How can I use Oracle SSO SAML in Azure API Management for Authentication - oracle

Our organization uses Oracle sso saml for all application authenticarion. We are planning to move our on prem to azure paas as APIs behind API Management.
Is there any reference document to how to setup SAML based auth provider in API Management.
Mahesh B

Here are some documents for your reference.
You can use Azure AD as the auth provider. Protect an API by using OAuth 2.0 with Azure Active Directory and API Management.
Single sign-on to applications in Azure Active Directory.
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure as a basic SAML single sign-on application in Azure AD.


How to generate access token for testing with Azure AD

We have a spring boot REST API which will be used by mobile client. Azure AD is used for auth. We need to generate access token for initial testing spring boot REST API. What is the recommended option for this?
Basically we need to to generate access token using client credentials and call the REST API end point using the access token. Then on the REST API, validate access token and print the app roles assigned in Azure AD.
To get the access token from Azure AD to authenticate and authorize users from Azure AD.
First, you need to register both the application mobile client and spring boot applications in your Azure AD. Refer register your application in the Azure AD.
To generate access token using client credentials flow, there would be no user involvement, so your server application needs to create an appRole, and then grant the app Role as an application permission to the client application.
The administrator must grant the correct application permissions via a consent process to access the application.
Configure the application's details registered in Azure AD to your spring boot file with application id, tenant id, client-secret and scope.
Refer guide to configure client application to access a web API using spring boot step by step.

understanding how to implement SAML2 SSO to an existing .net web api

I need to implement SAML 2.0 sso authentication to our existing Web API. I am fairly new to the topic so i am not sure where to start. i have been playing around with the dev ADFS server (ADFS 4 - Windows server 2016) and been following tutorials on how to setup Relying Trust Party.I have gotten the gist on how SAML works but still lost on how to implement this one via code in my webapi. I want to know how to begin implementing the SAML 2 auth to connect to the ADFS server, the web app is deployed on a different iis server. I have read but i am not getting how my web api would connect to the ADFS server to retrieve a SAML token and process it.
The problem you have is that the SAML spec. does not cater for API (either webapi or REST API). It's purely a browser SSO redirect protocol.
In ADFS, API are configured by the Application wizard but that's OpenID Connect with a JWT not an XML token.
If your webapi is a REST API then use OIDC with a JWT.
Just FYI: ADFS also supports WS-Fed. WS-Fed does have an API profile (called the active profile) which is essentially WCF.

OCI and Azure - How to secure OCI hosted API by Azure APIM

I have API working on OCI. I want to consume this API into my IIS-hosted site. But before consuming this API, need to provide security to it by Azure API management.
As I am recently started working on cloud infrastructure, please guide me.

Azure AD B2C with Spring 4

I have Spring application with Spring Security version 3.2.5 and spring version 4.3.7.
I want to remove the old fashioned login page and integrate it with Azure AD B2C. For the B2C part, I have the B2C tenant and necessary policies in place. I tried finding something on this for Spring, but all the examples and samples I found were based on spring boot.
Is it feasible to achieve B2C authentication & authorization integration with Spring?
Unfortunately there is no proper document where we have entire information for Spring to integrate with Azure AD B2C.
This sample demonstrates a Java web application that is secured using Azure AD B2C. And this sample demonstrates a Java Servlet webapp that signs in users with Azure AD B2C. You could refer to them.

Spring oauth2 client credential grant with WSO2 Identity server

I have couple of spring boot applications which constitute a micro service architecture and need to use WSO2 IS(which is hosted on CLOUD) authentication for authenticating the services(service to service authentication).
I could not find any sample program with Spring oauth2 client crdential grant with WSO2 Identity server combination yet.
Any direction would be of help.
Check the link below. It guides you to achieve your requirement step-by-step.
