Invoking the web api get method with multiple parameters returns 404 not found error -

I have written the following HttpGet method and calling it with 2 parameters. When I try invoking it via postman , I get 404
not found error. Not sure what the problem is in my call
public IActionResult UniqueEmail( int clientCompanyId, string email )
_identityService.CheckUniqueEmail(clientCompanyId, email );
return Ok();
I tried the following ways to invoke it
public bool CheckUniqueEmail(int clientCompanyId, string email)
return _userUow.UniqueEmail(clientCompanyId, email);
public bool UniqueEmail(int clientCompanyId, string email)
bool anyMatching = ClientCompanyContactRepository.Get()
.Any(x => x.Email == email && x.ClientCompanyId == clientCompanyId);
return !anyMatching;

First, check if you have a Route attribute on controller or set any url prefix like api somewhere.
Your urls doesn't meets the requirement path
because route attribute is
it means that url should be
If you need to pass parameters as a query string then use [FromQuery] attribute

The route you use in the controller is incorrect with the route you specify in the postman.
your Route
And Uses
With this route you used in the code you can use it in the postman
But if you want to route your route as you did in the postman you first built, make a change to your code.
public IActionResult UniqueEmail([FromQuery] int clientCompanyId, [FromQuery] string email )
_identityService.CheckUniqueEmail(clientCompanyId, email );
return Ok();
And Postman


Routing: How to allow Path parameters and Query parameters at the same time?

For my ASP.NET Core 6.0 MVC web application, I need both: and
My current controller looks like this:
public IActionResult GetUser(int userId)
{ ... }
The first call works, the second returns a 404.
I wonder why... and what do I need to do to fix this (allow both calls)?
userId section is required so the second Url returned 404
You could try add ? to set Userid section nullable as below:
public IActionResult GetUser(int UserId)
return Ok();

ASP.NET5 MVC6 routing

I have the following route defined in Startup.cs:
app.UseMvc(routes =>
name: "api",
template: "api/{controller}/{action}/{id?}"
And the following controller:
public class BookmarksController : Controller
public string GetAll()
return "GetAll Action";
public string Get(int id)
return "Get action";
Can someone explain please why I can invoke GetAll Action by api/bookmarks/getall, but can not invoke Get by api/bookmarks/get/3 ?
This is by design. If you have controllers/actions which are decorated with attribute routes, any request which matches the conventional routes (the ones defined in your Startup.cs) cannot find/reach those controllers/actions. That is the reason GetAll can be invoked by using a conventional route where as you should be able to reach the Get(int id) by doing the url like /10 (of course, you migt want to modify this template :-))
Oh! I think I understand.
To invoke a action method of the Web API it is not necessary to include method name in the URL.
GetAll() can be invoked via api/bookmarks/ instead if api/bookmarks/getall
and Get(int id) can be invoked via api/bookmarks/3 instead of api/bookmarks/get/3

Prepend a custom parameter before {controller} in ASP.NET WebApi route

I want to create a route template for Owin WebApi like this:
"API Default", "{myparam}/{controller}/{action}",
new { id = RouteParameter.Optional });
Because I have controllers defined that need a parameter before the controller selection.
I have tried to remove the parameter and set it into RoutePrefixAttribute on controller but it doesn't work.
{controller} must be the first dynamic parameter of the route?
I would use some form of attribute based routing to go to different controllers based on {myparam}.
First controller:
public IEnumerable<Order> GetOrdersByCustomer(int id) { ... }
Second controller:
public IEnumerable<Order> GetOrdersByCustomer(int id) { ... }
More information can be found here: Attribute Based WebAPI Routing
Delete RoutePrefix attribute and set the first parameter dynamic in your action Route attribute like the example below:
[HttpGet, Route("{myparam}/books/{bookId:int:min(1)}")]
public HttpResponseMessage Get(string myparam, int bookId)

Building an MVC3 route that has two different parameters

Here's what I want the user to see when visiting the page:
Where sergiotapia is a username from my database, and OUAHSDFUOHASDFOUAHSDF is a generated field within User table.
This is for email verification purposes.
How would the route for this type of URL be, and also how would the ActionMethod signature be?
Any suggestions?
new { controller = "Verify", action = "Index" }
and the controller:
public class VerifyController: Controller
public ActionResult Index(string username, string token)

How do I bind a URL parameter with a period in it to an MVC action parameter?

A web browser is calling my action with the following URL;
Request URL:http://localhost:4000/MyController/UrlCheck?Menu.Url=sometext
My action is as follows;
public JsonResult UrlCheck(string Url)
return Json("Url is " + Url , JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
But the Url parameter never gets bound, I've tried the following to no avail;
public JsonResult UrlCheck([Bind(Prefix="Menu")] string Url)
The URL is generated by MVC itself as part of an Ajax post and is tied to a property of a complex object, hence the 'Menu.Url' bit. It won't be easy to change the name of the URL parameter.
Have also tried Menu_Url as a parmeter name. The action is executed so the routing should be working fine.
I haven't come across binding get parameters like that, but I would try binding to a simple viewmodel that is named Menu and has a property called Url.
Your Viewmodel
public class SimpleViewModel
public string Url { get; set; }
Your Action
public JsonResult UrlCheck(SimpleViewModel Menu)
return Json("Url is " + Menu.Url, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
