Display STL file web - laravel

I'm working on a web application, using laravel, and I have to display stl files within a slider. So far I have been using png pictures to build the rest and deal with the 3d part later. But later has come, eventually.
For now, the user uploads its png/jpeg file and it goes straight to my 'public/storage/images/' folder. Then it is displayed within the slider, on another view.
I now need to replace those basic pictures with stl file and I am not sure on how to do that.
I wanted to use Three.js but my manager would like something easier (no need to use parameters), like a basic viewer, since there's no need to interact with the obj, yet.
Having to deal with 3D is new to me so I am a little bit confused on how to approach it.
Any help greatly appreciated.


Multiple "panes" view in single document Windows application

I'm trying to write an editor for game scenes. So far, I'm able to present results in a single window. However, I would like to have several "panes", for example for material properties or resources preview.
The good example would be Blender layout:
I know MFC and WinAPI, I wouldn't rather use Qt, since it's not free.
I did it on a commercial application and it works fine:
Create a Single Document application
Read about CDockablePane, then look into the MFC Feature Pack exanples.
Finally implement the CDockablePanes and their contents
Arrange them the way you want by docking them to your own CFrameWndEx-derived class.

tinyDB storing images (or paths to them) and viewing them

sorry for the inconvenience, i am trying to build an app that helps autistic children communicate by pressing buttons (with pictures) and having them read. That works fine. The issue is about the menu - i want to make it possible for users to upload images via TinyDB (or at least paths to images that should be accessed). I've found tutorials about how to take a picture with the camera and store it on the SD or load such from the ImagePicker, but how could i make it possible for these images to be shown in the app any time it's on?
Do the tutorials to learn the basics of App Inventor!
In TinyDB you only can store text, which means, you store the path to your images there. For easier handling, you could store the paths to the images in a list and the list in one tag in TinyDB. To display the images, you could take a look at this snippet. You also can download the example project there.

Download dynamically created Flash

Is there a way to download dynamically created Flash (SWF) files? I'd like to fetch them and convert to PNG. (This can be done for example with swfrender.)
For example, when pointing my webbrowser to http://flashserver.company.com/statsgraph.jsp?data=2012-04 (URL completely made up), a JSP script on that server creates a statistics graph. But this is done on-the-fly, so there's no SWF file that I could download (for example with wget).
I could take a screen shot from what my browser displays, but I prefer to do this automatically with a server-side (shell or PHP) script, because it's about a few dozen graphs to be downloaded, once per month. BWT, what I intend to do is fully legal. :-)
It's unlikely and overly complicated to render SWFs server side. The SWF probably holds no data itself, anyway, it probably just displays it.
You need to use Firebug or something similar to dig up the SWFs data source and save that data set instead of the SWF. Then, you can create your own image graph from that data set, using jpGraph or something similar.

Web Page Rendering Capture

I start with describing the problem itself. Rather than a problem I'm looking for a better solution. I have a asp.net page which has a bunch of images and a link underneath it, Each image is infact the latest rendering of the link underneath it.
I scheduled a bat script which runs every hour to fetch the images through IECapt a web page rendering capture utility. One thing am annoyed about this utility is it takes a lot of time for the 20 images I have and for few because of the flash content it misses to take the actual screenshot of the website.
Now I like to know can this rendering be done by traditional programming am not interested in using any utilities. I'm interested in trying this. The solution need not be necessarily a C# based am ready to try in any other language. Because it gives me a chance to learn.
Thank you.
You should probably look at moz-headless-screenshot
You should be able to embed the functionality you need.
he also provided a sample embedding client application called moz-headless-screenshot.
This is a simple command line tool that takes a URL, image size, and output filename
and generates a PNG screenshot of the webpage.
You should look into browser shots:
They do what you want to do for lots of different browsers. It is even open source.
There's no simple-simple solution for what you're asking to do. This is because rendering HTML, CSS, and Flash is actually a very sophisticated process.
If you're up for quite a bit of coding, you can use the Gecko engine (which powers firefox) or another open-source web-browser core (ie Dillo) to render the page onto a custom canvas. Then save that canvas to a file. Unless you implement support for browser plug-ins, you won't get Flash this way, though. You could try using Gnash or its like. Good luck with that.
I don't know of an open-source project that already does this. It would be neat, though :-). If you write something, please push it to the world; it would be really cool to have a "get a screencap of this URL" tool.
One way is to use IRobotSoft web scraper. You can design a robot to go to the URL every hour, and capture the whole web page as an image via a function CapturePage(imagefile).
I am not sure if it will be better than IECapt though.
We have used ACA WebThumb ActiveX Control (http://www.acasystems.com/en/web-thumb-activex/) quite successfully to capture parts or whole of a web page in the web server and then to write them to a file, just passing in the url. It performs fast enough for our need.
I am not familiar with IECapt, but this might be something you might want to have a look at.

Ajax Image gallery / Open, Close Window Effect

Can anyone point me in the direction of such a script? It should also be able to work when called into another ajax window. This is the type of gallery i am going for:
It should go on this page:
Portfolio section.
This script should be real simple to use with minimal extra files to make it work. I also should be able to just drop images in a gallery folder and it populates the gallery automatically with thumbnails....I shouldnt have to write code for each image in my html. Should be all dynamic.
I also would like to know how I could go about a window effect where every time I open up a new section via my navigation, the window shrinks closed with the old content, then expands open with the new content. the window effect should be vertical (top to bottom shrink into center, expand from center top to bottom)
Please Let me know. Thanks
JQuery is one of my personal favorite javascript libraries (along with 99% of this site apparently!)
But it will have a learning curve, as your requirements seem pretty specific, and you will have to read some documentation to pull it off.
Try Spry from Adobe. They have a very similar demo. Also, the other common frameworks for this would be prototype/scriptaculous, dojo, mootools, jquery. In many cases they have extensions that would provide the exact thing you are looking for. For example, try
shadowbox extension which is framework agnostic. Best of luck!
Imago looks promising:
Just discovered the very awesome-looking jQuery Tools library today. Meets your "simple and minimal" requirements and could probably pull off what you've sketched, with just the "tooltips" and "scrollable" components.
I also should be able to just drop images in a gallery folder and it populates the gallery automatically with thumbnails
My instinct is that you'd be better off writing server-side code to handle this part of your requirement.
