Analytics on cross platform app active downloads - xamarin

I have a cross-platform app on the Android store and the iOS store.
Marketing would like stats on app uptake, downloads, count of devices it is on, etc.
Is there a way through API or another means where i can pull the stats off the android console and app store connect and display them in a report rather than me having to log into each site every time and add the numbers together.


How to install app from beta track on Wear OS smartwatch?

I created a standalone smartwatch app for Wear OS. I use a Huawei Watch 2 4G for testing. I now want to have it in the beta track on Google Play Store so that users can test it. I've created some smartphone apps already and put them in the Play Store, so I'm used to the process. What I did so far:
Created entry on Google Play Console
Added a release to the open beta track
Filled all necessary stuff
Published the app and got the URL to participate in the beta test
Opened the URL while logged in with my test account and agreed to become a tester
Wiped the smartwatch and copied the same account to the watch during setup
Now I don't know how to install the app from the Play Store. On a smartphone I would simply open the URL in a browser and would be able to install it from there. What I tried so far:
Searching for the app name and for the package name on the Play Store on the smartwatch, but it can't find it.
Opening the Play Store entry in a browser and click the install button, but it says that I have no devices.
Opening the URL on the paired smartphone, but it only says that the device is not compatible.
How can I install a standalone Wear OS app that is in the open beta track on Google Play Store?
As suggest in #tofferj 's comment I simply had to wait a few more hours. I'm now able to find it by simply searching for the app name in the Play Store on the smartwatch.
Seems like the status "published" on the Google Play Console doesn't mean that it's already in the search index.

Beacons integration without application on device

Can i know is it possible to communicate with Beacon without having any Mobile app on device?
Thanks in advance
Both Android and iOS devices need some kind of app installed to interact with your beacons. Some phones have such apps pre-installed, but the options are limited. The two such apps with the widest distribution are:
Google Chrome App (Android/iOS)
Google's Chrome app will interact with beacons supporting Eddystone-URL (also known as physical web), which transmit a URL that can be displayed within Chrome when the app detects it.
This works on both Android and iOS devices with Chrome installed. For newer Android phones, this is a relatively high percentage of devices. For iOS, it is a very small percentage, as the app is not installed by default. This makes it of very limited use on iOS.
The other real drawback to relying on Chrome for beacon detection is the hoops users have to jump through to opt-in, and the way the beacon notifications are buried. Until users opt-in, they will see no notifications on beacon detections. Once they do, they will see a very generic notification "Physical web beacons are nearby", and only once the user taps on that are the specifics about the web page associated with the beacon transmitted URL displayed.
Passbook (iOS)
Apple's passbook app will bring up a passbook entry (usually used for tickets, coupons, etc.) associated with a set of iBeacon identifiers if the user comes within range of the beacon. In order to use this, however, the user must first download the passbook entry to his or her iPhone. Only once this is downloaded and opened will the app respond to associated beacons.
EDIT April 2020: For a time prior to December 2018 Google supported app-less notifications based on beacon detection using their Google Nearby product. This was discontinued in December 2018 due to predictable abuse and spam that it generated. While you may find some outdated documentation online about this ability, understand that this feature no longer works. As of this writing, my understanding is that this answer is still correct.
You should checkout Eddystones from Google. They can push you URLs even without app.
If you want to interact with beacons and do custom stuff (notifications, http requests, etc) you will need an app.

How to measure number of installs on versions of an iOS app

I have an app published on Apple's app store via iTunes Connect. I also have the same app published on Google's Play store.
Both platforms are on their 3rd version and I need to measure the number of installs of each version. Google have made this easy - in the developer console click 'Statistics' then 'App Version':
However, I'm struggling to find a similar report in iTunes Connect.
Is there a way to achieve this with iOS apps?
You can get similar (but not the same nice overview!) information for apps using iOS8+ via Apple's own App Analytics without integrating any 3rd party SDK.
Go to > Your App > Metrics
Then choose from the "Usage" metrics on the left either "Installations" or "Sessions" (1) and plot them by "App Versions" (2). Please note that usage metrics only included "opt-in" data. (I'd also adjust the time interval if needed)
You can get your opt-in rate by clicking on the little "?" in the top right next to "About App Analytics" in almost every view.

TTimer not working while iOS app in background

I have an app that needs to perform some actions based on a TTimer.
When the app becomes inactive (in background), the timer stops working.
I could not find any relevant options for UIBackgroundModes.
How can I make a timer keeps running?
iOS pauses your app automatically shortly after it goes into the background. You need to let iOS know that you are going to continue operating in the background.
In Project > Options > Version Info you can add to the array key UIBackgroundModes the string values for the services that require to continue running in the background. This gets added to the info.plist for your project on iOS.
You can consult Apple's documentation on what these values do . . .
Value - Description
audio - The app plays audible content in the
location - The app provides location-based information to
the user and requires the use of the standard location services (as
opposed to the significant change location service) to implement this
voip - The app provides Voice-over-IP services. Apps with this
key are automatically launched after system boot so that the app can
reestablish VoIP services. Apps with this key are also allowed to
play background audio.
fetch - The app requires new content from the
network on a regular basis. When it is convenient to do so, the
system launches or resumes the app in the background and gives it a
small amount of time to download any new content. This value is
supported in iOS 7.0 and later.
remote-notification - The app uses
remote notifications as a signal that there is new content available
for download. When a remote notification arrives, the system launches
or resumes the app in the background and gives it a small amount of
time to download the new content. This value is supported in iOS 7.0
and later.
newsstand-content - The app processes content that was
recently downloaded in the background using the Newsstand Kit
framework, so that the content is ready when the user wants it. This
value is supported in iOS 5.0 and later.
external-accessory - The app
communicates with an accessory that delivers data at regular
intervals. This value is supported in iOS 5.0 and later.
bluetooth-central - The app uses the CoreBluetooth framework to
communicate with a Bluetooth accessory while in the background. This
value is supported in iOS 5.0 and later.
bluetooth-peripheral - The app
uses the CoreBluetooth framework to communicate in peripheral mode
with a Bluetooth accessory. The system will alert the user to the
potential privacy implications of apps with this key set. See Best
Practices for Maintaining User Privacy for more information on
privacy. This value is supported in iOS 6.0 and later.
Notice you need to actually select the mode that matches what you are doing. You can't just select fetch when really all you are doing is background processing.

admob ad doesn't make requests (or there are no ads to show)

I just downloaded the Beta sdk for admob on WP7 and after including the banner in the app(and viewing the default banner in the emulator mode) i've added the admob on-site publisher id an tried to run the app on a real device but there was no add showed (in debug and in release mode). The space is reserved (~75px of black space).
When looking in the console i see "Error - Ad Not Available (NoFill)" and on the admob site i see that there wasn't no ad request ever made. I got to the following conclusions:
1) there are no ads for my app due to windows phone's still-limited presence (but why isn't my app showing ad requests on admob site?). Also i found this on google's site :
Windows Phone 7 is new to the AdMob market, so in the short term you
may see some low fill rates until advertisers add this platform to
their targeting. Using test mode during development should eliminate
inventory as a variable in your SDK integration testing.
2)i've just created my admob ad so maybe google has a certain approval process.
Any other ideas of this problem? Has anyone else experinced it, and if so, how did they get over it?
UPDATE my app is now active on the adMob site and can see requests (122) , a fill rate(3.28%), eCPM(0), RPM(0) but the ads are still not showing. What can be the issue?
