How to setup the maven project to run the JMeter tests? - maven

I am trying to setup the maven project to run the JMeter tests. Please let me know the way to setup the things to run the JMeter tests using Maven.

For me, most natural option is to use jmeter-maven-plugin:
It has good wiki with plenty of configuration examples.

I documented it all here. This project describes how to do it with Gradle and also with Maven. Personally, I think the Gradle version is a little more stable but the Maven version allows for nice HTML reports.


Can we used Maven as build tool for protractor

So i am trying to create a protractor test with cucumber and use Maven as build tool and project management tool .Is it a feasible combination using Maven with cucumber and protractor. If yes ,please advice how.
Yes, you can use maven as a build tool for cucumber project, here is the link i am providing which is the best official link of cucumber in which they have mentioned every thing in a clean way.
you can refer this link it will clear all your confusion and you'll have clear vision of using maven in your project.

Gradle equivalent for Maven Java formatter that uses com.googlecode.maven-java-formatter-plugin

I'm switching a large project from Maven to Gradle. Existing Maven project uses com.googlecode.maven-java-formatter-plugin to format the Java code. Looked for the equivalent in Gradle. Found, but it spewed a bunch of errors out, was really slow, and didn't generate the same output as the Maven plugin.
Also looked here: - no help.
Is there a Gradle plugin which will give me same result as the Maven plugin?
There is this other Gradle plugin, which uses the Eclipse formatter. Maybe you can tweak it to achieve the same results as with the maven plugin you mentioned (I'm not using this plugin myself).
Note that it is an explicit non-goal of google-java-format and the corresponding Gradle plugin to be configurable. If you are not happy with the formatting style then this tool is probably not appropriate for you.
(if you have technical problems with my Gradle plugin, feel free to provide more details or open a ticket on Github)

Difference between Maven and ANT while Test report generation?

Which is the best and featured way to generate reports either by using Maven or ANT? What are the features and differences ? I am using selenium webDriver with TestNG. By using testNG should I prefer "build.xml" or "pom.xml" ?
Maven and ant are build tools. What generates the reports is Testng. So if you use ant or maven, the report generated will still be the same. You can probably do a comparison between maven and ant as build tools, not as a report generation framework, to pick up the one you find better. If you might find this any help.. A blog written long back to describe the ecosystem..
You can use both maven and ANT to produce XSLT reports which uses TestNg generated output.html. Both are mainly used for build purpose not for report generation.
The XSLT reports generated from maven and ANT both looks same. But there are many advantages in Maven over ANT in testing frame works (I am assuming you know what are those). So I would personally prefer Maven. Please go through the below links which you might found helpful.

JSLinter for Maven 2

I am looking for an automated way to validate my JS code during Maven build process.
One of the projects I found is JSlint4Java. What I discovered the hard way, it works only with Maven 3, unfortunately.
You could try Wro4j with JSHint. It works great in my projects.
well I dont any way about maven. but Hudson build tool also have integration with JSLint. Maybe you can integrate with your build server

Noticeable projects in build tools ( ant , maven and gradle )?

I'm comparing ant, maven and gradle to suggest one tool to my project. I have found projects like hiberante, grails, groovy and spring uses gradle. But could not found any noticeable projects in ant and maven. Does anybody knows such projects ?
Also i would like read your comments on these build tools so I can choose the best one.
Thanks in advance
One prominent Open source project that uses Ant is Apache Tomcat. You can find their build script here.
Apache Wicket and Apache Camel come to mind as popular projects that use Maven.
As for Ant, I don't really know. Spring used to, but as you said it now uses Gradle.
Take a look at there you will find many examples for all tools
