Find Count of .XML Files in Directory / Sub-Directory - shell

I have a directory with millions of sub directories with millions of sub directories and each directory may contain .XML files or another sub directory ... what I need is to count the number of .XML files in the parent directory in UNIX ...
I've tried a lot of this but ended up with listing them not counting them - Any ideas ??

I'm guessing you're looking for the number of xml files on the children directories, not parent. If so, this should do the trick:
find . -type f -name \*.xml | wc -l
Make sure you're on the top level directory from where you want to search. It will display all files named *.xml and count the returned lines.


making text files containing list of files in different directories with random name in bash

I have a script which makes some files in pair (all the resulting files have either R1 OR R2 in the file name) and then put each pair in a separate directory with random name (every time will be different and I cannot predict). for example if I have 6 files, 3 files would be file_R1.txt or file_R2.txt but in pair like this example:
s1_R1.txt and s1_R2.txt
s2_R1.txt and s2_R2.txt
s3_R1.txt and s3_R2.txt
In this example I will have 3 directories (one per pair of files). I want to make 2 text file (d1.txt and. d2.txt) containing above file names. In fact, d1.txt will have all the files with R1 and d2.txt will contain all the files with R2. To do so, I made the following short bash code but it does not return what I want. Do you know how to fix it?
For file in /./*R*.txt;
touch "s1.txt"
touch "s2.txt"
echo "${fastq}" >> "s1.txt"
Weird question, not sure I get it, but for your d1 and d2 files:
find . -type f -name "*R1*" -print >d1.txt
find . -type f -name "*R2*" -print >d2.txt
find is used since you have files under different sub-directories.
Using > ensures the text files are emptied out if they already exist.
Note the code you put in your question is not valid bash.

How can I delete all files in all subdirectories with a certain name?

I have been trying to use the command line to delete all files in all subdirectories with the name s_1_1102_c.jpg.
This question is similar to what I need How to remove folders with a certain name but it is removing directories and I only want to delete the files with the name s_1_1102_c.jpg.
I will need to remove this file from 260 subdirectories under the L001 directory. My directory structure is like this:
Ultimately I need to remove several files from all subdirectories (s_1_1101_g.jpg, s_1_1101_t.jpg, s_1_1102_a.jpg, s_1_1102_c.jpg, s_1_1102_g.jpg, s_1_1102_t.jpg). So maybe there is a way to provide a list of the file names I need to delete.
How can I delete these files?
find . -name "s_1_1102_c.jpg" -exec rm -f {} \;
Note: This will find and delete the file in any subdirectory of the current one. So you could execute it in L001 or wherever else you want to do this.
for i in s_1_1101_g.jpg s_1_1101_t.jpg s_1_1102_a.jpg s_1_1102_c.jpg s_1_1102_g.jpg s_1_1102_t.jpg; do
echo rm L001/*/"$i";
If output looks fine, remove echo.
The final method I used to delete my files was given by #Peter - Reinstate Monica
for f in s_1_1101_t.jpg s_1_1102_a.jpg s_1_1102_c.jpg s_1_1102_g.jpg s_1_1102_t.jpg s_1_1103_a.jpg s_1_1103_c.jpg s_1_1103_g.jpg s_1_1103_t.jpg s_1_1104_a.jpg s_1_1104_c.jpg s_1_1104_g.jpg s_1_1104_t.jpg s_1_2101_g.jpg s_1_2101_t.jpg s_1_2102_a.jpg s_1_2102_c.jpg s_1_2102_g.jpg s_1_2102_t.jpg s_1_2103_a.jpg s_1_2103_c.jpg s_1_2103_g.jpg s_1_2103_t.jpg s_1_2104_g.jpg s_1_2104_t.jpg; do find /hpc/home/L001 -name $f -delete; done
I was concerned that my file list would be too long but it worked in this situation.

Shell Script for searching Makefile recursively in directories

I need to build a shell script on debian based OS to recursively browse and identify which Folders have Makefile present. If present then build the package. If not present then just list those folders. The catch here as shown below is I need to browse only one folder below the parent folder (ABC) and check if makefile is present under Folder1, Folder 2...etc and not to go into the sub directories of Folder1 (not to look for Makefile under folders Folder1.1, Folder 1.2, Folder2.1 etc). Looking for some tips how to loop only one level and then exit back to folder ABC and start the search.
| |-------Makefile
| |-------Somefile
| |-------Makefile
As answered by Karthikraj in above comments. This helped
find . -maxdepth 2 -type f -iname 'makefile'

Unix - Move folder where containing files match a name

I was wondering how to move a number of folders to another one, according to the filename of a file inside each of the folders.
I mean, let's assume I have a big amount of folders, each one with a name starting by 'folder*', each one containing 3 files. Specifically one the files contains a string which might be '-100', '-200' or '-300' for example.
I want to move the folders containing the files according to this strings, and put them in a folder called 'string'. For example, to put every folder containing a file which contains the string '-100' into the folder 'FOLDER1'I'm trying something like:
find folder* -name '100' -exec mv {} folder* FOLDER1
but it returns -bash: /usr/bin/find: Argument list too long.
How can I pass less arguments to find at every step so I don't get this.
Thank in advance.
Using your example, and running in the topmost folder containing all the folders, I believe that what you need is this:
grep -rlw folder* -e "-100" | xargs -I % mv % FOLDER1

Shell script to write folder tree structure to file

I need a shell script that writes the tree structure (including all data in the folders) from a specific folder to a text/dat file.
So far I got this:
find . -type f|sed 's_\.\/__' > PATH/Input.dat
I dont want a "/" as the first char of the path.
This script works fine, but it returns ALL folder structures. I need something that returns only structures from a specific folder, like "Sales".
I need something that returns only structures from a specific folder,
like "Sales".
Specify the desired folder name. Say:
find Sales -type f | sed 's_\.\/__'
Saying find . ... would search in . (i.e. the current directory and subdirectories).
If you need to search more folders, say Purchase, specify those too:
find Sales Purchase -type f | sed 's_\.\/__'
