Deploy Outlook Add-in on an AWS EC2 instance - outlook

We are trying to host a custom Outlook Add-in on an AWS EC2 instance. We are using a windows server in EC2 to host this. Currently we are using webpack dev server to host it locally and everything is working fine. Now we need to deploy and have this app run as a service in the Windows Server.
We have tried to deploy the build on an IIS server. But we were not able to proceed after logging in to the application. We are getting the error as a Bad request. We also have tried to deploy it on Apache server using XAMP. But the results were the same. It is getting deployed in the webservers, however when we are hitting the backend application it seems to be erroring out.
The error we are getting is Error: redirect_uri_mismatch, when we try to authenticate and redirect to the authenticated home page of the application.
When we deploy the same using webpack-dev-server in the instance, It is working as indented.
We are facing issue to identify the proper reason for this error and unable to deploy the service in EC2.


Client application and Signoz on different Windows server

When Signoz is running locally via Docker with the client application in the same server, everything is working. However, if I configure the same application on another Windows server, I got connection timed out exception. There's no firewall issue as if I host another dummy application on port 4317, the other server can access the resource.
Please help

SSL_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR_ALERT when accessing api platform

API Platform V.2.6.5 with docker-compose downloaded from the official website
Problem : I can't send requests to the API, or access the UI from my browser. I'm facing a SSL_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR_ALERT
This is a brand new project I did not edit any file.
Note that i'm using Docker Toolbox for Windows and my docker is running on, not localhost.
I tried on anoter PC where the domain for docker is localhost and it works.
However, the containers start well. I can even create entities and update my database.
Do you have an idea why this error is happening and how to resolve this ?
Most likely it's a caddy thing not having a valid SSL certificate, check at
docker-compose logs caddy
Here is an issue at caddy community:

AWS Elastic Beanstalk SignalR Handshake was canceled error

I have a real-time application that is using SignalR. On development environment it's working perfectly so as in Azure. I redeployed the same app on AWS Elastic Beanstalk using IIS 10 on Windows server 2019 platform, I got the Handshake was canceled error. When I got this error on my development environment and Azure, all I did to fix this issue was to turn on Web Sockets. But I realize in AWS EB I do not have this possibility.
I'm wondering if the IIS 10 AWS EB support this feature. If it doesn't, is there any alternative to the SignalR?

Cannot assign requested address on dockerized services on windows

I need help.
I am getting SocketException: Cannot assign requested address. It happens when i try to access serviceA by serviceB via Refit. If run one of the services on IIS or in Visual studio debugger everything works fine. But when i run them both in docker containers, system throw that error.
It also happens when use Ocelot. If the gateway service is on IIS or run in debugger (separate from other services) it works, but when I put it in container with the other services i get the error.
What could it be?
WIN 10
VS 2019/VS Code
Docker desktop
Refit -
Ocelot -
Thank you

Docker spring boot oauth

I'm hoping that someone can help me out here.
I'll try to give as much information as I can but this is a work project so have to be very careful how much I post.
The situation is this. The user attempts to connect to a web page, as they are not authenticated they are re-directed to an oauth server and are presented with a login page. When the user completes login they are then re-directed back to the original URL and are presented with the landing page.
The projects are spring boot and when I run them locally everything works as intended.
I have created docker images and can run the containers and the projects are connecting to a eureka server with on the correct network with the correct hostname.
The issue that I have is that when I attempt to get to the web page, I can track the logs and see that the re-direct is happening and I can see the re-direct URL in the browser bar but then it seems to stop. The oauth server logs shows that nothing is happening and there is no login page presented. The web UI and the oauth server are both docker images and both use spring boot with java 8.
There isn't a firewall issue as the containers are running on the same subnet. The projects are copies of projects that are already running in another section of the network so I know that they do run ok.
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
ok so an update to this, it turns out that the server running the docker engine was running on a unix server but that was actually running inside of a Hyper-V container which was interfering with the network traffic and the redirects, I asked to have the image removed and started working on the windows server directly, I would have preferred to work on unix but there we go. So if you are working remotely where you are deploying docker images to a container engine on a remote server and getting redirect issues, this may be one thing to look at, especially if you can run your system locally without any issues.
