http upgrade failed with status code 400 in jmeter websocket sampler - websocket

I have used the websocket open connection sampler request in my project.
URL: wss://
while executing the jmeter script getting the Response message:"http upgrade failed with status code 400"
Please help me.enter image description here

As per HTTP Status Code 400 description
The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 400 Bad Request response status code indicates that the server cannot or will not process the request due to something that is perceived to be a client error (e.g., malformed request syntax, invalid request message framing, or deceptive request routing).
So my expectation is that you're sending the wrong request which doesn't match what your server expects. As it is not publicly available I cannot come up with the proper configuration, however I believe you should start with normal HTTP Request sampler and add the following Headers to the request:
Connection: Upgrade
Upgrade: websocket
Whatever other headers which real browser sends like Sec-WebSocket-Protocol, Sec-WebSocket-Version, Sec-WebSocket-Key, etc.
The headers can be added using HTTP Header Manager
You can capture browser traffic using built-in browser developer tools or an external sniffer tool like Wireshark.
Once you will be sending the same sequence of the same requests you should get the same responses as for the real browser.


Getting 400 bad request when uploading attachment on Jmeter

I recorded uploading an attachment (pdf file) using blazemeter plugin, then open the jmx file using Jmeter. I modified uploads tab as in the following image and placed pdf file under bin directly. when i run the script i got 400 bad request , could you please advise what might be the issue?
As per 400 Bad Request status code description:
The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 400 Bad Request response status code indicates that the server cannot or will not process the request due to something that is perceived to be a client error (for example, malformed request syntax, invalid request message framing, or deceptive request routing).
So I would recommend using a 3rd-party sniffer tool like Fiddler or Wireshark to capture the requests originating from JMeter and the real browser and compare them.
Requests must be exactly the same (apart from dynamic parameters which need to be correlated), once you amend your JMeter configuration so it will send the same request as the real browser does your file upload will be successful.
We cannot suggest anything meaningful unless we see successful and failing requests dumps fully (URL, headers and body)

JMeter - websocket plugin - forbidden error

We are trying to test a WebSocket communication using the JMeter plugin(WebSocket request-response Sampler) by Peter Doornbosch. Headers are sent appropriately, response headers are received as intended with Response code:101. But the message says {"message": "Forbidden", "connectionId":"xxxxxxxx=", "requestId":"xxxxxxxx="}.
"Headers are sent appropriately" - I doubt this is the case.
Compare requests which are being sent by JMeter and by the real browser (or other WebSocket client application) using an external sniffer tool like Fiddler or Wireshark - the requests must be exactly the same (apart from dynamic values which need to be correlated).
Given you will be sending the same request with JMeter as the real browser does you will be getting the same response
Also it might be the case of missing authentication/authorization token which is normally being added to the URL

JMeter response 504 Gateway time-out?

I am trying to perform a test against an endpoint with 1 thread. I configured a HTTP request with JSON Monk endpoint URL using JMEter.
But when I run the test I get Response code:504 in the Sampler result. The same when I use the URL in a browser I get also 504 Gateway Time-out
Can anyone help me with this issue? - I tried in another pc and I got the same error!
I have installed JMeter correctly and my code is correct too. I am working on a Windows 10.
HTTP Request:
As per HTTP Status Code 504 description
The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 504 Gateway Timeout server error response code indicates that the server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, did not get a response in time from the upstream server that it needed in order to complete the request.
Note: A Gateway might refer to different things in networking and a 504 error is usually not something you can fix, but requires a fix by the web server or the proxies you are trying to get access through.
So it indicates the problem with the server you're trying to test, if you own the website - go and fix it, if you know someone who is responsible for it - inform him/her/them.
There is nothing you can do from JMeter perspective. If you know how response should look like you can use a Dummy Sampler to return this response so you could play with the response data
By the way, it's down for me as well:

Response code: 503 Response message: Service Unavailable

I have given two url in csv file and trying to load that in jmeter. I am getting 503 response code.
As per HTTP 503 status code description
The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 503 Service Unavailable server error response code indicates that the server is not ready to handle the request.
Common causes are a server that is down for maintenance or that is overloaded. This response should be used for temporary conditions and the Retry-After HTTP header should, if possible, contain the estimated time for the recovery of the service.
Note: together with this response, a user-friendly page explaining the problem should be sent.
Caching-related headers that are sent along with this response should be taken care of, as a 503 status is often a temporary condition and responses shouldn't usually be cached.
So I can think of at least 3 possible issues:
Your server is really overloaded, you can try checking Response Data tab of the View Results Tree listener - if you're lucky - you will the the aforementioned "user-friendly page explaining the problem"
Your request is malformed and server is sending 503 response instead of 4xx which indicates client-side error. Double check what URL(s) you're trying to open by looking into Request tab of the View Results Tree listener and try to open it in the browser. If you're building the URL from parts (i.e. host, port, protocol, query string, etc.) - you might want to check if the values are correctly read from the CSV file using Debug Sampler
I fail to see HTTP Header Manager in your Test Plan, some servers check the client Headers, for example User-Agent or Accept and may report an error if the required header is missing (i.e. indicating that the browser is not supported)

Should WebSocket server only handle GET requests?

I have a WebSocket server written which only handles upgrade requests which are GET requests. If a POST or any other kind of request with the required headers comes it is handled by a HTTP server.
In the specification it is not stated explicitly that the WebSocket upgrade request should be a GET request.
If the upgrade request is not a GET request should the server handle it as a WebSocket upgrade request, should it pass it to be handled by the HTTP server or should it respond to it with a status code like 400 Bad Request ?
Could this be a design decision where the server decides not to handle methods which are not GET requests?
From section 4.1 (Client Requirements) of the webSocket specification, it says this:
The method of the request MUST be GET, and the HTTP version MUST
be at least 1.1
And, then later in section 4.2.1 (Reading the Client's Opening Handshake) of the webSocket specification, it says this:
The client's opening handshake consists of the following parts. If
the server, while reading the handshake, finds that the client did
not send a handshake that matches the description below (note that as
per [RFC2616], the order of the header fields is not important),
including but not limited to any violations of the ABNF grammar
specified for the components of the handshake, the server MUST stop
processing the client's handshake and return an HTTP response with an
appropriate error code (such as 400 Bad Request).
An HTTP/1.1 or higher GET request, including a "Request-URI"
[RFC2616] that should be interpreted as a /resource name/
defined in Section 3 (or an absolute HTTP/HTTPS URI containing
the /resource name/).
So, there are multiple places where it says the http request must be a GET.
As for your specific questions:
Should WebSocket server only handle GET requests?
Yes, a webSocket connection will always start with a GET request, not a POST or any other method.
If the upgrade request is not a GET request should the server handle it as a WebSocket upgrade request, should it pass it to be handled by the HTTP server or should it respond to it with a status code like 400 Bad Request ?
As described in the above reference portion of the specfication, the server should respond with a status code like 400 Bad Request.
Could this be a design decision where the server decides not to handle methods which are not GET requests?
