How do I bind a URL parameter with a period in it to an MVC action parameter? -

A web browser is calling my action with the following URL;
Request URL:http://localhost:4000/MyController/UrlCheck?Menu.Url=sometext
My action is as follows;
public JsonResult UrlCheck(string Url)
return Json("Url is " + Url , JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
But the Url parameter never gets bound, I've tried the following to no avail;
public JsonResult UrlCheck([Bind(Prefix="Menu")] string Url)
The URL is generated by MVC itself as part of an Ajax post and is tied to a property of a complex object, hence the 'Menu.Url' bit. It won't be easy to change the name of the URL parameter.
Have also tried Menu_Url as a parmeter name. The action is executed so the routing should be working fine.

I haven't come across binding get parameters like that, but I would try binding to a simple viewmodel that is named Menu and has a property called Url.
Your Viewmodel
public class SimpleViewModel
public string Url { get; set; }
Your Action
public JsonResult UrlCheck(SimpleViewModel Menu)
return Json("Url is " + Menu.Url, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);


MVC3: PRG Pattern with Search Filters on Action Method

I have a controller with an Index method that has several optional parameters for filtering results that are returned to the view.
public ActionResult Index(string searchString, string location, string status) {
product = repository.GetProducts(string searchString, string location, string status);
return View(product);
I would like to implement the PRG Pattern like below but I'm not sure how to go about it.
public ActionResult Index(ViewModel model) {
if (ModelState.IsValid) {
product = repository.GetProducts(model);
return RedirectToAction(); // Not sure how to handle the redirect
return View(model);
My understanding is that you should not use this pattern if:
You do not need to use this pattern unless you have actually stored some data (I'm not)
You would not use this pattern to avoid the "Are you sure you want to resubmit" message from IE when refreshing the page (guilty)
Should I be trying to use this pattern? If so, how would I go about this?
PRG Stands for Post-Redirect-Get. that means when you post some data to the server back, you should redirect to a GET Action.
Why do we need to do this ?
Imagine you have Form where you enter the customer registration information and clicking on submit where it posts to an HttpPost action method. You are reading the data from the Form and Saving it to a database and you are not doing the redirect. Instead you are staying on the same page. Now if you refresh your browser ( just press F5 button) The browser will again do a similar form posting and your HttpPost Action method will again do the same thing. ie; It will save the same form data again. This is a problem. To avoid this problem, We use PRG pattern.
In PRG, You click on submit and The HttpPost Action method will save your data (or whatever it has to do) and Then do a Redirect to a Get Request. So the browser will send a Get Request to that Action
RedirectToAction method returns an HTTP 302 response to the browser, which causes the browser to make a GET request to the specified action.
public ActionResult SaveCustemer(string name,string age)
//Save the customer here
return RedirectToAction("CustomerList");
The above code will save data and the redirect to the Customer List action method. So your browser url will be now http://yourdomain/yourcontroller/CustomerList. Now if you refresh the browser. IT will not save the duplicate data. it will simply load the CustomerList page.
In your search Action method, You dont need to do a Redirect to a Get Action. You have the search results in the products variable. Just Pass that to the required view to show the results. You dont need to worry about duplicate form posting . So you are good with that.
public ActionResult Index(ViewModel model) {
if (ModelState.IsValid) {
var products = repository.GetProducts(model);
return View(products)
return View(model);
A redirect is just an ActionResult that is another action. So if you had an action called SearchResults you would simply say
return RedirectToAction("SearchResults");
If the action is in another controller...
return RedirectToAction("SearchResults", "ControllerName");
With parameter...
return RedirectToAction("SearchResults", "ControllerName", new { parameterName = model.PropertyName });
It occurred to me that you might also want the option to send a complex object to the next action, in which case you have limited options, TempData is the preferred method
Using your method
public ActionResult Index(ViewModel model) {
if (ModelState.IsValid) {
product = repository.GetProducts(model);
TempData["Product"] = product;
return RedirectToAction("NextAction");
return View(model);
public ActionResult NextAction() {
var model = new Product();
if(TempData["Product"] != null)
model = (Product)TempData["Product"];
Return View(model);

Recommended API design with ASP.NET MVC3

I'm working with ASP.NET MVC 3. I'm kind of new to it. I think I'm starting to get the hang of it. But there is something that I'm trying to do, that I think makes sense, but maybe I'm wrong.
I'm trying to create an API around Order objects in my database. In order to get all of the orders in the system, I was going to expose an API that looks like the following:
In cases where I wanted to get a specific Order, I would simply append an ID. In other words, the URL would look like this:
In an effort to accomplish this, I created the following controller:
public class OrdersController : Controller
// GET: /Orders/
public ActionResult Index()
string result = "list of orders";
return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
// GET: /Orders/{orderID}
public ActionResult Index(int id)
string result = "order:" + id;
return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
In my AreaRegistration class, I have the following:
public override void RegisterArea(AreaRegistrationContext context)
new { action = "Index", controller="Orders" }
new { action = "Index", controller = "Orders" }
When I attempted to access "/orders/", via the browser address bar, I get the JSON like I would expect. However, if I attempt to access "/orders/12345", I receive a 404. What am I missing?
Thank you
You need to also define proper routes in global.asax or use the default route which looks like {controller}/{action}/{id} where controller is defaulted to "Home", action is defaulted to "Index" and id is optional.
So /orders works because you have defined controller (orders), default action (Index) and missing id (which doesn't matter as it is optional)
But when you try /orders/12345 then you have defined controller (orders), action (12345) and missing id
So to make this work with only the default route the request should be /orders/index/12345
edit: for registering area routes you should use AreaRegistration class

why TempData[] doesnt work with IE

İn my MVC3 project, there is plenty of TempData[] that I am using for passing datas between actions. And it works totaly perfect when I use Chrome. But in IE I can't get values of TempData[] items. if anyone knows whats the problem and how can I solve it?`
public class SomeController : Controller
public ActionResult SomeAction()
TempData["id"] = "someData";
return View();
public class AnotherController : Controller
public ActionResult AnotherAction()
string data = Convert.ToString(TempData["id"]);
return View();
You should never return a view from a controller action that stores something into TempData. You should immediately redirect to the controller action that is supposed to use it:
public class SomeController : Controller
public ActionResult SomeAction()
TempData["id"] = "someData";
return Redirect("AnotherAction", "Another");
public class AnotherController : Controller
public ActionResult AnotherAction()
string data = Convert.ToString(TempData["id"]);
return View();
The reason for this is that TempData survives only for a single additional request. So for example if inside the view you are sending an AJAX request to some controller action (no matter which) and then have a link in this view pointing to the target action, when the user is redirected to this target action TempData will no longer exist since it was lost during the AJAX request done previously.
If you need to store data for longer than a single redirect you could use Session.
If you need to store data for longer than a single redirect you should use Keep or Peek methods.
string data = TempData["id"].;
or simply use,
string data = TempData.Peek("id").ToString();
Peek function helps to read as well as advice MVC to maintain “TempData” for the subsequent request.

Route values disappeare in View .Net MVC3

I have simple controller:
public class TestController : Controller
public ActionResult Test(string r)
return View();
I have simple View Test.cshtml:
#using (Html.BeginForm("Test", "Test"))
<input type="text" name="r" />
I have route rule in Global.asax:
new { action = "Test", controller = "Test",
r = UrlParameter.Optional }
I want to make such thing: user types route value in input, press submit and controller redirects him to page Test/value. But controller show just page with name Test everytime. ViewContext.RouteData.Values["r"] is empty too. I check in debug, Test action recieves user value of r correctly.
How can I realize my idea?
I'm super late to the party, but just wanted to post a solution for reference. Let's assume that this form has more than just a strong as it's input. Assuming there are other inputs, we can wrap up the inputs of the form into a class in our model, called TestModel whose properties maps to the id's of the form's inputs.
In our post, we redirect to the get, passing in the route values we need in the URL. Any other data can then be shuttled to the get using a TempData.
public class TestController : Controller
public ActionResult Test(string r)
TestModel model = TempData["TestModel"] as TestModel;
return View(model);
public ActionResult Test(string r,TestModel model) //some strongly typed class to contain form inputs
TempData["TestModel"] = model; //pass any other form inputs to the other action
return RedirectToAction("Test", new{r = r}); //preserve route value
You cannot do this without javascript. There are two types of methods that exist when submitting a <form>: GET and POST. When you use POST (which is the default), the form is POSTed to the url but all data entered in input fields is part of the POST body, so it is not part of the url. When you use GET, the input fields data is part of the query string but of the form /Test?r=somevalue.
I wouldn't recommend you trying to send user input as part of the path but if you decide to go that route you could subscribe to the submit event of the form and rewrite the url:
$('form').submit(function() {
var data = $('input[name="r"]', this).val();
window.location.href = this.action + '/' + encodeURIComponent(data);
return false;
As far as you are saying to post the form to Html.BeginForm("Test", "Test") you will be always posted back to the same page.
A solution could be to use an explicit Redirect to the action using 'RedirectToAction' (in view) or you can use javascript to change the form's action:
<input type="text" name="r" onchange="this.parent.action = '\/Test\/'+this.value"/>

ASP.Net Mvc 3 Url.Action method uses parameter values from previous request

When Urls are autogenerated using the Url.Action helper, if a page contains a line similar to
is expected to generate a url like domain/student/edit and its working as expected.
But if the requested url contains some parameters, like domain/student/edit/210, the above code uses these parameters from the previous request and generates something similar even though I've not provided any such parameter to the Action method.
In short, if the requested url contains any parameters, any auto generated links of the page (served for that request) will include those parameters as well no matter if I specify them or not in the Url.Action method.
What's going wrong?
Use Darin's answer from this similar question.
#Url.Action("Edit","Student", new { ID = "" })
Weird, can't seem to reproduce the problem:
public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult Index(string id)
return View();
public ActionResult About(string id)
return View();
and inside Index.cshtml:
#Url.Action("About", "Home")
Now when I request /home/index/123 the url helper generates /home/about as expected. No ghost parameters. So how does your scenario differs?
Now that you have clarified your scenario it seems that you have the following:
public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult Index(string id)
return View();
and inside Index.cshtml you are trying to use:
#Url.Action("Index", "Home")
If you request /home/index/123 this generates /home/index/123 instead of the expected /home/index (or simply / taken into account default values).
This behavior is by design. If you want to change it you will have to write your own helper which ignores the current route data. Here's how it might look:
// That's the important part and it is where we kill the current RouteData
new RequestContext(Html.ViewContext.HttpContext, new RouteData()),
This will generate the proper url you were expecting. Of course this is ugly. I would recommend you encapsulating it into a reusable helper.
Use ActionLink overload that uses parameters and supply null
You could register custom route for this action for example:
new {
controller = MVC.Student.Name,
action = MVC.Student.ActionNames.Edit,
ID = UrlParameter.Optional
new object(),
new[] { "MySolution.Web.Controllers" }
you then could use url.RouteUrl("Domain_EditStudentDefault") url RouteUrl helper override with only routeName parameter which generates url without parameters.
