DPI-C and SystemVerilog External Compilation flow issue - gcc

ModelSim User's manual (v10.1c), in page 660, talks about the default autocompile flow (using vlog) and external compilation flow to get the the DPI-C to work in ModelSim. I'm able to get the auto-compile flow to work. I'm stuck with the external compilation flow.
Problem Summary: I get an "undefined reference" error in when I try to create the .dll file in-spite of using the right export and import statements in my system verilog file.
Here are the files that make up this project:
file 1: mytest.cpp
#include "experiment3.h"
int mymain() {
printf("---starting test in c-domain---\n");
return 0;
file 2: experiment3.h
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define DPI_LINK_DECL extern "C"
#include "svdpi.h"
file 3: mytb.sv
module mytb;
timeunit 1ns/1ps;
export "DPI-C" function PrintHelloWorld;
import "DPI-C" context task mymain();
function void PrintHelloWorld();
//start test
initial begin
Here are the command that I am using:
command 1 :g++ -c -IC:\intelFPGA\17.0\modelsim_ase\include -o ./mytest.o ./mytest.cpp
comments :command 1 executes without any problem
key-words :MinGW, GCC
command 2 :g++ -shared -Bsymbolic -o ./mytest.dll ./mytest.o -LC:\intelFPGA\17.0\modelsim_ase\win32aloem
comments :[1] command 2 fails when I use the mytest.cpp showed above
[2] command 2 passes when I comment out "PrintHelloWorld()" in mytest.cpp
error :c:/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/8.2.0/../../../../mingw32/bin/ld.exe:
./mytest.o:mytest.cpp:(.text+0x2d): undefined
reference to '`PrintHelloWorld' collect2.exe:error:ld
returned 1 exit status
key-words :MinGW, GCC, dll
command 3 : vsim -sv_lib ../src_cpp/mytest work.mytb
comments : [1] executed in console in ModelSim
[2] works when I don't have "PrintHelloWorld()" in mytest.cpp
Most of the online DPI-C examples deal with running (CPP and .SV) everything in ModelSim. I don't want that. I want to keep the HW and SW flow separate. And, this separation does work to some extent (I have no issues with calling C functions from SV (import works fine). The roadblock is with trying to call SystemVerilog function from the C function (something seems to be wrong with the export).
Any thoughts on how I can get past this hurdle ?

Based on looking at examples, try adding -fPIC to your command 1. Then command 2 should work as is.
From my experience the final file should be a shared object (.so); not a dynamic link library (.dll). I run SystemVerilog on unix based systems, so maybe windows is different. If you run into an issue, that could be something to try.

Try changing
(if DPI_DLLISPEC doesn't work replace it directly with __declspec(dllimport))


Getting "cannot find symbol .... while executing load ..." error when trying to run Hello World as a C extension (dll) example

I have used the C code from the following verbatim: https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/page/Hello+World+as+a+C+extension
* hello.c -- A minimal Tcl C extension.
#include <tcl.h>
static int
Hello_Cmd(ClientData cdata, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *const objv[])
Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj("Hello, World!", -1));
return TCL_OK;
* Hello_Init -- Called when Tcl loads your extension.
Hello_Init(Tcl_Interp *interp)
if (Tcl_InitStubs(interp, TCL_VERSION, 0) == NULL) {
return TCL_ERROR;
/* changed this to check for an error - GPS */
if (Tcl_PkgProvide(interp, "Hello", "1.0") == TCL_ERROR) {
return TCL_ERROR;
Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp, "hello", Hello_Cmd, NULL, NULL);
return TCL_OK;
My command for compiling is nearly verbatim except for the last character, indicating Tcl version 8.6 rather than 8.4, and it compiles without error:
gcc -shared -o hello.dll -DUSE_TCL_STUBS -I$TCLINC -L$TCLLIB -ltclstub86
Then I created the following Tcl program:
load hello.dll Hello
puts "got here"
But when running it with tclsh get the following error:
cannot find symbol "Hello_Init"
while executing
"load ./hello.dll Hello"
(file "hello.tcl" line 1)
So I am essentially following a couple of suggestions from Donal Fellows answer here: cannot find symbol "Embeddedrcall_Init" The OP there however commented that, like me, the suggestion(s) hadn't resolved their issue. One thing that I didn't try from that answer was "You should have an exported (extern "C") function symbol in your library" -- could that be the difference maker? Shouldn't it have been in the example all along then?
At the suggestion of somebody on comp.lang.tcl I found "DLL Export Viewer" but when I run it against the DLL it reports 0 functions found :( What am I doing wrong?
Could it be an issue with MinGW/gcc on Windows, and I need to bite the bullet and do this with Visual Studio? That's overkill I'd like to avoid if possible.
The core of the problem is that your function Hello_Init is not ending up in the global symbol table exported by the resulting DLL. (Some linkers would put such things in as _Hello_Init instead of Hello_Init; Tcl adapts to them transparently.) The symbol must be there for Tcl's load command to work: without it, there's simply no consistent way to tell your extension code what the Tcl_Interp context handle is (which allows it to make commands, variables, etc.)
(If you'd been working with C++, one of the possible problem is a missing extern "C" whose actual meaning is to turn off name mangling. That's probably not the problem here.)
Since you are on Windows — going by the symbols in your DLL, such as EnterCriticalSection and GetLastError — the problem is probably linked to exactly how you are linking. I'm guessing that Tcl is defining your function to have __declspec(dllexport) (assuming you've not defined STATIC_BUILD, which absolutely should not be used when building a DLL) and yet that's not getting respected. Assuming you're using a modern-enough version of GCC… which you probably are.
I'm also going through the process of how to build tcl extensions in C and had exactly the same problem when working though this same example using tcl 8.6.
i.e. I was compiling using MinGW GCC (64-bit), and used the following:
gcc -shared -o hello.dll -DUSE_TCL_STUBS "-IC:\\ActiveTcl\\include" "-LC:\\ActiveTcl\\lib" -ltclstub86
And like the OP I got no compile error, but when loading the dll at a tclsh prompt tcl complained :
'cannot find symbol "Hello_Init"'
I can't say that I understand, but I was able to find a solution that works thanks to some trial and error, and some information on the tcl wiki here
In my case I had to adjust the compiler statement to the following
gcc -shared -o hello.dll hello.c "-IC:\\ActiveTcl\\include" "-LC:\\ActiveTcl\\bin" -ltcl86t
Obviously those file paths are specific to my system, but basically
I had to add an explicit reference to the .c file
I had to include the tcl86t dll library from the tcl bin directory
I had to remove the -DUSE_TCL_STUBS flag ( meaning that the references -LC:\\ActiveTcl\\lib and -ltclstub86 could also be removed)
(attempting to use the -DUSE_TCL_STUBS flag caused the compiler to complain with C:\ActiveTcl\lib/tclstub86.lib: error adding symbols: File format not recognized )
This successfully compiled a dll that I could load, and then call the hello function to print my 'Hello World' message.
Something else I stumbled over, and which wasn't immediately obvious:
reading https://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl8.6/TclCmd/load.htm, tcl epxects to find an 'init' function based on a certain naming convention.
if the C extension does not define a package name then the name of that init function will be derived from the dll filename.
This caused a few problems for me (when compiling via Eclipse IDE), as the dll name was being automatically determined from the eclipse projet name.
For example, if I recompile the same example, but call the .dll something else, eg.
gcc -shared -o helloWorldExenstion.dll hello.c "-IC:\\ActiveTcl\\include" "-LC:\\ActiveTcl\\bin" -ltcl86t
Then at tclsh prompt:
% load helloWorldExtension
cannot find symbol "Helloworldextension_Init"

Compiling within the code with g++ in Code::Blocks

I am trying to write a game similar to code hunt (https://www.codehunt.com/about.aspx)
So How this will work, is the player can modify a .cpp file, which will be compiled and and ran within the code, but I have problems about how to compile it.
I'am using the latest g++ compiler, and this is how I try to achive this:
void Builder::build(const char* file){
std::string s = "g++ ";
s += file;
s += " -o test.o";
Where we get the .cpp file's name, and this code piece is supposed to build test.o
This is just a test now, it might get more complex, I just wanted to test if the compiler will work within the code, but I get this error message when I try to run this:
c:/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.9.3/../../../libmingw32.a(main.o):(.text.startup+0xa7):undefined reference to 'WinMain#16'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
PATH for mingw is set correctly, I checked.
I am using Windows 8.1, g++ 4.9.3 and Code::Blocks.
In Windows execution doesn't normally start at the main functions, it starts at the WinMain function, which takes some Windows-specific arguments. You should read e.g. this WinMain reference for more information.
That some programs still seems to start at a main function is because there is an object file linked with the program that contains the WinMain function which calls your main function.
OK I'm an idiot, so the problem was that I was trying to build a file whitout a main function. This was deliberat design choice at first, but...well yeah. Sorry about that.
Thank you Joachim Pileborg for leading me to it.

Implementing a syscall on real-time Debian Wheezy

For educational purposes, I want to implement a system call in Debian Wheezy. I wish to implement it on the kernel that comes in the linux-image-3.2.0--rt-amd64 package. Here is an overview of what I have tried:
To get the kernel source:
apt-get source linux-image-3.2.0-4-rt-amd64
From that, I get the following files/directories the directory I executed in:
as well as:
which contains the source code for the kernel.
Then, to make the necessary changes in order to add the system call, I basically followed this page:
How to write system calls on debian/ubuntu
The following is a condensed version of the instructions given there modified to reflect the changes I made.
+File 1: linux-x.x.x/vpart_syscalls/vpart_syscalls.c
#include <linux/linkage.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
asmlinkage long insert_partition(char*dest, const char* src)
printk("<--- the syscall has been called!");
return 0;
File 2: linux-x.x.x/vpart_syscalls/Makefile. Create a Makefile within the same test directory you created above and put this line in it:
obj-y := vpart_syscalls.o
File 3: linux-x.x.x/arch/x86/kernel/syscall_table_32.S. Now, you have to add your system call to the system call table. Append to the file the following line:
.long insert_partition
File 4: linux-x.x.x/arch/x86/include/asm/unistd_32.h
In this file, the names of all the system calls will be associated with a unique number. After the last system call-number pair, add a line
#define __NR_insert_partition 349
Then replace NR_syscalls value, stating total number of system calls with (the existing number incremented by 1) i.e. in this case the NR_syscalls should've been 338 and the new value is 339.
#define NR_syscalls 350
File 5: linux-x.x.x/include/linux/syscalls.h
Append to the file the prototype of our function.
asmlinkage long insert_partition(int lenTicks, int vpid);
just before the #endif line in the file.
File 6: Makefile at the root of source directory.
Open Makefile and find the line where core-y is defined and add the directory test to the end of that line.
core-y += kernel/ mm/ fs/ test/ vpart_syscalls/
I then proceeded to build the kernel in a different fashion than is described there:
make localmodconfig
make menuconfig (making no changes)
make-kpkg clean
fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd --append-to-version=+tm kernel_image kernel_headers
cd ..
dpkg -i linux-image-3.8.*
dpkg -i linux-headers-3.8.*
The kernel that is installed boots fine. I made the following c program to test the syscall:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <linux/unistd.h>
#include <sys/syscall.h>
int main(){
printk("Calling the new syscall!\n");
int ret = 100;
ret = syscall(349, 1, 2);
printf("call return value: %i\n", ret);
return 0;
When I compile and run this program, I get a return value of -1. I check the messages using dmesg and there is no evidence of my printk being called..
If anyone knows where my problem is I would be really really happy! I should say I am not too experienced at changing and building the kernel, but I have learned a lot about it. I read Robert Loves book - linux kernel development and several guides on the webs.
I think, the steps 3 and 4 may be incorrect for 64-bit kernels:
File 3: linux-x.x.x/arch/x86/kernel/syscall_table_32.S.
File 4: linux-x.x.x/arch/x86/include/asm/unistd_32.h
There are two files here: http://lxr.linux.no/linux+v3.2.41/arch/x86/kernel/
syscall_64.c 668 2008-12-24 14:26:58 -0800
syscall_table_32.S 8659 2012-01-04 14:55:50 -0800
First one defines syscall table contents for 64-bit mode using C file and macro-cheating with unistd_64.h
#define __SYSCALL(nr, sym) [nr] = sym,
const sys_call_ptr_t sys_call_table[__NR_syscall_max+1] = {
#include <asm/unistd_64.h>
Where asm/unistd_64.h is
#define __NR_read 0
__SYSCALL(__NR_read, sys_read)
and so on.
And second one, which you changed - is for 32-bit mode and written using asm file and labels (.long sys_call_name).
So, you defined syscall for 32-bit mode and you are using linux-image-3.2.0-4-rt-amd64 which is basically for " 64-bit PCs".
I think you compiled your test program as gcc test.c, which defaults to 64-bit mode. You can try -m32 option of gcc: gcc -m32 test.c to get 32-bit application (this will only work if you have correct cross environment for 32-bit builds) or compile this test on some 32-bit linux.
Or the other choice is to make step "4a": edit arch/x86/include/asm/unistd_64.h to add two lines:
#define __NR_insert_partition YOUR_NUMBER
__SYSCALL(__NR_insert_partition, insert_partition)
I'm not sure where and how NR_syscalls for 64bit is defined. It may be generated during build.

GCC Calling label as a function

All is in the title.
For some reasons I have to do it like this.
But when I compile my code, GCC (or GAS maybe...) displays the following error:
.../Temp/cc1C1fjs.s:19: Error: immediate operand illegal with absolute jump
int main ( int argc, char **argv )
/* Some code */
( (void(*)()) &&label)();
/* Some code */
return 0;
asm ("push %ebp");
asm ("mov %esp,%ebp");
/* Some code */
printf("Hello world");
asm ("leave");
I'm sure that this should works because I tried to create a thread using CreateThread function (I'm under windows) specifing as entry point the address of label, and it works perfectly well.
So how can I ensure that the compiler accepting this syntax?
Or there is anothers ways for doing that?
I don't have a solution for you, but I do have a couple of suggestions:
Run gcc -S file.c and look at line #19 to see if you can spot what the actual problem is.
Look through the rest of the (short) .s file to see if anything is obviously amiss. For example, my version of gcc seems to decide that everything after return 0 is dead code, so none of your asm code nor the printf actually make it to the assembler.
Can't this code be moved into a function? This way you'll get the prologue/epilogue for free; taking the address would also be less fraught with difficulty.
I fixed a part of the problem:
#aix you have right, GCC remove
everything of the main function
after return 0;, I fixed this
replacing it by
asm("xor %eax,%eax");
Now the code after my label is generated.
Running gcc -S file.c then
gcc file.s -o file.exe, of course it displays the error and at
the error line there is call *$L2
(L2 is label in my c file). It works
by replacing it by call L2.
Now the code after my label and after my call in main is
executed and the program properly
terminates with state 0.
But I don't want to have to do that each time I will compile.
Is it normal that GCC write call *$L2 rather than call L2?

sys_call_table in linux kernel 2.6.18

I am trying to set the sys exit call to a variable by
extern void *sys_call_table[];
real_sys_exit = sys_call_table[__NR_exit]
however, when I try to make, the console gives me the error
error: ‘__NR_exit’ undeclared (first use in this function)
Any tips would be appreciated :) Thank you
Since you are in kernel 2.6.x , sys_call_table isnt exported any more.
If you want to avoid the compilation error try this include
however, It will not work. So the work around to "play" with the sys_call_table is to find the address of sys_call_table in SystemXXXX.map (located at /boot) with this command:
grep sys_call System.map-2.6.X -i
this will give the addres, then this code should allow you to modify the table:
unsigned long *sys_call_table;
sys_call_table = (unsigned long *) simple_strtoul("0xc0318500",NULL,16);
original_mkdir = sys_call_table[__NR_mkdir];
sys_call_table[__NR_mkdir] = mkdir_modificado;
Hope it works for you, I have just tested it under kernel 2.6.24, so should work for 2.6.18
also check here, Its a very good
If you haven't included the file syscall.h, you should do that ahead of the reference to __NR_exit. For example,
#include <syscall.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
printf("%d\n", __NR_exit);
return 0;
which returns:
$ cc t.c
$ ./a.out
Some other observations:
If you've already included the file, the usual reasons __NR_exit wouldn't be defined are that the definition was being ignored due to conditional compilation (#ifdef or #ifndef at work somewhere) or because it's being removed elsewhere through a #undef.
If you're writing the code for kernel space, you have a completely different set of headers to use. LXR (http://lxr.linux.no/linux) searchable, browsable archive of the kernel source is a helpful resource.
