Spring Cloud Gateway not returning correct Response code given by Downstream service (for file upload) - spring-boot

I have a simple downstream service for file upload. Sample code
public class FileController {
public ResponseEntity<?> uploadFile(#RequestParam("file") MultipartFile file,
#RequestParam(value = "delay", required = false, defaultValue = "0") int delay) throws Exception {
"File Name => " + file.getOriginalFilename(),
"File Size => " + file.getSize() + "bytes",
"File Content Type => " + file.getContentType()));
return ResponseEntity.ok(file.getName() + " uploaded");
and a CustomExceptionHandler that returns BAD_REQUEST if there is a MultipartException:
public class CustomExceptionHandler {
public ResponseEntity<String> handleMultipartException(MultipartException ex) {
return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST).body(ex.getMessage());
The size limit is 10MB in application.yml:
max-file-size: 10MB
max-request-size: 10MB
If I upload a large file, it gives me a a 400 status as expected
When I try to hit the same via spring cloud gateway I get the following result:
and the logs shows following:
2019-11-08 00:36:10.797 ERROR 21904 --- [ctor-http-nio-2] a.w.r.e.AbstractErrorWebExceptionHandler : [86e57f7e] 500 Server Error for HTTP POST "/product-service/file/upload"
reactor.netty.http.client.PrematureCloseException: Connection has been closed BEFORE response, while sending request body
Note that the gateway is configured to take in large file size with RequestSize filter set globally to take way more than 10MB.
How can I get the same response code as given by the downstream service?
Also, I check with traditional Zuul, and i get a 500 error too.
For the gateway, for this particular case I know we can use the RequestSize filter and now the gateway will return the error code, but then we have to identify all the routes that expect this beforehand.
Also, other validation in the API, like authorization, etc will have the same the same issue. The response code produced because of these validations will not propagate up.
Sample code spring-cloud-gateway/product-service/eureka - https://github.com/dhananjay12/spring-cloud/tree/master/spring-routing

can you try to go through a non limitation of the volume of the file directly to without going through the getway? try the value -1 for the properties :
properties file of the MS where you want to upload the file
spring.servlet.multipart.max-file-size =-1
spring.servlet.multipart.max-request-size =-1
if it good, it may give a problem with the zuul proxy's ribbon socket size, there are properties informed for this type of situation, the following:
Properties file of the getway :


Spring-boot Api endpoint for uploading file not working after adding 'spring-boot-starter-hateoas' dependency

I have a simple API function to upload a file similar to:
#PostMapping(value = "/documents",
consumes = {MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_VALUE})
public Mono<ResponseEntity<String>> uploadDocument(#RequestPart Mono<FilePart> file){
return storeDocumentService
The code works ok and uploads the file. The problem comes when I want to make the response a bit better by returning the link to the uploaded file. For this I want to use HATEOAS 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-hateoas'. As soon as I add the dependency 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-hateoas' to my 'build.gradle' the endpoint stops working and I get a response:
"timestamp": "2023-02-20T04:28:10.620+00:00",
"status": 415,
"error": "Unsupported Media Type",
"path": "/documents"
and also I get in the logs:
2023-02-20T05:28:10.618+01:00 WARN 2993 --- [nio-8080-exec-4] .w.s.m.s.DefaultHandlerExceptionResolver : Resolved [org.springframework.web.HttpMediaTypeNotSupportedException: Content-Type 'application/pdf' is not supported]
It is important to point out that I upload a ".pdf" file with a header "Content-Type:multipart/form-data". And most important the only change in the working code and not working code is that i just add the dependency for HATEOAS 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-hateoas'
For Uploading File We can easily use the type MultiPartFile , This will handles all the types of files and we can easily retrive the fileInputStream(data) from it.
The following code may helps you!..
public ResponseEntity<?> uploadExcelData(#RequestParam MultipartFile file) throws IOException {
List<...> dataList = fileHandling.convertFileAsJson(file);
if (!dataList.isEmpty()) {
return ....
} else {
return ResponseEntity.ok("No Records found !!");
I hope the above code will helps you to handle the File in the Endpoint.

how to retrieve the same error response received by webclient in spring reactive

I reveive a request from client, and to process that I have to make request to azure resource management app.
Now, if the client passes me incorrect info, and if I make direct call from postman to azure API, it returns me very useful info. refer below (below call contains incorrect query params) :
i get response like below in case of incorrect param passed :
"error": {
"code": "ResourceNotFound",
"message": "The Resource 'Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/workspace_XYZ/onlineEndpoints/Endpoint_XYZ' under resource group 'resourceGroupXYZ' was not found. For more details please go to https://aka.ms/ARMResourceNotFoundFix"
Now, I make this query using springboot reactive webclient API.
But I am not sure how to pass the same error back as it contains very useful info. The exception handling methods calls like onErrorReturn etc did not help me here to get the original error msg. :
response = getWebClient()
.headers(h -> authToken)
// .onErrorReturn(response)

#RequestHeader behaviour not as expected; working without required User-Agent

I have a project set up using Spring Boot with Kotlin to make REST APIs.
I'm trying to use the #RequestHeader to recognize the User-Agent. The said header is required=true -
#PostMapping("details", produces = ["application/json"])
fun addInfo(#RequestHeader(name = "User-Agent", required = true) userAgent: String,
#Valid #RequestBody podEntity: PodEntity): ResponseEntity<String> {
return ResponseEntity<String>("{ \"status\":\"Added\" }", HttpStatus.CREATED)
Problems -
However, even if I'm not sending the User-Agent header, the API is working and adding data. But, if I change the header to any other non default names, like, user or request-source, the required=true requirement is enforced to and the API does not work. Does it mean that default headers cannot be made mandatory using the required tag?
The other problem is that in the case of custom header, when the required header is missing for the request, the API fails by giving 400 error code but does not throw any exception. I was expecting HttpClientErrorException for my junit test case but on checking the console, I see no exception. Adding #Throws is also not helping. How do enable my function to throw an exception when the required header is missing?
Unit test -
fun test_getAll_fail_missingHeaders() {
val url = getRootUrl() + "/details/all"
val headers = HttpHeaders()
val request = HttpEntity(pod, headers)
try {
restTemplate!!.postForEntity(url, request, String::class.java)
} catch (ex: HttpClientErrorException) {
assertEquals(400, ex.rawStatusCode);
assertEquals(true, ex.responseBodyAsString.contains("Missing request header"))

Allow other files to be uploaded after FileSizeLimitExceededException for just one file

I have setup an application server using springboot which allows upload of multiple files.
I have configured the application.properties using the following:
When running a request using postman,
I am uploading 3 files under the key called "files"
File-1 is 11MB
File-2 is 1MB
File-3 is 1MB
The request fails with the following error:
"message": "Maximum upload size exceeded; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: org.apache.tomcat.util.http.fileupload.FileUploadBase$FileSizeLimitExceededException: The field files exceeds its maximum permitted size of 10485760 bytes."
I understand this is from providing size limits for the server.
But Is there a way to handle the exception such that only 1 file is excluded from upload, and the others are allowed.
Tried with exception handler to fetch request.
But this handler is applied to the overall request causing all the files to be skipped.
public List<UploadFileResponse> uploadMultipleFiles(#RequestParam String destination, #RequestParam("files") MultipartFile[] files) throws FileStorageException {
logger.info("Uploading multiple files...");
Date uploadDate = new Date();
logger.info("Upload operation started at {}", uploadDate);
return Arrays.asList(files)
.map(file -> uploadFile(destination, file))

Unable to map the error getting from the application deployed using lambda function

I am having springboot application deployed using a lambda function. Please find the below sample.
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/bugnlow/findByRegionId/{regionId}", produces = "application/json")
public ResponseEntity<List<Bunglow>> findAllBunglowsByRegionId(#PathVariable int regionId, #RequestParam int page, #RequestParam int size) {
Page<Bunglow> bunglows = bunglowsService.findAllBunglowsByRegionId(regionId, page, size);
if (bunglows.getContent().size() == 0){
return ResponseEntity.notFound().build();
return ResponseEntity.ok(bunglows.getContent());
if the "regionid" is invalid, I am throwing a runtime exception that contains message "region id is invalid".
throw new RuntimeException(Constant.INVALID_REGION_ID);
I am getting the below response when testing it locally by sending the invalid region id.
"timestamp": 1519577956092,
"status": 500,
"error": "Internal Server Error",
"exception": "java.lang.RuntimeException",
"message": "Region Id is invalid",
"path": "/***/bugnlow/findByRegionId/343333"
I deployed above application AWS using lambda function. When I send the request from the AWS API gateway to the deployed application I am getting the below error with Amazon response headers.
[2] Request: /bugnlow/findByRegionId/342324?page=0&size=5 Status: 500 Latency: 166 ms Response Body
{ "message": "Internal server error" }
In the particular endpoint, integration responses have already configured for Error 500. But didn't use a template configuring the content-type as application/json.
I able to get the localized error by setting it in the controller class with
But then the List Bunglow not display as the example response value in Swagger UI.
I need to get exact response[1] from the AWS console. How to do it.
Instead of error 500, how can I send the "Region id is invalid" with the Http status 400 (bad request).
It's a great help, if someone can help me on this.
I able to resolve my problem by creating a class with
and handle the Exception using
Each point I need to validate and respond the error, I created an custom Exception "BunglowCustomExceptionResponse" and catch the exception in the Advice class "BunglowControllerAdvice". Then send the response with the exception message with bad request response as below.
public class BunglowControllerAdvice {
public ResponseEntity handleCustomBunglowException(Exception e){
logger.info("***Exception occurred :" + e.getLocalizedMessage());
return new ResponseEntity<BunglowCustomExceptionResponse>(new
BunglowCustomExceptionResponse(e.getLocalizedMessage()), HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
Then, I able to get the expected response similar to below with bad request status code 400.
{"responseMessage": "error message"}
I don't know this is the best way but able to resolve my problem. Anyway, thanks a lot for your time who viewed this and tried to help me.
