Found an unexpected Mach-O header code: 0x72613c21 - xcode

I am facing problems while submitting the react native ios app on App store. It works well. There is no problem in archiving also. But after archiving , When I try to distribute
the app I get an error "Found an unexpected Mach-O header code: 0x72613c21".
Xcode version: 11.1

I ran into the same problem although I think it was my own fault. I was upgrading an App for Admob 8 and the compatible Firebase version and I think while cleaning out the previous versions I deleted all the entries in General -> Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content without realising that I also had GameKit and StoreKit frameworks in there. Whilst this carelessness had no effect on building and running for simulators and devices I got the Mach-O error when I tried to distribute the app to the store. Just dragging the frameworks back in fixed the problem for me.


Xcode doesn't build for iPhone simulator

I'm working on a iOS project in Xcode 4.5 and I have a workspace with some old libraries that I needed to link as dependancies to my project. I had to go through quite some difficulties before getting it to build and now it finally builds for my device, but not for the simulator. The problem is, I get a bunch of errors like the following (all related to UIKit framework):
- error: 'UIResponder' is unavailable: not available on Mac OS X
and then it just says too many errors emitted, stopping now.
It looks like it's trying to build the project for Mac OS X rather than for iOS, and I have no idea why.
I'm quite new to Xcode 4.5 development and it might just be that I missed something really easy, but I can't seem to find the solution anywhere!
How can I convince Xcode that the iPhone simulator is not Mac OS X?
Make sure that the deployment target is the latest (6.1), the base SDK is iOS 6.1 and targeted device family is iPhone. All these options can be found under the build settings tab for the PROJECT.

Location services are not functional in iOS 4.3 simulator running on Mac OS 10.7 with Xcode 4.2

I have built an iOS app that leverages Core Location Framework. I have Xcode 4.2 installed and Lion and now Location services are not functional.
Anyone know if there is a patch or workaround for this? I basically stuck and can't test my app on the simulator.
The updated location services in the iOS Simulator are not available to the general public as of yet. If you have access to the iOS Developer Program, you can download the latest beta of XCode, 4.2, and test that way.
As a warning, the beta is just that, a beta. You may end up with more testing issues that are completely unrelated to your location services.
Best case scenario is 2 machines, one for each. That isn't always feasible, so you'll have to decide which is more important. Good luck.
Testing on the device would definitely be a good work around. You will want to test on a real device to check Xcode 4.2 is still in Beta, so this might be a bug in this latest version. According to the documentation it is supposed give you the latitude and longitude of the Apple headquarters as a default.
iOS Simulator notes

Unable to restore to 3.1.3 in Xcode organizer

I am using Xcode 3.2.1 and I accidentally updated my iPod to 4.2.1 in iTunes.
When I open Xcode > Organizer and try to restore my iPod to 3.1.3.
It fails with an error message: Unable to preflight personalized install
I am using this software image:
And I am quite sure this image is not corrupted since it comes from and I have re-downloaded it for several times.
My iPod is a registered device in the Provisioning Portal and I have never jailbroken it before.
What do you think the problem is?
Thanks in advance.
I have searched in the apple member center developer forum, after reading some posts, what I can conclude is, unless you have previously saved you SHSH, you cannot possibly downgrade it from 4.x to 3.1.3.
Ignoring the option of buying another iPod which still has the 3.1.3 iOS installed, the only option you are left with, is to persuade yourself that most people are already using 4.x iOS and supporting 3.1.3 is not that important.

XCode 3.2.4 iOS 4.1 (Final) and CoreData Crashes in Simulator

I've got 2 applications using Core Data with a sqlite persistent store. I've got a data loader routine that I run to populate the CoreData DB from csv files. During development, when my data changes I run the routine from the simulator to generate new databases and copy the new one into the project.
This has been working quite well for XCode 3.2.3 and iOS 4.0. It even works in the XCode 4 Preview 2 and 3. I just installed the final version of XCode 3.2.4 and iOS 4.1. Now my db loader fails. It gives me no message, no warning, no nothing. It just dumps out to the spring board and XCode gives me the "Debugging Terminated" message. It will fail at different times during the load so I'm pretty sure it's not a data issue. I'm not doing any threading. I assume the issue has to do with either Core Data or sqlite, since that's when the crash occurs, but with no info reported I can't tell for sure.
I uninstalled everything. Xcode 3.2.4, Xcode 4 preview (assuming it was an issue caused by XCode 4) and reinstalled XCode 3.2.3/iOS 4.0. Things returned to normal. After getting some work done I attempted to upgrade to 3.2.4/iOS 4.1 again. I uninstalled 3.2.3/iOS 4.0, rebooted. Installed 3.2.4/iOS 4.1, rebooted and tried again. No luck. Same hard crash. Same lack of messaging as to the cause.
I have determined that this only happens with the Simulator with XCode 3.2.4, the device is fine as is XCode 4 and 3.2.3. I've tried playing with the target OS selection (3.0,3.1,4.0,4.1). I've tired adjusting the Compiler from GCC 4.0, GCC 4.2,LLVM GCC 4.2, LLVM 1.5. I've tried setting the Base SDK to iOS Simulator 4.1. Interestingly enough it will work in the iPad simulator when using the 3.2 SDK. So I've at least go that as a work around.
I guess there is one of 3 issues:
An issue with my code that has been uncovered by 3.2.4.
Bug in 3.2.4.
A configuration issue that I've missed.
If anybody has any troubleshooting ideas or answers I'd love to hear them. I've been doing iOS full time since V 2.1 and I am seriously stumped.
Thanks in advance,
I figured out my issue. It looks like the CoreData/Sqlite connection was a total red herring. Following a tip I read on SO, I used OSX's Console application and got a critical message "Failed to launch in time" that was not being displayed in XCode's debugger console.
It looks like the process was being killed due to what is essentially a timeout error. The iPhone will kill an application that takes too long to complete "didFinishLaunching." That's where I was kicking the data load routine off from. The new version of XCode must have adjusted it's timeout values.
So my takeaway is give OSX's console a shot if XCode isn't telling you everything and watch out for those red herrings.
When I upgraded I ran into troubles in the simulator when saving the managedObjectContext. I finally deleted my sqlite CoreData store file and have not run into similar problems. Try deleting your data file (well save a copy of it before deleting to see what is different).

Why doesn't iPhone ad hoc distribution in iOS 4 (Xcode 3.2.3) work?

Before iOS 4, I could successfully build my app using the ad hoc distribution profile and send it to my clients for testing.
Now. under Xcode 3.2.3, when I (and my client) drag and drop the .app folder into iTunes, the app does not appear among the list of apps and no message (error, warning, etc) is displayed.
Is there a known problem with ad hoc distribution in Xcode 3.2.3?
Hey, so I just ran into this, and I found that I could fix it by setting the value:
"LSRequiresIPhoneOS" to true (checked) in the application's Info.plist file.
I had a look back at all my old projects, and found that they all had this checked. I'm guessing that what happens is that when you open an old iPhone project in Xcode 3.2.3, it corrupts that parameter for some reason. I also encountered another other weird thing when I opened the project: a build parameter that is iPhone specific ("iPhone OS Deployment Target") was not there, and instead, the parameter "Mac OS Deployment Target" was there. This issue was resolved by saving the project. It all seems to point to Xcode failing to be backwards compatible with iPhone projects, which I've definitely seen other manifestations of in previous SDK upgrades.
Anyhow, hope this helps! If anybody has any deeper insights I'd love to hear them.
