POSTMAN Error - Could not get any response - laravel

I have a VPS Server where I installed Laravel-5.8 for the backend. Also, I installed XAMPP and made the Laravel Application to be on Port 8888. The VPS server is the real IP). On the VPS server, I tried to test using POSTMAN:
Both work perfectly on the server. However, when I tried to test using POSTMAN from an external system with:
I got this error:
How do I resolve it?


Laravel - Access For Devices on Local Network

I've developed a web-application and I'm having trouble hosting it through a server, in order to give access to other users connected over the Local Network.
PHP 7.2
When running the web application over localhost with the following command all files load correctly. (CSS, images etc..)
php artisan serve
However, when I've tried running the application over my ip address, no files load correctly and console logs the following errors for APIs net::ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED
php artisan serve --host='my-ip' --port=8080
Command Prompt shows following error
Error Invalid request (Unsupported SSL request)
Testing was through Chrome Web Browser.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Have a good day :)

Deploy Outlook Add-in on an AWS EC2 instance

We are trying to host a custom Outlook Add-in on an AWS EC2 instance. We are using a windows server in EC2 to host this. Currently we are using webpack dev server to host it locally and everything is working fine. Now we need to deploy and have this app run as a service in the Windows Server.
We have tried to deploy the build on an IIS server. But we were not able to proceed after logging in to the application. We are getting the error as a Bad request. We also have tried to deploy it on Apache server using XAMP. But the results were the same. It is getting deployed in the webservers, however when we are hitting the backend application it seems to be erroring out.
The error we are getting is Error: redirect_uri_mismatch, when we try to authenticate and redirect to the authenticated home page of the application.
When we deploy the same using webpack-dev-server in the instance, It is working as indented.
We are facing issue to identify the proper reason for this error and unable to deploy the service in EC2.

websocket connection closed before established laravel on ubuntu server?

I have implemented websocket in laravel framework. It is working fine on localhost windows OS but giving error on live ubuntu server
I think this is error because port is not allowing to connect. but i am not sure about it. What should i do? I am using aws webservices
Added rule

How to solve google chrome "Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED" issue in windows 10 when server is running on Ubuntu 18.04?

I am trying to run this project on Ubuntu 18.04 server. I am running both server and client on this machine. Then from windows 10 with port 9000 I am getting access to client in my chrome browser at http://localhost:8000/#/
The browser loads the project but the problem is I can't log into the website with trusted account and some other data do not get loaded . When I see browser console I see an error message saying:
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
This is the server setting:
This is the client setting and putty setting to connect to client.
VPN has been used to connect to server via PuTTY.
The error message in browser:
Could anyone shed some light on this issue? Is it related to windows 10 or VPN or some other issues? I followed some steps from here
By default, the Flask development environment uses (localhost), which restricts access to processes on the same host (except for VMs/containers, which aren't a factor here).
To access Flask from outside of localhost (e.g., from your Windows 10 machine), use the IP address (You can pass it to run(), or via a command line option of the flask command.
However, do note the warnings about (not) using the development environment for production use. not accessible via domain name

I have a node js application running on server on port 3001. When I access that socket connection via browser http://ip-adress:3000/ It works perfectly fine.
I have a VPS on vultr with Ubuntu 14.04 x64
And I have a domain pointing to that server.
When I try to access via browser like then it doesn't work and connection timed out error comes.
As I am new to nodeJS and So please guide & help me!Thank you in advance!
