Spring oauth2 client credential grant with WSO2 Identity server - spring-boot

I have couple of spring boot applications which constitute a micro service architecture and need to use WSO2 IS(which is hosted on CLOUD) authentication for authenticating the services(service to service authentication).
I could not find any sample program with Spring oauth2 client crdential grant with WSO2 Identity server combination yet.
Any direction would be of help.

Check the link below. It guides you to achieve your requirement step-by-step.


Extend OAuth2 Authorization Server with OpenID Connect

I'm trying to extend my home made OAuth2 Authorization Server with the OpenID Connect. At the moment, the Server works fine and successfully issues an access token.
What I need is that the token endpoint returns an id_token along with the access_token.
The Authorization Server is a Spring boot (2.5) app, which implements the authorization code flow using following oauth dependencies.
Is there some standard way to configure an OAuth2 Spring Server so it provides the OpenID Connect features?
Thanks in advance for an example code and/or useful documenation.
The Spring team are working on a new OAuth server, that provides OIDC capability. It's still very early days, but it is useable.
See here for the code, that includes a set of samples:

Spring Boot with Apigee and Okta

I have been exploring APIgee and okta configuration using https://github.com/tom-smith-okta/okta-api-center repo. Here APIgee edge acts as a gateway to https://okta-solar-system.herokuapp.com/ api’s and the token for authentication is generated via okta. My understanding is that https://okta-solar-system.herokuapp.com/ doesnt have any okta authentication enforcement. The check is via apigee.
If I were to replace https://okta-solar-system.herokuapp.com/ with a spring boot application hosted publicly should the application have okta security enabled (eg : https://github.com/oktadeveloper/okta-spring-boot-oauth-example) or should i follow same procedure as above and delegate enforcement of token to apigee, without any security enforcement on the spring boot application?
Can someone tell me what is the standard way of implementation I should follow?
If the spring boot application has no enforcement of security, what is to prevent someone from bypassing the Apigee API gateway and calling it directly?
If you have successfully managed to secure the spring boot application so that only the API gateway can communicate with it (via mutual TLS connection, IP allow listing, etc), you might be able to forego any enforement at the service level, but I would recommend doing some authorization checks in the service itself.

Spring Boot 2 Authorization Server for public clients (PKCE)

is possible create authorization server for PKCE authentication in current version of spring security?
I did research and I found out this authorization server project https://github.com/spring-projects-experimental/spring-authorization-server but there is no usable sample for that project.
I also find out that spring recommends Keycloak as authorization server, but it is not fit for my case.
We need be able fetch and verify user against remote service, and then use authorization server only for generating and verifying jwt tokens. In my knowledge Keycloak should holds also users right? So the best solution would be custom spring standalone authorization server. Is it possible in some way? Thank you!
You may have a look to this project: CloudFoundry User Account and Authentication (UAA) Server.
UAA is a (Spring MVC) component of Cloud Foundry but it could be used as a stand alone OAuth2 server. It can support external authentication service. And there is a Pull Request that implements PKCE: https://github.com/cloudfoundry/uaa/pull/939 (not yet merged, but under review).
You can find an example on how to use UAA on baeldung.com.
As far as I know, Spring framework has one more implementation of the authorization server. It is a part of spring-security-oauth project. But this project was moved into maintenance mode.
According to this migration guide, the new authorization server project (that you have already found) will be created to change the legacy solution.
From my point of view now there are several possible options:
Using old legacy spring-security-oauth. More examples with old auth server
Using external services like Keycloak, Auth0, Okta and etc

Two or more applications authenticate by OAuth2

I have two Spring applicatons and I need to authenticate first application in another apllication. Its server-to-server communication and authentication. Is OAuth suitable for this or there is another way to rosolve it?
Yes, OAuth 2.0 is suitable for authenticating other applications (clients) with its Authorization Server.
OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials grant type does that. For more information Check out these links: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6749#section-4.4 and https://oauth.net/2/grant-types/client-credentials/
Spring provides an API (OAuth2RestTemplate) to automate client authentication process.

Creating Custom OpenId Provider for Oauth2 Spring Boot

I have used Oauth2 framework for authorization and access control for protecting my spring boot microservice api's. Oauth2 framework is working fine but now my Client wants a dedicated OpenId Provider for authentication purpose on top of Oauth2 framework. I have done some round of searching across Google but couldn't find much resources for implementing Own OpenId Provider for Oauth2. I have gone through many blogs and could understood that OpenId is basically used when we want to delegate the authentication from Oauth2. OpenId is created on top of Oauth2 but couldn't find much resource for activating or implementing it.
Can anyone please help me on this
My complete source code which I have done using Oauth2 with Spring Framework is as given below
According to "OAuth 2.0 Features Matrix" in spring-projects/spring-security, Spring Framework is not a good starting point for OpenID Connect. None of the new projects (Spring Security, Spring Cloud Security and Spring Boot OAuth2) supports Authorization Server. On the other hand, the old project (Spring Security OAuth) has architectural problems that prevent OpenID Connect support.
The website of OpenID Connect says "OpenID Connect 1.0 is a simple identity layer on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol." This sentence may give an impression that OpenID Connect can be implemented on top of an existing OAuth 2.0 implementation step by step. However, it's not true. One evidence is spring-security-oauth Issue 619 where you see the project has given up supporting OpenID Connect. If interested, see "5. Response Type" in "Full-Scratch Implementor of OAuth and OpenID Connect Talks About Findings" for further details.
There exist many implementations that support OpenID Connect. Why don't you check the list of certified implementations?
Update (November 14, 2019):
The Spring Security team has decided to no longer provide support for authorization servers. See their announce for details.
I think it could be easier to start by first implementing OAuth2 code flow. Then add implicit flow, and finally OpenID Connect part.
If you want to have a serious OpenID Provider I would suggest not implementing from scratch as there are a lot of details to get right. Instead I would recommend using something like Hydra that can be integrated into existing system.
Have created from scratch a OpenID Provider (SimpleLogin.io), I can say that it takes almost forever to be 100% compliant to the protocol ...
