Heroku php buildpack running slow on IBM Cloud Foundry - heroku

We have a PHP app on IBM Cloud connected to an instance of DB2 (also on IBM Cloud) that has been working flawlessly for 2 years
Up until Sept 16th, we used the https://github.com/ibmdb/php-buildpack buildbpack with our PHP app (so that it could connect to DB2 via the db2_connect PHP function.)
Now after the cflinuxfs3 upgrade that buildpack does not work and we are forced to use the
" "php_buildpack" community buildpack already installed in Cloud Foundry".
however, This new buildpack does not support DB2 connections. When trying to use this buildpack I run a log I find this error :
"undefined function : db2_connect()".
We are currently using an older buildpack:
this one DOES support connections to DB2 but it make the app VERY slow. A simple www page will load up to 60 seconds. We used this buildpack up until some 18 months ago, until they changed something on IBM Cloud and the heroku buiildpack staterd working very slow.... and we were told by support to use the one I mentioned at the begining. So, does anyone know WHY the heroku build pack works so slow or better yet is there a way to config your IBM Cloud account so that the heroku buildpack works normally?


How to deploy laravel websocket on GCP Standard App Engine?

I am using laravel 6 and I want to deploy laravel based websocket server using supervisor on google cloud standard app engine platform.
I am using this package:
I have setup everything and everything is working fine on local machine!
What is the exact procedure to follow to deploy it on GCP?
At this time, WebSockets are not supported by App Engine Standard. There is work being done with Cloud Run support for WebSockets, so this situation might be changing in the future for App Engine Standard.
Cloud Run WebSockets and gRPC bi-directional streaming support
To use WebSockets today, use App Engine Flexible or switch to another service such as Compute Engine.
Creating Persistent Connections with WebSockets
Google Compute Engine WebSocket Support

How to deploy an Ionic app with CouchDB and PouchDB using Heroku?

I just followed along with this tutorial to create a Todo list app with user authentication: https://www.joshmorony.com/part-2-creating-a-multiple-user-app-with-ionic-2-pouchdb-couchdb/
The app is built with the Ionic 2 Framework using CouchDB and PouchDB to create a separate database for each user. However, I am totally confused as to how to move this setup from my local machine to a Heroku server.
Can anyone provide a step by step process to accomplish this?
Heroku no longer supports couchdb addon seems it was closed sometime back. For couchdb-pouchdb hosting you can use IBM's cloudant, irish couch or digital ocean.
For my case i setup an ubuntu16.04 droplet on digital ocean, installed and configured couchdb on it. You can check out this list of couchdb hosting sites. Hope this helps

Configure APNS on Parse Server

I'm trying to migrate from Parse.com service to a self-hosted Parse Server, and it's been a bit difficult.
Basically I set up my server like this:
Run $ npm install -g parse-server
Run $ parse-server
Everything is up and running, and I also setup a machine running parse-dashboard in a very similar way.
I had already synced the database and had no problems with it.
The problem is that when I try to send a push notification, I get the message:
Missing push configuration
I believe that's connected to the APNS settings. In Parse.com dashboard we can add the APNS certificates, but on the self hosted dashboard there is no such option (or I couldn't find it).
What am I missing? How do I set theses things up?
I believe that running parse-server without the recommended Express wrapper does not give me full control of everything I needed to configure the application.
I created an Express app, started the serving using the guide #thailey01 suggested and now it works.

IBM Bluemix Push Notification not working on the production mode [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
MobileFirst Starter - Bluemix Push Notification failure in Production mode
(1 answer)
Closed 4 years ago.
Now I am woking on the ionic framework and integrating the IBM Bluemix Push Notification on the app. But I have a issue with production mode. When I install the app with development mobile provision, the app works well and I can receive the push message. But I try to build the ipa with release mode, I can not receive the push.
What do I need to do more any configuration or IBM Bluemix Push Notification can't work on the production mode with Cordova Plugin ?
Can anyone give any idea ?
Please take a look at MobileFirst Starter - Bluemix Push Notification failure in Production mode
It is likely that you have not configured your certificate on Bluemix while in Production mode. I would suggest following my answer in that question and setting your Bluemix environment to Production, and then configuring your push certificate after doing so and retrying your application.
If this does not work please provide your Bluemix application ID so we can do more investigation. Thanks

Migrating mysql db to heroku for web deployment

Following on from this question,
I have deployed my php scripts successfully to heroku. Now I am having another doubt: How can I insert my local mysql db into heroku server?
On my local machine, I usually launch my db on wamp server and call x.php to initialize my app. I am wondering how I can do this on heroku?
Heroku doesn't do MySQL per se, you would need to use a third-party add-on such as ClearDB or switch to Postgresql.
