Unable to install matplotlib 3.0.2 - cmd

I have python3.7.2 on my computer.
This is where it is in my computer --> C:\Program Files\Python37
I have tried to open up cmd on my computer and tried to type in cd Python37 but it doesn't find the python. If it opened up the next step for me would be to type in: pip install matplotlib==3.0.2
What should I type in cmd in order to find Python?

If you have python installed on your computer you should first add C:\Program Files\Python37 to PATH environment variable.
You can refer this link for the same.
After that you can check your script folder inside C:\Program Files\Python37 if it has pip/pip3 on it.
Now you can go to cd C:\Program Files\Python37\Scripts using command prompt.
Run pip3 install matplotlib to install matplotlib.
Hope this helps.


I see pip in the python/python39/scripts folder but it still says "pip command not found"

I tried pip3, it still doesn't do anything. I tried to reinstall it from reinstalling python or installing it in idle, but if i try to do "python get-pip.py" it just goes to another line, it doesnt do anything. im on windows btw
Edit: I followed what the commenter said, and if i type "py -m pip install" it lets me install a package so tysm
Try adding pip to environment variables . Original answer
On Windows pip3 should be in the Scripts path of your Python installation:
where python
to find out where your Python executable(s) is/are located. The result should look like this:
You can check if pip3 works with this absolute path:
if yes, add C:\path\to\python\Scripts to your environmental variable PATH

Completely Unable to Run pip on Windows 10

I have installed Python 3.7.4 on Windows 10. The scripts folder is empty. I have all paths added to environment variable PATH. Python is working on running scripts. PIP is not yet recognized and even using python get-pip.py execution is not working.
I have read all possible fixes online but it does not help.
Anyone who can assist? Any help will be much appreciated.
C:\Program Files\Python37> python get-pip.py
Add the following directory to your path.
C:\Program Files\Python37\Scripts
Then, try to download pip again. If this not working, download the get-pip.py manually and install it through the CMD as an Admin.
Here is a website: https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py

Python 3.6 USZIPCODE Install

I'm brand new to Python. I've been using Python through Anaconda. I'm running Python 3.6.5. Right now, I'm trying to install a package called USZIPCODE from https://pypi.org/project/zipcodes/. I downloaded the zip file from this site in to my downloads folder. I then tried to use $ pip install uszipcode from the CMD prompt. This doesn't work. "Invalid Syntax" is returned. I've looked at videos on how to use pip to install other packages but they have not been able to solve my problem. The picture below should give some insight in to the issue. Any pointers on how I can install this package into python? Thank you! enter image description here
2 years too late to help bbranham, but for other Anaconda Python beginners having trouble using pip install, use the "Anaconda Powershell Prompt". For instance, on Windows 7:
Hit the windows key and type "Anaconda Powershell Prompt" and select in the search bar to open the Anaconda Powershell cmd prompt.
If you are using different environments make sure to activate your environment with conda activate yourenvname
pip install uszipcode should work out then (to download and install the uszipcode package to your active anaconda environment).

ijavascript will not install

I have been trying to run Javascript from a Jupyter Notebook on Windows 10 but failed miserably. It seems I cannot install IJavascript to make it available.
All installation guides say to use Anaconda for IJavascript - so I did, but I CANNOT FIND IJAVASCRIPT anywhere within Anaconda, only the js packages, i searched everywhere there was a search bar available. So, because I am stubborn i tried the hard way:
Installed all javascript packages except mocha (which cannot be found) listed here:
then tried
npm install -g ijavascript
but keep getting this error:
c:\users\ryuuzako\anaconda3\scripts\node_modules\ijavascript\node_modules\nan\nan_json.h(89): error C2660: 'v8::JSON::P
arse': function does not take 2 arguments [C:\Users\ryuuzako\Anaconda3\Scripts\node_modules\ijavascript\node_modules\ze
"Javascript" type does not appear when creating a new file in Jupyter, my guess is because ijavascript is not installed..
ANY suggestion to make it work is greatly appreciated.
I can provide the whole npm log but it is humongous.
Feel free to assume i am a complete idiot who didn't work with node before.
I've just forked ijavascript and edited the documentation for the Windows installation section as shown below.
Install Python3 or the Anaconda3 Python distribution.
In the command line:
pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip3 install jupyter
npm install -g ijavascript
If the ijinstall command is not recognized, you can execute it manually by navigating to your npm install directory and running the ijinstall batch file. If you do not know where your npm install is located, try looking for it in the default install location: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\npm.
Then you can run jupyter notebook in your terminal to load Jupyter Notebook. When you create a new Jupyter Notebook, you should see the Javascript (Node) kernel available.
If using the Anaconda alternative to the standard Python distribution, it comes pre-installed with Jupyter Notebook. If using Anaconda, you can skip the pip3 install jupyter step.
This picture might also help, when it comes to the ijinstall part.
I struggled with this as well. After installing by running commands:
pip install jupyter
npm install -g ijavascript
You will need to update the environment variable named 'Path' in the 'System Variables' section.
In Windows 10, Python 3.10, the path to add looks like:
After changing the environment variable, you will need to re-start the computer for it to take effect.
Once this is done, run:
in the command prompt and you should be good to go.
This also happeed to me.
First thing install anaconda after that(by default you have installed jupyter),
then search in your menu apps for anaconda prompt, then install ijavascript from anaconda prompt:
npm install -g ijavascript
then run jupyter from anaconda prompt
jupyter notebook

Installing pyinstaller via pip leads to "failed to create process"

Does anyone know why pyinstaller immediately fails after installed via pip via anaconda 32bit?
I installed pyinstaller via pip install pyinstaller through the anaconda command prompt on Windows 64 bit using 32 bit anaconda (because I want to create 32 bit executables)
Yes I read pyinstaller --version failed to create a process and pip/easy_install failure: failed to create process and How to install pyinstaller using pip
I did not rename any files I installed anaconda 15 mins ago, pycharm 10 mins ago, and pyinstaller 5 mins ago. I uninstalled pyinstaller via pup uninstall and reinstalled in the anaconda scripts folder, this did nothing.
Any insight anyone? #windowsfrustrations
[Update: So apparently the root fix for this is in setuptools. The fix went into setuptools version 24.3.1 released July 23, 2016. Upgrading to anything newer than that should take care of this.]
It turns out this is a bug in pip. As mentioned in the other answer it has a problem with spaces in the path to the python install.
Specifically it leaves out quote marks in the generated launcher scripts. The scripts can be found in \Scripts\ (e.g. C:\Program Files\Python 3.5\Scripts). For pyinstaller there 4 pyi-* and a pyinstaller-script.py scripts.
You can work around this relatively easily by editing the first line of each script. The generated first lines will look something like:
#!c:\program files\python 3.5\python.exe
# EASY-INSTALL-ENTRY-SCRIPT: 'PyInstaller==3.1.1','console_scripts','pyinstaller'
Just add quotes around the shebang command, like so:
#!"c:\program files\python 3.5\python.exe"
This error seems to occur when Python’s (or PyInstaller’s) path contains a space (for example, when one installs Python to the Program Files (x86) directory.)
I suspect that somewhere in PyInstaller’s source code there are some missing quotation marks.
Try installing Python in a path without spaces, and installing PyInstaller (via pip) to that path.
As StationaryTraveller mentioned, you can work around this bug by calling script pyinstaller-script.py
Below is an example
C:>"C:\Program Files (x86)\Python35-32\python.exe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Python35-32\Scripts\pyinstaller-script.py" script_to_compile.py
As of July 2016 the issue was reported as fixed, ugrading pip, setuptools and then uninstalling and installing pyinstaller should remedy the problem
I had the same issue, even with pip and setuptools updated, and the problem was that pyinstaller-script.py, found in C:\Python35\Scripts\ directory, had the wrong path for python.exe.
Python on my system was somehow installed in AppData, but its' scripts and modules were being installed in C:\Python35\ folder.
Changing the first line of pyinstaller-script.py to the correct path of python.exe (Programs directory inside AppData), with quotes if there's any space in the folders' names inbetween, and it should work and no longer show the "Failed to create process".
#!C:\Program" "Files" "(x86)\Python\python.exe
Using Windows10 and Python35 official installer got Python installed there somehow.
I fixed it [Anaconda 3.4] by doing this:
Enter Anaconda Command Prompt
Get to anaconda scripts folder by: cd /path/to/anaconda/Scripts
Write: python pyinstaller-script.py path/YourScript.py
Worked like a charm.
"C:\Program Files\Python35-32\python.exe" "C:\Program Files\Python35-32\Scripts\pyinstaller-script.py" --onefile --windowed ex_btn.py
--onefile : create only exe,
--windowed : exclude the prompting CMD,
ex_btn.py : python script file.
This worked like charm.
python -m pip install pip worked for me.
With Anaconda version of Python 3.5.2 and 3.6.0(Upgraded for this error, but the error appears to be the same with both versions), I had encountered the same error message with command pip install pip, or pip install whatever/ conda install whatever.
I had both Python 2.7 and 3.5, but pip install --upgrade pip had been working every day, until a few days ago.
In my case, I uninstall and install pyinstaller, then every things work well.
It may relate to any changes within python after installation, so re-installing is a good choice.
pip uninstall pyinstaller
pip install pyinstaller
