I have 2 accounts in ms outlook ('user1#test.com' - default profile ,'user2#test.com') and i'm trying to sent a message by python using the non-default account. Here is my code:
Import win32com.client
app = win32com.client.Dispatch('Outlook.application')
mess = app.CreateItem(0)
mess.to = 'user2#test.com'
mess.subject = 'hi'
mess.SendUsingAccount = 'user2#test.com'
And outlook sent from account 'user1#test.com', not from 'user2#test.com'. How to change an account?
The MailItem.SendUsingAccount property allows setting an Account object that represents the account under which the MailItem is to be sent.
import win32com.client
o = win32com.client.Dispatch("Outlook.Application")
oacctouse = None
for oacc in o.Session.Accounts:
if oacc.SmtpAddress == "user2#test.com":
oacctouse = oacc
Msg = o.CreateItem(0)
if oacctouse:
Msg._oleobj_.Invoke(*(64209, 0, 8, 0, oacctouse)) # Msg.SendUsingAccount = oacctouse
if to:
Msg.To = ";".join(to)
if cc:
Msg.CC = ";".join(cc)
if bcc:
Msg.BCC = ";".join(bcc)
Msg.HTMLBody = ""
I tried one sample program for getting an email message in outlook account using IMAP. In this account, I have 20 folders its getting all email messages except these folders (contact, calendar, task) not getting data its throwing server error. How to fix this error.
import imaplib
import pprint
import email
import base64
import json
import re
import os
import fileinput
imap_host = 'outlook.office365.com'
imap_user = 'XXXXXXXXXXX'
imap_pass = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXX'
count = 0
file_path = 'geek.txt'
# connect to host using SSL
imap = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(imap_host,993)
# login to server
l = imap.login(imap_user, imap_pass)
# Get Flags,mailbox_name,delimiter using regex
list_response_pattern = re.compile(r'\((?P<flags>.*?)\) "(?P<delimiter>.*)" (?P<name>.*)')
# Get List of Sync folders
list_data = imap.list()
# Check Local Storage is empty Sync All Folders Details.
if os.stat(file_path).st_size == 0:
global day
# Iterate folders in Sync folder
for i in list_data[1]:
# Get Folder name
sample = re.findall('"\/"(.*)',i.decode("utf-8"))
# Get Message_ids
data = imap.select(sample[0].lstrip())
search_resp, search_data = imap.search( None, "ALL" )
match = list_response_pattern.match(i.decode("utf-8"))
flags, delimiter, mailbox_name = match.groups()
mailbox_name = mailbox_name.strip('"')
except Exception as e:
# Get Current Status of Folder
current_status = imap.status(
# Get message using UID and Message_id
msg_ids = search_data[ 0 ].split()
print("total count: ",len(msg_ids))
for i in msg_ids:
print("Message Ids: ", i)
count = count + 1
fetch_resp, fetch_UID = imap.fetch( i, 'UID' )
print("Fetch UID: ", fetch_UID)
day = bytes(str(fetch_UID[0].split()[2]).split("'")[1].split(')')[0],'utf-8')
print("ID: ",day)
fetch_resp, fetch_mdg = imap.uid('fetch', day, '(RFC822)')
email_msg = fetch_mdg[0][1]
if email_msg and isinstance(email_msg, str):
email_msg = email.message_from_string(email_msg)
except :
email_msg = None
elif email_msg and isinstance(email_msg, bytes):
email_msg = email.message_from_bytes(email_msg)
email_msg = None
print("Count: ",count)
print("UID: ",day)
# Store Folder details in File
status_details = current_status[1][0].decode("utf-8")
status_details = status_details.split('(')[1].split(')')[0].split(' ')
if len(msg_ids) == 0:
json1 = json.dumps({'total_count':int(status_details[1]),'UID':0,'UIDNext':int(status_details[5]),'UIDValidity':int(status_details[7]), 'Folder name':mailbox_name})
json1 = json.dumps({'total_count':int(status_details[1]),'UID':int(day),'UIDNext':int(status_details[5]),'UIDValidity':int(status_details[7]), 'Folder name':mailbox_name})
file = open(file_path,'a')
Message Ids: b'3'
Fetch UID: [b'3 (UID 11)']
ID: b'11'
[(b'3 (RFC822 {757}', b'MIME-Version: 1.0\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"\r\nFrom: Microsoft Exchange Server\r\nTo: "\r\nSubject: Retrieval using the IMAP4 protocol failed for the following message:\r\n 11\r\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\r\n\r\nThe server couldn\'t retrieve the following message:\r\n\r\nSubject: "Test email Sync 3"\r\nFrom: "Imap Testing" ("/O=3DEXCHANGELABS/OU=3DEXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP=\r\n (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=3DRECIPIENTS/CN=3DEBF2483D9A0145A59A48B829B12A45E4-MA=\r\nILBOX1")\r\nSent date: 5/6/2020 2:02:59 AM\r\n\r\nThe message hasn\'t been deleted. You might be able to view it using either =\r\nOutlook or Outlook Web App. You can also contact the sender to find out wha=\r\nt the message says.=\r\n'), b' UID 11 FLAGS (\\Seen))']
Server Error
Subject: Retrieval using the IMAP4 protocol failed for the following message:
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
The server couldn't retrieve the following message:
Subject: "Testing"
Sent date: 5/6/2020 2:01:54 AM
The message hasn't been deleted. You might be able to view it using either =
Outlook or Outlook Web App. You can also contact the sender to find out wha=
t the message says.=
I have around 20 folders I iterate one by one get current status of folder and stored in sample file. Its successfully working.but I tried to print email messages some folders (contact,calender,task) its showing this response.
I have tried to use the following code to add custom mail header in VB6. But it didnt work.
Can anyone help me out?
Dim lobj_cdomsg As CDO.Message
Set lobj_cdomsg = New CDO.Message
'Add the Project Reference Miscrosoft CDO WINDOWS FOR 2000
lobj_cdomsg.Configuration.Fields(cdoSMTPServer) = "servername"
lobj_cdomsg.Configuration.Fields(cdoSMTPConnectionTimeout) = 30
lobj_cdomsg.Configuration.Fields(cdoSendUsingMethod) = 2
lobj_cdomsg.Configuration.Fields(cdoSMTPAuthenticate) = 1
lobj_cdomsg.Configuration.Fields(cdoSendUserName) = "username"
lobj_cdomsg.Configuration.Fields(cdoSendPassword) = "password"
lobj_cdomsg.Configuration.Fields(cdoSMTPServerPort) = "587"
lobj_cdomsg.Configuration.Fields("urn:schemas:mailheader:X-MC-Tags") = "CKSR001"
'lobj_cdomsg.Fields("urn:schemas:mailheader:X-MC-Tags") = "CKSR002"
lobj_cdomsg.To = "to user"
lobj_cdomsg.From = "from"
lobj_cdomsg.Subject = "FROM VB6 CODSYS"
lobj_cdomsg.TextBody = "New Mail"
lobj_cdomsg.TextBody = "New Mail"
Set lobj_cdomsg = Nothing
You have to add your "urn:schemas:mailheader:X-..." header as a field of the Message object, not Message.Configuration.
Add the following two lines before sending the message: (and remove your non-working line)
lobj_cdomsg.Fields("urn:schemas:mailheader:X-MC-Tags") = "CKSR001"
Then it should work.
I am trying to send an email with multiple attachments using the VB6 MAPIMessages control.
1) I am able to use this control to send a single attachment but it displays an error saying "Attachment not found", if I try to send more than one file.
2) I also need to suppress the warning message when I try to send an email
Any ideas?
Here's the code:
MAPIMessages1.SessionID = MAPISession1.SessionID
MAPIMessages1.RecipDisplayName = "abbid_siddiqui#hotmail.com"
MAPIMessages1.MsgSubject = "MAPI subject with attachments"
MAPIMessages1.MsgNoteText = "This is atest"
MAPIMessages1.AttachmentIndex = 0
MAPIMessages1.AttachmentName = "test.csv"
MAPIMessages1.AttachmentPathName = "C:\test.csv"
MAPIMessages1.AttachmentIndex = 1
MAPIMessages1.AttachmentName = "holidays_2013.xls"
MAPIMessages1.AttachmentPathName = "E:\holidays_2013.xls"
'Send the e-mail message to the Recipient
Try setting the AttachmentPosition property to the same value as the AttachmentIndex
I used VBScript to write a function to send email automatically.
With .Configuration.Fields
.Item(cdoSendUsingMethod) = cdoSendUsingPort
.Item(cdoSMTPServer) = "SMTPHOST.redmond.corp.microsoft.com"
.Item(cdoSMTPServerPort) = 25
.Item(cdoSMTPAuthenticate) = cdoNTLM
.Item("urn:schemas:httpmail:importance") = sMailPriority
When I want to send email with high important, I set the sMailPriority to 2. When I test with the Gmail, it worked. But when I using outlook2010, it didn't work.
Some e-mail clients requires different headers to set e-mail priority.
Try to add all of these fields.
.Item("urn:schemas:httpmail:importance") = sMailPriority
.Item("urn:schemas:httpmail:priority") = 1 'sMailPriority
.Item("urn:schemas:mailheader:X-Priority") = 1 'sMailPriority
I've created an application, which is used to loop through the emails in an inbox and find all the undeliverable, mailbox full or delayed emails and generate a report.
The usual routine is to loop through all the emails in the inbox (up to a specified date).
If an email is undeliverable use regex to find the email. This works 95% of the time as this information is contained in the body of the Undelivered message (ReportItem).
So, my problem is I have a few emails which are returning blank emails to the report making it nigh on impossible to clean them or easily report that we have a problem with someone's email.
I have found that the information in the Internet Headers has who the mail was intended for, but cannot find anything on if it is possible to use an interop or some other object to obtain this information.
If anyone else has come across this problem and knows of a work around I would be very grateful.
I was looking to automate an outlook mail box to move all undelivered emails and store the email address of the recipient of the undeliverable message in a list, so that I can later check if an entry of the list is present in an excel column and then remove it from the excel. I hope this helps !
I've found a Python solution for this problem. A python library that is used to connect to the outlook is win32com, so first we import all libraries that we will need:
import win32com.client
import re
import datetime as dt
from tqdm import tqdm
import time
import extract_msg
This is a good way to connect to a specific outlook account, if you have :
outlook = win32com.client.Dispatch("Outlook.Application").GetNamespace("MAPI")
accounts= win32com.client.Dispatch("Outlook.Application").Session.Accounts
Then create a loop that iterates through the whole outlook and gets to the specified mail account:
for account in accounts:
inbox = outlook.Folders(account.DeliveryStore.DisplayName)
if account.DeliveryStore.DisplayName == 'place_your_account_name_here':
for folder in inbox.Folders:
Find the folder in outlook you wish to check by folder name,
so if you would want to iterate through Inbox, type "Inbox" instead of "Folder_name"
if folder.__str__() == "Folder_name":
messages = folder.Items
messages.Sort('[ReceivedTime]', True)
if folder.Folders.Item('Undeliverable'):
undeliverable = folder.Folders.Item('Undeliverable')
list_of_undelivered_email_addresses = my_super_function(messages,undeliverable)
After we have reached the mail items and declared the undeliverable subfolder as "undeliverable", we specify the time period for which we want to do the below function:
def my_super_function(messages,undeliverable):
list_of_undelivered_email_addresses = []
last_n_days = dt.datetime.now() - dt.timedelta(days = 25)
messages = messages.Restrict("[ReceivedTime] >= '" +last_n_days.strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M %p')+"'")
rl= list()
I have found that the msot popular times of undeliverable email addresses present some sort of an error, and below the error is the original version of the email I have sent. Most of them (with very few exceptions, have a line that says:
To: "Some_email_address" ....
This is why I used this regular expression to get read the whole line after my pattern (which is "To: "")
pattern = re.compile('To: ".*\n?',re.MULTILINE)
for counter, message in enumerate(messages):
It is very important that you save the email somewhere on your PC, because otherwise as soon as you read it's body, the email gets encrypted.
f = r'specify_the_absolute_path_where_you_want_it_saved'
msg = extract_msg.Message(f)
Search the saved msg body for the keyword Undeliverable:
if msg.body.find("undeliverable")!= -1 or msg.body.find("Undeliverable")!= -1 or msg.subject.find("Undeliverable")!= -1 or msg.subject.find("undeliverable")!= -1 or msg.body.find("wasn't found at")!= -1:
Save the actual email to a list, so you can move it to the undeliverables subfolder later
m = re.search(pattern, msg.body)
m = m[0]
mail_final = m.split('"')[1]
list_of_undelivered_email_addresses=list(filter(None, list_of_undelivered_email_addresses))
print('this email is not an undeliverable one')
Move all mails in the list to the undeliverables folder:
if len(rl) ==0:
for m in tqdm(rl):
return list_of_undelivered_email_addresses
Here is the full code:
import win32com.client
import re
import datetime as dt
from tqdm import tqdm #tqdm gives you the progress bar
import time
import extract_msg
outlook = win32com.client.Dispatch("Outlook.Application").GetNamespace("MAPI")
accounts= win32com.client.Dispatch("Outlook.Application").Session.Accounts
def my_super_function(messages,undeliverable):
list_of_undelivered_email_addresses = []
last_n_days = dt.datetime.now() - dt.timedelta(days = 25)
messages = messages.Restrict("[ReceivedTime] >= '" +last_n_days.strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M %p')+"'")
rl= list()
pattern = re.compile('To: ".*\n?',re.MULTILINE)
for counter, message in enumerate(messages):
f = r'some_absolute_path'
msg = extract_msg.Message(f)
if msg.body.find("undeliverable")!= -1 or msg.body.find("Undeliverable")!= -1 or msg.subject.find("Undeliverable")!= -1 or msg.subject.find("undeliverable")!= -1 or msg.body.find("wasn't found at")!= -1:
m = re.search(pattern, msg.body)
m = m[0]
mail_final = m.split('"')[1]
list_of_undelivered_email_addresses=list(filter(None, list_of_undelivered_email_addresses))
if len(rl) ==0:
for m in tqdm(rl):
return list_of_undelivered_email_addresses
for account in accounts:
inbox = outlook.Folders(account.DeliveryStore.DisplayName)
if account.DeliveryStore.DisplayName == 'desired_email_address':
for folder in inbox.Folders:
if folder.__str__() == "Inbox":
messages = folder.Items
messages.Sort('[ReceivedTime]', True)
if folder.Folders.Item('Undeliverable'):
undeliverable = folder.Folders.Item('Undeliverable')
list_of_undelivered_email_addresses = my_super_function(messages,undeliverable)
looks like what I want isnt part of the ReportItem properties.
The possible options are Extended IMAPI, CDO or Redemption