WAP PUSH over SMPP - sms

Related to Detect an MSISDN (mobile number) with the browser
What SMPP parameters should I use for sending WAP PUSH SMS?
Thank you

You must set:
DATA_CODING = 245 (0xf5)
ESM_CLASS = 64 (0x40)
And in PAYLOAD you combine message and wap url following
binary WSP standard:
WSP Specification


Telesign SMS body truncated after '#'

I am using TeleSign SEND SMS API and in the SMS body if I include # symbol the SMS body is truncated.
For example:
if SMS Body is:
Send us an email at: customersupport#domainname.com
Then the user would receive:
Send us an email at: customersupport
How do I include Special characters like # in the SMS body?
The issue was at the backend side of the TeleSign which has been resolved after opening a ticket with their support team.

Use TwiMl templates for sending outbound sms

I am new to Twilio. We have a requirement in the project as follow -
Send an outbound SMS to a given number. The message body is static text and should be defined using a template on Twilio(TwiML), so that client can change the message body anytime without making any changes in the backend application.
I have gone through the Twilio documentation to understand how to use TwiML, but couldn't find any document or article which explains how to use TwiML for sending an outbound SMS. Currently I am using following code to send a SMS and the message is configured in the Spring Boot application.properties file.
Message message = Message.creator(new PhoneNumber(phoneNumber),
new PhoneNumber(fromPhoneNumber),
Does anyone know how to use TwiML template to send an outbound SMS. Can someone help me to solve this problem. Thank you.
What is Twiml?
Twiml is instructions for Twilio, how to respond to an incoming phone call,SMS, etc...
What is Twiml
It is not for outbound actions.
To initiate an SMS , you should use the Twilio api which is what you are doing when you use the sdk such as Message.creator

"A From phone number is required” in JSON call to Twilio

we are trying to implement the SMS function from Twilio to our 4D application. The phone number, SID, AuthKey and all required information I use in the tool of SOAPUI show me everything is working fine and I have received an SMS from Twilio. However, when I try to implement using the 4D platform, I have tried to use JSON to pass the From, To and Body as a request and the response come back say "A from phone number is required" Please see screenshot attached and I wanna know what I did wrong.
Succeed from SoapUI
Implement from 4D
Twilio developer evangelist here.
I don't personally know either SoapUI or 4D. But here's what I can see from your screenshots.
In SoapUI, you have the request Content-Type header set as application/x-www-form-urlencoded and it looks as though you are sending the body as form encoded parameters and that is why you get the correct response.
In 4D I can see you set the same header as application/x-www-form-urlencoded, but you then send the data as JSON. Twilio only accepts data in POST requests as form encoded key value pairs. As I don't know 4D, I can't tell you exactly how to fix it, but you do need to stop JSON encoding the data and send as form data instead.
Let me know if this helps.

How To validate UDH of SMS?

we have a smpp server for sending sms. we can send UDH of each message if we want to use EMS or send Picture message , Ringtones or etc.
we have some users in our network so they can send to us sms message ( including UDH , Mclass and ... ). we want validate UDH of These messages before we send this messages to our smpp server.
i try many days to found guide about Validation of SMS UDH. ( UDH = User Data Header part of a sms packet )
i found some library written in java so that make UDH . but out problem is that we need to validate not build !
i need a library for UDH validation.
if that is not exist i want to know so how we can validate UDH ?

Multiple URL opening in MFC

I am trying to send simultaneous request for opening URL in OpenURL() in CInternetSession class. But After sending 2 URLS requests, no other request can be send without receiving the response from previously send requests. How can I send a large number of URL request to a server and later only i want to process the response. Please help if any other API is there for sending multiple URL request to a server and receiving the response later. I want to use in MFC windows
The HTTP 1.1 specification (RFC 2068) mandates the two-connection limit.
In this way, WinInet (CInternetSession built on top of it) limits connections per server (MSDN).
You could try to invoke SetOption and adjust INTERNET_OPTION_MAX_CONNS_PER_SERVER and
Something like this:
