RestartApplication is not getting called after Intune enrolment for Xamarin - xamarin

As per Microsoft Intune Documentation.
When an app receives MAM policies for the first time, it must restart to apply the required hooks. To notify the app that a restart needs to happen, the SDK provides a delegate method in IntuneMAMPolicyDelegate.h. refer here
I have implemented the same in Xamarin.
var authResult = await adalHelper.Authenticate();
if(authResult != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(authResult.AccessToken)){
var enrollmentDel = new EnrollmentDelegate(this);
IntuneMAMEnrollmentManager.Instance.Delegate = enrollmentDel;
IntuneMAMPolicyManager.Instance.Delegate = new EnrollmentPolicyDelegate();
public class EnrollmentPolicyDelegate : IntuneMAMPolicyDelegate
public override bool RestartApplication
var returnedVal = base.RestartApplication;
return returnedVal;
As per documentation, I am supposed to use this property to know when I need to restart the application
I need your help to figure that out. When and at stage, and where I use this property to decide. For me it never gets called.

If you read the document of restartApplication in IntuneMAMPolicyDelegate.h, it says:
This method is Called by the Intune SDK when the application needs to restart because
policy has been received for the first time, or if we're handling a
mam-ca remediation and are restarting as a part of a SW because we
need to remove an existing user.
In my understanding, the method is managered by Intune SDK and you just need to return ture/false to determine who should handle the restart.(That means you don't have to use this property to decide)
Returns TRUE if the host application will restart on its own.
Returns FALSE if the host application wants the Intune SDK to handle
the restart
And I checked some samples, they return false to let the Intune SDK to handle the restart. You can see the source code in Chatr-Sample-Intune-iOS-App and Wagr-Sample-Intune-iOS-App.


How do I deal with a possible exception in a Xamarin Forms application deployed to iOS or Android?

I have a finished application which I would like to make available to run on the iOS and Android platforms.  I have tested the application as much as possible and it works without problem.  But I know there is always the chance that something might go wrong and I could get an exception.
My question is how can I deal with this or what should I do. What happens on the phone, if a Forms application is deployed and there is an exception.
Would appreciate any advice or even links as to how this is handled.
If an exception is thrown and not handled by your code, the app will stop working (i.e. crash).
In order to handle these crashes we are using MS AppCenter (the successor to HockeyApp/Xamarin AppInsights).
You'll have to create a project there (one for each platform), and add the NuGet package to your projects. Afterwards you can initialize it with
AppCenter.Start("ios={Your App Secret};android={Your App Secret}",
typeof(Crashes)); // you'll get the app secrets from
Crashes will be logged to AppCenter now and you'll be informed whenever there is a new crash.
Please note that it's best practice (if not required by law), that you ask the user for consent before sending the crash report (see here). You are using the delegate Crashes.ShouldAwaitUserConfirmation for that matter. You could for example show an action sheet with Acr.UserDialogs
private bool AwaitUserConfirmation()
// you should of course use your own strings
new ActionSheetConfig
Title = "Oopsie",
Message = "The app crashed. Send crash to developers.",
Options = new List<ActionSheetOption>
new ActionSheetOption("Sure", () => Crashes.NotifyUserConfirmation(UserConfirmation.Send)),
new ActionSheetOption("Yepp, and don't bug be again.", () => Crashes.NotifyUserConfirmation(UserConfirmation.AlwaysSend)),
new ActionSheetOption("Nope", () => Crashes.NotifyUserConfirmation(UserConfirmation.DontSend))
return true;

App Center in-app updates not showing up in Xamarin Android app

I'm attempting to configure AppCenter.Distribute for in-app updates within my Xamarin Android app. Here is the very basic setup code, which I have in my main launcher activity's OnCreate method (AFTER the base.OnCreate call):
AppCenter.Start (Resources.GetString (Resource.String.appcenter_app_secret), typeof (Analytics), typeof (Crashes), typeof (Distribute));
I was able to get the in-app updates to supposedly initialize. When I first install and open the app, it shows a browser window for one second that says "In-app updates enabled! Returning to app in 1...", then it redirects back to my app. Unfortunately, when I then bump the version name and code and distribute a new build, I don't get a dialog within the app prompting me to update to the new version.
I even tried handling the Distribute.ReleaseAvailable action and showing a custom dialog, and that action isn't invoked either:
Distribute.ReleaseAvailable = OnReleaseAvailable;// Called before AppCenter.Start
private bool OnReleaseAvailable(ReleaseDetails releaseDetails)
// Show custom dialog.
Droid.ApplicationContext.Activity.CustomDialogBuilder().Show(new NotificationArgs
Title = "New update available!",
Message = "A new version of RPR Mobile, {0} ({1}) is available. Release notes: {2}"
.WithFormat(releaseDetails.ShortVersion, releaseDetails.Version, releaseDetails.ReleaseNotes),
PositiveButtonText = "Update",
PositiveAction = () =>
// Notify SDK that user selected to update...
HideNegativeButton = releaseDetails.MandatoryUpdate,
NegativeButtonText = "Postpone Update",
NegativeAction = () =>
// Notify SDK that user selected to postpone (for 1 day)...
// Note that this method call is ignored by the SDK if the update is mandatory.
// Return true if you are using your own dialog, false otherwise.
return true;
I'm wondering what I'm missing. Some questions that may or may not be relevant...
Does it matter whether the AppCenter.Start code executes before or after the base.OnCreate call?
Does it matter whether the activity that AppCenter.Start is called from is running or finished? Because in our case, the main launcher is just a splash screen that closes after a couple seconds.
Is the App Center SDK supposed to poll every few seconds for an update? Or does it check only when opening and closing activities?
It turns out that you have to close and relaunch your app for it to check for new updates. The documentation could be more clear on this...

Visual Studio App Center Analytics Not working for Xamarin Forms Android Project

I am using Visual Studio App Center for my Xamarin Forms Android Application for capturing the Analytics(Events and Crashes)
I am configuring crashes and analytics in OnStart of my App.Xaml.cs
AppCenter.Start($"android={Settings.Current.AppCenterAnalyticsAndroid};" +
typeof(Analytics), typeof(Crashes));
And for invoking the Events I am calling the below Method.
public void TrackEvent(string name, Dictionary<string, string> properties = null)
Analytics.TrackEvent(name, properties);
Crashes are logging correctly in App Center But the events are not.
Also I can see the corresponding entries in Log Flow
Your app secret string is invalid because it contains + typeof(Analytics), it should be , typeof(Analytics).
Since you used the android key/value delimiter we could extract the appSecret and make it work with Crashes, but typeof(Analytics) ended up in the wrong appSecret parameter string.
You shouldn't need to add Analytics.SetEnabledAsync(true).ConfigureAwait(false);
Simply Call Analytics.TrackEvent(name, properties); (it doesn't need to be in a task anyways. I track my events in the Construtor of pages, for example.
Also, when you run the application, you get a debug Message confirming that AppCenter has been configured correctly, check if that is the case.
And, it may take a while, for them to appear in the Events.

Xamarin Forms - How to open specific page after clicking on notification when the app is closed?

I'm actually working on a Xamarin Forms application that need push notifications. I use the Plugin.PushNotification plugin.
When the app is running in the foreground or is sleeping (OnSleep), I have no problem to open a specific page when I click on a notification that I receive. But I was wondering how can I do that when the app is closed. Thanks!
I finally found the answer by myself and I want to share it in case someone needs it.
Nota bene: according to the official documentation of the plugin, it's Xam.Plugin.PushNotification that is deprecated. I use the new version of this plugin, Plugin.PushNotification which uses FCM for Android and APS for iOS.
There is no significant differences to open a notif when the app is running, is sleeping or is closed. Just add the next callback method in the OnCreate method (MyProject.Droid > MainApplication > OnCreate) and FinishedLaunching method (MyProject.iOS > AppDelegate > FinishedLaunching):
CrossPushNotification.Current.OnNotificationOpened += (s, p) =>
// manage your notification here with p.Data
Common part
// Static fields
// *************************************
public static NotifManager NotifManager;
// Constructor
// *************************************
public App()
NotifManager = new NotifManager();
public class NotifManager
// Methods
// *************************************
public void ManageNotif(IDictionary<string, object> data)
// 1) switch between the different data[key] you have in your project and parse the data you need
// 2) pass data to the view with a MessagingCenter or an event
Unfortunately there is no succinct answer for either platform. Generally speaking, you need to tell the OS what to do when it starts the app as a result of the push notification. On both platforms, you should also consider what API level you are targeting, otherwise it won't work or even crash the app.
On iOS, you will need to implement this method in AppDelegate appropriately: FinishedLaunching(UIApplication application, NSDictionary launchOptions). The launchOptions will have the payload from the push notification for you to determine what to do with it (e.g. what page to open). For more information on iOS, Xamarin's documentation is a good place to start.
Android has a more complicated topology in terms of more drastic differences between API levels, whether you are using GCM/FCM, as well as requiring more code components. However, to answer the question directly, you will need to handle this in OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) of your main Activity. If you are using Firebase, the push notification payload is available in Intent.Extras. Again, Xamarin's documentation has a good walkthrough.
Finally, note that the Plugin.PushNotification library you are using has been deprecated. I suggest you either change your library and/or your implementation soon. Part of the reason that library has been deprecated is because Google has deprecated the underlying Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) service, which will be decommissioned on April 11, 2019.

Change Parse Application when App is running

I have an Android Application that works with locals instalations and I want use it with diferents Parse applications. Each instalation administrator will contract with Parse directly. When app start it will look for the keys for parse.
I wonder how to change the Parse App linkeded in the Android App once this is running
I have tried to call Parse.initialize (context, apllicationId, clientKey) twice but it doesn't work. I have tried the app register in diferent Parse App every time you start the App link with a different Parse App
It´s always linked only with the first application
public void onCreate(final Bundle icicle){
final Context context = this;
// Getting the global variables
fmGlobalsBean = Utilities.getGlobals(this);
Parse.initialize(contexto, "p4IWkTRc0WTdKkMH6r60hjYzwX1TIXChy8VcDvPb", "KhkcX4G3dqVpRawHyIYfnHAWqj1H2vyhwD3wINlQ");
Parse.initialize(this, "Y3xgZ58u4Qcn9TrovFqCOe4PBzhURjXooZ3vDKgB", "ealo3nm4wa4lbJ7KrSR2OSf60DZiUjEUjdUJTQzs");
