How do I load AWS region specific properties from Spring Boot application properties? - spring

My java microservice (developed in Spring boot) loads S3 bucket from an application properties file. S3 bucket names for 4 different AWS regions are different (bucker-east-1, bucker-west-2 etc) hence how do I load AWS region-specific properties from application properties? For example, for us-west-2 region, bucker-us-west-2 property should be loaded, etc. is there any existing support for this type of feature in SPring boot?

There's at least a couple of ways you could handle this.
Use environment variables: Using env variable in Spring Boot's
Feasibly you could structure the names to be something like<bucket-prefix>-${AWS_REGION}
Use Spring profiles. You can create separate properties files for each region.
For example, you'd have, You then can add the appropriate spring profile upon deployment by passing in the JVM parameter, to activate us_east_1. Alternatively, you can use the SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE environment variable similarly.


How can I load properties in spring boot from a custom source?

I have a spring boot application. I do not want to store sensitive properties (e.g. DB password) in my application yaml or system environment variables. How can I load properties from a custom source before the startup of the context?
Meaning of custom property source: I want to write the code which reads these properties, because they are not stored in files or on classpath.
I want to store my properties in AWS SSM Parameter Store.

spring boot: create multiple context for the same application-context.xml

I need to create multiple context for the same application context.xml file and each context use its own
How to do it using spring boot ?
I have 3 clients who have the same behaviour but each one with specific details declared into
So i use also spring integration and the flow will be reused for each client .
I need to launch 3 clients in the same time and each one with its own And i use xml for that.
Take a look at this... I have a single project, and inside of it are three (or the number you need)
in, i specify general parameters
and in each i specify specific environment properties, e.g., the port in production:
And the port for my dev profile:
In order to use them check the documentation that Ivaylo recommended
...A small example:
In this case, the application will boot on the port showed in the different .properties files.
You can specify the profile like: mvn spring:boot run

No plain text passwords in Spring Boot’s

Having something like
security.user.password = plainTextPassword
inside Spring Boot’s is obviously an anti-pattern as it prevents the code from being pushed to a public SCM. In my non-Spring Boot projects I use
security.user.password = ${myPasswordFromMavenSettingsXML}
and put a corresponding <properties/> reference inside my pom.xml.
Using Maven’s resource filter plugin the passwords are replaced at build time so the application have access to actual plain text passwords after it has been build and deployed.
For some reason Maven’s resource filter plugin does not work in this case. Is there a way to not commit plain text passwords to an SCM and let Spring Boot to insert them at build time?
Spring boot has multiple mechanisms to provided externalized configuration. Some examples are command line arguments, environment variables and also application properties outside of your packaged JAR.
What I usually do:
Locally we configured several environment variables. Most (if not all) IDE's allow you to configure environment variables from within the run configuration.
For example if you don't want to expose the spring.datasource.password property you could set an environment variable called SPRING_DATASOURCE_PASSWORD.
When we deploy on another environment, we usually choose to add another or application.yml file within the same folder as the application JAR/WAR, since Spring boot picks that up as well.
Another solution is to use Spring cloud since it has a config service which can be used as a microservice to provide configuration. The configuration can be versioned using SCM as well, but you can put it on a separate system that is not connected to your source code.

Shared properties with Spring Cloud Config

We are thinking of migrating our Spring system to use Spring Cloud Config.
The system is made up of multiple services and some share properties for common resources such as the DB datasource. For these we have a 'base' config file which contains the commonly used properties in one place. Each of the services read the common file first and then overload their properties file on top. This saves us repeating common properties.
I can't see how we do the same with spring cloud config, I can see options for different repositories but not overloading property files.
application.yml or is common to all applications.

Spring cloud config server - more than 1 properties file per app

Does anybody knows if it is possible to expose more than 1 property file per application in Spring Cloud config server?
For example I would like to have defined in my git repo properties for the same app, but in different files:
and have all those properties defined inside the files, exposed under "myapp".
No that's not possible currently. I'm not sure it really makes much sense to be honest, since you can easily clearly delineate different sets of properties within a YAML file using separate documents.
Yes it is possible to expose more than 1 property file per application in Spring Cloud config server
You can access it in you client by using following properties
first specify profile which you want
