Nativescript - error installing cocoapods after updating mac to catalina - cocoapods

I can´t seem to find the problem, but definitely it has to do with the fact that i have done the following updates:
Mac os version: 10.15.1 macOs catalina
Xcode 11.2
ios 13.2
After this, i tried to run sidekick but it gave me errors, and i´ve passed through this before so i thought do the updates manually in my terminal but i´m stuck when i run this:
sudo gem install cocoapods or even without sudo, the error is always the same and i don´t know what to do:
ERROR: Error installing cocoapods:
invalid gem: package metadata is missing in /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.6.0/cache/httpclient-2.8.3.gem
Thanks for your time


React-Native Error + Bug in Ruby Interpreter: Failed to install CocoaPods dependencies for iOS project, which is required by this template

I am very new to Apple and app programming so please forgive me if I am not asking my questions in the perfect "format" that you might be expecting...
I bought my MacBook Air running on M1 chip just few days ago and would like to program with Xcode and React Native. As I do the common command "npx react-native init AwesomeProject" I got into the error which I saw quite some other people also run into:
error Error: Failed to install CocoaPods dependencies for iOS project, which is required by this template.
I tried all of the suggestions available on other posts (assuming I am understanding the remedies correctly and making the changes accordingly) but none seem to work for me.
I tried also the default suggested solution which is:
Please try again manually: "cd ./AwesomeProject/ios && pod install".
And I seem to get something different from others, which is:
Analyzing dependencies Fetching podspec for DoubleConversion from
Fetching podspec for RCT-Folly from
Fetching podspec for glog from
/Library/Ruby/Gems/2.6.0/gems/ffi-1.15.1/lib/ffi/library.rb:275: [BUG]
Bus Error at 0x0000000102a08000 ruby 2.6.3p62 (2019-04-16 revision
67580) [universal.arm64e-darwin20]
and then
You may have encountered a bug in the Ruby interpreter or extension
Is it something to do with my Ruby interpreter? If yes, what are the commands I could use to solve the issue???
brew install cocoapods
sudo arch -x86_64 gem install ffi
arch -x86_64 pod install
In my case, need to restart my terminal before execute pod install. Monterey + M1.
The top answer doesn't work for me on my MBP M1 so I fixed the issue this way :
Make sure you have opened project.xcworkspace and not the project.xcodeproj
Open the workspace file with xcode with clicking on it then go to File -> Workspace Settings ... -> Build System -> Legacy Build System
Select the project file then the Target then go to Build Settings Tab and Search Paths
Double click on Library Search Paths Debug and move the $(inherited) to the bottom of the list
Do the same for the Release .
Then Build Again and you're good to go .
If you still get any errors run these commands in the ios folder of the react native project and do the above steps again and it will build successfully.
rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/
pod deintegrate
pod install
If you are facing this issue in Mac Big Sur, reinstalling CommandLineTools can fix this issue.
sudo rm -rf /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
xcode-select --install

Homebrew Portable Ruby Error macOS 10.14.6

Homebrew suddenly stopped working, when i run any brew command i get following output:
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /Users/<user>/Library/Caches/Homebrew/portable-ruby-2.6.3_2.yosemite.bottle.tar.gz
/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/cmd/ line 123: /usr/bin/cut: cannot execute binary file
Error: Checksum mismatch.
Expected: b065e5e3783954f3e65d8d3a6377ca51649bfcfa21b356b0dd70490f74c6bd86
Archive: /Users/<user>/Library/Caches/Homebrew/portable-ruby-2.6.3_2.yosemite.bottle.tar.gz
To retry an incomplete download, remove the file above.
Error: Failed to upgrade Homebrew Portable Ruby!
I already tried to remove the file portable-ruby-2.6.3_2.yosemite.bottle.tar.gz but it doesn't work and i couldn't find any helpful information about this error on Google.
Any help is appreciated.
There are several things that I can think of for your situation.
Your output has yosemite identifier, to be clear, MacOS Yosemite is actually 10.10.x, it is not in the current/latest homebrew support list, and also different from 10.14 Mojave in your problem title. So if you are actually using Mojave, you can keep your brew up to date and reinstall ruby.
The latest Ruby formula is actually 2.7.x, you might want to reinstall/upgrade (brew reinstall ruby/brew upgrade ruby).
In all, if you still run into an issue, please attach the outputs of brew config and brew doctor for troubleshooting.
Try brew update-reset and then try brew upgrade.
It's set portable-ruby-2.6.3_2.yosemite.bottle.tar.gz was already downloaded so I removed it and it went through henceforth.

Error Message "Xcode alone is not sufficient on Sierra"

I'd like to install openCV to vectorize image, but there's a series error message regarding Xcode and Ruby.
First, I use terminal to install openCV, brew install opencv.
Then, I got error message indicating that the system doesn't like my ruby version.
/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/brew.rb:12:in `<main>':
Homebrew must be run under Ruby 2.3! You're running 2.0.0. (RuntimeError)
So, I want to upgrade my ruby. I followed several update strategy from this post. First ruby upgrade trial: brew link --overwrite ruby & brew unlink ruby && brew link ruby and get
Error: No such keg: /usr/local/Cellar/ruby
Then second ruby upgrade trial: brew upgrade ruby and see the following error message.
Error: Xcode alone is not sufficient on Sierra.
Install the Command Line Tools:
xcode-select --install
This error message means I need to install Xcode which I already install. So, I check my Xcode status with code-select -p and get /Applications/ which means I am fine.
I saw a comment regarding where you install python could be a big issue. Quote from the source:
If you see /usr/local/bin/python3 then you are correctly using the Homebrew version of Python. If the output is instead /usr/bin/python3 then you are incorrectly using the system version of Python.
I check which python3 and get
Could this be the problem? How can I change system version to local?
Let me explain this myself so people won't make the same mistakes.
When I saw the last line of the error message
Error: Xcode alone is not sufficient on Sierra.
Install the Command Line Tools:
xcode-select --install
My thought was: I already have Xcode why the system ask me to "reinstall" it. However, thanks for #SamiKuhmonen # Beartech #patrick kuang suggestion, I search a page (in Mandarin). xcode-select --install does not reinstall the whole Xcode. It means install some missing command line tools which is required by installing Ruby.
Trying to install k8s package via brew , I just got the same issue a while ago saying in the terminal :
Error: Xcode alone is not sufficient on Sierra.
Install the Command
Line Tools: xcode-select --install
You need to download *.dmg file; named Command Line Tools (macOS x.x.x) for XCode N . Search on it here : . You must have developer account.
Then, congrats! 🎉
update for 2019
macOS Mojave 10.14.5
Use Xcode10.2 for macOS 10.14
I had the same issue in my Macbook Pro on Sierra. Apart from updating Xcode from the App Store, I also installed the command line utilities using the xcode-select --install command.
After the update steps, brew commands started working fine. I also updating my OS during this time.
I got the same message despite having Xcode and the command line tools already being installed a long time ago and updated numerous times.
I think it is the Apple way of telling you that Xcode command line tools need to be updated, as the App Store showed me the below:
After executing the xcode-select --install command, the update disappears from the App Store, which means they are exactly the same thing.
I had the same problem. I installed 'Command Line Tools for XCode' (choose appropriate version) from and restarted my terminal. Issue resolved :)

Problems with Cocoapods on Xcode 6.4

I'm trying to install and use Cocoapods with Xcode. I've installed already Brew, so I've used this command:
sudo gem install cocoapods
but it stays there, without response and without asking me for password (that's really strange, because of sudo command).
Maybe I got some problem with Brew Installation or Ruby on my Yosemite iMac?
I met the same error in the past, there is something wrong with my development environment. I re-install the Command Line Tools follow this guide, then everything is ok.
You can get the detail information from here, hope it can help you.

Fink can't resolve xcode dependency

I just upgraded my xcode to 4.5.2 and ran
xcode-select -switch /Applications/
but when I try to install pygtk, I get an error:
fink install pygtk2-gtk-py27
Information about 6815 packages read in 0 seconds.
Can't resolve dependency "xcode (>= 4.4)" for package "pixman-0.28.2-1" (no
matching packages/versions found)
Exiting with failure.
How do I correct this? Also, I'm only trying to install pygtk this way because other ways for my mac haven't worked. When I run the following with python:
import gtk
If I install with homebrew I get an error that says it can't find gtk. When I install from macpkg as per the second answer in where-is-pygtk-for-mac-os-x I get a segmentation fault
In addition to upgrading my Xcode, it was necessary to install (again) Command Line tools. For a description of this process, see this answer.
