can I use old spring-data-elasticsearch to connect to new elasticsearch? - elasticsearch

Currently we are on spring-data-elasticsearch 3.2.6 + elasticsearch 6.8.
We are moving to new elasticsearch 7.x. Do I have to update spring-data-elasticsearch to 4.x? We only use ElasticsearchRepository in spring-data-elasticsearch. And we don't need to use any new feature in elasticsearch 7.x.
If we are moving to elasticsearch 8.x in the future, do I need update spring-data-elasticsearch ?
What Elasticsearch client does Spring-Data-Elasticsearch use under the hood?
All methods in the `ElasticsearchRepository` are deprecated. What should do I use?
I found some discussions in above threads. Here is my summary.
Operations with Templates:
ElasticsearchTemplate implements ElasticSearchOperation. It uses TransportClient(which is deprecated in ES 7 and has been removed in ES8)
ElasticsearchRestTemplate implements ElasticSearchOperation. It uses high level client(which is deprecated in ES 7.16.0. It will be removed in future. #Deprecated(since = "7.16.0", forRemoval = true) )
ReactiveElasticsearchTemplate implements ReactiveElasticsearchOperations. It uses Reactive Client.
ElasticsearchRepository uses TransportClient as default. All methods in the ElasticsearchRepository are deprecated now.
Reactive Elasticsearch repository builds on ReactiveElasticsearchOperations.
Due to underlying TransportClient or HigLevelRestClient has been deprecated, can I conclude that the correct way is to use Reactive Client(ReactiveElasticsearchTemplate or Reactive Elasticsearch repository) ?

The new Elasticsearch would be 8.
Val already put the link to the compatibility matrix in his comment.
Version 3.2.6 is pretty outdated (March 25 2020) and out of support since October 2020.
The first thing you can try is to see if your application works with a 7 cluster - although I doubt that, I can't tell you exactly what had changed in the API, but there was quite some stuff.
What you should not do is putting newer Elasticsearch libraries on the classpath than the ones that Spring Data Elasticsearch was built with, this will in most cases make problems.
But I'd recommend to upgrade your application anyway and keep it regularly up to date.
As for future upgrade to version 8: It is possible to send a compatibility header in your requests (this can be done in Spring Data Elasticsearch 4) and the Elasticsearch cluster should respond in a format that is compatible with a client expecting version 7. I wrote should, because it does not conform to this in every case - I reported one case that is fixed now. But I wouldn't rely on that.
Again, please update your application and keep it up to date, not only because of Spring Data Elasticsearch, but also because these updates always include bug and/or security fixes.


Types cannot be provided in put mapping requests, unless the include_type_name parameter is set to true [JAVA]

We have a java application (spring boot + hibernate search + elastic search).
Application is working fine on elastic search version 6.8
Recently, we have created a new cluster in aws with version 7.10.2 and updated elastic search endpoint in my java application.
After updating the elastic search endpoint I am getting error Can't update put mapping Types cannot be provided in put mapping requests, unless the include_type_name parameter is set to true and due to this unable to start the server.
I am not sure where to set include_type_name=true because all the indexes gets created automatically with #Indexed.
Can someone please let us know how can we fix this issue ?
Thanks #yrodiere for your response.
I tried to upgrade below dependencies version but unfortunately not able to fix it.
Previous Version:
compile 'org.hibernate:hibernate-search-orm:5.9.3.Final'
compile 'org.hibernate:hibernate-search-elasticsearch:5.9.3.Final'
compile 'org.hibernate:hibernate-search-elasticsearch-aws:5.9.3.Final'
Updated version :
compile 'org.hibernate:hibernate-search-orm:5.9.3.Final
compile ''
compile ''
Note: If I downgrade this org.hibernate:hibernate-search-orm:5.9.3.Final then getting CE
am i missing something?
You're probably using Hibernate Search 5.x. In Hibernate Search 5.x, the Elasticsearch integration was experimental and only compatible with Elasticsearch up to version 5.6.
The fact that your application was working fine with Elasticsearch 6.8 was pure luck: Hibernate Search 5.x was never intended to work with Elasticsearch 6+.
To upgrade to a more recent version of Elasticsearch, you must upgrade to Hibernate Search 6.0 (or later). The API is different, but there is a very detailed migration guide, and at least you will get production-ready (non-experimental) Elasticsearch integration (plus tons of improvements).
Note that Hibernate Search 6.x also requires upgrading to Hibernate ORM 5.4; see this compatibility matrix.

How to change elasticsearch version in reactive spring data elastic search api?

spring data elasticsearch uses 7.x client version and my production elasticsearch version is 6.4.2. So I changed the version and got the following exception. How to safely change version in spring data es?
An attempt was made to call a method that does not exist. The attempt was made from the following location:<init>(
The following method did not exist:;
The method's class,, is available from the following locations:
The class hierarchy was loaded from the following locations: file:/Users/we/DevEnv/gradle-6.4.1/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.elasticsearch/elasticsearch/6.4.2/29a4003b7e28ae8d8896041e2e16caa7c4272ee3/elasticsearch-6.4.2.jar
Correct the classpath of your application so that it contains a single, compatible version of
You can’t use a Elasticsearch 6 cluster with Spring Data Elasticsearch 4 which uses Elasticsearch 7 libraries. The Elasticsearch REST API that is used had breaking changes between version 6 and 7.
You can try to use Spring Data Elasticsearch 3.2.x which targets 6.8; I currently don’t know if there were breaking changes between Elasticsearch 6.4 and 6.8, you’ll have to try it.

Spring Boot Elasticsearch and #JsonProperty

After migrating an app from Spring Boot 2.06 to 2.1.9, all properties marked with #JsonProperty stopped being indexed. Since they are not being indexed using properties's names it looks like Spring Data ES is using annotations to create the data sent to ES but the schema created is not.
I've read somewhere #JsonProperty are not supported after Spring Data ES 6.2 (or something) but, if that's the case, how should I do now to index these fields using a different name?
I also noticed newer versions enable #Field to set the name but it's not the case in SB 2.1.9 and, besides that, I also have some get methods marked with #JsonProperty.
Is it really expected to stop working? If so, what's the approach now? If not, What should I check to fix it?

What options do I have regarding indexing PDFs while running on Elasticsearch 1.x and Spring Data 1.x, especially if I want to upgrade?

We have a new requirement on our Elasticsearch - to index PDFs. We are still running on Elasticsearch version 1.x (and Spring Data 1.3.4).
I look at the documentation for Elasticsearch 5 and they have new ways of supporting PDFs in 5 (and I would like to upgrade).
So given all this the way I see it I have the following options:
Sit tight and wait for Spring Data to support Elasticsearch 5. This is viable if it is not too far away (please let us know, Spring Data and Elasticsearch dev) although given the business urgency on this feature I don't think I have much leeway
Move off Spring data altogether - this is not as crazy as it sounds as given the complexity of my queries I don't use the Spring Data repositories a great deal. I do however use them for inserting data. I would have to provide my own implementations of the current repository interfaces. It would be work but I wouldn't need to wait for any one and would not need to use any outdated plugins etc
Somehow run on Elasticsearch 5 with Spring Data 2.x/3.x. Will this work at all? Chances are it probably won't even startup.
Upgrade my Elasticsearch/Spring Data to 2.x and use the "old" way of indexing PDFs.
Which option is the best way to go?

Couchbase plugin for ElasticSearch deprecated?

I was reading which stats that ES rivers (plugin) are getting deprecated. i.e. any plugin directly integrated with ElasticSearch server will no longer work beyond ES 3.x onwards.
Couchbase plugin is one of those kind.
I searched all the documents of couchbase plugin at but could not find if they are using deprecated way or not?
Does anyone know? Should we keep using couchbase plugin or should start planning to write data directly to ES using our application.
We have couchbase data getting replicated to ES using couchbase plugin and XDCR.
I'm the maintainer of the Couchbase ES transport plugin. As Roi mention in his answer, the plugin doesn't use rivers, so it won't be deprecated. It currently supports any version of ES from 1.3 to 2.x, and I'm working on adding support for 5.x. It's taking a bit longer, because ES 5.x broke some configuration sharing features in unexpected ways.
I'd suggest always looking at our github repo for the latest plugin releases:
The Couchbase plugin is not using Rivers, there is another River plugin which is not longer valid.
take a look here:
