What methods and properties are provided for use through scripting for standard InDesign panels? - adobe-indesign

I’m able to get a reference to, for instance, the “Scripts” panel; but, although its constructor’s name is 'Panel', it doesn’t seem to have the show and hide methods like panels created through scripting, or the window property, etc.:
var scriptsPanel = app.panels.item('$ID/Scripts')
scriptsPanel.window // → “Object does not support the property or method 'window'”
scriptsPanel.show(); // → “scriptsPanel.show is not a function”
It does have some of script-created Panels’ properties, though:
scriptsPanel.visible // → true or false
What are standard panels’ methods and properties, and where are they documented?

There are several places where the DOM objects are documented, Adobe's official way would be to use the ExtendScript Toolkit to browse the objects and their methods and properties (in the ExtendScript Toolkit go to Help > Object Model Viewer).
Having said that, most ExtendScript users seem to find this browser cumbersome to use, so there are a few pages online that document the InDesign Object Model.
I personally use and prefer the InDesign ExtendScript API by Gregor Fellenz, but another popular one is Jongware's Adobe InDesign CS6 (8.0) Object Model JS viewer (that seems to be not updated anymore for more recent versions of InDesign). I prefer Gregor Fellenz' page, because it has a search function and I find it a bit easier to navigate.
The properties and methods of a panel in InDesign you could find here. Note that there is also the panel object of the ScriptUI, which is documented here. ScriptUI is Adobe's script language to create user interfaces. So the two panel objects have different methods and properties, that's why one of them didn't have the show() method.
As you have noted, this leads to the somewhat confusing fact that there are two different types of objects with the same constructor name Panel. However, there is no real ambiguity in the use of them, as the panels that are native to InDesign's UI are always children of the app object, whereas the panels that you create in a script via ScriptUI are always children of other ScriptUI objects. The same goes for other DOM/ScriptUI name pairs, such as window.
Note that the fact that there is a panel object in InDesign means that there is also a panels collection object, which has properties and methods to work with a collection of panels. This panels object is documented here.


Fast way to obtain underlying java component for controls in matlab

I'd like to obtain a reference to underlying java components for the controls I have in my GUI so as to customize their appearance.
I know about findjobj from Yair Altman which works really well:
myLink = uicontrol('String', '<html><u>Button that looks like a link.</u></html>');
jObj = findjobj(myLink);
Unfortunately this solution is quite slow when there are a "lot" of controls to customize (because it has to parse the full hierarchy of objects in the figure and this for each control to customize).
Moreover the figure must be visible (else controls are not instantiated and java references cannot be found). Plus it must be moved of screen to avoid users to touch it while findjobj is running (sometimes make things crash because findjobj somehow relies on position of controls to find them while internally calling also drawnow which updates positions) ...
On some machines, even with only a few controls to customize, it can be up to 10 seconds before to have the figure to appear (most of the time is spent in findjobj).
I also know about uicomponent again from Yair Altman to directly create controls and get the handle to the underlying java component in one shot:
[myLink, jObj] = uicomponent('Style', 'JButton', 'String', '<html><u>Button that looks like a link.</u></html>');
Unfortunately here the parent property can only be a figure and of course my controls are placed in gui layout containers to handle resizing and many other things nicely (and gui layout containter are not valid hg-handles for uicomponent to work)...
So was wondering if there could be any other fast solution to get underlying java components for controls in my GUI ? ... NB: I mainly only need to have buttons that looks like hyperlinks or animated gif (i.e. borderless buttons with htlm text/img inside).
This isn't a direct answer to your question, but I've built several GUIs that are based around GUI Layout Toolbox and that contain Java swing components. I typically arrange things so that the GUI Layout container (HBox, VBox, Grid etc) has a uipanel as a child, and then the uipanel has the Java swing component as a child.
You can typically parent a Java component to the uipanel in exactly the same way as parenting it to a figure (unlike a GUI Layout container), and it's no problem to parent a uipanel to a GUI Layout container.
So, for example, to add a button with a dropdown menu (no menu items, so it won't do anything, but just to illustrate):
>> u = uipanel;
>> ddbuttonclass = 'com.mathworks.widgets.DropdownButton';
>> ddbutton = javaObjectEDT(ddbuttonclass);
>> [jddbutton, hjddbutton] = javacomponent(ddbutton, [30,30, 60, 30], u);
Now you can parent u to a GUI Layout container, and you get all the nice resizing.
I'm not that familiar with Yair's uicomponent, but if you can get the handle of the java component somehow, you should be able to use something like the above.
PS If you want his direct input, #Yair is sometimes active on SO - he may get notified if I mention his name. If you're doing a lot of Java/MATLAB GUI work, I'd also recommend buying his book.
UICOMPONENT was designed to be a direct replacement of both Matlab's built-in UICONTROL and JAVACOMPONENT functions. This means that you can directly place a UICOMPONENT within panels, even those created by the GUI Layout toolbox.
You might need to cast the layout panel's handle to double (double(hPanel)) on some Matlab releases but that's about it:
[myLink, jObj] = uicomponent('Parent',hPanel, ...);
[myLink, jObj] = uicomponent('Parent',double(hPanel), ...); % on some Matlab releases
You could also use JAVACOMPONENT directly, but it doesn't really give you any benefits over UICOMPONENT, since UICOMPONENT uses JAVACOMPONENT under the hood and also adds important functionality (such as ensuring the component is placed on the EDT, and merging important properties from the Matlab wrapper).
As for FINDJOBJ, you can speed it up a bit by specifying the target object class using the 'class' parameter. But if your figure contains hundreds of controls it might still be slow. To this day, close to 10 years after my first version of FINDJOBJ, I still do not know of a direct way to get the underlying Java object. I assume there is one that is used internally by MathWorks, but I do not know it.
As #SamRoberts mentioned, this is all discussed in my book...

Accessibility support for a Win32 control based on RichEdit

I have implemented custom Win32 control based on RichEdit. I insert custom OLE objects into the rich text using method 'InsertObject' of the IRichEditOle. Custom objects just show some text and some more additional functionality.
This my control is similar to the Outlook's control which allows user to enter email addresses.
I have a problem with accessibility support. I want to implement functionality the same as Outlook. I want that screenreaders (for example Narrator or Thunder Storm) reads all the text including content of the inserted OLE objects.
I have tried to implement IAccessible interface which is returned on the message WM_GETOBJECT.
I return some reasonable value from the 'get_accRole' and 'get_accName'. Accessible role is 'editable text'. Also I return string which represents the whole control content from the method 'get_accValue'.
I tested my implementation using application Inspet.exe from Windows Kits. I see acc role, name value which I provides in the IAccessible methods.
THE PROBLEM IS: Screenreaders do not read the whole content of the control. Screenreaders read the only text entered to the control, but not the content of the inserted objects.
I suggest that Screenreaders do not use IAccessible interface for RichEdit control.
My question to the comunity: does anybody have experince with Accessibility support for the RichEdit control with inserted OLE objects. What I should provide for Screenreader?

PropertySheet with a TreeView (using WinAPI)

In my WinAPI program I use PropertySheet for a settings dialog box. I use property sheet with pages (tabs), i.e. I use PSH_PROPSHEETPAGE flag. But the software now have too many parameters for such a type of property sheet. So I want to use PropertySheet with treeview: the treeview on the left and the page with paramerets for the currently selected item in the treeview - on the right.
How can I do this? Can my current property sheet be modified for this and how?
(using only WinAPI, no MFC)
Standard property sheet is no longer good enough for you, so you basically have two choices here. You can either design a window (modal or modeless, dialog based or not) to host all your controls in a single view, with tree view, possibly tab control as well, and showing/hiding elements to follow tree view selection. And you will move all your controls into this window.
Or instead, you can create a similar window which hosts property pages. On tree selection change you will switch property pages as if they are selected by tabs in standard property sheet. The point is that you can use your existing pages intact making this new settings windows imitating behavior of standard property sheet. This is perhaps a more complicated thing to do, but should be flexible enough to do once and accept various pages, and you don't also need to touch your existing pages code leaving it good for both standard and this custom sheet with a tree.
Both ways assume you need to do quite some work since you are giving up using a standard piece of code - the property sheet window.

How can I know who calls the method in Xcode?

Does Xcode have a way to show the caller function of a method? I want to know all of the calling functions of a method in a class. A solution would be to find the method in the project, but sometimes different classes have methods with the same name - That could find us a method we're not looking for..
Many other IDEs have this capability, such as Visual C++ 2003/2005/2008,Eclipse ...
Can you do this in XCode?
Xcode 4.4 intrudced this functionality:
New Features in Xcode 4.4 (Scroll down to 'Find and Search Additions')
Move your cursor on top of the function you are interested in
Open the Assistant editor(⌃ +⌘+Enter)
On the top of the assistant editor, Select 'Callers'
You will see a list of all the function that's calling your function
Not the as effective as other IDEs, but does the job.
Yes. Set a breakpoint inside your method, then when it breaks, there are two spots to see a stack. First is in Xcode's "console" area (usually the bottom middle), there is a top-bar which may not immediately appear to be navigable, but it is a select-style UI control which has the entire stack in it. Selecting a different level shows you that scope's variables, etc. and pops your editor to that exact file (where you can mouse-over variables to see their in-memory real-time values). Second is in the left-hand area (where you normally browse files). There is another tab there (besides the file browser) for exactly this purpose. There is a slider at the bottom which controls how many "steps" in the stack you see; clicking on one has a similar affect.
For simple refactoring such as method re-naming, you can use the contextual-menu when you right-click a selected method-name, and Xcode will replace all identical selectors in your project. However, this does not address what you mentioned about different classes having methods with the same signature. It does, however, give you a very nice interface for reviewing the changes in-context and easily accepting or rejecting them one at a time.
It might be noted, however, that changing method signatures often may be a sign of poor design, and particularly if you have to do it with methods which have the same signature on different classes (which are not "siblings" and therefore should both get the rename)

"Connecting" nonGUI objects to GUI objects

I have a set of nonGUI objects which have a one to one realtionship with GUI objects.
All events are routed through the top level window.
Many ( not all ) events occuring on the GUI object result in calling a method on the associated object.
Some methods in the NonGui objects which when called change the GUI objects.
One example would be some sort of game like Rogue with a modern GUI.
You have the area a player occupies in one turn ( call it a region )
and you have the object ( a button ) associated with it on the GUI.
Keep in mind it's only an analogy ( and not even the real problem ) and no analogy is perfect.
The question is, how does one design this sort of thing?
Since the button class is from a third party library, I cannot imbed a reference to the nonGUI object in it, though I can imbed a reference to the GUI object in the nonGUI object. So it looks likeI will have to create a map from a buttons to "regions" somewhere, but where do I put it? In the toplevel window? In the top level model?
Do IU spin off some sort of interface class?
It would help if you mentioned your platform and language, but generally it sounds like you are describing Model-View-Controller.
Your "GUI" object(s) are the View. This is where you keep all the rendering logic for your user interface. User interactions with the View are handled by the Controller.
The Controller is a thin layer of event handles. User interaction calls methods on the Controller, which then routes them to the Model.
Your "non-GUI" object(s) are the Model. This is the object that contains business logic and whose state is ultimately updated by clicking buttons on your GUI.
You mention "embedding" references between the objects. This is not necessary as long as events in your GUI can be routed by some mechanism to your Controller. This design pattern is useful because it separates your UI logic from your business logic. You can "snap on" a new Views very easily because there is very little event wiring between the View and the controller.
The Wikipedia article has more information and links to implementation examples.
Waste a little time looking at Falcon's Eye (though it is Nethack rather than Rogue). There's a long history of skinning rogue like games (or command line apps in general), which isn't quite classic mvc - it already has a full UI, instead you're adding a decorator to that UI with either a direct translation, or another metaphor (such as gparted, the gnome partition editor, which allows construction of a sequence of partition editing commands by direct manipulation)
