How to enable push notification in Xcode 11? - xcode11

I'm trying to enable push notification in Xcode 11.0 . I have added push notifications form + capability but enable or disable button is not there.

For Xcode v11.2.1 at least the button to add capabilities is in the upper left corner.
Once you add a new capabilitiy it's enabled by default. To disable, you delete the capability. See Screenshot for a little more detail.
Capability SS

In Xcode 11 or above update some many things. For push notification enable and disable check the attack screen short.
On top Upper corner click on capability:
push notification when you click then automatically enable:
if you want disable then -> TARGETS -> Signing & Capabilities and scroll down click on cross for disable

Strange but push notification is not listed for me. - Tejas K
Me too! This is another Xcode bug I have found. You can workaround it by unchecking and rechecking the Automatically manage signing box, you should see a longer list of capabilities now:
If you guys got trouble with App Capabilities and got missed/can't find Push Notification, there is related link that show limitation between free and paid Apple Developer Account.
In summaries Free Account didn’t get push notification support capability. Update your Apple Dev Account! Cheerss!


Where can I enabled the switch in the In App Purchase Capability in Xcode 12?

I noticed Xcode 12 has changed a lot new redesign interface so capability has no longer shows up the switch to enable or disable in Xcode 12. So can someone find the enable inside the IAP Capability to show up the checkmark to make sure enabled or not? I can't get shows up the IAP in my devices due to the needs that enable the IAP to checkmark in the Capability.
Let me know. :)
If already enabled, you should see it under the Signing & Capabilities Tab.
if you can't see it, then to enable IAP with your target selected,
Then search for in-app and select it.

xcode enable push notifications

Im trying for a whole day now to get firebase push notifications working.
In almost every tutorial there is a toggle button for push notifications in xcode, in my setup i can not find the toggle button. I can add push notification in the Singing & Capabilities view. And I can see the pus notifications heading, however there is no toggle button.
Im a member of a apple developer team account do I need to get special permissions?
When I view the app config (i can not edit the config) at I see the push notifications is checked.
Im running xcode 11.2.1 on osx 10.15.1
Any pointers are appreciated.
When looking at the capabilities 6 it states: push notifications.

How to register Associated Domains with Xcode 11?

I've been trying to add Associated Domains capability to my App but can't find it using Xcode 11. Has this feature disabled upon version 11?
The problem was with my Developer Account, it wasn't fully approved by Apple. So, as soon it was approved, Associate Domains (and also Notifications) appeared in my Capabilities list. Don't know why they would limit development due to account status but they did.
If you don't have a paid Apple developer account, remove "✓" from Automatically manage signing. Then "Associated domain" will be available.
worked for me in Xcode 12 !
In xcode go to Editor > Add capability
Just double click on "associated" domains in the window that opens
Add your domain

TestFlight: Testers are not getting notified of new builds

Since Apple moved to their new and improved TestFlight website, none of my internal or external users are receiving push notifications or emails when I make a new build available for testing.
These are testers who previously were getting push and emails with each new build.
If the tester goes to the TestFlight app on their device, they do see the new build is available for update there.
I see a couple threads about this in the Apple Developer forums but nobody seems to know how to work around this problem:
Anyone here found a workaround for this problem?
when submitting a build for beta approval, uncheck 'automatically notify' in lower left corner. then after beta is approved for external testing, click 'notify testers' in upper right corner. if i recall next time i do this, i'll include screenshots.
this solution is from #boozedog, it fixed the issue for me, and i am submitting #boozedog's comments as an answer. the text of his comment:
The Automatically Notify checkbox appears in the bottom left of the dialog box when you submit the build to beta approval on the iTunes Connect website. Make sure you clear that checkbox. And then, after the beta approval is complete, go back in to that build in iTunes Connect website and you should see an action button in the top right corner "Notify Testers."

APNS Assistant not launching on Apple Dev Provisioning Site

I just want to see if I am going crazy or not. I have the following App Ids in the provisioning portal.*
The first was for before we needed push.
The second was a mistake, but I can't delete it.
The third is for my current push notifications
The problem that I have is that the APNS assistant will not launch when I click the configure button for my App Id. I created the push certificates and then revoked them, but am unable to recreate...?
I have the same problem. The APNS assistant doesn't launch when I click the configure button. Tried everything I can think of, like creating additional AppID's and then trying to configure the SSL certs for those, but same result - clicking the configure button does nothing.
Also reported it to Apple (2010/10/12) -no response yet.
Just tried again (2010/10/15) - Apple fixed the issue. All working
