Spring Boot Elasticsearch and #JsonProperty - spring-boot

After migrating an app from Spring Boot 2.06 to 2.1.9, all properties marked with #JsonProperty stopped being indexed. Since they are not being indexed using properties's names it looks like Spring Data ES is using annotations to create the data sent to ES but the schema created is not.
I've read somewhere #JsonProperty are not supported after Spring Data ES 6.2 (or something) but, if that's the case, how should I do now to index these fields using a different name?
I also noticed newer versions enable #Field to set the name but it's not the case in SB 2.1.9 and, besides that, I also have some get methods marked with #JsonProperty.
Is it really expected to stop working? If so, what's the approach now? If not, What should I check to fix it?


can I use old spring-data-elasticsearch to connect to new elasticsearch?

Currently we are on spring-data-elasticsearch 3.2.6 + elasticsearch 6.8.
We are moving to new elasticsearch 7.x. Do I have to update spring-data-elasticsearch to 4.x? We only use ElasticsearchRepository in spring-data-elasticsearch. And we don't need to use any new feature in elasticsearch 7.x.
If we are moving to elasticsearch 8.x in the future, do I need update spring-data-elasticsearch ?
What Elasticsearch client does Spring-Data-Elasticsearch use under the hood?
All methods in the `ElasticsearchRepository` are deprecated. What should do I use?
I found some discussions in above threads. Here is my summary.
Operations with Templates:
ElasticsearchTemplate implements ElasticSearchOperation. It uses TransportClient(which is deprecated in ES 7 and has been removed in ES8)
ElasticsearchRestTemplate implements ElasticSearchOperation. It uses high level client(which is deprecated in ES 7.16.0. It will be removed in future. #Deprecated(since = "7.16.0", forRemoval = true) )
ReactiveElasticsearchTemplate implements ReactiveElasticsearchOperations. It uses Reactive Client.
ElasticsearchRepository uses TransportClient as default. All methods in the ElasticsearchRepository are deprecated now.
Reactive Elasticsearch repository builds on ReactiveElasticsearchOperations.
Due to underlying TransportClient or HigLevelRestClient has been deprecated, can I conclude that the correct way is to use Reactive Client(ReactiveElasticsearchTemplate or Reactive Elasticsearch repository) ?
The new Elasticsearch would be 8.
Val already put the link to the compatibility matrix in his comment.
Version 3.2.6 is pretty outdated (March 25 2020) and out of support since October 2020.
The first thing you can try is to see if your application works with a 7 cluster - although I doubt that, I can't tell you exactly what had changed in the API, but there was quite some stuff.
What you should not do is putting newer Elasticsearch libraries on the classpath than the ones that Spring Data Elasticsearch was built with, this will in most cases make problems.
But I'd recommend to upgrade your application anyway and keep it regularly up to date.
As for future upgrade to version 8: It is possible to send a compatibility header in your requests (this can be done in Spring Data Elasticsearch 4) and the Elasticsearch cluster should respond in a format that is compatible with a client expecting version 7. I wrote should, because it does not conform to this in every case - I reported one case that is fixed now. But I wouldn't rely on that.
Again, please update your application and keep it up to date, not only because of Spring Data Elasticsearch, but also because these updates always include bug and/or security fixes.

How to override applicationContext.getId() with spring boot 2.0?

We have recently upgraded to spring boot 2.0 and noticed that the application context IDs aren't unique any more. Previously, if we set spring.application.index, ContextIdApplicationContextInitializer would use that to construct the application context id. I now see that in spring 2.0, the implementation was significantly changed. How best should id be set? The goal is to include the hostname as part of the id to keep systems distinct. The spring cloud docs still refer to the old way: Service ID Must Be Unique.
What used to happen is that spring.application.name was set in the source code of the project (ie my-app) and spring.application.index would be set in the runtime (ie, 1e4f630be), then applicationContext.id would have the value of my-app-1e4f630be. Now, it always has the value of my-app-1. The implemenation of ContextIdApplicationContextInitializer no longer references spring.application.index. This is a significant change between versions and I haven't found examples or documentation on how to customize the id properly with spring boot 2.0

Version property working fine but not being saved in Couchbase

We are developing an API server with spring boot, and we are using Couchbase as database.
We have an entity that has the following property:
private long version;
The goal of this property is to handle CAS issues when saving an instance to couchbase. This is working fine, however, I don't see that property when I take a look at the Couchbase panel (the stored document doesn't have it). How is that possible? Shouldn't that version be stored as a property of the json?
Thanks a lot

Spring Data GemFire Region entry expiration (Time-To-Live) error

I have a Spring Data GemFire Region that's configured using annotations below:
#TimeToLiveExpiration(timeout = "100", action = "INVALIDATE")
#PartitionRegion(name = "blockedIPCache")
class BlockedIpEntityType { ... }
My application is a Spring Boot application and I used the following annotations to configure SDG:
#EnableCachingDefinedRegions(clientRegionShortcut = ClientRegionShortcut.LOCAL, serverRegionShortcut = RegionShortcut.LOCAL)
#EnableEntityDefinedRegions(basePackageClasses = {...})
#EnableGemfireRepositories(basePackages = {...})
class GemFireConfiguration { ... }
All I want is to insert an object using a Spring Data GemFire Repository and after awhile the entry will be invalidated.
But, I face this Exception when I start my application...
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot set idle timeout when statistics are disabled.
at org.apache.geode.internal.cache.AbstractRegion.setCustomEntryIdleTimeout(AbstractRegion.java:1157) ~[geode-core-9.1.1.jar:?]
at org.springframework.data.gemfire.config.annotation.ExpirationConfiguration$ExpirationPolicyMetaData.configure(ExpirationConfiguration.java:511) ~[spring-data-gemfire-2.0.6.RELEASE.jar:2.0.6.RELEASE]
at org.springframework.data.gemfire.config.annotation.ExpirationConfiguration$1.postProcessAfterInitialization(ExpirationConfiguration.java:160) ~[spring-data-gemfire-2.0.6.RELEASE.jar:2.0.6.RELEASE]
This happens exactly when Spring tries to autowire my Repository related to the Region configured above.
So what I'm doing wrong? And, is there a way to enable Region statistics using Java configuration or Annotations?
Note: Using Spring Data GemFire 2.0.6, Spring 5.0.5, Spring Boot 2.0.1 used in the project.
It turns out, you did not do anything wrong. Unfortunately, you stumbled across a bug(!), for which I have already filed SGF-747 and fixed. I am sorry for the inconvenience this issue may have caused you.
We are planning a Spring Data Lovelace M3 (Milestone 3) release tomorrow (Thursday, 5/17, CET). The release schedule is visible from Spring Release Calendar. All dates are tentative.
As such, you could try the new Spring Data for Pivotal GemFire (SDG) Lovelace bits (i.e. 2.1.0.M3) with the fix. SDG 2.1.0. should work just fine with Spring Boot 2.0.1/2.RELEASE and Spring 5.0.5/6.RELEASE.
However, if you are expecting to get GA bits for SDG containing this fix, then you will have to wait for the next Spring Data Kay Service Release (Kay SR8), or the Spring Data for Pivotal GemFire 2.0.8 Service Release. I am backing porting this fix.
Unfortunately, there is not another Spring Data Kay Service Release (i.e. Kay SR8) planned until probably around July 2nd or 3rd, right after Spring Framework 5.0.7 is released on Monday, July 2nd and just before Spring Boot 2.0.3 is released on Wednesday, July 4th, which is usually when we plan Spring Data Service Releases. Also, know that Spring Boot 2.0.x is based on Spring Data Kay, but should work just fine with SD Lovelace too, as I mentioned previously.
In the meantime, I will try to think of workaround where the convenience of the Annotations (e.g. #EnableEntityDefinedRegions) can still be used. I will post the workaround in SGF-747.
I see that you specified the clientRegionShortcut attribute in the #EnableCachingDefinedRegions annotation but have declared your application to be a #PeerCacheApplication. While there is no harm in doing so, the clientRegionShortcut attribute is useless in this case. Likewise, the serverRegionShortcut attribute would have no meaning if you are application were a #ClientCacheApplication instead; something to keep in mind.
Lastly, I wanted to let you know that the SDG #EnableStatistics annotation does not have the effect you probably think it does.
Specifically, SDG's #EnableStatistics annotation is concerned with enabling Pivotal GemFire's statistics "sampling" as explained here, which is configured by doing this, as also explained in the SDG #EnableStatistics annotation Javadoc, as well as referenced in the SDG Reference Guide.
The "statistics enabling" that ultimately needs to happen is by setting the Region's staticsEnabled attribute property when configuring and creating the Region (e.g. "blockedIPCache").
That is exactly what the #EnableExpiration annotation will indirectly guarantee now, with the fix in SGF-747, without the need to #EnableStatistics.
Anyway, I hope this all makes sense and helps.

Text search with Spring Data Redis

I am trying to find documentation around creating and searching a text index on redis using Spring Data. I see #Indexed but dont find #TextIndexed like with Spring data MongoDB.
There's no Redis module support in Spring Data Redis and we don't plan to add support for Redis modules.
