open62541 browsing nodes an using its methods - client

I want to browse a specific node on my OPC UA Server and use its method.
I use the open62541 stack and i want to use a selfmade client. My Client connects to the Server and then i use the given example to browse some Objects. It shows me the first layer of nodes after the root-folder-
How can i find a specific node? Or have i to browse to this point? Is there an example file in the open62541 project which i don't see that would open my eyes?
I also find the Method "Service_TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds" but i'm not quite sure how to use it the right way and which part is interesting for me.
As an example:
I want to browse the Node "FileSystem", which is in a deeper layer than the root-folder, and want to use its Method createFile.

To call a method, you need two node ids:
Object node id which contains the method
Method node id
If you already have these node ids, you can call the method right away. If not,
OPC UA in general supports two options to get these node ids:
Start at the root node (ns=0;i=84) and recursively browse all the child nodes until you find the node with the specific browse name.
Use the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds Service if you have a browse path. I.e., give /Objects/MyDevice/FileSystem/UploadFile (concatenation of browse names) with start node Root (ns=0;i=84) and the server will return you the node id of that specific node if it exists. This service is taking relative paths, therefore you can also use other nodes as start nodes

After some trial and error I found the 'magic' bits to get it working with nodes that are in the server namespace, e.g. of real devices and not pre-defined UA nodes like timestamp or server status as shown in all examples. The code below is derived from the corpus_generator.c and check_services_view.c files of Open62541 with 2 key differences:
You do not have to specify the referenceTypeId.
When creating the strings, place them in the server namespace, not UA namespace (see UA_QUALIFIEDNAME_ALLOC below).
The function below will take a pointer to UA_Client and a vector of browsenames that form the path to the node, starting at the Objects folder in OPC-UA.
Node::Node (UA_Client *client, const std::vector<std::string> &browse_path)
: m_client (client)
// Search for ID in client
UA_BrowsePath browsePath;
UA_BrowsePath_init (&browsePath);
browsePath.startingNode = UA_NODEID_NUMERIC (0, UA_NS0ID_OBJECTSFOLDER);
browsePath.relativePath.elements = (UA_RelativePathElement *)UA_Array_new (browse_path.size (), &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_RELATIVEPATHELEMENT]);
browsePath.relativePath.elementsSize = browse_path.size ();
for (int i = 0; i < browse_path.size (); i++)
UA_RelativePathElement *elem = &browsePath.relativePath.elements[i];
elem->targetName = UA_QUALIFIEDNAME_ALLOC (1, (i).c_str ()); // Create in server namespace (1), not UA namespace (0)!
UA_TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsRequest request;
UA_TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsRequest_init (&request);
request.browsePaths = &browsePath;
request.browsePathsSize = 1;
UA_TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsResponse response;
response = UA_Client_Service_translateBrowsePathsToNodeIds (m_client, request);
if (UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD == response.responseHeader.serviceResult && response.resultsSize > 0)
UA_BrowsePathResult *first = response.results;
if (first->targetsSize >= 1)
m_id = first->targets[0].targetId.nodeId;
std::cout << "Found ID";
std::cout << "OK response but no results";
std::cout << "Error in translate browsename";
UA_BrowsePath_deleteMembers (&browsePath); // Marked as deprecated, but UA_BrowsePath_delete() expects a heap-allocated pointer.
UA_TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsResponse_deleteMembers (&response); // Idem


Can't find RoutingAccessTable.h?

I am simulating a Flying Ad Hoc Network using aodv routing protocol. I want to get the list of neighbor's node to send random numbers to these neighbors. I found this code in google omnet++ forum :
#include "IRoutingTable.h"
#include "RoutingTableAccess.h"
vector<IPAddress> neigh;
IRoutingTable *inet_rt = RoutingTableAccess().get();
for (int i=0;i<inet_rt->getNumRoutes(); ++i)
const IPRoute *e = inet_rt->getRoute(i);
if (e->getMetric()==1)
But when i try to use it, i can't find the file "RoutingTableAccess.h" in the inet directory? Is there any other method to get the list of neighbors in Mobile Ad hod Network using aodv?
Many Thanks.
Since INET 4.0 every host has the parameter routingTableModule that indicates the name of routing table's module.
The following method may be used to obtain an access to routing table:
IRoutingTable *routingTable;
routingTable = getModuleFromPar<IRoutingTable>(par("routingTableModule"), this);

Indirect Enum or Class, Which One Should I Use for Building Basic Data Structures

When I tried to practice some basic data structure such as Linked /Doubly Linked/ Recycling Linked / Recycling Doubly Linked List, AVL Tree, Red-Black Tree, B-Tree and Treap by implementing them in Swift 2, I decided to do such things by taking advantage of Swift 2's new feature: indirect enum, because enum makes an empty node and a filled node more semantic than class.
But soonish it was found that for non-recycling linked lists, returning the inserted node after inserting an element makes no sense because the returned value is a value type but not a reference type. It is said that you cannot accelerate next insertion by writing information directly to the returned value because it is a copy of the inserted node but not a reference to the inserted node.
And what's worse is that mutating an indirect enum based node means writing the whole bunch of data of the associative value, which definitively introduces unnecessary system resource consumption, because the associative value in each enum case is a tuple in essence, which is a sort of contiguous data in memory in essence, which is the same to struct but doesn't have per property accessor to enable small bunch of data writing.
So which one should I use for building such basic data structures? Indirect enum or class?
Well it doesn't matter if it's swift 1 or swift 2 cause at the moment Enum and Structures are value types while Classes are called by reference. Since you want to use data structures in your code and like you called it yourself calling them by value is no good. You will have to use a Class in order for your code to do what you want it to do. Here is an example of a linked list using a Class:
class LLNode<T>
var key: T? var next: LLNode? var previous: LLNode?
//key printing
func printAllKeys()
var current: LLNode! = head; //assign the next instance
while(current != nil)
println("link item is: \(current.key)")
current =
public class LinkedList<T: Equatable>
{ //create a new LLNode instance private
var head: LLNode<T> = LLNode<T>() //append a new item to a linked list
func addLink(key: T)
{ //establish the head node
if (head.key == nil)
head.key = key;
} //establish the iteration variables
var current: LLNode? = head
while (current != nil)
if (current?.next == nil)
var childToUse: LLNode = LLNode<T>()
childToUse.key = key;
childToUse.previous = current
current!.next = childToUse;
current = current?.next
} //end while
} ///end function
for more examples using swift and data structures please do visit:
data structures swift
Conclusion : Use Class if you want to call by reference else use Enum or Struct

Access violation reading location using Cudd

I am trying to implement an algorithm in Visual C using Cudd package. I have to use a function recursively. But it keeps throwing an error at one particular line. Error is Access violation reading location 0x00594a5ct. And it is coming against the usage of temp_bdd_result. I am unable to figure out why is this happening because both values used in temp_bdd_result-bdd_node & bdd_result are containing values. So why are they not accessible. Or this error points to some thing else that I am not able to see. Please Help.
DdNode* Path_Function_Construct(DdManager *manager,int matrix[3][3],int source)
DdNode *bdd_node,*bdd_result,*e,*temp_bdd_node,*temp_bdd_result;
if (source>=rows)
return Cudd_ReadOne(manager);
for (int j=0;j<columns;j++)
if (matrix[source][j]==1)
//Declaring temp variables
//This means that an edge exists between source and node in consideration
//Removing redundant nodes
int new_matrix[3][3];
for(int l=0;l<rows;l++)
for(int m=0;m<columns;m++)
for(int i=0;i<rows;i++)
//find path function using that node as a source
temp_bdd_result=Cudd_bddAnd(manager,bdd_result,bdd_node); //this is where error is coming
} // end of if (matrix[source][j]==1)
}// end of for loop
return (bdd_result);
Cudd_RecursiveDeref() recursively deletes a node and all its child. So whenever bdd_node was dereferenced using Cudd_RecursiveDeref() bdd_result was also removed and its value was not returned by the function. So to retain the value for returning use Cudd_Deref() instead. It just decreases the reference count without deleting its child nodes.

TinyXML Iterating over a Subtree

Does anyone have code to iterate through the nodes of a subtree in TinyXML? IE: Given a parent, iterate through all its children and all of its children's children?
Begemoth's answer sounds pretty good to me.
Here is a simplified version of TiXmlElement's Accept() method, that doesn't use a visitor and instead takes a TiXmlNode* as the parameter:
void TiXmlIterator::iterate(const TiXmlNode* el)
cout << "Iterating Node " << el->Value() << endl;
// More useful code here...
for (const TiXmlNode* node=el->FirstChild(); node; node=node->NextSibling())
// And/Or here.
The Accept() method takes a TiXmlVisitor as a parameter and does all the iterating for you, though. And you don't have to call it on the whole document, just the root node of the subtree you want to traverse. This way, you can define specific behavior for the subclasses of TiXmlNode, by overriding the right methods. Look at the implementation of TiXmlPrinter in TinyXml's source code for a good example of how it's done.
In case you don't want to do that, here is another example:
bool MyTiXmlVisitor::Visit(const TiXmlText& text)
cout << "Visiting Text: " << text.Value() << endl;
return true; // This will ensure it keeps iterating
This will act on all text elements in the subtree of the node you call Accept() on. To act on all the elements, override the remaining virtual methods of TiXmlVisitor. Then, in the code where you want to iterate over the subtree, do the following:
subtree_root_node->Accept( my_tixmlvisitor_object );
You can use Visitor pattern implementation in the library. Create a class inherited from TiXmlVistor, override necessary methods like VisitElement, then call Accept() method for a particular node.

Print a simply linked list backwards with no recursion, in two passes at most, using constant extra memory, leaving it intact

You must print a simply linked list backwards:
Without recursion
With constant extra memory
In linear time
Leaving the list intact
Added Later Two passes at most
Invert the list, print it forwards, invert again. Each step can be done without violating restrictions except the last one.
EDIT: As cube notes in the comments the second and the third stages can be combined into one pass. This gives two passes – first reverse, then print while reversing again.
Building on sharptooth's reply, you can combine the printing and second inversion in the same pass.
Edit: The "list is left intact" from a single-threaded view because the post-condition equals the pre-condition.
Edit 2: Not sure how I got the answer, but I'll take it since I've hit the rep cap for the day. I gave sharptooth a +1 too.
Here's a C# implementation that holds for all the current rules. It mutates the list during the execution, but the list is restored before returning.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace SO1135917.Classes
public class ReverseListPrinter
public static void Execute(Node firstNode, Action<Node> action)
Reverse(Reverse(firstNode, null), action);
private static Node Reverse(Node firstNode, Action<Node> action)
Node node = firstNode;
Debug.Assert(node != null);
Node nextNode = node.Next;
node.Next = null;
while (node != null)
if (action != null)
if (nextNode == null)
Node nextNode2 = nextNode.Next;
nextNode.Next = node;
node = nextNode;
nextNode = nextNode2;
return node;
There is one problem, however, and that is that the state of the list is undefined if an exception should occur in the above methods. Probably not impossible to handle though.
A subversion repository of the above code, with unit tests, for Visual Studio 2008 is available here, username and password is both 'guest' without the quotes.
You can first check the length of the list. Then create a print-buffer, which you fill in backwards as you traverse the list once again for the information.
You can create another linked list where you add all the printing data in the front when you traverse the first list, and then print the second list from front to back.
Either way makes only two passes at most. The first idea could be done in one pass if you have a header struct that keeps track of the amount of elements in the list.
Edit: I just realised that these ideas does not use constant memory.
The only way to do this sensibly seems to be Sharptooths reply, but that requires three passes.
a function like the following might solver your issue:
void invert_print(PtNo l){
PtNo ptaux = l;
PtNo last;
PtNo before;
while(ptaux != NULL){
last = ptaux;
ptaux = ptaux->next;
while(ptaux != last){
printf("%s\n", last->info.title);
ptaux = l;
before = last;
while(ptaux != before){
last = ptaux;
ptaux = ptaux->next;
you will need a structure like the following:
typedef struct InfoNo{
char title20];
typedef struct aPtNo{
struct InfoNo info;
struct aPtNo* nextx;
Objective-C Link class with reverse method:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface Link : NSObject
#property(nonatomic) int value;
#property(nonatomic) Link *next;
- (Link*)reversedList;
#import "Link.h"
#implementation Link
- (Link*)reversedList {
Link* head;
Link *link = self;
while (link) {
// save reference to next link
Link *next =;
// "insert" link at the head of the list = head;
head = link;
// continue processing the rest of the list
link = next;
return head;
