Is it possible to configure to use multiple bootstrap.yml files - spring

I am mounting multiple volumes into my pod, each being a configMap that contain different pieces of what would fully construct Spring Cloud bootstrap.yaml file. For example, one configMap may contain the config server URI, and the second configMap may contain overrideSystemProperties property. These configMaps are laid down in files with different names (or with the same name but in different paths) in the pod. My question is is it possible to configure Spring Cloud to use multiple bootstrap.yaml files? I know one can configure Spring to look for additional properties in different locations using spring.config.additional-location. Is it possible to do the same with Spring Cloud bootstrap?


Dynamically change log levels across all instances

Let's say, I have a spring boot application where I am using Log4j for logging.
In there, I want to change the log level dynamically without staring the whole application.
This can be achieved by exposing some endpoint to set the levels.
But, at production level, there might be multiple instances of the same application running across different servers.
So, how can we set the logging levels dynamically across all the container instances running the applications which are managed by kubernetes?
If your application read log levels from or application.yaml, ConfigMap would do it:
A ConfigMap is an API object used to store non-confidential data in key-value pairs. Pods can consume ConfigMaps as environment variables, command-line arguments, or as configuration files in a volume
A ConfigMap allows you to decouple environment-specific configuration from your container images, so that your applications are easily portable.
You can check my other answer where I wrote step by step with explanation how to use a ConfigMap

How do I load AWS region specific properties from Spring Boot application properties?

My java microservice (developed in Spring boot) loads S3 bucket from an application properties file. S3 bucket names for 4 different AWS regions are different (bucker-east-1, bucker-west-2 etc) hence how do I load AWS region-specific properties from application properties? For example, for us-west-2 region, bucker-us-west-2 property should be loaded, etc. is there any existing support for this type of feature in SPring boot?
There's at least a couple of ways you could handle this.
Use environment variables: Using env variable in Spring Boot's
Feasibly you could structure the names to be something like<bucket-prefix>-${AWS_REGION}
Use Spring profiles. You can create separate properties files for each region.
For example, you'd have, You then can add the appropriate spring profile upon deployment by passing in the JVM parameter, to activate us_east_1. Alternatively, you can use the SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE environment variable similarly.

Common application property file for multiple microservice

I want to use a common application properties file for multiple microservices which will have some common configuration like DB Source config etc..I have use the config Server with Eureka server and zull Proxy.
When using configServer we need to provide the = 'xyz'
which in turn find the for this microservice configuration.
The same way when we register the service with zuul proxy also need the same application name for configure the service path as = /iii/*.
Now I want that multiple service will share the same property file( but need to register the zuul route as well so I have to provide the different name for each service. If I will provide the different name to each service they will not be able to locate the same property file.
I am new to spring boot micro services. supports multiple names separated by commas to load the configuration properties.
In this case, store the common properties in common.yml and xyz properties in xyz.yml. Finally, mention xyz,common
uri: http://localhost:8888
name: xyz,common
Fetching config from server at : http://localhost:8888
Located environment: name=xyz,common, profiles=[default], label=null, version=91edcf96c6a88707bf39014a16ad5d301d6b4575, state=null
Located property source: CompositePropertySource {name='configService', propertySources=[MapPropertySource {name='configClient'}, MapPropertySource {name=''}, MapPropertySource {name=''}]}
I would like to point out that the provided solution leverages the "" client side property semantics to achieve a config server behavior of serving properties files from multiple files other than application[-profile].* and {appname}[-profile].*
However, note that for a simple case and considering a root dir, the config server serves properties from files defined in this root dir or under a folder with the name of the application, that the property files under it correspond to, i.e. */{appname}/application[-profile].** or */{appname}/{appname}[-profile].**
The "" environment property instructs the config server which application names the requesting app matches with. This means that given a,b , the config server will assume serving properties defined for app (with name) a and b to the requesting app! This is not the exact same thing as I want my properties been served from file names a and b! Therefore we are abusing the property semantics for managing our config server serving from the file names we would like it to.
However, due to the actual semantics of the config server will serve everything applicable from
/a/{applicable names}
/b/{applicable names}
The caveat here is that we achieve what we want only for the root directory and, moreover, if we have a configserver that serves multiple springboot apps we loose the ability to have all our properties under our application's name-folder.
Even worse, if there exists another app (or -attention!- will exist in the future) with the same name as one of our desired property file names, the config server will start serving to our app ALL the configuration defined for that other app!!! This could end up in wrong and even harmful served configuration!
(I repeat it will serve everything applicable under /{}/*!!!)
So beware when pirsuiting this approach!
I have issued a pull request for spring-cloud-config-server 1.4.x, that supports defining additional file names, through a environment property, in the same sense one can do for a single springboot app, as defined in the Externalized Configuration.Application Property Files section of the documentation, using the enviroment property. I hope they review it soon

Shared properties with Spring Cloud Config

We are thinking of migrating our Spring system to use Spring Cloud Config.
The system is made up of multiple services and some share properties for common resources such as the DB datasource. For these we have a 'base' config file which contains the commonly used properties in one place. Each of the services read the common file first and then overload their properties file on top. This saves us repeating common properties.
I can't see how we do the same with spring cloud config, I can see options for different repositories but not overloading property files.
application.yml or is common to all applications.

Spring cloud config server - more than 1 properties file per app

Does anybody knows if it is possible to expose more than 1 property file per application in Spring Cloud config server?
For example I would like to have defined in my git repo properties for the same app, but in different files:
and have all those properties defined inside the files, exposed under "myapp".
No that's not possible currently. I'm not sure it really makes much sense to be honest, since you can easily clearly delineate different sets of properties within a YAML file using separate documents.
Yes it is possible to expose more than 1 property file per application in Spring Cloud config server
You can access it in you client by using following properties
first specify profile which you want
