Migrating mysql db to heroku for web deployment - heroku

Following on from this question,
I have deployed my php scripts successfully to heroku. Now I am having another doubt: How can I insert my local mysql db into heroku server?
On my local machine, I usually launch my db on wamp server and call x.php to initialize my app. I am wondering how I can do this on heroku?

Heroku doesn't do MySQL per se, you would need to use a third-party add-on such as ClearDB or switch to Postgresql.


Heroku CLI not killing the postgres connections

Postgres db provisioned at Heroku runs out of DB connections very frequently which hinders debugging the application on local system.
While try killing the connection via Heroku CLI, nothing happens. It pops "Not Found" message. It seems the command is not able to locate the db within the heroku app.
Need some help on killing postgre DB connections, so as to debug the application.
I tried executing
heroku pg:info -a heroku-sizing-roi-dev
It returns
But the database is provisioned already with DB schema and tables created. I can browse the DB on heroku dashboard and connect it via Java application.

Setup multiple Cloud SQL connections on Google App Engine (Laravel 6.2)

I am trying to set up multiple MySQL connections on my Laravel 6.2 web app deployed with Google App Engine.
Everything worked when I had a single MySQL databse (stored on Cloud SQL) but I can't get the hand on any documentation to set up multiple connections in my app.yaml file.
All the connections you can see in the screenshot of the config/database.php work properly in a local environment.
Thank you guys for your help.

Publishing and Hosting Oracle Apex app into WWW

This question may sound silly for some of you, but I would be grateful if you could advise if it is possible to publish apex app into www?
Let's say I am going to run my testing environment under apex.oracle.... url, however I would like my production environment to be running under for example www.MyWebSite.com
Many thanks in advance for any tips.
If you want to host your own production environment, you have two stages: setting up your server, and deploying your application.
For server setup, you've got two main options:
Sign up with a specialized APEX hosting company who will do all the server setup and administration for you.
Do it yourself. You'll need to register your domain name and sign up with a hosting company. Then you'll install and configure Oracle Database, as well as a web application server (like Weblogic or Tomcat). Then install and configure Oracle Rest Data Services (ORDS), which will act as the listener for APEX.
Now, once your server is ready, look at the documentation on Deploying Your Application. The basic steps are that you want to export your application from your test workspace, and import it into your production environment.

Using Oracle with Heroku

Our application contains Tomcat application server that connects and use Oracle DB.
I would like to check the option to migrate our application to Heroku.
I would like to know if and how Heroku is supporting Oracle server.
Thank you,
Heroku hosting services do not support Oracle database..
From Heroku main page: Heroku supports Ruby, Node.js, Python, and Java
You can connect to oracle from all these languages.
For Java (based on mentioning of Tomcat), you will be using jdbc.

Connect to a Heroku app after directory (and all other data) deleted on local machine

I lost all the data on my localmachine (Macbook Pro) and, to make matters worse, the repo for a Rails app hosted on Heroku has also been deleted on github. Since I lost all the data on my localmachine, whatever security keys I had installed have also been deleted so if I try to connect to Heroku it won't even recognize me. What can I do in this situation to download the app and export the database?
Are you still able to log into heroku.com? If so, you should be able to set up the heroku CLI again with a new public key. Then you should be able to use heroku git:clone APP to get the code from heroku.
With your database, there should be options for managing it on heroku.com or via the heroku CLI (e.g. heroku pg:pull if you're using postgres).
