VBScript Sending Email with High Importance - vbscript

I used VBScript to write a function to send email automatically.
With .Configuration.Fields
.Item(cdoSendUsingMethod) = cdoSendUsingPort
.Item(cdoSMTPServer) = "SMTPHOST.redmond.corp.microsoft.com"
.Item(cdoSMTPServerPort) = 25
.Item(cdoSMTPAuthenticate) = cdoNTLM
.Item("urn:schemas:httpmail:importance") = sMailPriority
When I want to send email with high important, I set the sMailPriority to 2. When I test with the Gmail, it worked. But when I using outlook2010, it didn't work.

Some e-mail clients requires different headers to set e-mail priority.
Try to add all of these fields.
.Item("urn:schemas:httpmail:importance") = sMailPriority
.Item("urn:schemas:httpmail:priority") = 1 'sMailPriority
.Item("urn:schemas:mailheader:X-Priority") = 1 'sMailPriority


address error when send email with 32bit outlook using automation

NOTE: edited from original after I discovered the outlook version was 32-bit not 64-bit.
I have a legacy 32-bit VB6 program that uses outlook 2010 32bit (full version, not express) to send email. Works perfect on many machines except one machine with windows 7 (64-bit I assume). Not sure if all windows 7 machines don't work or just this one.
If I use the automation technique or the MAPI technique (as I call them, see code below) outlook sends the email but the mail server kicks it back as undeliverable saying the recipient does not exist.
Now if the automation technique is used outlook displays no UI and the email is sent in the background.
However if the MAPI technique is used outlook opens it's compose email dialog which allows the user to edit the email prior to sending. What is interesting is that the recipient email looks fine but will fail as undeliverable if sent. However if the recipient is deleted and re-typed then the email will succeed. I believe a copy and re-paste works also.
This tells me there must be one or more hidden illegal characters in the recipient email address (nulls perhaps?). The code to do this shown below is very plain and I can't think of any obvious fix. txtTo is a vb6 string with an email address and this is the field that is causing all the problems.
The error message:
Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.
Subject: a test from daryls cpu #2
Sent: 11/17/2017 8:01 PM
The following recipient(s) cannot be reached:
'someemail#gmail.com' on 11/17/2017 8:01 PM
None of your e-mail accounts could send to this recipient.
Automation Technique
Dim mOutlookApp As Object
Set mOutlookApp = GetObject("", "Outlook.application")
Dim olNs As Object
Set olNs = mOutlookApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Dim OutMail As Object
Set OutMail = mOutlookApp.CreateItem(0)
'Set the To and Subject lines. Send the message.
With OutMail
.To = txtTo
.CC = txtCC
.Subject = txtSubjext
.HTMLBody = txtBody & vbCrLf
Dim myAttachments As Object
Set myAttachments = .Attachments
vAttach = Split(mAttachments, ",")
For i = 0 To UBound(vAttach)
myAttachments.add vAttach(i)
Next i
Dim myFolder As Object
Set myFolder = olNs.GetDefaultFolder(5) 'olFolderSent
Set .SaveSentMessageFolder = myFolder
StatusBar1.Panels(1).Text = "Status: Sending"
End With
MAPI Technique
'Open up a MAPI session:
With frmMain.MAPISession1
.DownLoadMail = False
.Username = ""
.LogonUI = True
End With
With frmMain.MAPIMessages1
.SessionID = frmMain.MAPISession1.SessionID
.MsgIndex = -1
.RecipIndex = 0
.RecipAddress = txtTo
.RecipDisplayName = txtTo
.RecipType = mapToList
If txtCC <> "" Then
.RecipIndex = 1
.RecipDisplayName = txtCC
.RecipAddress = txtCC
.RecipType = mapCcList
End If
'spaces are important! need one space for each attachment
'NOTE .MsgNoteText = " " MUST be there see.. KB173853 in microsoft
.MsgSubject = txtSubjext
.MsgNoteText = Space$(UBound(vAttach) + 1) & vbCrLf
.MsgNoteText = txtBody & vbCrLf
For i = 0 To UBound(vAttach)
.AttachmentIndex = i
.AttachmentPosition = i
.AttachmentType = mapData
.AttachmentName = GetFileFromPath(vAttach(i))
.AttachmentPathName = vAttach(i)
Next i
StatusBar1.Panels(1).Text = "Status: Sending"
.send True
End With
More Info:
I'm making some progress. The error has to do with email type in outlook not being SMTP. If on the send-to email in the outlook compose dialog you right-click on the email address then select outlook properties and change the email type to SMTP it will work. The type displayed is the email address itself, valid values seem to be 'mailto' and 'smtp'. So if I can set the email type from vb6 it should fix the error.
The 'Answer'? https://kb.intermedia.net/article/2344
I can't believe there is no fix for this...
I realize this topic is most likely of no interest to anyone programming in the 20th century but here is the fix:
.RecipAddress = "SMTP:" & txtTo
It just came to me. :)

Setting up mutt

I am a newbie to linux and need some help on using mutt for my office MS exchange server.
I have installed mutt 1.5.23 with configure options: --enable-imap --with-ssl and --enable-hcache.
I think, I am able to login to my exchange account, but can not go beyond (read or send mails). Mutt logs in and then says connection closed with message
--Mutt: (no mailbox) [Msgs:0] --- (date/date) ----------(all)
Is there a problem with my .muttrc or .msmtprc? I have no idea. I am pasting contents of both the files:
source /usr/local/etc/Muttrc
set realname = "Ashish Goel"
set from = "ashish.goel#abc.com"
set envelope_from = yes
set imap_user = "ashish.goel#abc.com"
set folder = "imaps://owa.abc.com/owa/INBOX"
set imap_authenticators = "login"
set mbox = "imaps://owa.abc.com/owa/INBOX"
set spoolfile = "imaps://owa.abc.com/owa/INBOX"
set record = "imaps://owa.abc.com/owa/Sent Items"
set postponed = "imaps://owa.abc.com/owa/Drafts"
set copy=yes
set smtp_url = "smtps://ashish.goel#abc.com#owa.abc.com/owa"
mailboxes !
set header_cache = ~/.mutt/headers
set message_cachedir = ~/.mutt/cache/bodies
set certificate_file = /etc/ssl/certs
set imap_check_subscribed = yes
set imap_keepalive = 300
set imap_passive = no
set mail_check = 60
set timeout = 15
set sendmail = "/usr/bin/msmtp"
set ssl_verify_host = no
set ssl_verify_dates = no
account work
host owa.abc.com/owa
port 587
from ashish.goel#abc.com
user ashish.goel#abc.com
auth ntml
tls on
tls_trust_file /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
logfile ~/.msmtp.log
ntlmdomain MYDOMAIN
protocol smtp
account default : work
I had this problem with an Exchange 2010 server both on this and later versions of mutt. In the end, I found the problem went away after I reset my subscribed folders in IMAP. I did this by using our web mail gateway which also uses IMAP. If you don't have such a facility, try the tips here to generate a list of subscribed folders, change it, and see if the updated list now works for you..
These are my functioning configuration files:
set sendmail="/usr/bin/esmtp"
set envelope_from=yes
set realname="Kitone Elvis Peter"
set from="Kitone Elvis Peter <elviskitone#gmail.com>"
set use_from=yes
set edit_headers=yes
set smtp_url = "smtp://elviskitone#gmail.com#smtp.gmail.com:587/"
set smtp_pass =""
set imap_user = "elviskitone#gmail.com"
set imap_pass = ""
set mail_check = 30
set move = no
set imap_keepalive = 900
set header_cache = "~/.mutt/cache/headers"
set message_cachedir = "~/.mutt/cache/bodies"
set certificate_file = "~/.mutt/certificates"
set folder = "imaps://imap.gmail.com:993"
set spoolfile = "+INBOX"
I used esmtprc instead of msmtprc.
identity "elviskitone#gmail.com"
hostname "smtp.gmail.com:587"
username "elviskitone#gmail.com"
password ""
starttls required
You also need to enable IMAP on your email if you haven't already. Plus, you need to give access to insecure or third party applications on your email, in email settings.

Fetch an Unread email from a particular address in outlook with VB Script

I want to get the email address of the unread mail which is from a particular sender.i tried the following code but it did'nt work
Set olApp=CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set olMAPI=olApp.GetNameSpace("MAPI")
Set oFolder = olMAPI.GetDefaultFolder(6)
Set allEmails = oFolder.Items
For Each email In oFolder.Items
If email.Unread = True Then
If email.SenderEmailAddress="Kalyanam.Raghuram#xxxx.com" Then
MsgBox email.Subject
End If
End If
so i checked what actually 'email.SenderEmailAddress' is verifying with then by inserting this code
For Each email In oFolder.Items
If email.Unread = True Then
MsgBox email.Subject
MsgBox email.SenderEmailAddress
End If
it gave me some output which cannot be understood but readable.Please let me know any solution for it.
Dio you mean you got back an EX type address instead of the expected SMTP?
Have you looked at the _ExchangeUser.PrimarySmtpAddress?
In your case you can use MailItem.Sender.GetExchangeUser.PrimarySmtpAddress. Be prepared to handle nulls as each value can be null.
The code you posted worked for me, I am on Windows Vista with Outlook 2007
One thing I would change is this
If LCase(email.SenderEmailAddress) = LCase("Kalyanam.Raghuram#xxxx.com") Then
wscript.echo email.Subject
End If

MAPI Control Multiple attachments

I am trying to send an email with multiple attachments using the VB6 MAPIMessages control.
1) I am able to use this control to send a single attachment but it displays an error saying "Attachment not found", if I try to send more than one file.
2) I also need to suppress the warning message when I try to send an email
Any ideas?
Here's the code:
MAPIMessages1.SessionID = MAPISession1.SessionID
MAPIMessages1.RecipDisplayName = "abbid_siddiqui#hotmail.com"
MAPIMessages1.MsgSubject = "MAPI subject with attachments"
MAPIMessages1.MsgNoteText = "This is atest"
MAPIMessages1.AttachmentIndex = 0
MAPIMessages1.AttachmentName = "test.csv"
MAPIMessages1.AttachmentPathName = "C:\test.csv"
MAPIMessages1.AttachmentIndex = 1
MAPIMessages1.AttachmentName = "holidays_2013.xls"
MAPIMessages1.AttachmentPathName = "E:\holidays_2013.xls"
'Send the e-mail message to the Recipient
Try setting the AttachmentPosition property to the same value as the AttachmentIndex

Get EntryID of new mail

We made a script that automatically opens the Microsoft Outlook new mail window. Some things have to be filled in already. This works so far:
Set Arguments = WScript.Arguments
If Arguments.Count > 4 Then
Set Outlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set BodyObject = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set Mail = Outlook.CreateItem(0)
Mail.To = Arguments(0)
Mail.CC = Arguments(1)
Mail.BCC = Arguments(2)
Mail.Subject = Arguments(3)
Set BodyFile = BodyObject.OpenTextFile(Arguments(4))
Mail.Body = BodyFile.ReadAll
For Counter = 5 to (Arguments.Count - 1)
Mail.Attachments.Add Arguments(Counter)
End If
But know we want to know if that mail gets sent by the user and we also want to know the EntryID of that mail, so we can look it up later.
Now Mail.Display doesn't return anything and the program just ends. It does not wait until the window gets closed. So after Mail.Display, there should be something like: Mail.Wait, or a Mail send event so we can get the EntryID.
Could someone help us out?
Thanks in advance,
Gillis and Emiel
I just found a probable solution from here:
You need to wait and get the EntryID
value after the item has been
delivered from the Outbox. To do this,
subscribe to the Folder.Items.ItemAdd
event on the Sent Items folder. That
event passes the newly added -- i.e.
newly sent -- item as its argument.
The item must exist first in Outlook to have an EntryID value, use the Save Property and fetch its EntryID right after
strEntryID = Mail.EntryID
I've got a sample written in VBA for saving notes from Access form to Outlook
Dim outobj As Outlook.Application
Dim outappt As Outlook.NoteItem
Set outobj = CreateObject("outlook.application")
Set outappt = outobj.CreateItem(olNoteItem)
With outappt
If Not IsNull(Me!strBody) Then .Body = Me!strBody
Me!strEID = .EntryID
End With
