translate my containers starter file to docker-compose.yml - bash

I am newer in big data domain, and this is my first time using Docker. I just found this amazing project: which create a hadoop cluster composed of one master and two slaves using Docker.
After doing all the installation, I just run containers and they work fine. There is file which give me the hand to lunch the cluster. I decide to install some tools like sqoop to import my local relational data base to Hbase, and that's work fine. After that I stop all Docker container in my pc by tapping
docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
In the second day, when I tried to relaunch containers by running the same script ./ , I found this error:
start hadoop-master container...
start hadoop-slave1 container...
start hadoop-slave2 container...
Error response from daemon: Container
e942e424a3b166452c9d2ea1925197d660014322416c869dc4a982fdae1fb0ad is
not running
even, I lunch this daemon; containers of my cluster cannot connect to each other, and I can't access to data which is stored on Hbase.
First can any one tell me why this daemon don't work.
PS: in the file there is a line which removes containers if they exist before creating them, I delete this line because If I don't delete them, every time I do all things from the beginning.
After searching I found that is preferable to use the docker compose which give me the hand to lunch all container together.
But I can't found how to translate my file to docker-compose.yml file. Is this the best way to lunch all my containers in the same time ? This is the content of file:
sudo docker network create --driver=bridge hadoop
# the default node number is 3
# start hadoop master container
#sudo docker rm -f hadoop-master &> /dev/null
echo "start hadoop-master container..."
sudo docker run -itd \
--net=hadoop \
-p 50070:50070 \
-p 8088:8088 \
-p 7077:7077 \
-p 16010:16010 \
--name hadoop-master \
--hostname hadoop-master \
spark-hadoop:latest &> /dev/null
# sudo docker run -itd \
# --net=hadoop \
# -p 5432:5432 \
# --name postgres \
# --hostname hadoop-master \
# --volume /media/mobelite/0e5603b2-b1ad-4662-9869-8d0873b65f80/postgresDB/postgresql/10/main:/var/lib/postgresql/data \
# sameersbn/postgresql:10-2 &> /dev/null
# start hadoop slave container
while [ $i -lt $N ]
# sudo docker rm -f hadoop-slave$i &> /dev/null
echo "start hadoop-slave$i container..."
port=$(( 8040 + $i ))
sudo docker run -itd \
-p $port:8042 \
--net=hadoop \
--name hadoop-slave$i \
--hostname hadoop-slave$i \
spark-hadoop:latest &> /dev/null
i=$(( $i + 1 ))
# get into hadoop master container
sudo docker exec -it hadoop-master bash

Problems with restarting containers
I am not sure if I understood the mentioned problems with restarting containers correctly. Thus in the following, I try to concentrate on potential issues I can see from the script and error messages:
When starting containers without --rm, they will remain in place after being stopped. If one tries to run a container with same port mappings or same name (both the case here!) afterwards that fails due to the container already being existent. Effectively, no container will be started in the process. To solve this problem, one should either re-create containers everytime (and store all important state outside of the containers) or detect an existing container and start it if existent. With names it can be as easy as doing:
if ! docker start hadoop-master; then
docker run -itd \
--net=hadoop \
-p 50070:50070 \
-p 8088:8088 \
-p 7077:7077 \
-p 16010:16010 \
--name hadoop-master \
--hostname hadoop-master \
spark-hadoop:latest &> /dev/null
and similar for the other entries. Note that I do not understand why one would
use the combination -itd (interactive, assign TTY but go to background) for
a service container like this? I'd recommend going with just -d here?
Other general scripting advice: Prefer bash -e (causes the script to stop on unhandled errors).
Docker-Compose vs. Startup Scripts
The question contains some doubt whether docker-compose should be the way to go or if a startup script should be preferred. From my point of view, the most important differences are these:
Scripts are good on flexibility: Whenever there are things that need to be detected from the environment which go beyond environment variables, scripts provide the needed flexibility to execute commands and to be have environment-dependently. One might argue that this goes partially against the spirit of the isolation of containers to be dependent on the environment like this, but a lot of Docker environments are used for testing purposes where this is not the primary concern.
docker-compose provides a few distinct advantages "out-of-the-box". There are commands up and down (and even radical ones like down -v --rmi all) which allow environments to be created and destroyed quickly. When scripting, one needs to implement all these things separately which will often result in less complete solutions. An often-overlooked advantage is also portability concerns: docker-compose exists for Windows as well. Another interesting feature (although not so "easy" as it sounds) is the ability to deploy docker-compose.yml files to Docker clusters. Finally docker-compose also provides some additional isolation (e.g. all containers become part of a network specifically created for this docker-compose instance by default)
From Startup Script to Docker-Compose
The start script at hand is already in a good shape to consider moving to a docker-compose.yml file instead. The basic idea is to define one service per docker run instruction and to transform the commandline arguments into their respective docker-compose.yml names. The Documentation covers the options quite thoroughly.
The idea could be as follows:
version: "3.2"
image: spark-hadoop:latest
- 50070:50070
- 8088:8088
- 7077:7077
- 16010:16010
image: spark-hadoop:latest
- 8041:8042
image: spark-hadoop:latest
- 8042:8042
image: spark-hadoop:latest
- 8043:8042
Btw. I could not test the docker-compose.yml file because the image spark-hadoop:latest does not seem to be available through docker pull:
# docker pull spark-hadoop:latest
Error response from daemon: pull access denied for spark-hadoop, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login'
But the file above might be enough to get an idea.


How to use bash commands alongside Docker restart policies?

In a ROS project, I have the following bash script that I use to run a docker container:
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
rosnode kill some_ros_node
roslaunch supporting_ros_package launch_file.launch &
docker run -it \
--restart=always \
--privileged \
--net=host \
my_image:latest \
/bin/bash -c\
roslaunch my_package my_launch_file.launch
export containerId=$(docker ps -l -q)
However, what I'd like to happen is, for every time the container restarts (especially as the machine is booted up), the bash commands preceding the docker run command to also re-run on the host machine (not within the container).
How might I achieve this?
There are a few ways I can think of doing this:
Add this script to a system service. See this answer regarding adding a system service: See this
Add this script into another container that is also set to restart always ... but mount the docker socket into this other container like this: See this

How do I prevent root access to my docker container

I am working on hardening our docker images, which I already have a bit of a weak understanding of. With that being said, the current step I am on is preventing the user from running the container as root. To me, that says "when a user runs 'docker exec -it my-container bash', he shall be an unprivileged user" (correct me if I'm wrong).
When I start up my container via docker-compose, the start script that is run needs to be as root since it deals with importing certs and mounted files (created externally and seen through a volume mount). After that is done, I would like the user to be 'appuser' for any future access. This question seems to match pretty well what I'm looking for, but I am using docker-compose, not docker run: How to disable the root access of a docker container?
This seems to be relevant, as the startup command differs from let's say tomcat. We are running a Spring Boot application that we start up with a simple 'java -jar jarFile', and the image is built using maven's dockerfile-maven-plugin. With that being said, should I be changing the user to an unprivileged user before running that, or still after?
I believe changing the user inside of the Dockerfile instead of the start script will do this... but then it will not run the start script as root, thus blowing up on calls that require root. I had messed with using ENTRYPOINT as well, but could have been doing it wrong there. Similarly, using "user:" in the yml file seemed to make the script run as that user instead of root, so that wasn't working.
FROM parent/image:latest
ENV APP_HOME /apphome
ENV APP_USER appuser
ENV APP_GROUP appgroup
# Folder containing our application, i.e. jar file, resources, and scripts.
# This comes from unpacking our maven dependency
ADD target/classes/app ${APP_HOME}/
# Primarily just our start script, but some others
ADD target/classes/scripts /scripts/
# Need to create a folder that will be used at runtime
RUN mkdir -p ${APP_HOME}/data && \
chmod +x /scripts/*.sh && \
chmod +x ${APP_HOME}/*.*
# Create unprivileged user
RUN groupadd -r ${APP_GROUP} && \
useradd -g ${APP_GROUP} -d ${APP_HOME} -s /sbin/nologin -c "Unprivileged User" ${APP_USER} && \
CMD /opt/scripts/ script:
# setup SSL, modify java command, etc
# run our java application
java -jar "boot.jar"
# Switch users to always be unprivileged from here on out?
# Whatever "hardening" wants... Should this be before starting our application?
exec su -s "/bin/bash" $APP_USER
app.yml file:
version: '3.3'
image: app_image:latest
c2core.docker.compose.display-name: My Application
c2core.docker.compose.profiles: a_profile
- "data_mount:/apphome/data"
- "cert_mount:/certs"
hostname: some-hostname
domainname: some-domain
- "8243:8443"
- some_env_vars
- another-app
- some-network
driver: bridge
docker-compose shell script:
docker-compose -f app.yml -f another-app.yml $#
What I would expect is that anyone trying to access the container internally will be doing so as appuser and not root. The goal is to prevent someone from messing with things they shouldn't (i.e. docker itself).
What is happening is that the script will change users after the app has started (proven via an echo command), but it doesn't seem to be maintained. If I exec into it, I'm still root.
As David mentions, once someone has access to the docker socket (either via API or with the docker CLI), that typically means they have root access to your host. It's trivial to use that access to run a privileged container with host namespaces and volume mounts that let the attacker do just about anything.
When you need to initialize a container with steps that run as root, I do recommend gosu over something like su since su was not designed for containers and will leave a process running as the root pid. Make sure that you exec the call to gosu and that will eliminate anything running as root. However, the user you start the container as is the same as the user used for docker exec, and since you need to start as root, your exec will run as root unless you override it with a -u flag.
There are additional steps you can take to lock down docker in general:
Use user namespaces. These are defined on the entire daemon, require that you destroy all containers, and pull images again, since the uid mapping affects the storage of image layers. The user namespace offsets the uid's used by docker so that root inside the container is not root on the host, while inside the container you can still bind to low numbered ports and run administrative activities.
Consider authz plugins. Open policy agent and Twistlock are two that I know of, though I don't know if either would allow you to restrict the user of a docker exec command. They likely require that you give users a certificate to connect to docker rather than giving them direct access to the docker socket since the socket doesn't have any user details included in API requests it receives.
Consider rootless docker. This is still experimental, but since docker is not running as root, it has no access back to the host to perform root activities, mitigating many of the issues seen when containers are run as root.
You intrinsically can't prevent root-level access to your container.
Anyone who can run any Docker command at all can always run any of these three commands:
# Get a shell, as root, in a running container
docker exec -it -u 0 container_name /bin/sh
# Launch a new container, running a root shell, on some image
docker run --rm -it -u 0 --entrypoint /bin/sh image_name
# Get an interactive shell with unrestricted root access to the host
# filesystem (cd /host/var/lib/docker)
docker run --rm -it -v /:/host busybox /bin/sh
It is generally considered best practice to run your container as a non-root user, either with a USER directive in the Dockerfile or running something like gosu in an entrypoint script, like what you show. You can't prevent root access, though, in the face of a privileged user who's sufficiently interested in getting it.
When the docker is normally run from one host, you can do some steps.
Make sure it is not run from another host by looking for a secret in a directory mounted from the accepted host.
Change the .bashrc of the users on the host, so that they will start running the docker as soon as they login. When your users needs to do other things on the host, give them an account without docker access and let them sudo to a special user with docker access (or use a startdocker script with a setuid flag).
Start the docker with a script that you made and hardened, something like startserver.
settings() {
# Add mount dirs. The homedir in the docker will be different from the one on the host.
mountdirs="-v /mirrored_home:/home -v /etc/dockercheck:/etc/dockercheck:ro"
usroptions="--user $(id -u):$(id -g) -v /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd:ro"
usroptions="${usroptions} -v/etc/shadow:/etc/shadow:ro -v /etc/group:/etc/group:ro"
# call function that fills special variables
docker run -ti --rm ${usroptions} ${mountdirs} -w $HOME --entrypoint=/bin/bash "${image}"
Adding a variable --env HOSTSERVER=${host} won't help hardening, on another server one can add --env HOSTSERVER=servername_that_will_be_checked.
When the user logins to the host, the startserver will be called and the docker started. After the call to the startserver add exit to the .bash_rc.
Not sure if this work but you can try. Allow sudo access for user/group with limited execution command. Sudo configuration only allow to execute docker-cli. Create a shell script by the name docker-cli with content that runs docker command, eg docker "$#". In this file, check the argument and enforce user to provide switch --user or -u when executing exec or attach command of docker. Also make sure validate the user don't provide a switch saying -u root. Eg
sudo docker-cli exec -it containerid sh (failed)
sudo docker-cli exec -u root ... (failed)
sudo docker-cli exec -u mysql ... (Passed)
You can even limit the docker command a user can run inside this shell script

Typing two letters at the same time causes docker exec -it shell to exit abruptly

I'm running Docker Toolbox on VirtualBox on Windows 10.
I'm having an annoying issue where if I docker exec -it mycontainer sh into a container - to inspect things, the shell will abruptly exit randomly back to the host shell, while I'm typing commands. Some experimenting reveals that it's when I press two letters at the same time (as is common when touch typing) that causes the exit.
The container will still be running.
Any ideas what this is?
More details
Here's a minimal docker image I'm running inside. Essentially, I'm trying to deploy kubernetes clusters to AWS via kops, but because I'm on Windows, I have to use a container to run the kops commands.
FROM alpine:3.5
#install aws-cli
RUN apk add --no-cache \
python \
python-dev \
py-pip \
RUN pip install awscli
#install kubectl
RUN curl -LO$(curl -s
RUN chmod +x ./kubectl
RUN mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
#install kops
RUN curl -LO$(curl -s | grep tag_name | cut -d '"' -f 4)/kops-linux-amd64
RUN chmod +x kops-linux-amd64
RUN mv kops-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/kops
I build this image:
docker build -t mykube .
I run this in the working directory of my the project I'm trying to deploy:
docker run -dit -v "${PWD}":/app mykube
I exec into the shell:
docker exec -it $containerid sh
Inside the shell, I start running AWS commands as per here.
Here's some example output:
##output of previous dig command
;; Query time: 343 msec
;; WHEN: Wed Feb 14 21:32:16 UTC 2018
;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 188
##me entering a command
/ # aws s3 mb s3://clus
##shell exits abruptly to host shell while I'm writing
DavidJ#DavidJ-PC001 MINGW64 ~/git-workspace/webpack-react-express (master)
##container is still running
$ docker ps --all
37a341cfde83 mykube "/bin/sh" 5 minutes ago Up 3 minutes gifted_bhaskara
##nothing in docker logs
$ docker logs --details 37a341cfde83
A more useful update
Adding the -D flag gives an important clue:
$ docker -D exec -it 04eef8107e91 sh -x
DEBU[0000] Error resize: Error response from daemon: no such exec
/ #
/ #
/ #
/ #
/ # sdfsdfjskfdDEBU[0006] [hijack] End of stdin
DEBU[0006] [hijack] End of stdout
Also, I've ascertained that what specifically is causing the issue is pressing two letters at the same time (which is quite common when I'm touch typing).
There appears to be a github issue for this here, though this one is for docker for windows, not docker toolbox.
This issue appears to be a bug with docker and windows. See the github issue here.
As a work around, prefix your docker exec command with winpty, which comes with git bash.
winpty docker exec -it mycontainer sh
Check the USER which is the one you are login with when doing a docker exec -it yourContainer sh.
Its .bahsrc, .bash_profile or .profile might include a command which would explain why the session abruptly quits.
Check also the logs associated to that container (docker logs --details yourContainer) in order to see if that closed session generated anything in stderr.
Reasons I can think of for a process to be killed in your container include:
Pid 1 exiting in the container. This would cause the container to go into a stopped state, but a restart policy could have restarted it. See your docker container inspect output to see if this is happening. This is the most common cause I've seen.
Out of memory on the OS, where the kernel would then kill processes. View your system logs and dmesg to see if this is happening.
Exceeding the container memory limit, where docker would kill the container, possibly restarting it depending on your policy. You would again view docker container inspect but the status will have different details.
Process being killed on the host, potentially by a security tool.
Perhaps a selinux or apparmor policy being violated.
Networking issues. Never encountered it myself, but since docker is a client / server design, there's a potential for a network disconnect to drop the exec session.
The server itself is failing, and you'd see various logs in syslog / dmesg indicating problems it can't recover from.

Phlex Docker image is not reachable via http

I'm installing Phlex with Docker on my windows 10 PC.
I have run the command docker create --name=Phlex --net=host -v /g/phlex:/config -e HTTPPORT=5666 -e HTTPSPORT=5667 -e FASTCGIPORT=9000 -p 5666:80 -p 5667:443 --privileged digitalhigh/phlex
and the container is created.
When I start the container (docker start Phlex), it runs successfully.
However, when I try to connect to localhost:5666/5667 it refuses to connect. What am I doing wrong here? Phlex EXPOSES ports 80 and 443 and the only suspicious thing in the log is ip: either "to" is duplicate, or "" is garbage and I have no idea what that means.
This is my full workflow I have done nothing else.
You need to use
docker run --name=Phlex -p 5666:5666 -p 5667:5667 -v /g/phlex:/config -e HTTPPORT=5666 -e HTTPSPORT=5667 -e FASTCGIPORT=9000 --privileged digitalhigh/phlex
When you use --net=host you should not be using port mappings. So no -p X:Y should be there. And when you want to do port mappings don't use --net=host
Also I looked at the image, it run nginx and fpm in the same image. So if you are testing phlex and or its not a core thing you work on, then you can use this image. Else you should build one of your own Dockerfile. This image is not one the optimized images as such

Docker: RUN touch doesn't create file

While trying to debug a RUN statements in my Dockerfile, I attempted to redirect output to a file in a bound volume (./mongo/log).
To my surprise I was unable to create files via the RUN command, or to pipe the output of another command to a file using the redirection/appending (>,>>) operators. I was however able to perform the said task by logging in the running container via docker exec -ti mycontainer /bin/sh and issuing the command from there.
Why is this behaviour happening? How can I touch file in the Dockerfile / redirect output to a file or to the console from which the Dockerfile is run?
Here is my Dockerfile:
FROM mongo:3.4
#Installing NodeJS
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y curl && \
curl -sL | bash - && \
apt-get install -y nodejs
#Setting Up Mongo
WORKDIR /var/www/smq
COPY ./mongo-setup.js mongo-setup.js
##for testing
RUN touch /var/log/node.log && /
node --help 2>&1 > /var/log/node.log
##this was the command to debug
#RUN node mongo-setup.js > /var/log/mongo-setup.log 2> /var/log/mongo-setup.error.log
Here an excerpt from my docker-compose.yml:
context: ./
dockerfile: ./mongodb-dockerfile
container_name: smqmongodb
- /var/lib/mongodb/data
- ./mongo/log/:/var/log/
- ../.config:/var/www/.config
You are doing this during your build:
RUN touch /var/log/node.log && /
node --help 2>&1 > /var/log/node.log
The file /var/log/node.log is created and fixed immutably into the resulting image.
Then you run the container with this volume mount:
- ./mongo/log/:/var/log/
Whatever is in ./mongo/log/ is mounted as /var/log in the container, which hides whatever was there before (from the image). This is the thing that's making it look like your touch didn't work (even though it probably worked fine).
You're thinking about this backward - your volume mount doesn't expose the container's version of /var/log externally - it replaces whatever was there.
Nothing you do in Dockerfile (build) will ever show up in an external mount.
Instead of RUN node mongo-setup.js > /var/log/mongo-setup.log 2> /var/log/mongo-setup.error.log, within the container, what if you just say `RUN node mongo-setup.js'?
Docker recommends using docker logs. Like so:
docker logs container-name
To accomplish what you're after (see the mongo setup logs?), you can split the stdout & stderr of the container by piping the separate streams: and send them to files:
me#host~$ docker logs foo > stdout.log 2>stderr.log
me#host~$ cat stdout.log
me#host~$ cat stderr.log
Also, refer to the docker logs documentation
