STM32F407VG Standby mode wake up reason — WUTF flag always set - power-management

I’m writing a low power application for the STM32F407VG. It goes into standby mode and can wake up in two ways:
Periodically, using the RTC wakeup timer;
By pressing a push-button connected to the PA0-WKUP pin.
Depending on whether the application was woken up by the RTC or the push-button, I need to perform two different tasks. Therefore, when the firmware resets after waking up from standby mode, I must figure out the wakeup reason (RTC or push-button).
I’ve made the necessary configurations to wake up from Standby mode from either source, and they’re working — the processor does wake up periodically, or when I hit the push-button. The issue is with figuring out the wakeup reason.
The documentation for the RTC_ISR register’s WUTF states the following:
Bit 10 WUTF: Wakeup timer flag
This flag is set by hardware when the wakeup auto-reload counter
reaches 0.
This flag is cleared by software by writing 0.
This flag must be cleared by software at least 1.5 RTCCLK periods before WUTF is
set to 1 again.
This seems perfect to me — if the flag is set, it must be because the wakeup timer reached 0 and woke up the processor.
I inserted some code at the beginning of my firmware to read WUTF and set an LED according to it, and then clear the flag immediately after that. Unfortunately, this flag is always set, not only when waking up from Standby mode due to the RTC, but also when waking up due to the push-button, and even when powering on the circuit for the first time.
I checked the errata sheet for this MCU and found no mention of this issue.
I do realize a workaround would be to read the status of the push-button, and if it corresponds to the pressed state, assume the wakeup reason is due to the push-button being pressed. However, my firmware runs for only a couple of microseconds in Run mode before going back into Standby mode, and due to bouncing issues with the push-button, this kind of detection is not reliable unless I stretch out the Run mode time to several microseconds. This in turn impacts the average power consumption of my application (and therefore battery life). While adding a capacitor might help, I’d like to implement a software-only solution if possible.

It was entirely my bad. I was reading the flag through the following HAL macro:
It turns out I was using it before initializing hRTC.Instance, so rather than accessing the RTC's registers, it was just reading some random memory (probably address 0). After fixing it, the flag appears to work reliably.


Kernel freeze : How to debug it?

I have an embedded board with a kernel module of thousands of lines which freeze on random and complexe use case with random time. What are the solution for me to try to debug it ?
I have already try magic System Request but it does not work. I guess that the explanation is that I am in a loop or a deadlock in a code where hardware interrupt is disable ?
Typically, embedded boards have a watch dog. You should enable this timer and use the watchdog user process to kick the watch dog hard ware. Use nice on the watchdog process so that higher priority tasks must relinquish the CPU. This gives clues as to the issue. If the device does not reset with a watch dog active, then it maybe that only the network or serial port has stopped communicating. Ie, the kernel has not locked up. The issue is that there is no user visible activity. The watch dog is also useful if/when this type of issue occurs in the field.
For a kernel lockup case, the lockup watchdogs kernel features maybe useful. This will work if you have an infinite loop/deadlock as speculated. However, if this is custom hardware, it is also possible that SDRAM or a peripheral device latches up and causes abnormal bus activity. This will stop the CPU from fetching proper code; obviously, it is tough for Linux to recover from this.
You can combine the watchdog with some fallow memory that is used as a trace buffer. memmap= and mem= can limit the memory used by the kernel. A driver/device using this memory can be written that saves trace points that survive a reboot. The fallow memory's ring buffer is dumped when a watchdog reset is detected on kernel boot.
It is also useful to register thread notifiers that can do a printk on context switches, if the issue is repeatable or to discover how to make the event repeatable. Once you determine a sequence of events that leads to the lockup, you can use the scope or logic analyzer to do some final diagnosis. Or, it maybe evident which peripheral is the issue at this point.
You may also set panic=-1 and reboot=... on the kernel command line. The kdump facilities are useful, if you only have a code problem.
Related: kernel trap (at web archive). This link may no longer be available, but aren't important to this answer.

Linux device driver - Threaded IRQ handler

Recently, I ran into a situation where I would like to use threaded IRQ's for a Keypad driver. For some background on threaded IRQ handlers:
From what I understand, every time an IRQ would occur the IRQ handler thread would be woken up. So, if i press KEY A, it wakes up the thread and it runs through to completion. Now, what would be the behavior should i press KEY B, when the handler thread is still running while servicing the IRQ from KEY A... Would the IRQ from KEY B be ignored ?
What would be the expected behavior ?
Ideally the system would always acknowledge the sequence of Key A->Key B.
However to acknowledge that a key was pressed, the system must do something at the point at which each key is pressed, I.e. when the keyboard interrupt occurs - at a minimum it must record the key presses, perhaps in a queue.
And from the perspective of a single processor, it can only do one thing at a time, so if it is in the middle of recording key press A, then it can't at the same time record key press B.
It would either have to abandon A and record B instead, or it would have to ignore B.
Thus the goal of interrupt handling is to minimise the amount of time the processor spends doing the minimum it needs to for acknowledging any given interrupt.
The goal of threaded interrupts is to push more of the work to separate threads, so that the minimum needed for acknowledging an interrupt is reduced, and therefore the time spent handling the interrupt (where it can't handle any other interrupts at the same time) is reduced.
Even then there is still no theoretical guarantee that the processor won't have to discard or ignore interrupts, but it does make it a lot less likely in practice.
For your specific example of key presses, if you were somehow able to be quick enough to press B before the processor had completed its minimum handling of A, then since both interrupts are from the same source, and therefore have the same priority, B would be ignored, and it would appear to you as if B was never pressed.
The way it works with interrupts is that processor will call an enabled interrupt over and over again until application clears the corresponding interrupt flag. So what you do is disable that particular interrupt in the hardware handler and wake up your thread. When hardware handler exits, interrupt flags will be set but the interrupt will not be called again. So you then in your thread checkeach flag and clear it as you go. When you detect that a flag for a keypress is set, you read out the key and then clear it. If a new key is pressed after you read data register and there is no fifo in hardware then that key press will be lost. You then clear the interrupt flag and enable the hardware interrupt again. The idea is that this process happens so fast that there is no way to lose a key because your thread will always run sooner than human can press another key.
In the situation such as usb (ie if you write a usb driver that communicates with pc) you have the option to tell usb peripheral when you are done reading data so it can tell the host it can accept more data. In that situation you can never lose data because you will read data out and clear the flag and only then tell the peripheral that you are ready. All the time until then the peripheral will tell the host that it is not ready so no data will be clocked in over the usb bus.

TI MSP430 Interrupt Problems After UART Code Port

I am using the MSP430F2013 processor for an application, which doesn't have a UART. I need a UART, and so I used the TI's sample code "msp430x20x3_ta_uart2400.c" to emulate one using the Timer module. This all worked fine (compiled with IAR Embedded Workbench), having tested it using PuTTY to transmit characters to a development board and a loopback to echo them to the terminal.
That was a de-risking exercise, and now I've come to port that code into my application's state machine. Having done this, I'm having issues surrounding the timer interrupts and low power sleep modes. Here's the snippet of my code around the entry into the low power (sleep) mode:
// Prepare the UART to receive one byte.
// Enter low power mode 1.
__bis_SR_register(LPM1_bits + GIE);
// Check whether the full message has been received.
if(true == get_message_complete())
process_event(e_euart_message_received, NULL);
What I'm seeing on the debugger (C-Spy) is that sometimes it will execute the bis_SR_register() line on first entry and then go to the if statement, i.e., ignoring the fact that I've asked it to go to sleep. On other occasions, when it does go to sleep when it should, the ISR triggers correctly and eventually brings me back to the if statement to continue program execution (as I'm expecting). However, if I try to step to the next statement, the application freezes on that first line, i.e., I can't advance.
I can't think of anything functionally different from TI's example that I'm doing, so I figure my problem must be something to do with how I've ported it. For example, my Timer ISR and the code I've posted here are in different compilation units - would this sort of decision have any bearing on things? I'm aware my question might be a little vague but unfortunately I can't post all of my code, so instead I'm looking for someone with MSP experience who might be able to suggest some things to look at or some potential pitfalls that I may have fallen into.
Debugging interrupts with C-Spy in Low Power Mode is going to be tricky. According to Section A.3 Debugging (C-Spy) - IAR User's Guide:
5) C-SPY can debug applications that utilize interrupts and low power modes
But there are some "gotchas" that you should be aware of that may be causing your headaches.
In particular:
14) When C-SPY has control of the device, the CPU is ON (that is, it is not in low-power mode) regardless of the settings of the low-power
mode bits in the status register. Any low-power mode conditions are
restored prior to Step or Go. Consequently, do not measure the power
consumed by the device while C-SPY has control of the device. Instead,
run your application using Go with JTAG released
19) C-SPY utilizes the system clock to control the device during
debugging. Therefore, device counters, etc., that are clocked by the
Main System Clock (MCLK) are affected when C-SPY has control of the
device. Special precautions are taken to minimize the effect upon the
Watchdog Timer. The CPU core registers are preserved. All other clock
sources (SMCLK, ACLK) and peripherals continue to operate normally
during emulation. In other words, the Flash Emulation Tool is a
partially intrusive tool.
Devices that support clock control (Emulator
→ Advanced → Clock Control) can further minimize these
effects by selecting to stop the clock(s) during debugging
24) Peripheral bits that are cleared when read during normal program
execution (that is, interrupt flags) are cleared when read while being
debugged (that is, memory dump, peripheral registers).
When using certain MSP430 devices (such as MSP430F15x, MSP430F16x,
MSP430F43x, and MSP430F44x devices), bits do not behave this way
(that is, the bits are not cleared by C-SPY read operations).
26) While single stepping with active and enabled interrupts, it can
appear that only the interrupt service routine (ISR) is active (that
is, the non-ISR code never appears to execute, and the single step
operation always stops on the first line of the ISR). However, this
behavior is correct because the device always processes an active and
enabled interrupt before processing non-ISR (that is, mainline) code.
A workaround for this behavior is, while within the ISR, to disable
the GIE bit on the stack so that interrupts are disabled after exiting
the ISR. This permits the non-ISR code to be debugged (but without
interrupts). Interrupts can later be reenabled by setting GIE in the
status register in the Register window.
On devices with the clock control emulation feature, it may be possible
to suspend a clock between single steps and delay an interrupt request
(Emulator → Advanced → Clock Control).
One thing to try is commenting out all the low power code and seeing if your UART code works like that. Then go back and try re-enabling the low power mode.
The answer to this question lies in the debugging setup and more specifically what types of breakpoints are being used. I had quite a complex series of macros that were running on program upload, which set various hooks into memory for testing purposes. These hooks relied on software breakpoints being created, which would then call functions outside of the application. I have seen no problem in using these breakpoints in normal use, however their existence means that the debugging session doesn't run in real-time (i.e., the device is under control of the host PC). This, for a reason yet not completely known to me, caused problems when trying to debug interrupts and low power modes. (I suspect that if I was to look a bit deeper, I would see the need to use clock control whilst debugging, but I'll save that for another day).
So, to solve this problem and allow me to debug my interrupt and low power mode heavy code, which I'd ported into my larger application state machine, I had to do the following:
Disable software breakpoints within IAR.They're not actually enabled by default, but if you've been doing clever things with macros like I had, you probably would've needed to enable them, since there just aren't enough hardware breakpoints available in most MSP430s (for instance, I only have two in the MSP430F2013, and C-SPY more often than not hogs one of those!). The obvious downside to this is that debugging becomes a bit more laborious, but at least it's reliable.
Remove links to .mac Macro files.In other words, if you're using macros, don't. In my case, this meant that I had to hack some state machine logic in order to force myself down a certain route (that previously the macro had been doing for me). This clearly isn't ideal, but it will allow you to debug the interrupt/low power mode code. The macros can then be re-enabled afterwards.
So it turned out that there wasn't a problem with my port after all. I'm not particularly happy with this hacky solution, but at least it's a step forward. If I have the time, I'll investigate to see if I can work out a way of using software breakpoints and add to this answer.

How to wait for one second on an 8051 microcontroller?

I'm supposed to write a program that will send some values to registers, then wait one second, then change the values. The thing is, I'm unable to find the instruction that will halt operations for one second.
How about setting up a timer interrupt ?
Some useful hints and code snippets in this Keil 8051 application note.
There is no such 'instruction'. There is however no doubt at least one hardware timer peripheral (the exact peripheral set depends on the exact part you are using). Get out the datasheet/user manual for the part you are using and figure out how to program the timer; you can then poll it or use interrupts. Typically you'd configure the timer to generate a periodic interrupt that then increments a counter variable.
Two things you must know about timer interrupts: Firstly, if your counter variable is greater than 8-bit, access to it will not be atomic, so outside of the interrupt context you must either temporarily disable interrupts to read it, or read it twice in succession with the same value to validate it. Secondly, the timer counter variable must be declared volatile to prevent the compiler optimising out access to it; this is true of all variables shared between interrupts and threads.
Another alternative is to use a low power 'sleep' mode if supported; you set up a timer to wake the processor after the desired period, and issue the necessary sleep instruction (this may be provided as an 'intrinsic' by your compiler, or you may be controlled by a peripheral register. This is general advice, not 8051 specific; I don't know if your part even supports a sleep mode.
Either way you need to wade through the part specific documentation. If you could tell us the exact part, you may get help with that.
A third solution is to use an 8051 specific RTOS kernel which will provide exactly the periodic delay function you are looking for, as well as multi-threading and IPC.
I would setup a timer so that it interrupts every 10ms. In that interrupt, increment a variable.
You will also need to write a function to disable interrupts and read that variable.
In your main program, you will read the timer variable and then wait until it is 10100 more than it is when you started.
Don't forget to watch out for the timer variable rolling over.

How to determine which task is dead?

I have an embedded system that has multiple (>20) tasks running at different priorities. I also have watchdog task that runs to check that all the other tasks are not stuck. My watchdog is working because every once in a blue moon, it will reboot the system because a task did not check in.
How do I determine which task died?
I can't just blame the oldest task to kick the watchdog because it might have been held off by a higher priority task that is not yielding.
Any suggestions?
A per-task watchdog requires that the higher priority tasks yield for an adequate time so that all may kick the watchdog. To determine which task is at fault, you'll have to find the one that's starving the others. You'll need to measure task execution times between watchdog checks to locate the actual culprit.
Is this pre-emptive? I gather so since otherwise a watchdog task would not run if one of the others had gotten stuck.
You make no mention of the OS but, if a watchdog task can check if a single task has not checked in, there must be separate channels of communication between each task and the watchdog.
You'll probably have to modify the watchdog to somehow dump the task number of the one that hasn't checked in and dump the task control blocks and memory so you can do a post-mortem.
Depending on the OS, this could be easy or hard.
Even I was working last few weeks on Watchdog reset problem. But fortunately for me in the ramdump files (in ARM development environment), which has one Interrupt handler trace buffer, containing PC and SLR at each of the interrupts. Thus from the trace buffer I could exactly find out which part of code was running before WD reset.
I think if you have same kind of mechanism of storing PC, SLR at each interrupt then you can precisely find out culprit task.
Depending on your system and OS, there may be different approaches. One very low level approach I have used is to blink an LED on when each of the tasks is running. You may need to put a scope on the LEDs to see very fast task switching.
For an interrupt-driven watchdog, you'd just make the task switcher update the currently running task number each time it is changed, allowing you to identify which one didn't yield.
However, you suggest you wrote the watchdog as a task yourself, so before rebooting, surely the watchdog can identify the starved task? You can store this in memory that persists beyond a warm reboot, or send it over a debug interface. The problem with this is that the starved task is probably not the problematic one: you'll probably want to know the last few task switches (and times) in order to identify the cause.
A simplistic, back of the napkin approach would be something like this:
int8_t wd_tickle[NUM_TASKS]
void taskA_main()
// main loop
while(1) {
... tasks B, C, D... follow similar pattern
void watchdog_task()
for(int i= 0; i < NUM_TASKS; i++) {
if(0 == wd_tickle[i]) {
// Egads! The task didn't kick us! Reset and record the task number
How is your system working exactly? I always use a combination of software and hardware watchdogs. Let me explain...
My example assumes you're working with a preemptive real time kernel and you have watchdog support in your cpu/microcontroller. This watchdog will perform a reset if it was not kicked withing a certain period of time. You want to check two things:
1) The periodic system timer ("RTOS clock") is running (if not, functions like "sleep" would no longer work and your system is unusable).
2) All threads can run withing a reasonable period of time.
My RTOS ( provides the possibility to run code in the RTOS clock interrupt handler. This is the only place where you refresh the hardware watchdog, so you're sure the clock is running all the time (if not the watchdog will reset your system).
In the idle thread (always running at lowest priority), a "software watchdog" is refreshed. This is simply setting a variable to a certain value (e.g. 1000). In the RTOS clock interrupt (where you kick the hardware watchdog), you decrement and check this value. If it reaches 0, it means that the idle thread has not run for 1000 clock ticks and you reboot the system (can be done by looping indefinitely inside the interrupt handler to let the hardware watchdog reboot).
Now for your original question. I assume the system clock keeps running, so it's the software watchdog that resets the system. In the RTOS clock interrupt handler, you can do some "statistics gathering" in case the software watchdog situation occurs. Instead of resetting the system, you can see what thread is running at each clock tick (after the problem occurs) and try to find out what's going on. It's not ideal, but it will help.
Another option is to add several software watchdogs at different priorities. Have the idle thread set VariableA to 1000 and have a (dedicated) medium priority thread set Variable B. In the RTOS clock interrupt handler, you check both variables. With this information you know if the looping thread has a priority higher then "medium" or lower then "medium". If you wish you can add a 3rd or 4th or how many software watchdogs you like. Worst case, add a software watchdog for each priority that's used (will cost you as many extra threads though).
