Problems with Cocoapods on Xcode 6.4 - ruby

I'm trying to install and use Cocoapods with Xcode. I've installed already Brew, so I've used this command:
sudo gem install cocoapods
but it stays there, without response and without asking me for password (that's really strange, because of sudo command).
Maybe I got some problem with Brew Installation or Ruby on my Yosemite iMac?

I met the same error in the past, there is something wrong with my development environment. I re-install the Command Line Tools follow this guide, then everything is ok.
You can get the detail information from here, hope it can help you.


bash: /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/go: Bad address

I did an brew upgrade and afterwards keep getting an bad address error.
Tried to uninstall/reinstall everything, but cant figure out what is the problem.
bash: /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/go: Bad address
Im new to terminal and linux, so all advice is welcome.
I tried brew doctor. It says "No developer tools installed." and after i 'brew install gcc' it says gcc is already installed and up-to-date.
Use the official Go installation:
Go: Download and install
For full support, avoid OS package managers, Homebrew, and so forth.
First, remove any previous installations by other methods, for example, Homebrew.
Little late, but this post was a suggestion for me when I ran into a similar issue with Go and Brew.
When Brew updates the version of Go (1.19.3 -> 1.19.5 in my case) that it is providing, for some reason it does not correctly update the GOROOT environment varaible. Correcting the value of the variable fixed the issue for me.
export GOROOT=/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/go/<go_version>/libexec
# example
export GOROOT=/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/go/1.19.5/libexec

GDL not found after installing with homebrew

I used brew install GDL. The install was completed, but once I try to use GDL, it says " command not found: gdl".
I used "which gdl", but still can't be located. I tried reinstalling GDL via brew, but same error.
I tried changing the directory to the folder where brew installed GDL, but no luck either.
I looked through my other compilers and those are saved into bin, while GDL is not (if that's relevant at this point).
Anything will help!
If the intention was to install GNU Data Language, please try installing gnudatalanguage from homebrew-science:

Error Message "Xcode alone is not sufficient on Sierra"

I'd like to install openCV to vectorize image, but there's a series error message regarding Xcode and Ruby.
First, I use terminal to install openCV, brew install opencv.
Then, I got error message indicating that the system doesn't like my ruby version.
/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/brew.rb:12:in `<main>':
Homebrew must be run under Ruby 2.3! You're running 2.0.0. (RuntimeError)
So, I want to upgrade my ruby. I followed several update strategy from this post. First ruby upgrade trial: brew link --overwrite ruby & brew unlink ruby && brew link ruby and get
Error: No such keg: /usr/local/Cellar/ruby
Then second ruby upgrade trial: brew upgrade ruby and see the following error message.
Error: Xcode alone is not sufficient on Sierra.
Install the Command Line Tools:
xcode-select --install
This error message means I need to install Xcode which I already install. So, I check my Xcode status with code-select -p and get /Applications/ which means I am fine.
I saw a comment regarding where you install python could be a big issue. Quote from the source:
If you see /usr/local/bin/python3 then you are correctly using the Homebrew version of Python. If the output is instead /usr/bin/python3 then you are incorrectly using the system version of Python.
I check which python3 and get
Could this be the problem? How can I change system version to local?
Let me explain this myself so people won't make the same mistakes.
When I saw the last line of the error message
Error: Xcode alone is not sufficient on Sierra.
Install the Command Line Tools:
xcode-select --install
My thought was: I already have Xcode why the system ask me to "reinstall" it. However, thanks for #SamiKuhmonen # Beartech #patrick kuang suggestion, I search a page (in Mandarin). xcode-select --install does not reinstall the whole Xcode. It means install some missing command line tools which is required by installing Ruby.
Trying to install k8s package via brew , I just got the same issue a while ago saying in the terminal :
Error: Xcode alone is not sufficient on Sierra.
Install the Command
Line Tools: xcode-select --install
You need to download *.dmg file; named Command Line Tools (macOS x.x.x) for XCode N . Search on it here : . You must have developer account.
Then, congrats! 🎉
update for 2019
macOS Mojave 10.14.5
Use Xcode10.2 for macOS 10.14
I had the same issue in my Macbook Pro on Sierra. Apart from updating Xcode from the App Store, I also installed the command line utilities using the xcode-select --install command.
After the update steps, brew commands started working fine. I also updating my OS during this time.
I got the same message despite having Xcode and the command line tools already being installed a long time ago and updated numerous times.
I think it is the Apple way of telling you that Xcode command line tools need to be updated, as the App Store showed me the below:
After executing the xcode-select --install command, the update disappears from the App Store, which means they are exactly the same thing.
I had the same problem. I installed 'Command Line Tools for XCode' (choose appropriate version) from and restarted my terminal. Issue resolved :)

Cocoapods user-install: cannot run pod command

I have installed Cocoapods on OS X Mavericks using the --user-install option (to avoid having to use sudo for the installation) following the instructions at . I have also created a .profile file in my home directory with the following:
export GEM_HOME=$HOME/gems
export PATH=$GEM_HOME/bin:$PATH
Cocoapods successfully installs, but I am unable to run the pod command.
When running it from the command line it says No such file or directory. From what I understand, it should be installed into the /Users/me/gems/bin folder. However, this folder does not exist at all - the only Ruby related folder in my home directory is /Users/me/.gem.
I have tried running /Users/me/.gem/ruby/2.0.0/gems/cocoapods-0.29.0/bin/pod but that results in the following error:
/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/lib/ruby/2.0.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:45:in `require': cannot load such file -- bundler/setup (LoadError)
from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/lib/ruby/2.0.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:45:in `require'
from .gem/ruby/2.0.0/gems/cocoapods-0.29.0/bin/pod:14:in `<main>'
...but from what I understand, I shouldn't be running it from that location directly.
Any assistance for a Cocoapods newbie appreciated!
So after a lot of research and trying different things I have managed to get this working. I am not quite sure what eventually fixed the problem, or whether it was a combination of things, but for anyone else encountering this same problem here's what I did:
Installed the Xcode command line tools for Mavericks. The option to install this is no longer available in Xcode 5, so you need to download them from . Some people seem to say they are already installed as part of Xcode 5 from the Mac App Store, whereas others say you need to manually install them. Either way, I figured that installing them again won't hurt.
The error message above talked about not being able to load bundler/setup. So, I (re?)installed the bundler ruby gem gem install bundler --user-install. Interestingly, when I then attempted to run the /Users/me/.gem/ruby/2.0.0/gems/cocoapods-0.29.0/bin/pod command again I got a different error: /Users/me/.gem/ruby/2.0.0/gems/cocoapods-0.29.0/Gemfile not found.
What was really handy is that after the installation of bundler a message appeared saying /Users/me/.gem/ruby/2.0.0/bin in your PATH, gem executables will not run. So, I checked out the contents of that folder and it contains the pod executable! Adding it to the PATH would certainly be handy, but I just ran it directly with the full path (after changing to my Xcode project folder containing the Podfile): /Users/me/.gem/ruby/2.0.0/bin/pod install and it all works!
When I ran pod install for the first time it showed a message saying Setting up CocoaPods master repo and stayed there for quite some time - I thought it had actually hung. However, it eventually completed. If you are unsure whether it is doing anything, or has hung, do ls -la ~/.cocoapods/repos/master/.git/objects/pack/ and look at the time modified/size of the file it is downloading (thanks to this comment for the hint).
Another tip for new players - when I tried to install a pod (in my case, BlocksKit) I got a message saying [!] The platform of the target Pods (iOS 4.3) is not compatible with BlocksKit (2.1.0) which has a minimum requirement of OS X 10.7 - iOS 5.0. This was a surprising message, since my project targets iOS 7.0. Apparently you don't need to specify the platform anymore, so I entirely removed the platform line from the Podfile and it all works.
Hope that this helps other people just getting started with CocoaPods!
After installing Mavericks, I got error with already installed cocoapods. So I ran this command to install the new updated cocoapods version, and it works now.
sudo gem install cocoapods
Thanks to the pointers in these answers, I found that the instructions for installing CocoaPods provided on the CocoaPods web site are incorrect, regarding the contents of the .profile file, specifically the path.
As Skoota noted in the question, the path $GEM_HOME/bin does not exist. A comment by Videre gives the important clue: the correct path is $GEM_HOME/ruby/2.0.0/bin.
The correct .profile contents, which works for me at least, is:
export GEM_HOME=$HOME/.gem
export PATH=$GEM_HOME/ruby/2.0.0/bin:$PATH
It is also worth noting that you must quit and relaunch the Terminal application for changes to the .profile file to take effect.
to your .zprofile or .bash_profile
FWIW - I ran into very similar problems. None of the above helped me so maybe others could benefit from my process.
Eventually just ran sudo gem uninstall cocoapods, deleting everything that I did before.
Followed the steps for creating the .profile file
For good measure, closed Terminal and rebooted everything.
Ran gem install cocoapods which somehow didn't run into errors this time
Checked the install by running gem which cocoapods which fortunately returned the correct path
ran pod setup which didn't raise any errors again .
Not entirely sure what actually worked and what didn't but maybe someone will find this useful.
I use homebrew to install cocapods
First install homebrew (paste this code in terminal and hit enter)
$ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Second enter this
$ brew install cocoapods

OSX Homebrew error: uninitialized constant MACOS

I've searched around a bit and can't seem to find any record of anyone else with this problem.
Whenever I try to run
$ brew update
I am rewarded with
/usr/local/bin/brew:34: uninitialized constant MACOS (NameError)
This isn't my machine and I normally develop on Linux systems so this is all a bit odd to me.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Please tell me if there is any additional info I should provide. Again, I'm not used to homebrew or OSX.
at the request of JameA
xiao:~ patrick$ brew doctor
/usr/local/bin/brew:34: uninitialized constant MACOS (NameError)
xiao:~ patrick$ brew --config
/usr/local/bin/brew:34: uninitialized constant MACOS (NameError)
...Not sure I like this whole "here, use this macbook for the project, it works better" thing...
I'm pretty sure the root cause of this is a failed upgrade attempt to Homebrew 0.9.5 from a much earlier version. Basically, if you run brew update as opposed to sudo brew update a portion of files are updated, while others are not. Here's what worked for me:
Edit /usr/local/bin/brew (it's just a Ruby file, not a compiled binary, so any text editor will do). You'll find a block like:
abort <<-EOABORT.undent
Homebrew requires Leopard or higher. For Tiger support, see:
Comment this out. Even if you don't know Ruby, you can probably intuit what this is doing—it's checking to see if you have a current version of OSX. Assuming that you do in fact have this version, this sanity check isn't necessary. Brew is still broken, but at least now it will load far enough to give error messages.
Run sudo brew update, spoiler alert: it fails, but this time with a meaningful error message:
$ brew update
error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:
[giant list of files here]
Well, today I learned that brew update is just a wrapper for git pull because anyone who has worked with git knows that error message. We can fix this too.
Switch into the homebrew git repository with cd /usr/local and give the command git reset --hard FETCH_HEAD.
This piece found here.
Give the command sudo brew update. Homebrew should now update successfully and work properly!
Once the system is working again, you can actually kind of see why an error like this would have occurred. For one, usr/local/bin/brew has been completely rewriten and isn't even Ruby anymore, and most of its configuration has been moved into /usr/local/Library/brew.rb which no longer uses the constants MACOS or MACOS_VERSION constants, as they have been replaced by the more object oriented OS.mac and MacOS.version.
The MACOS constant is set in globals.rb. It seems like you may have a borked installation of Homebrew.
Check the output of brew doctor for any suggestions.
If that doesn't help please update with the results of brew --config.
If all else fails you may want to try re-installing Homebrew.
Since this was a previous user's machine make sure your user is the owner of /usr/local and everything within. Fix it with sudo chown -R $USER /usr/local.
I had a similar issue, when I Killed an install mid-way with Ctrl-D.
Post that whenever I tried installing anything it gave the following error
uninitialized constant Homebrew::CLI::Parser::ARGV_WITHOUT_MONKEY_PATCHING
As a fix, I went to the directory I had where homebrew was installed, and reset the HEAD.
cd /usr/local/Homebrew
git status
git checkout .
And then it started working magically.
I had a similar error with a "borked" installation of brew. I removed the small 5 line block of code in the /usr/local/bin/brew script starting with the MACOS line. That did the trick to allow me to uninstall and eventually reinstall it.
In addition to Matt Korostoff's answer.
On point 3 (resetting the repo), for recent version of Homebrew, the repo is no longer /usr/local, do cd "$(brew --repo)" instead.
