Sending file using CURL in windows - windows

I'm trying to send a file using curl in windows.
Here's the command i'm using:
C:\curl>curl -X POST -F chat_id=#telegramchannel -F photo=#IMAGE.png
and I keep getting this error:
curl: (26) Failed to open/read local data from file/application
does anybody know how to solve it and how to use the -F properly with files on windows?

If telegramchannel is not a file, then you have to escape # with a backslash or use single quotes to encapsulate the content. As # has special meaning in curl context,
curl -X POST -F chat_id='#telegramchannel' -F photo=#IMAGE.png
curl -X POST -F chat_id=\#telegramchannel -F photo=#IMAGE.png


iterate through specific files using webHDFS in a bash script

I want to download specific files in a HDFS directory, with their names starting with "total_conn_data_". Since I've got many files I want to write a bash script.
Here's what I do:
for filename in `curl -i -X GET "https://knox.blabla/webhdfs/v1/path/to/the/directory/?OP=LISTSTATUS" -u username`; do
curl -i -X GET "https://knox.blabla/webhdfs/v1/path/to/the/directory/$filename?OP=OPEN" -u username -L -o "./data/$filename" -k;
But it does not work since curl -i -X GET "https://knox.blabla/webhdfs/v1/path/to/the/directory/?OP=LISTSTATUS" -u username is sending back a json text and not file names.
How should I do? Thanks
curl provides output in json format only. you will have to use other tools like jquery and sed to format that output and get the list of files.

How to expand a filename inside a curl request

I need to do a curl upload with a file where I don't know the exact file name.
-F \"status=2\"
-F \"notify=1\"
-F \"ipa=#${FILE}\"
-F \"teams=${TEAM_ID}\"
-H \"X-HockeyAppToken: ${APITOKEN}\"${APPVERSION}/app_versions/upload"
This is done in gitlab-ci and the FILE variable is set to build/com.test.app_v*.ipa. The file I want to upload has a version number set and has the path build/com.test.app_v1.0.0.0.ipa. The problem I have now is that the * does not get expanded inside this curl call. I've tried it with an export before:
- "curl
-F \"status=2\"
-F \"notify=1\"
-F \"teams=${TEAM_ID}\"
-H \"X-HockeyAppToken: ${APITOKEN}\"${APPVERSION}/app_versions/upload"
Still I'm gettin an error curl: (26) couldn't open file "build/com.test.app_v*.ipa" How can I expand the path to an absolute path before my curl upload?
With realpath command:
-F \"ipa=#$(realpath $FILE)\"

curl: (26) couldn't open file when the file is a variable

I am trying to upload a list of files to a server. This is the script that I have
files=$(shopt -s nullglob dotglob; echo /media/USB/*) > /dev/null 2>&1
if (( ${#files} ))
for file in $files
echo "Filename"
echo $file
curl -i -X POST -F files=#$file
Basically I am trying to take all of the files on a USB drive and upload them to my local server. The curl command is giving me trouble. I can move these files to drives that I mount on this system but I haven't been able to send them with the curl command. I have tried variations on #"$file" and #\"$file\" based on other related questions but I haven't been able to get this to work. However what is annoying is that when I do this:
curl -i -X POST -F files=#/absolute/path/to/my/file.txt
It works as I expect. How can I get this to work in my loop?
So I ended up figuring out a solution that I will share in case anyone else is having this problem. I am not sure exactly why this fixed it but I simply had to put quotes around the files=#$file in the curl command:
curl -i -X POST -F "files=#$file"
Leaving this here in case it is useful to someone down the line.

Using all files in a directory with curl?

This is my script:
curl -X POST -T /this/is/my/path/system.log https://whatever;
As you see, I am using a file called system.log. How can I do that for the complete /this/is/my/path/ path in a loop? There are about 50 files in /this/is/my/path/ which I want to use with curl.
You can upload multiple files using this range syntax in curl:
$ curl -u ftpuser:ftppass -T "{file1,file2}"
A very robust solution is to iterate through a for loop. Moreover you can take advantage of this and insert echo commands or delete, or whatever command you want.
for file in /this/is/my/path/*
curl -X POST -T "/this/is/my/path/$file" https://whatever;
done; # file

Curl filename upload using variable

I would like to store the pathname of a file in a variable for that gets uploaded via cURL. The problem is that I must not have the syntax correct.
curl --user-agent Mozilla -v --form filename=#/path/to/filename -F .submit=Upload
^ the above works just fine, however i would like to store the path in a variable, so when i try:
curl --user-agent Mozilla -v --form filename=#$var -F .submit=Upload
it comes back as malformed, or the path is missing altogether.
