curl on macos Catalina not displaying response body - macos

Tried to make a curl to with curl and the response body disappear from the screen. I made a gif from my terminal:
I'm trying to run this cmd, where test is a text file:
curl --upload-file test
For workaround, I'm using a inline python script, which works pretty well:
python -c 'import requests; print("", files={"upload_file": open("test","rb")}).text)'

Can fix with -w "\n":
curl --upload-file test -s -w "\n"

curl seems to be giving the terminal a carriage return. Try stripping out carriage returns using tr:
curl --upload-file test | tr -d '\r'


curl with --netrc-file option does not work but with -d it does

I ran into a problem when trying to use curl with --netrc-file option in my bash script. When I just put curl -d "username=MYUSR&password=MYPSWD" https://st-machinexxx/api -c cookies.txt
then it works fine. But curl --netrc-file configfile.txt https://st-machinexxx/api -c cookies.txt
causes a HTTP ERROR 401. What can be the reason? I was trying to set athentication method by adding --digest, --negotiate and --ntlm as well as set some headers, but didn't help. I am using curl 7.29.0, configfile.txt contains just three lines:
machine st-machinexxx
login MYUSR
password MYPSWD

Sending file using CURL in windows

I'm trying to send a file using curl in windows.
Here's the command i'm using:
C:\curl>curl -X POST -F chat_id=#telegramchannel -F photo=#IMAGE.png
and I keep getting this error:
curl: (26) Failed to open/read local data from file/application
does anybody know how to solve it and how to use the -F properly with files on windows?
If telegramchannel is not a file, then you have to escape # with a backslash or use single quotes to encapsulate the content. As # has special meaning in curl context,
curl -X POST -F chat_id='#telegramchannel' -F photo=#IMAGE.png
curl -X POST -F chat_id=\#telegramchannel -F photo=#IMAGE.png

How can I verify curl response before passing to bash -s?

I have a script that looks like:
curl -sSL | bash -s
Users can install a linux client for the site using the command that is provided to them. I'm thinking there should be an intermediary step that verifies the curl had a 2XX response and downloaded the content successfully before passing it to bash. How can I do that?
Without a user-managed temporary file:
if script=$(curl --fail -sSL "$url"); then
bash -s <<<"$script"
If you don't mind having an intermediate file (which you certainly need if you want to make sure the curl command worked fully) then you can use:
if curl --fail -sSL <params> -o

How to retrieve error code from cURL on shell

I know a similar question was posted, but I can't get it to work on my machine.
I tried the 1st answer from the mentioned question, i.e. response=$(curl --write-out %{http_code} --silent --output /dev/null servername) and when I echo $response I got 000 [Not sure if that is the desired output].
However, when trying to do so with my cURL command, I get no output.
This is my command:
curl -k --silent --ftp-pasv --ftp-ssl --user C:is_for_cookies --cert localcert_cert.pem --key certs/localcert_pkey.pem ftps://
and I use it with
x=$(curl -k --silent --ftp-pasv --ftp-ssl --user C:is_for_cookies --cert localcert_cert.pem --key certs/localcert_pkey.pem ftps://
but when I try to echo $x all I get is a newline...
I know the cURL is failing, because when I run the same command, without --silent, I get curl: (7) Couldn't connect to server
This Q is tagged with both sh, bash because I've tried it on both with same results
I found this option which kind of helps (but I still don't know how to assign it to a variable, which should be easier than this...):
--stderr <file>
Redirect all writes to stderr to the specified file instead. If the file name is a plain '-', it is instead written to stdout.
If this option is used several times, the last one will be used.
When I use it like this:
curl -k --silent -S --stderr my_err_file --ftp-pasv --ftp-ssl --user C:is_for_cookies --cert localcert_cert.pem --key certs/localcert_pkey.pem ftps://
I can see the errors (i.e. curl: (7) Couldn't connect to server) inside that file.
I used --silent to suppress all output, and -S to un-suppress the errors, and the --stderr <file> to redirect them

curl upload command using bash & terminal

when i use bash to upload files to dropbox, it works fine but when i manually use command line it does not work.
I'm thinking it might be the & in the url.. im not sure..
Bash code:
#Note: This option explicitly allows curl to perform "insecure" SSL connections and transfers.
Manual code:
curl --insecure --progress-bar -v -i -o temp2.txt --upload-file temp.txt
curl --insecure --progress-bar -v -i -o temp2.txt --upload-file temp.txt ""
The solution is to add in the inverted commas "
