How to control servos continously using Bascom 8051 - 8051

I want to control the movement of a servo using Bascom 8051 continuously so that it could change positions.
I've tried using brute force by assigning the pulse length manually and changing it after a certain delay.
P1.2 = 1
Config Servos = 1 , Servo1 = P1.2 , Reload = 10
Enable Interrupts
Servo1 = 15 '90 degrees to the left
Wait 10
Servo1 = 65 '90 degrees to the right
Wait 10
I expect the servo to switch positions back and forth but all it does is stuck in one place.

There are two different BASCOM variants, depending on your microcontroller. You have tagged both so it is not clear which one you mean. Also you didn't tell us which servo you are using.
Anyway, the inner workings are similar enough to try to answer your question.
First we need to understand which kind of signal a standard R/C servo expects. The servo position is coded in the width of a (positive) pulse. It ranges from 1 ms to 2 ms. This pulse has to be repeated every 20 ms that is a repetition frequency of 50 Hz.
With Config Servos you set up a timer as an interrupt source and its service routine. That means that the pulses for the servo(s) are generated automatically without any further action by your main program. You just need to set the desired pulse width in the assigned variable; this actually depends on the BASCOM variant. For AVR its an array Servo(1) = # and for 8051 there are individual variables Servo1 = #.
According to the manual(s) the parameter Reload sest the resolution in µs of the values for the pulse width. You chose 10.
So for the range of pulse widths you need to assign values between 100 and 200 to the servo variable:
Servo1 = 100
Wait 10
Servo1 = 200
Wait 10
Additional note: The manual for BASCOM AVR mentions the port mode to set. The pin used for the pulse has to be made an output.


GPIO32 pin works in analog mode, always reads 0 in digital mode

I'm having some difficulty getting PCNT pulse counting working with a prototype ESP32 device board.
I have a water level sensor (model D2LS-A) that signals state by the frequency of a square wave signal it sends to GPIO32 (20Hz, 50Hz, 100Hz, 200Hz, 400Hz).
Sadly, the PCNT counter stays at 0.
To troubleshoot, I tried putting GPIO32 in ADC mode (attenuation 0, 10-bit mode) to read the raw signal (sampling it many times a second), and I'm getting values that I would expect (0-1023). But trying the same thing using digital GPIO mode, it always returns 0, never 1 in all the samples.
Since the PCNT ESP IDF component depends on reading the pin digitally, the counter never increments past 0.
So the real problem I'm having is: why aren't the ADC readings (between 0-1023) translating to digital readings of 0-1 as one would expect?

Real Time Workaround using windows for fixed sampling time

I am trying to collect data off an accelerometer sensor. I have an Arduino doing the analog to digital conversion of the signal and sending it through a serial port to MATLAB on Windows.
I send a reading every 5ms from the Arduino through the serial port. I am saving that data using MATLAB's serial read in a vector as well as the time at which it was read using the clock method.
If I was to plot the column of the vector where I have saved at which second I read, I get a curve (non-linear), and when I look at the difference between 1 read and another, I see that it is slightly varying.
Is there any way to get the data saved in real time with fixed sampling time?
Note: I am using 250000 baud rate.
Matlab Code:
%%%%% Initialisation %%%%%
clear all
format shortg
cnt = 1;%File name changer
sw = 1;%switch: 0 we add to current vector and 1 to start new vector
%%%%% Initialisation %%%%%
%%%%% Communication %%%%%
%%%%% Communication %%%%%
%%%%% Reading from Serial and Writing to .mat file%%%%%
while true,
if sw == 0,
if (length(Vib(:,1))==1000),% XXXX Samples in XX minutes
filename = sprintf('C:/Directory/%d_VibrationReading.mat',cnt);
save (filename,'Vib');
clear Vib
cnt= cnt+1;
sw = 1;
scan = fscanf(arduino,'%f');
if isfloat(scan) && length(scan(:,1))==6,% Change length for validation
vib = scan';
if sw == 1,
Vib = [vib clock];
sw = 0;
Vib = [Vib;vib clock];
%%%%% Reading from Serial and Writing to .mat file%%%%%
% Close Arduino Serial Port
Image 1 shows the data received through serial (each Row corresponding to 1 serial read)
Image 2 shows that data saved with the clock
Image 1:
Image 2:
I know that my answer does not contain a quick and easy solution. Instead it primarily gives advice how to redesign your system. I worked with real-time systems for several years and saw it done wrong too many time. It might be possible to just "fix", but working with your current communication pattern tweaking the performance but I am convinced you will never receive reliable time information.
I will answer this from a general system design perspective, instead of trying to fix your code. Where I see the problems:
In general, it is a bad idea to append time information on the receiving PC. Whenever the sensor is capable and has a clock, append the time information on the sensor system itself. This allows for an accurate relative timing between the measurements. Some clock adjustment might be necessary when the clock on the sensor is not set properly, but that is just a constant offset.
Switch from ASCII-encoded data to binary data. With your sample rate and baut rate set, you only have 50 bytes for each message.
Write a robust receiver. Just dropping messages you "don't understand" is not a good idea. Whenever the buffer is full, you might receive multiple messages unless you use a proper terminator.
Use preallocation. You know how large the batches you want to write are.
A simple solution for a message:
2 bytes - clock milliseconds
4 bytes - unix timestamp of measurement
For each sensor
2 bytes int32 sensor data
2 bytes - Terminator, constant value. Use a value which is outside the range for all previous integers, e.g. intmax
This message format should theoretically allow you to use 21 sensors. Now to the receiving part:
To get a first version running with a good performance, call fread (serial) with large batches of data (size parameter) and dump all readings into a large cell array. Something like:
%seek until you hit a terminator
while not(terminator==fread(arduino,1));
for ix=1:numel(C)
Once you read the data append it to a single vector: C=[C{:}]; and try to parse it in post-processing. If you manage the performance you may later return to on-the-fly processing, but I recommend to start this way to get the system established.

Duty Cycle adjustment Fast PWM Mode

As per the datasheet of Atmega328, Timer0 fast PWM mode can be selected by setting WGM02:00 to either 011 or 111.
When we set Fast PWM mode using 111, TOV Flag set on TOP. Also TOP is equal to OCR0A. Now ON time of PWM is controlled using OCRA. When compare match occurs, OCA0 is cleared (COM0A1:COM0A0 = 10) and it is set at the bottom.
Now my question is if TCNT clears after reaching TOP (that is nothing but OCR0A), how can we alter On time with WGM02:00=111? I am not quite clear from data sheet. Even waveforms are also little confusing. Or is it that TCNT always counts from 0x00 to 0xff irrespective of TOV flag in this case?
Since OCRA is in use, you have to use the other OC registers, e.g. OCRB. OCA will still follow the directions given to it by COM0A, but is significantly less useful for that.
While using the output compare unit register (OCR0A) to define the top value of the counter (WGM02:WGM00=111), you can only toggle the logical level at the corresponding pin (OCA0) when a compare match between TCNT0 & OCRA0 occurs. Hence, you can't control the duty cycle (always 50%). This is just like the ctc mode, except that the double buffering feature of the output compare unit is enabled in fast PWM mode. Look at the datasheet, the last paragraph in the description of fast PWM mode:
A frequency (with 50% duty cycle) waveform output in fast PWM mode can
be achieved by setting OC0x to toggle its logical level on each
compare match (COM0x1:0 = 1). The waveform generated will have a
maximum frequency of fOx0 = fclk_I/O/2 when OCR0A is set to zero.
This feature is similar to the OC0A toggle in CTC mode, except the
double buffer feature of the Output Compare unit is enabled in the
fast PWM mode.
However, you can use timer 1 to control the frequency and the duty cycle, by setting the input capture unit register (ICR1) to define the TOP value of the counter, and then the output compare unit register (OCR1A) will be free to make the corresponding pin (OC1A) take action (set or clr) when a compare match occurs.

IR emitter and PWM output

I have been using FRDM_KL46Z development board to do some IR communication experiment. Right now, I got two PWM outputs with same setting (50% duty cycle, 38 kHz) had different voltage levels. When both were idle, one was 1.56V, but another was 3.30V. When the outputs were used to power the same IR emitter, the voltages were changed to 1.13V and 2.29V.
And why couldn't I use one PWM output to power two IR emitters at the same time? When I tried to do this, it seemed that the frequency was changed, so two IR receivers could not work.
I am not an expert in freescale, but how are you controlling your pwm? I'm guessing each pwm comes from a separate timer, maybe they are set up differently. Like one is in 16 bit mode (the 3.3V) and the other in 32 (1.56v) in that case even if they have the same limit in the counter ((2^17 - 1) / 2) would be 50% duty cycle of a 16 bit timer. But in a 32 bit, that same value would only be 25% duty so, one output would be ~1/2 the voltage of the other. SO I suggest checking the timer setup.
The reason the voltage changed is because the IR emmiters were loading the circuit. In an ideal situation this wouldn't happen, but if a source is giving too much current the voltage usually drops a bit.

VHDL code for pulse signal with variable working cycle

I need to create a VHDL code for this situation:
**Draw a control circuit that generates a pulse signal with:
fixed working frequency (100 KHz)
variable working cycle
The phase difference should be increased or decreased by the direction of the spin of a rotary control of 8 bits.**
Additional info:
D = t (on) / T
D = working cycle
t (on) = Time the activated signal lasts (rotary control of 8 bits)
T = signal period (constant)
You seem to be wanting to generate a mark:space ratio of between 1:255 and 255:1, so you will need a clock frequency of 256 * 100kHz.
An 8 bit incrementing counter can be left free-running clocked at that rate.
Now have a flop that is SET when the counter overflows from X'FF to X'00 and that CLEARS when the timer value makes the transition from N-1 to N. Where N is the 8 bit value on your duty cycle setting control and controls the width of the mark.
The threshold controlled flop's output is your variable duty cycle 100kHz.
