How to use bash commands alongside Docker restart policies? - bash

In a ROS project, I have the following bash script that I use to run a docker container:
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
rosnode kill some_ros_node
roslaunch supporting_ros_package launch_file.launch &
docker run -it \
--restart=always \
--privileged \
--net=host \
my_image:latest \
/bin/bash -c\
roslaunch my_package my_launch_file.launch
export containerId=$(docker ps -l -q)
However, what I'd like to happen is, for every time the container restarts (especially as the machine is booted up), the bash commands preceding the docker run command to also re-run on the host machine (not within the container).
How might I achieve this?

There are a few ways I can think of doing this:
Add this script to a system service. See this answer regarding adding a system service: See this
Add this script into another container that is also set to restart always ... but mount the docker socket into this other container like this: See this


Windows docker, mount a volume and run a script in it

I'm working with the servercore Windows docker image for CI purposes (i.e. building).
I'm fine building it, running it mounting the repo as a volume, launching it and keeping it listening on a specific port and launching exec "mountedFolder/script.bat".
docker build . -t build_image
docker run -d -t -p 8585:9090 -v $PATH:c:/repo build_image > id.txt
set /p id=<id.txt
docker exec %id% "build.bat"
But is there any way to launch the script (and cd-ing to its folder before launching it), in the run command itself? Something like
docker run --rm -v $PATH:c:/repo build_image /PATH/to/BAT/build.bat

Exit from docker exec -ti in shell script

I'm writing a script where I execute the following command:
docker exec -ti keycloak11_service-keycloak_1 /opt/jboss/keycloak/bin/ \
-Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=151 \
-Dkeycloak.migration.action=export \
-Dkeycloak.migration.provider=singleFile \
-Dkeycloak.migration.realmName=demo \
-Dkeycloak.migration.usersExportStrategy=REALM_FILE \
This exports the file realm-export.json from my running keycloak instance. After the execution I want to to do a scp to another server. The problem is, when I execute the ti comment, the standalone keycloak is started and my script stucks while it says : Listening in port ...
As the export operation is finished at that point, I could kill the process or enter any command (which is cmd+c). Is there a way to do this via script?
Put your commands in a Dockerfile and run the container in detached mode docker run -d. Also you could use a bind-mount to access a host volume from the container. That way your results are stored on the host and you can access them later.

Jenkins console does not show the output of command runs on docker container

Running below command to execute my tests on docker container
sudo docker exec -i 6d49272f772c bash -c "mvn clean install test"
Above command running on Jenkins execute bash. But Jenkins console does not show the logs for test execution.
I had a similar problem with docker start (which is similar to docker exec). I used the -i option and it would work fine outside Jenkins, but the console in Jenkins didn't show any output from this command. I replaced -i with -a similar to the following:
sudo docker container create -it --name container-name some-docker-image some-command
sudo docker container start -a container-name
sudo docker container rm -f container-name
The docker exec method doesn't have a -a option so possibly removing the -i option would work too (since you are not interacting with the container in Jenkins), so if that doesn't work than you can convert to the following commands and achieve similar results with standard out being captured.

Typing two letters at the same time causes docker exec -it shell to exit abruptly

I'm running Docker Toolbox on VirtualBox on Windows 10.
I'm having an annoying issue where if I docker exec -it mycontainer sh into a container - to inspect things, the shell will abruptly exit randomly back to the host shell, while I'm typing commands. Some experimenting reveals that it's when I press two letters at the same time (as is common when touch typing) that causes the exit.
The container will still be running.
Any ideas what this is?
More details
Here's a minimal docker image I'm running inside. Essentially, I'm trying to deploy kubernetes clusters to AWS via kops, but because I'm on Windows, I have to use a container to run the kops commands.
FROM alpine:3.5
#install aws-cli
RUN apk add --no-cache \
python \
python-dev \
py-pip \
RUN pip install awscli
#install kubectl
RUN curl -LO$(curl -s
RUN chmod +x ./kubectl
RUN mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
#install kops
RUN curl -LO$(curl -s | grep tag_name | cut -d '"' -f 4)/kops-linux-amd64
RUN chmod +x kops-linux-amd64
RUN mv kops-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/kops
I build this image:
docker build -t mykube .
I run this in the working directory of my the project I'm trying to deploy:
docker run -dit -v "${PWD}":/app mykube
I exec into the shell:
docker exec -it $containerid sh
Inside the shell, I start running AWS commands as per here.
Here's some example output:
##output of previous dig command
;; Query time: 343 msec
;; WHEN: Wed Feb 14 21:32:16 UTC 2018
;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 188
##me entering a command
/ # aws s3 mb s3://clus
##shell exits abruptly to host shell while I'm writing
DavidJ#DavidJ-PC001 MINGW64 ~/git-workspace/webpack-react-express (master)
##container is still running
$ docker ps --all
37a341cfde83 mykube "/bin/sh" 5 minutes ago Up 3 minutes gifted_bhaskara
##nothing in docker logs
$ docker logs --details 37a341cfde83
A more useful update
Adding the -D flag gives an important clue:
$ docker -D exec -it 04eef8107e91 sh -x
DEBU[0000] Error resize: Error response from daemon: no such exec
/ #
/ #
/ #
/ #
/ # sdfsdfjskfdDEBU[0006] [hijack] End of stdin
DEBU[0006] [hijack] End of stdout
Also, I've ascertained that what specifically is causing the issue is pressing two letters at the same time (which is quite common when I'm touch typing).
There appears to be a github issue for this here, though this one is for docker for windows, not docker toolbox.
This issue appears to be a bug with docker and windows. See the github issue here.
As a work around, prefix your docker exec command with winpty, which comes with git bash.
winpty docker exec -it mycontainer sh
Check the USER which is the one you are login with when doing a docker exec -it yourContainer sh.
Its .bahsrc, .bash_profile or .profile might include a command which would explain why the session abruptly quits.
Check also the logs associated to that container (docker logs --details yourContainer) in order to see if that closed session generated anything in stderr.
Reasons I can think of for a process to be killed in your container include:
Pid 1 exiting in the container. This would cause the container to go into a stopped state, but a restart policy could have restarted it. See your docker container inspect output to see if this is happening. This is the most common cause I've seen.
Out of memory on the OS, where the kernel would then kill processes. View your system logs and dmesg to see if this is happening.
Exceeding the container memory limit, where docker would kill the container, possibly restarting it depending on your policy. You would again view docker container inspect but the status will have different details.
Process being killed on the host, potentially by a security tool.
Perhaps a selinux or apparmor policy being violated.
Networking issues. Never encountered it myself, but since docker is a client / server design, there's a potential for a network disconnect to drop the exec session.
The server itself is failing, and you'd see various logs in syslog / dmesg indicating problems it can't recover from.

How can I run a docker container and commit the changes once a script completes?

I want to set up a cron job to run a set of commands inside a docker container and then commit the changes to the docker image. I'm able to run the container as a daemon and get the container ID using this command:
CONTAINER_ID=$(sudo docker run -d my-image /bin/sh -c "sleep 10")
but I'm having trouble with the second part--committing the changes to the image once the sleep 10 command completes. Is there a way for me to tell when the docker container is about to be killed and run another command before it is?
EDIT: As an alternative, is there a way to trigger ctrl-p-q via a shell script in the container to leave the container running but return to the host?
There are following ways to persist container data:
Docker volumes
Docker commit
a) create container from ubuntu image and run a bash terminal.
$ docker run -i -t ubuntu:14.04 /bin/bash
b) Inside the terminal install curl
# apt-get update
# apt-get install curl
c) Exit the container terminal
# exit
d) Take a note of your container id by executing following command :
$ docker ps -a
e) save container as new image
$ docker commit <container_id> new_image_name:tag_name(optional)
f) verify that you can see your new image with curl installed.
$ docker images
$ docker run -it new_image_name:tag_name bash
# which curl
Run it in the foreground, not as daemon. When it ends the script that launched it takes control and commits/push it
I didn't find any of these answers satisfying, as my goal was to 1) launch a container, 2) run a setup script, and 3) capture/store the state after setup, so I can instantly run various scripts against that state later. And all in a local, automated, continuous integration environment (e.g. scripted and non-interactive).
Here's what I came up with (and I run this in Travis-CI install section) for setting up my test environment:
# Run a docker with the env boot script
docker run ubuntu:14.04 /path/to/
# Get the container ID of the last run docker (above)
export CONTAINER_ID=`docker ps -lq`
# Commit the container state (returns an image_id with sha256: prefix cut off)
# and write the IMAGE_ID to disk at ~/.docker_image_id
(docker commit $CONTAINER_ID | cut -c8-) > ~/.docker_image_id
Note that my base image was ubuntu:14.04 but yours could be any image you want.
With that setup, now I can run any number of scripts (e.g. unit tests) against this snapshot (for Travis, these are in my script section). e.g.:
docker run `cat ~/.docker_image_id` /path/to/
docker run `cat ~/.docker_image_id` /path/to/
Try this if you want an auto commit for all which are running. Put this in a cron or something, if this helps
for i in `docker ps|tail -n +2|awk '{print $1}'`; do docker commit -m "commit new change" $i; done
