Dropwizard, testing a fat jar - maven

Hey I am really desperate. I want to build a fat jar with Dropwizard (and Maven) but I realize the shade plugin won't include test classes so no tests are running.
Is there an easy way to run those tests with a "clean install" goal. I can't believe dropwizard 's getting started page tells you to use this shade plugin if it has tests problems.
Please help me!!

I am really sorry, I panic big time and the bug was because of another thing. The Surefire plugin has a bug in a particular version and when I ran it in a docker container the tests weren't recognized. SORRY


How to setup the maven project to run the JMeter tests?

I am trying to setup the maven project to run the JMeter tests. Please let me know the way to setup the things to run the JMeter tests using Maven.
For me, most natural option is to use jmeter-maven-plugin:
It has good wiki with plenty of configuration examples.
I documented it all here. This project describes how to do it with Gradle and also with Maven. Personally, I think the Gradle version is a little more stable but the Maven version allows for nice HTML reports.

Jacoco w/ Jetty + Selenium RC

I come back here because I have some kind of problem. (I posted 2 or 3 questions before about a project I'm working on, this question is still related to this project)
So I have a smartGWT webapplication which I build using Maven. To unit test it, I had to use Selenium RC (to be able to use the user-extensions.js provided by smartClient), and as it must be compatible with the continuous integration, I had to deploy the webapp on a Jetty container. Now I only got one problem left :
How can I use Jacoco with Jetty to make Sonar recognize my tests and give me code coverage ?
Is there a property in the jetty-maven-plugin that allows me to run the jacoco-agent each time the application is deployed ?
Thanks in advance, one more time =)
(Sorry for my bad english)
It seems that your only option is the cargo plugin.
As described in the link to the duplicated question Jetty is executed in the same JVM as Maven.
So if JVM options are not possible you have to use the cargo plugin.
The maven-jetty-plugin has recently added support for running jetty in a separate JVM, ala cargo, so you might be in luck: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/JETTY-991. Otherwise you can use cargo (that is what I do).

what is the use of Maven in seleniumRC or WebDriver?

Can anyone explain me, for what purpose we will use Maven with seleniumRC or WebDriver? Is it like ANT - build.xml?
Your help will kindly appreciated!!
Maven's original purpose was to handle transitive dependency management, so a developer needed only specify their "top-level" dependencies (e.g., I need Spring version n.n and webdriver version x.y).
Those dependencies have their own dependencies. Resolving those manually for all but trivial projects is difficult and error-prone. Using Maven we can make things difficult and error-prone automatically.
Kidding aside, Maven provides a lot of functionality out-of-the-box that would make for a very large Ant build.xml. Maven does handle the build process, but it also downloads your dependencies, resolves transitive dependencies, runs your tests, generates reports and a project website, and a million other things through its plugins.
Check out the docs on the Maven web site, particularly the Maven in 5 Minutes page to get started.

Getting Cobertura reports for pax-exam Integration Tests

I am running my Integration Tests using maven and the failsafe plugin. The tests themselves are executed using pax-exam (which uses pax-runner). Failsafe runs at the integration-test phase, and Cobertura at verify.
While I get reports for all my junit tests, I get nothing from the Integration Tests.
Is this even technically feasible, or would pax-runner need to support cobertura directly?
Any idea how I could solve this? I am also open to any other plugin that helps, but I do need to run integration tests on OSGi bundles..
Well, it's been a while. The closest thing I've found that could help out is instrumenting the builds and collecting cobertura.ser files after the pax-exam tests have run. It is far from a simple setup. I'll report as I go! relevant reference

Junit report as PDF, preferably with Maven

Hey all,
Looking for feedback if anyone has a good way to, when you finalize the code, run one last Junit run and create a PDF-version of the junit report.
Maven PDF plugin with Surefire report:
You can use http://junitpdfreport.sourceforge.net
Unfortunately maven is not supported. You have to configure it with AntRun plugin.
