How to show only installed module's menu in drop-down list - drop-down-menu

I made one drop-down list and now I want to show in this drop-down only which modules I have installed.
Only installed module's menus I want to show.

Let me try to help you.
Firstly for your learning:
->Activate Debug mode.
->Then go to Apps.
->Select any App which you want.
->Go to Module Info.
->Place your pointer at any field which are visible in front of you.
->It will give you detail of model in which all modules which are installed or not installed are placed.
Secondly for sake of answer:
-> installed_modules = self.env['ir.module.module'].search([('state', '=', 'installed')])
->Then do whatever you want.


Odoo menu buttons missing on install

As the title says, I installed Odoo, but I don't have any available options in the menu.
I tried reinstalling a 2nd time, but I got the same result.
How does one even troubleshoot this?
Odoo 8 Screenshot
It is default functionality of odoo. you need to give technical access rights to admin user
just check the "Technical Features" in Administrator users form view. then you can see additional technical setting menus
I had not yet installed any of the default modules. Once any module is installed (Sales, Purchases, CRM, etc.), the appropriate tabs will be added to the top menu.

Are there any special event hooks for joomla modules

I have been searching special event hooks for use to track and update module forms. I found contenthooks on the documentation site but I couldn't get anything for modules. I want to add a plugin so that it adds an extra field viz. radio button to every module form. Finally I want to use the value of this radio field in templates/your-template/html/module.php. Can someone point me in the right direction towards this. Thanks :)
Jooma does not have event driven structure like for example .NET or Java. However if you want to trigger some additional functionality on certain event you may create a plugin. Plugin is something different than module or component but it 'collaborates' with them. It handles some per-defined events:
[1]: and it lets you define your own.
You may also try the way I usually take which is customize module display. You simply copy
view file of the module you want to modify to your template. For example:
/templates/{your template}/mod_feed/default.php
Now you can freely modify this file without any risk that it may be overwritten on the next Joomla update. Just don't forget to set your overwrite in module settings: go to administrator, modules, choose module to edit and in the tab 'Advanced' select 'Alternative Layout'.
I hope this helps and good luck!
Take a look at the new com_ajax that is in 3.2.

Virtue Mart Joomla

I have my shop showing this URL when a user checks out.
for all the steps it does not show the checkoout_stage as i would expect below in the URL hence it ends up using the home template with the layout distorted
What i expect instead:
One common mistake that will give you this type of problem is not having a menu item for Virtuemat or the VM module published somewhere. You have to have a menu item for VM, even if its in a hidden menu, same with the VM module. Even if you put it in a hidden position you still have to have one and it needs to be published.
If that doesn't do it, we need a lot more information before we can help.

display custom attributes on Virtuemart browse page

I need the browse page to show quantity box, custom attributes, and Add to Cart button all together.
It doesn't show it at all. Only when you go to the product page, you can see them.
Any solutions?
Thanks, Ahmed.
Ahmed, you'll have to modify the template directly to do something like that. VM uses a large number of template files written in PHP. If you're using the default template, you can find them here:
From there, it takes a little looking around to figure out exactly which template you need to edit. If you need to edit a browse template, my recommendation is go to your VirtueMart Administration in Joomla backend and look at Admin | Configuration | Site | Layout to get an idea of which files you're using. It will probably say "Default" in the dropdown, with a Configuration link directly below. Click that link and look at the very first item, Product List Style. From the description of your layout desires, you might be using Flat Product List.
The main file for editing that layout is:
If you're a programmer, you should be able to look thru the code and correctly guess which code elements are being used to display VM product details. If you're not a programmer, you can still fake it by commenting out sections to see what "goes away" on the actual product page. Use what you learn to strip out useful code and move it around.
Another useful file to pull VM product code from is:
This is the actual product view (unless it's been changed in VM config), and contains pretty much all the common code elements that extract product details. You should be able to lift some of that code and place it where it needs to go in other forms.
Good luck with all of this. I find VM coding painful, and community support in the VM forums can be... sparse...

How can I show different category layout from three different modules?

One of client of my projects has asked me to aggregate two different modules in one menu tab.
He needs like, if a user clicks on One Menu Tab, he needs a picture gallery and video gallery to be shown all together.
I have checked that it is possible by creating a category layout of each of them.But the thing is I cannot figure out how to show both of them together, under a single Menu Tab.
Please guide me!
Thanks in advance.
I might be misunderstanding you but can't you just publish both modules in the same module placeholder and assign them to the menu?
