still don't know what caused this, but I know that it wasn't my code!
My theory is that either my git repository was somehow messed up or it was because I edited my project with a beta version of the IDE+SDK. Either way, you should probably look into recreating your webview in InterfaceBuilder. Or recreate your project (or at least partially to confirm that it might be a bug in the project itself). I think/hope that the error will go away then.

Adding buttons to Finder toolbar?

Dropbox has the option of adding a button to the Finder toolbar. It even appears in the 'Customize Toolbar...' window.
I can't find any documentation on how this sort of thing is done.... Does anyone know how to do this, or can anyone point me towards some documentation or sample code?
I guess a start would be finding the location of the existing icons, and any related code.
I noticed that Dropbox has files in Library/DropboxHelperTools/Dropbox_u501 called mach_inject_bundle_stub.bundle and FinderLoadBundle which might be doing the magic. Dropbox is also putting the 'tick' badge on Finder icons. This code might be involved: github.com/rentzsch/mach_star
A Dropbox talk by Rian Hunter about the process is here, at around 15:30
Looking in the DropboxBundle file in the Dropbox_u501 shows the icons and some compiled code. The code suggests that Rian Hunter is the author: http://twitter.com/timeserena
Rian has his own version of the Mach Star code on his github - https://github.com/rianhunter/mach_star - tho it seems much older
There was a 'Code Injection Workshop' at Stanford a few weeks ago - http://stanfordacm.com/past/ - hosted by Rian. If anyone has notes from this please let me know!
You can use Finder Sync app extension(Starting in OS X v10.10).
A Finder Sync extension can:
Add, remove, and update badges and labels on items in a monitored folder.
Display a contextual menu when the user Control-clicks an item inside a monitored folder.
Add a custom button to the Finder’s toolbar.
Dropbox was using undocumented magic. There's no officially supported way to do this; the closest you can get without reverse engineering is Services.
(Update: As of macOS 10.11, what Dropbox was doing is no longer possible at all. System Integrity Protection now prevents code from being injected into system processes, such as the Finder.)
Rian's talk at PyCon 2011 (on blip.tv) does not explain anything more than "We reverse-engineered Finder." Although the mach_star stuff is valuable, it still doesn't explain how to get a sidebar icon working. And the Stanford 'Code Injection Workshop' has not posted any content about this method.
I've nm'd and class-dump'd both bundles that Dropbox installs for each user under /Library/DropboxHelperTools, and the output provides good insight. If I get back to it, I'll finish my research and post it. Odds are, it won't be for some time, so here's hoping this nudge helps someone else.
An easy intermediate answer that may be adequate for some people is to simply create icons that look like buttons.
e.g. I created 'new text file here' and 'new terminal here icons' for my Finder:
The method can be found here.
The disadvantage is that they must be square and do not have animations/menus or show up in 'customize toolbar' etc.

Cocoa, error when restoring document

When trying to restore a version of a document in my document based application, I get an error:
kCGErrorFailure: CGSDisplayID: App trying to enumerate [0 to CGSGetNumberOfDisplays()] instead of using CGSGetDisplayList(). Compensating...
kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint # CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
and the document remains unchanged. Also, when this happens, I get a message as soon as I start editing the document telling me:
The document [...] could not be autosaved. The file has been changed by another application.
I think these two problems may be related.
I don't know what to do or "check" because versions just works without any implementation needed; I'm actually confused, because Apple says that I just need to enable autosave in order to restore/revert using versions. Does anyone know what can be causing that error?
I've ran into all of your issues, causing me much pain.
I've gotten that error message regarding kCGErrorFailure... before as well when browsing versions. I've just ignored it mostly as it seems harmless to me. TextEdit seems to spit out this message as well. (Looks like an Apple bug)
For the "document remains unchanged", check here: Restoring from versions browser on OSX lion not working... ideas? (in short, your code for updating your document's UI is probably not being called for the document that is being reverted) (Looks undocumented to me)
For autosaving issues, check here: http://www.cocoabuilder.com/archive/cocoa/306217-how-to-implement-autosaving-browsing-versions-reverting-to-last-saved-in-lion.html (in short, use the file wrapper methods instead for reading and writing). (Looks like an Apple bug)
As well as returning YES to autosavesInPlace: your document needs to at least call updateChangeCount: passing NSChangeDone whenever it changes, so that it "knows" that there are changes to be autosaved.

Firefox extension: Handle file save dialogs

Some of the webpages I visit have stubborn save file dialogs for executables. I would like to do one of the following using an extension:
Save the file by default and close the dialog box. I looked at http://kb.mozillazine.org/File_types_and_download_actions It doesn't really work for these files (the problem is described at: http://kb.mozillazine.org/File_types_and_download_actions under 'Unable to set automatic action. I verified the headers.)
I guess I can use browser.download.manager.closeWhenDone from https:// developer.mozilla.org/en/Download_Manager_preferences , if I figure out the first part :)
Suppress the download manager from showing any such dialogs altogether.
I found https:// developer.mozilla.org/en/nsIDownloadManager#addListener() and https:// developer.mozilla.org/en/Download_Manager_improvements_in_Firefox_3 that look promising. I don't really know how to extract the source URI for the transfer either. I'm curious if anyone has any existing examples for using these or if there's a better way to do this. Or if someone knows what part of Firefox's code I could poke, that would be useful too.
PS: Sorry,I had to break the hyper-links above with an unnecessary space after https:// - apparently I need 10 reputation to do that :)
FWIW, I managed to work around this - though my solution probably wont work for most others.
Fortunately I'm behind a proxy I control, so I just corrected the obnoxious headers (Content-Disposition and Content-Type) before they reached Firefox. These were forcing Firefox to open the File Save Dialog box despite my specified preference to 'Always save file of this type'. Furthermore, I set 'browser.download.manager.closeWhenDone' property to True. Works for me, and I cruise through such sites w.o being interrupted.

How to subtly inform a user his input was received

I'm writing a DLL that is automatically injected on load in a specific application. Because I'd like to run the program while working on it, and my users might want to load the program without it in specific cases (e.g. bug hunting), I sometimes want to prevent loading the DLL.
Currently I do this by checking GetKeyState for VK_LCONTROL, VK_LSHIFT , and VK_LMENU on load, and if all are down, I silently unload myself.
However, it can take quite a few seconds for the program to load and to see if the DLL was loaded or not, so I want to inform the users when we're unloading. I've considered a MessageBox, but that's too disruptive. I've tried MessageBeep, but that didn't seem to do anything on my setup. Currently I'm using a simple dual beep (Beep, Sleep, Beep) to indicate unloading, but that will probably become rather annoying to my co workers. I've also considered a system-tray icon, but that would introduce a lot of code and bug potential, while I'm aiming for a minimal notification as to not introduce any subtle bugs.
Would anyone else know a subtle way (preferably visual) to inform the user that their input has been succesfully received?
Given the limited scope of your goal, this might actually be an appropriate use of a taskbar notification balloon tip.
Edit: Added link the Joe posted in his concurring answer. Thanks, Joe! :)
If your app has a status bar at the bottom, you could place some message text there...
Have you considered a timed messagebox that closes itself?
You could open a window with a short message and close it automatically again after 0.5 seconds or so. It doesn't need user interaction so I don't think it's very disruptive.
Change the window title, then change it back afterwards. Then you can see the change even if the user has Alt-Tabbed over to some other program in the meanwhile, without stealing the focus from the user.
Concur with Greg D.
Look here: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/vclanguage/thread/15cbdc8d-fde3-44ab-bbbc-e50cb2071674/
Two ideas:
Turn it around. Have a visual indication when the DLL is loaded, and have the absence of the indicator let you know that the DLL has been unloaded. Perhaps a suffix in the title bar. That way, you can tell at any time, not just during startup.
