The error is:
object required: ''; code: 800A01A8.
At this line:
Set gECU.Name = "random name"
Dim app, config, generalSetup, XCPSetup, ECUs, ECU, gECU, gDBSignals
Set app = CreateObject("CANoe.Application")
Set config = app.Configuration
Set generalSetup = config.GeneralSetup
Set XCPSetup = generalSetup.XCPSetup
Set ECUs = XCPSetup.ECUs
'Add a new ECU with XCP on CAN
Set ECU = ECUs.Add("D:\Script_CANoe_Automation\INPUTS\path.A2L", cTlFlex)
Set gECU.Name = "random name"
object required: ''; code: 800A01A8.
The WScript object gECU here
Set gECU.Name = "random name"
does not exist because you have not yet assigned an object reference to this variable
object.Name is defined as one of the properties of the McMeasurementGroup (object represents a set of parameters and their measurement settings for CCP/XCP measurements.)
If you wish to add an XCP connection to the ECU and enable one parameter contained in the database for DAQ measurement-do it this way:
Dim gApp, gConfig, gGeneralSetup, gXCPSetup, gECUs, gECU, gSignals, groups, group, parameters, parameter
'From the Property "ECUs" of "Application.Configuration.GeneralSetup.XCPSetup"
gApp = CreateObject("CANoe.Application")
gConfig = gApp.Configuration
gGeneralSetup = gConfig.GeneralSetup
gXCPSetup = gGeneralSetup.XCPSetup
gECUs = gXCPSetup.ECUs
‘You can add a new ECU with XCP on CAN
Set gECUs = gECUs.Add("D:\Script_CANoe_Automation\INPUTS\path.A2L", CANoe.eMcTransportLayer.cTlCan)
'You can find an existing ECU
gECU = gECUs("XCPsim")
'or change settings
gECU.ConnectOnMeasurementStart = 1
gECU.DisconnectOnMeasurementStop = 1
gECU.ObserverActive = 1
gECU.PageSwitchingActive = 1
gECU.RAMpage = 1
gECU.ResetVariablesAfterDisconnect = 1
gECU.UseDAQTimestampsOfECU = 1
gECU.UseDAQTimestampsOfECUDivOperator = 0
'or access the parameters contained in the database
groups = ECU.MeasurementGroups
group = groups.Item(1)
group.Name = "random name"
parameters = group.Parameters
'Enable a parameter for DAQ measurement
parameter = parameters("channel2")
parameter.Configured = 1
parameter.ReadMode = CANoe.eMcReadMode.cDAQ
parameter.EventCycle = 1
parameter.AutoRead = 1
I have a document that is using tabs to fill a document. The document is signed before and after completion of a task. Is it possible to modify tabs on an envelope - then re-generate an DocuSign_eSign::RecipientViewRequest (still having the initial signature / fields)?
Thus far I've been able to generate two DocuSign_eSign::RecipientViewRequest, but cannot figure out how to change the tabs in between signing:
PRE_SIGNER = 'pre_signer'
POST_SIGNER = 'post_signer'
configuration = = "#{BASE_URL}/restapi"
configuration.debugging = true
api_client =
api_client.base_path = BASE_URL
envelope_api =
pre_signer_text =
pre_signer_text.value = 'Alpha'
pre_signer_text.tab_label = 'pre_value'
pre_signer =
pre_signer.role_name = PRE_SIGNER
pre_signer.client_user_id = PRE_SIGNER
pre_signer.recipient_id = 1 = 'Kevin Sylvestre' = ''
pre_signer.tabs =
pre_signer.tabs.text_tabs = [pre_signer_text]
post_signer =
post_signer.role_name = POST_SIGNER
post_signer.client_user_id = POST_SIGNER
post_signer.recipient_id = 2 = 'Kevin Sylvestre' = ''
post_signer.tabs =
post_signer.tabs.text_tabs = []
server_template =
server_template.sequence = 0
server_template.template_id = TEMPLATE_ID
inline_template =
inline_template.sequence = 0
inline_template.recipients =
inline_template.recipients.signers = [
composite_template =
composite_template.server_templates = [server_template]
composite_template.inline_templates = [inline_template]
envelope_event =
envelope_event.envelope_event_status_code = 'completed'
envelope_definition =
envelope_definition.status = 'sent'
envelope_definition.composite_templates = [composite_template]
api_client.request_jwt_user_token(CLIENT_ID, USER_ID, PRIVATE_KEY)
envelope = envelope_api.create_envelope(ACCOUNT_ID, envelope_definition)
pre_signer_recipient_view_request =
pre_signer_recipient_view_request.authentication_method = 'none'
pre_signer_recipient_view_request.client_user_id = PRE_SIGNER
pre_signer_recipient_view_request.user_name = 'Kevin Sylvestre' = ''
pre_signer_recipient_view_request.return_url = ''
pre_recipient_view = envelope_api.create_recipient_view(ACCOUNT_ID, envelope.envelope_id, pre_signer_recipient_view_request)
url = pre_recipient_view.url
`open #{url}`
puts "Continue?"
# at this point I'd like to enter values for tabs...
post_signer_text =
post_signer_text.value = 'Omega'
post_signer_text.tab_label = 'post_value'
post_signer_recipient_view_request =
post_signer_recipient_view_request.authentication_method = 'none'
post_signer_recipient_view_request.client_user_id = POST_SIGNER
post_signer_recipient_view_request.user_name = 'Kevin Sylvestre' = ''
post_signer_recipient_view_request.return_url = ''
post_recipient_view = envelope_api.create_recipient_view(ACCOUNT_ID, envelope.envelope_id, post_signer_recipient_view_request)
url = post_recipient_view.url
`open #{url}`
You could add the same person to sign twice, as two separate recipients that are the same person. You can generate different recipient views. You can set the routing order to be different. Only reason I didn't post this as an answer is that you may mean that you need to pause the envelope?
you can add tabs using your code where you have post_signer.tabs, but if you want to modify existing tabs that came from the template then you have to create the envelope in draft mode ("created") and then make a different API call to modify the tabs and then a final API call to send it. Another option is to pause the envelope and "correct" it.
Pause envelope workflow code examples update_recipients() method should do the trick...
I'm trying to add records to an exisiting table called "Topics" (section as of "For Each SelectedTopic In SelectedTopicsCtl.ItemsSelected" in the code below).
When executing the code i always get "Run-time error '3022': The changes you requested to the table were not successful because they would create duplicate values in the index, primary key, or relationship. So it goes wrong at the creation of the Autonumber in the field "ID" (= the only field that is indexed - no duplicates).
When debugging, line "TopicRecord.Update" in the code below is highlighted.
I have read several posts on this topic on this forum and on other forums but still cannot get this to work - i must be overlooking something....
Private Sub Copy_Click()
Dim JournalEntrySourceRecord, JournalEntryDestinationRecord, TopicRecord As Recordset
Dim JournalEntryToCopyFromCtl, JournalEntryToCopyToCtl, JournalEntryDateCreatedCtl, SelectedTopicsCtl As Control
Dim Counter, intI As Integer
Dim SelectedTopic, varItm As Variant
Set JournalEntryToCopyFromCtl = Forms![Copy Journal Entry]!JournalEntryToCopyFrom
Set JournalEntryToCopyToCtl = Forms![Copy Journal Entry]!JournalEntryToCopyTo
Set JournalEntryDateCreatedCtl = Forms![Copy Journal Entry]!JournalEntryDateCreated
Set JournalEntrySourceRecord = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select * from JournalEntries where ID=" & JournalEntryToCopyFromCtl.Value)
Set JournalEntryDestinationRecord = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select * from JournalEntries where ID=" & JournalEntryToCopyToCtl.Value)
Set SelectedTopicsCtl = Forms![Copy Journal Entry]!TopicsToCopy
Set TopicRecord = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Topics", dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)
With JournalEntryDestinationRecord
.Fields("InitiativeID") = JournalEntrySourceRecord.Fields("InitiativeID")
.Fields("DateCreated") = JournalEntryDateCreatedCtl.Value
.Fields("Comment") = JournalEntrySourceRecord.Fields("Comment")
.Fields("Active") = "True"
.Fields("InternalOnly") = JournalEntrySourceRecord.Fields("InternalOnly")
.Fields("Confidential") = JournalEntrySourceRecord.Fields("Confidential")
End With
Set JournalEntrySourceRecord = Nothing
Set JournalEntryDestinationRecord = Nothing
For Each SelectedTopic In SelectedTopicsCtl.ItemsSelected
For Counter = 3 To SelectedTopicsCtl.ColumnCount - 1
TopicRecord.Fields(Counter) = SelectedTopicsCtl.Column(Counter, SelectedTopic)
Next Counter
TopicRecord.Fields("JournalEntryID") = JournalEntryToCopyToCtl.Value
TopicRecord.Fields("DateCreated") = JournalEntryDateCreatedCtl.Value
Next SelectedTopic
Set TopicRecord = Nothing
End Sub
First, your Dims won't work as you expect. Use:
Dim JournalEntrySourceRecord As Recordset
Dim JournalEntryDestinationRecord As Recordset
Dim TopicRecord As Recordset
Second, it looks like you get your ID included here:
or Topic is a query that includes it somehow. Try to specify the fields specifically and/or debug like this:
For Counter = 3 To SelectedTopicsCtl.ColumnCount - 1
TopicRecord.Fields(Counter).Value = SelectedTopicsCtl.Column(Counter, SelectedTopic)
Debug.Print Counter, TopicRecord.Fields(Counter).Name
Next Counter
I am using powerbuilder 11.2 and I have a pbl that creates a main screen. The user enters an order number in the textbox and hit enter and it fills in data in the bottom of the screen. I am trying to get debugging to hit a breakpoint in my function but it seems to ignore the breakpoint. Is there a way to break into the function? I have a variable I need to evaluate and I can't seem to get into the function while running. Here is the code:
Decimal{2} ld_total_hrs,ld_load_hrs,ld_unload_hrs
long ll_stops_rowcount, ll_row, ll_type, ll_ord_number, ll_rd_rowcount
datetime ldt_1st_stop, ldt_last_stop, ldt_start_time, ldt_end_time, ldt_deliver_time
string ls_dest_id, ls_type, ls_pay_id, ls_ref_number, ls_pay_leg_config
boolean lb_first_drop = TRUE
ld_load_hrs = 0
ld_unload_hrs = 0
ll_stops_rowcount = dw_trip.RowCount()
If ll_stops_rowcount < 1 then Return 0
For ll_row = 1 to ll_stops_rowcount
If ll_row = 1 then
ldt_1st_stop = dw_trip.GetItemDateTime ( 1, "stops_stp_arrivaldate" )
End if
If dw_trip.GetItemString(ll_row,"stops_stp_type") = "PUP" then
ldt_start_time = dw_trip.GetItemDateTime(ll_row,"stops_stp_arrivaldate")
ldt_end_time = dw_trip.GetItemDateTime(ll_row,"stops_stp_departuredate")
ld_load_hrs = ld_load_hrs + (f_datetimediff(ldt_start_time,ldt_end_time)/60)/60
End if
If dw_trip.GetItemString(ll_row,"stops_stp_type") = "DRP" then
ldt_start_time = dw_trip.GetItemDateTime(ll_row,"stops_stp_arrivaldate")
ldt_end_time = dw_trip.GetItemDateTime(ll_row,"stops_stp_departuredate")
ld_unload_hrs = ld_unload_hrs + (f_datetimediff(ldt_start_time,ldt_end_time)/60)/60
// get the first drops info for the report if paylegaslane is true else get last drop
ls_pay_leg_config = is_PayLegConfig
If is_CompanyOverride=true then
ls_pay_leg_config = "ByLeg"
End if
//TGRIFFIT - PayLegConfig = 'ByLeg' in TMW is equivalent to 'PayLegAsLane = 'Y' in FSS
if Upper(ls_pay_leg_config) = 'BYLEG' then
If lb_first_drop Then
ldt_deliver_time = ldt_end_time
ls_dest_id = dw_trip.GetItemString(ll_row,"stops_cmp_id")
ls_ref_number = dw_trip.GetItemString(ll_row,"stops_stp_refnum")
lb_first_drop = FALSE
End if
ldt_deliver_time = ldt_end_time
ls_dest_id = dw_trip.GetItemString(ll_row,"stops_cmp_id")
ls_ref_number = dw_trip.GetItemString(ll_row,"stops_stp_refnum")
end if
End if
ldt_last_stop = dw_trip.GetItemDateTime ( ll_stops_rowcount, "stops_stp_departuredate" )
ld_total_hrs = (f_datetimediff(ldt_1st_stop,ldt_last_stop)/60)/60
ll_ord_number = long(dw_triptab.GetItemString(1,"ord_number"))
//If g_messlevel% < 1 Then
if gnv_app.ii_MessLevel < 1 Then
End if
//Load the datastore that stores all the revenue distribution values
ll_rd_rowcount = ids_revdist.RowCount()
ll_rd_rowcount ++
Return ids_revdist.RowCount()
I need to evaluate this line specifically and I set a breakpoint at this line:
ls_pay_leg_config = "ByLeg"
as well as the following lines. It does not break. I am rusty at PowerBuilder and can figure this out.
Put the breakpoint at the start of the loop.
I have an application written in VB6.
This application contain a file with snippet containing a foreach loop. In this loop a method is adding controls to a section (section is a region in report).
I am trying to implement a functionality where:
when theheader is added in headerSection, tt will not add theHeader again, however this snippet is unable to do that. Where am I going wrong?
For Each thisColumn As Column In theColumns
If thisColumn.Type = Column.ColumnType.Description Then
AddDescriptionColumn(thisColumn, startColumnAt, headerTop)
End If
Private Sub AddDescriptionColumn(ByVal ColumnToAdd As Column, ByRef LeftPosition As Single, ByVal HeaderTop As Single)
'Get report sections
Dim headerSection As ActiveReports.Section = _theActiveReport.Sections(PageHeaderName)
'Add column header text
Dim theHeader As New ActiveReports.Label
theHeader.Name = "lblDescription"
theHeader.Text = ColumnToAdd.DisplayCaption
theHeader.Font = ColumnToAdd.HeaderFont
theHeader.Location = New PointF(LeftPosition, HeaderTop)
theHeader.Size = New SizeF(columnWidth, _columnHeaderHeight)
If TextHeight(ColumnToAdd.DisplayCaption, theHeader.Font, columnWidth) > _columnHeaderHeight Then
theHeader.VerticalAlignment = ActiveReports.VerticalTextAlignment.Top
theHeader.VerticalAlignment = ActiveReports.VerticalTextAlignment.Bottom
End If
theHeader.BackColor = Color.Transparent
theHeader.MultiLine = True
theHeader.WordWrap = True
theHeader.Visible = True
I can't figure out how to set the EstimatedHours property from the StarTeam SDK. The property EstimatedHours is readonly, and I can't figure out any way to set the value from the SDK, though through the UI you can set the "Plan, Work" field.
Setting the EstimatedStart/Finish doesn't work:
var task = new Borland.StarTeam.Task(cr.ParentFolder);
task.Name = "Name";
task.Notes = "Notes";
// task.EstimatedHours = 4.0; // readonly property
task.EstimatedStart = DateTime.Now;
task.EstimatedFinish = DateTime.Now.AddHours(4);
The only way I have figured out to set the Estimated Hours was with database access and a SQL query:
SET StTaskEstimatedHours = 4
FROM dbo.syn_Task t
WHERE t.EndModifiedTime = 0 AND t.DeletedTime = 0
AND t.StTaskNumber = {task.Number}