Jenkins couldn't pull the jar from private artifactory with -SNAPSHOT - maven

I can build it locally with no problem, but during jenkins build, i am getting error for not able to find the my-app.jar. I do have the SNAPSHOT fold in my artifactory site.
Once I changed my pom to call the latest jar in the SNAPSHOT folder, everything started to work again.
Should the artifactory return the latest jar automatically when I use -SNAPSHOT?

The first one should work fine. I guess you have a caching problem. Try to delete the relevant directories from the local repository and try again.


Nexus doesn't download the complete artifact content from the Central repository

In our project we use the artifact
Everything works fine: Nexus downloads the same content as in to its proxy repository.
('Download' column in artifact details on Nexus shows 'pom, jar')
Now, we switch to the newest version 2.0.2 of the artifact:
Then, when we try to build the project then the attempt fails. Nexus cannot resolve the artifact! It seems like Nexus didn't download the complete content of the artifact version ('Download' column in artifact details on Nexus shows 'pom, pom'). On the other site, when I look at the artifact in the Central repository, the content is as usual:
What causes the problem with the newest artifact version? Why can't Nexus download it correctly?
You may have overlooked that your dependency is of type pom. This will only download the pom, because that's what you are asking for. Remove the <type> and you should get the jar aswell.
<type>pom</type> <-------------- Remove this
Assuming crea1's answer didn't solve your problem:
Maybe something went wrong when Maven downloaded the artifact, causing Maven to "think" the artifact was downloaded anyway.
You can force Maven to try and download it again with mvn -U test.
If that doesn't work, try going into ~/.m2/repository (or wherever Maven stores its artifacts locally on your system), locating EqualsVerifier, removing the entire 2.0.2 folder, and calling Maven again. Jar is missing from Nexus repository. Which Repository to add to get the same

I had tried adding Repository by using this blog post.
But Still Not able to get the dependency
Then I read Which says that "The repository is frozen "
So Which repository should I configure to Nexus Server to get the mentioned jar and get the data.
I didn't find "" either.
So I check the Spring's dependencies (its pom.xml, version 4.1) And I found the following:
I almost sure Spring uses the same version of aopalliance for a while.

Nexus sonatype does not get zip dependency

I have setup Sonatype Nexus with Maven and seems to be working. However, my project depends (transitively) on docbook-xsl-1.75.2 but instead of a jar there you find a zip file. Is this the reason why Nexus is not getting it, that it is a zip file? I haven't found any Nexus configuration page in the web console offering a possible filter.
I browse my Nexus repository and see it gets the pom file but nothing else.
That module has no main artifact, it's packaging type is set to "pom".
What it does have is two additional artifacts which can be retrieved using Maven module classifiers as follows:
Sorry, I have no idea how you'd retrieve these as transitive dependencies.
The next day, and after restarting Nexus it pulled the dependency. I don't still understand the magic behind Nexus not seeing the dependencies while they are clearly available but at least this question is resolved.

how to add my one project jar in another maven project in netbeans

I have one project jar oauth.
I want to add it in another maven project . I tried to change pom.xml file but no effect. Can anyone please suggest me?
I tried to add following dependency in my pom.xml file:
With the assumption that you have that auth.jar in your local repository (as it builds fine).
Why don't you give a try like this.
Honestly speaking I don't prefer to give the jar location in my pom file and using scope as system, I leave this task to handle by Maven to resolve all the artifacts either by searching in local maven repository first(/.m2) or in MAVEN CENTRAL REPO if it is a 3rd party jar.

Adding A Group of Files to a Local Maven Repository

I have an existing java project. It is a maven project. I want to add it to my local maven repository for reuse in other projects.
Dependent on
This SO Question/Answer gives instructions for adding a single file to a local maven repository using mvn install:install-file
This SO Question/Answer gives instructions for adding a group of jars - sources, javadoc, etc. using mvn deploy-file.
This SO Question/Answer alludes to specifying dependencies via a pom.xml file, but doesn't provide details.
I have two tasks in front of me that I'd like to accomplish:
add the project for MyUtilityClass to my local repository, with sources, docs, and dependencies automatically added when I pull them in.
I'd like to create a maven task for the MyUtilityClass project that adds the latest and greatest bundle to my local repository.
I am using eclipse as an IDE and maven version 3.0.4. The POM for this project looks like this:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<artifactId>slf4j</artifactId><!--from local repo -->
<!--from local repo and shouldn't be automatically added -->
<!-- to projects that reuse the resulting bundle -->
The easiest way to do this is to think of each project as their own release cycles. They should be independant of each other.
As you have discovered, you can
use install to install the artifact to your local repository
use install-file to install secondary artifacts to your local repository
use deploy to so the same steps as install(-file), but to remote repositories
What also does this is the release plugin. When you perform the pair goals of release:prepare and release:perform, you end up with
version values update in the pom files
version control tags created
the artifact installed & deployed
any source and/or javadoc artifacts deployed
What you want to use is the release plugin.
The simple solution is to use
mvn install
in the project you would like to reuse. This will install the artifacts of your project into your location repository.
