Using sed to replace some lower case letters to upper case - bash

I'm trying to replace _[lowercase] to [uppercase] using sed in bash.
So far I've tried this code:
new_arr=$( echo $old_arr | sed -e 's%_\(.\)%\1\U%g' )
With input of
i expected the output to be
but i got
Do you have a suggestion for what I might be doing wrong?

Could you please try following.
sed 's/_\([a-z]\)/\U\1/g' Input_file
So in OP's case it should be something like:
new_arr=$( echo "$old_arr" | sed 's%_\([a-z]\)%\U\1%g' )


Extract values from a property file using bash

I have a variable which contains key/values separated by space:
server_geo=BOS db.jdbc_url=jdbc\:mysql\://\:3306/db02 db.hostname=/ datasource.class.xa=com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlXADataSource server_uid=BOS_mysql57 hibernate33.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect hibernate.connection.username=db02 server_labels=mysql57,mysql5,mysql db.jdbc_class=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver db.schema=db02 hibernate.connection.driver_class=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver uuid=a19ua19 db.primary_label=mysql57 db.port=3306 server_label_primary=mysql57 hibernate.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect
I'd need to extract the values of the single keys, for example db.jdbc_url.
Using one code snippet I've found:
echo $PROPERTY | sed -e 's/ db.jdbc_url=\(\S*\).*/\1/g'
but that returns also other properties found before my key.
Any help how to fix it ?
If always follow db.jdbc_url, then use grep lookaround,
$ echo "${PROPERTY}" | grep -oP '(?<=db.jdbc_url=).*(?'
or add the VAR to an array,
$ myarr=($(echo $PROPERTY))
$ echo "${myarr[1]}" | grep -oP '(?<=db.jdbc_url=).*(?=$)'
This is caused because you are using the substitute command (sed s/.../.../), so any text before your regex is kept as is. Using .* before db\.jdbc_url along with the begin (^) / end ($) of string marks makes you match the whole content of the variable.
In order to be totaly safe, your regex should be :
sed -e 's/^.*db\.jdbc_url=\(\S*\).*$/\1/g'
You can use grep for this, like so:
echo $PROPERTY | grep -oE "db.jdbc_url=\S+" | cut -d'=' -f2
The regex is very close to the one you used with sed.
The -o option is used to print the matched parts of the matching line.
Edit: if you want only the value, cut on the '='
Edit 2: egrep say it is deprecated, so use grep -oE instead, same result. Just to cover all bases :-)

How to remove double spaces in string using sed

How to remove the spaces in 22th and 23th position of the specific string in a file?
Example below and expected outcome.
XXXSA3FFESS3052599004 L +
Expected result will be:
XXXS3DFFESS3052599004L +
My code seemd inaccurate as below. Please advise.
sed 's/[A-Z0-9] //g' $file
Truly appreciate your help. I‘m not sure exactly the code. But my basic understanding is that sed could be able to do this.
echo 'XXXSA3FFESS3052599004 L +' | sed 's/ *//'
XXXSA3FFESS3052599004L +
See: The Stack Overflow Regular Expressions FAQ
or like this:
echo 'XXXSA3FFESS3052599004 L +' | sed 's/.//22;s/.//22'
If your spaces are in a fixed position, maybe it would make more sense to use cut:
echo 'XXXSA3FFESS3052599004 L +' | cut -c1-21,24-
echo 'XXXSA3FFESS3052599004 L +' | cut --complement -c22,23

Replace substring with sed

I have a string like this :
And with sed, I want to replace what's after the ':' with something else.
I can manage to replace a word, but not the one after the ':'. I searched on the internet for the answer, but I didn't found anything.
Any help ?
Use: sed 's/:.*/:replaceword/'
$ echo test:blabla | sed 's/:.*/:replaceword/'
Or for the situation test test:blabla test where you only want to replace the word following : use sed 's/:[^ ]*/:replaceword/':
$ echo "test test:blabla test" | sed 's/:[^ ]*/:replaceword/'
test test:replaceword test
# Use the g flag for multiple matches on a line
$ echo "test test:blabla test test:blah2" | sed 's/:[^ ]*/:replaceword/g'
test test:replaceword test test:replaceword
> echo $SER2
> echo $SER2 | sed 's/\([^:]*:\).*/\1replace/g'

extract substring from lines using grep, awk,sed or etc

I have a files with many lines like:
lily weisy
I want to extract and lily weisy, and then I also want to separate airuike from
so I want to get 3 strings:, airuike and lily weisy
how to achieve this? thanks
do this:
sed -e 's/.*href="\([^"]*\)".*>\([^<]*\)<.*/link:\1 name:\2/' < data
will give you the first part. But I'm not sure what you are doing with it after this.
Since it is html, and html should be parsed with a html parser and not with grep/sed/awk, you could use the pattern matching function of my Xidel.
xidel yourfile.html -e '<a class="yt-uix-sessionlink yt-user-name " dir="ltr">{$link := #href, $user := substring-after($link, ""), $name:=text()}</a>*'
Or if you want a CSV like result:
xidel yourfile.html -e '<a class="yt-uix-sessionlink yt-user-name " dir="ltr">{string-join((#href, substring-after(#href, ""), text()), ", ")}</a>*' --hide-variable-names
It is kind of sad, that you also want to have the airuike string, otherwise it could be as simple as
xidel /yourfile.html -e '{$name}*'
(and you were supposed to be able to use xidel '{$name}*', but it seems I haven't thought the syntax through. Just one error check and it is breaking everything. )
$ awk '{split($0,a,/(["<>]|:\/\/)/); u=a[4]; sub(/.*\//,"",a[4]); print u,a[4],a[12]}' file airuike lily weisy
I think something like this must work
while read line
href=$(echo $line | grep -o 'http[^"]*')
user=$(echo $href | grep -o '[^/]*$')
text=$(echo $line | grep -o '[^>]*<\/a>$' | grep -o '^[^<]*')
echo href: $href
echo user: $user
echo text: $text
done < yourfile
Regular expressions basics:
Upd: checked and fixed

Pipes inside of sed

Is there a way to send the back references of the SED s/// command to pipes? In order to get an entry from the text, change it, and then write it back. I found that a substitution inside of SED works:
$ echo 'Test ....' | sed 's/Test/'$( echo "<\0>" )'/'
<Test> ....
But the first pipe does not:
$ echo 'Test ....' | sed 's/Test/'$( echo "<\0>" | tr 's' 'x' )'/'
<Test> ....
What is the reason? Additionally, I can't understand why this works at all. I thought that $() substitution should be processed before sed (all the more as I broke the quotes).
And how can I insert one s/// command into another using sed? I use bash.
The tr command is operating on the text "<\0>", not on "<Test>". The back reference isn't expanded in sed until after the pipeline completes. Your second example is equivalent to
foo=$( echo "<\0>" | tr 's' 'x' )
echo 'Test ....' | sed 's/Test/'$foo'/'
It's a little easier to see here that tr has no way of seeing "Test" in its input.
You can achieve the effect you're after with GNU sed and the e flag:
echo 'Test ....' | sed 's/Test.*/echo "<\0>" | tr s x/e'
<Text ....>
