Issuer URI of Spring Security OAuth2 Authorization Server - spring

I'm developing OAuth 2.0 authorization server and resource server using Spring Security OAuth 2.0 2.3.4.REELEASE. Little did I know that Spring has deprecated it in favor of Spring Security. However, authorization server is not included in the migration to Spring Security. Only the resource server is included as they are encouraging users to use products instead (one is KeyCloak).
But like many others, I really have to develop my own authorization server so I keep on using Spring Security OAuth 2.0 but only for the authorization server. As for resource server, I'll be using the resource server from Spring Security. I think authorization and resource servers are independent and they are based on the standards of OAuth 2.0 so the implementation could be from different frameworks.
My problem is specifying the authorization server via issuer-uri. I could not determine how Spring OAuth 2.0 authorization server exposes its issuer-uri if there is any. I could not find either any docs how to create one if it does not have one be default.
Please help. Thank you.

Since Spring Security Oauth has ended support you should use the Spring Authorization Server now ( For the isser uri there you can use the base uri of the server. To verify this you can check the well-known-Endpoint under /.well-known/openid-configuration.
The isser uri in the authorization server can be edited with the ProviderSettings:
public ProviderSettings providerSettings() {
return ProviderSettings.builder()

I believe the solution you are looking for lies within the TokenEnhancer. So, implement a custom token enhancer and add the iss key like so.
public OAuth2AccessToken enhance(OAuth2AccessToken accessToken, OAuth2Authentication authentication) {
Map<String, Object> additionalInfo = new HashMap<>();
additionalInfo.put("iss", "issuer uri here");
((DefaultOAuth2AccessToken) accessToken).setAdditionalInformation(additionalInfo);
return accessToken;


spring security oatuh2: how to validate without authorization server

A question has arised to me when I've tried to use spring-boot-starter-oauth2-resource-server dependency and set up my service as a oauth2 resource service.
I've configured spring oauth2 resource server without neither jwk-set-uri properties.
Instead of that, I've instructed spring oauth2 resource server library how to decode JWT. I've just created an ReactiveJwtDecoder:
public ReactiveJwtDecoder reactiveJwtDecoder() throws Exception {
Mac mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256");
SecretKeySpec secretKey = new SecretKeySpec("JAC1O17W1F3QB9E8B4B1MT6QKYOQB36V".getBytes(), mac.getAlgorithm());
return NimbusReactiveJwtDecoder.withSecretKey(secretKey)
With that, I'm able to validate jwt tokens.
Question arised in my mind is:
Acording to oauth rfc6749, "Accessing Protected Resources" section, says that:
The client accesses protected resources by presenting the access
token to the resource server. The resource server MUST validate the
access token and ensure that it has not expired and that its scope
covers the requested resource. The methods used by the resource
server to validate the access token (as well as any error responses)
are beyond the scope of this specification but generally involve an
interaction or coordination between the resource server and the
authorization server.
Is spring oauth2 resource server library working well?
There is nothing wrong with such approach. The possible issue here is that
you are using symmetric key. With this approach you are using the same key for both signing a token and validating its signature. It means you need to share the key used to sign tokens with all the applications involved in the authentication process that is not always possible and resource server has too much power.
To keep key on authorization service only, there is an option in the resources server to use special endpoint, exposed by authorization service, to validate the token.
Another approach would be to use asymmetric key pair to sign and validate tokens. In this case private key will be assigned to authorization service only and public key could be shared with all the applications involved in the authentication process.
public ReactiveJwtDecoder jwtDecoder() throws GeneralSecurityException {
RSAPublicKey key = (RSAPublicKey) KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA")
.generatePublic(new X509EncodedKeySpec(getKeySpec(properties.getPublicKey())));
return NimbusReactiveJwtDecoder.withPublicKey(key)

Spring Boot Authorization Server + Google OAuth2/OpenId Connect should work with access_token or id_token?

I'm a bit confused regarding whether I should be accessing my Spring Boot Resource Server via an access_token or an id_token.
First, let me quickly explain my setup:
Spring Boot app as an OAuth 2.0 Resource Server. This is configured as described in the Spring docs: Minimal Configuration for JWTs This app provides secured #Controllers that will provide data for a JavaScript SPA (eg. React)
Google's OAuth 2.0 AP / OpenID Connect already configured (Credentials, Client Id, Client Secret)
A JavaScript SPA app (eg. React) that logs the user into Google and makes requests to the Spring Boot Resource Server for secured data. These requests include the Authorization header (with Bearer token obtained from Google) for the logged in user.
For development purposes, I'm also using Postman to make requests to the Spring Boot Resource Server
I can easily configure Postman to get a token from Google. This token response from Google includes values for access_token, id_token, scope, expries_in and token_type.
However, my requests to the Resource Server are denied when Postman tries to use the value from retrieved token's access_token field as the Bearer in the Authorization header
The only way I'm able to successfully access the secured #Controllers is by using the id_token as the Bearer in the Authorization header.
Is it expected that I should use the id_token as the Bearer in the Authorization header? Or is it expected that I should use the access_token?
Some additional relevant info:
The value of the id_token is a JWT token. The value of the access_token is not a JWT token. I know this because I can decode the id_token on but it is unable to decode the value of the access_token. Further, the Spring Boot Resource Server fails with the following when I send the access_token as the Bearer in the Authorization header:
An error occurred while attempting to decode the Jwt: Invalid unsecured/JWS/JWE header: Invalid JSON: Unexpected token ɭ� at position 2.
This blog post Understanding identity tokens says the following:
You should not use an identity token to authorize access to an API.
To access an API, you should be using OAuth’s access tokens, which are intended only for the protected resource (API) and come with scoping built-in.
Looking at at the spring-security-samples for using OAuth2 Resource Server, I see the value of there hard-coded access_token (for testing purposes) is indeed a valid JWT. As opposed to the access_token returned from Google which is not a JWT.
In summary:
I can access my Spring Boot Resource Server using the value of the id_token obtained from Google. The value of the access_token is not a JWT and fails to parse by Spring Boot.
Is there something wrong with my understanding, my configuration or what? Does Google's OpenId Connect behave differently regarding how the access_token works?
Happy to clarify or add more info if needed. Thanks for your consideration and your patience!
The blog post you mentioned is correct in my view, and I believe the OpenID Connect 1.0 spec does not intend for an id_token to be used for access purposes.
Like you, I expected that using Google as an Authorization Server would work out of the box, because Spring Security works with Google as a common OAuth2 provider for providing social login. However, this is not the case, and I believe it is not really intended, because Google is not really your authorization server. For example, I don't believe you can configure Google to work with scopes/permissions/authorities of your domain-specific application. This is different from something like Okta, where there are many options for configuring things in your own tenant.
I would actually recommend checking out Spring Authorization Server, and configuring Google as a federated identity provider. I'm working on a sample for this currently and it will be published within the next week or so (see this branch).
Having said that, if you're still interested in a simple use case where Google access tokens are used for authenticating with your resource server, you would need to provide your own opaque token introspector that uses Google's tokeninfo endpoint. It doesn't match what Spring Security expects, so it's a bit involved.
public class SecurityConfiguration {
public SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
// #formatter:off
.authorizeRequests((authorizeRequests) -> authorizeRequests
// #formatter:on
public OpaqueTokenIntrospector introspector() {
return new GoogleTokenIntrospector("");
public final class GoogleTokenIntrospector implements OpaqueTokenIntrospector {
private final RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
private final String introspectionUri;
public GoogleTokenIntrospector(String introspectionUri) {
this.introspectionUri = introspectionUri;
public OAuth2AuthenticatedPrincipal introspect(String token) {
RequestEntity<?> requestEntity = buildRequest(token);
try {
ResponseEntity<Map<String, Object>> responseEntity =, new ParameterizedTypeReference<>() {});
// TODO: Create and return OAuth2IntrospectionAuthenticatedPrincipal based on response...
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new BadOpaqueTokenException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
private RequestEntity<?> buildRequest(String token) {
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
MultiValueMap<String, String> body = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>();
body.add("access_token", token);
return new RequestEntity<>(body, headers, HttpMethod.POST, URI.create(introspectionUri));

How to set access_type=offline using spring boot security and oauth flow to generate a refresh tokenn

I am using Sprint boot security + OAuth2 with google to integrate the with google. I have registered google as a oauth2 client in InMemoryClientRegistrationRepository using following propperties.
private ClientRegistration googleClientRegistration() {
Map<String ,Object> configMap = new HashMap<>();
return ClientRegistration.withRegistrationId("g_mail")
.redirectUri(redirectURI.replace("source", "G_MAIL"))
After user has successfully authorised and authenticated, we are receiving the authorization code in the call back handler. When using this authorization code to generate a access token, I am unable to get refresh token. Could you please help me in resolving this issue. Thanks in advance.
Note:- I have configured these client registration repository as a bean. As we will be using these access tokens to access user's data. Let me know if you need more inputs.
i have solved by my self. Following is my solution. I have update the authorization api and it worked

403 Forbidden Using Springboot When Hitting Okta Userinfo endpoint

I'm trying to set up Okta as a sign on for a set of subpaths in my spring boot app.
I'm configuring the auth resource details with:
#Bean(name = "oktaOAuthClient")
public AuthorizationCodeResourceDetails oktaOAuthAdminClient(#Qualifier("oktaAdminConfiguration") OktaConfigurationProperties oktaAdminCongfig,
ICredentialsApi credentialsApi) {
String redirectUrl = UriComponentsBuilder.fromUriString("http://localhost:8091/")
AuthorizationCodeResourceDetails client = new AuthorizationCodeResourceDetails();
return client;
These and other settings are found from the manually and are set as:
Then I've made a filter with (Note, is the clientId set in the UserTokenInfoServices meant to be the client id from the okta client id/client secret?):
#Bean(name = "oktaFilter")
public Filter oktaFilter(#Qualifier("oktaOAuthClient") AuthorizationCodeResourceDetails oktaOAuthClient,
#Qualifier("oktaOAuthResource") ResourceServerProperties resource,
#Qualifier("oktaOAuthRestTemplate") OAuth2RestTemplate oktaOAuthRestTemplate) {
ExceptionMappingAuthenticationFailureHandler failureHandler = new ExceptionMappingAuthenticationFailureHandler();
OAuth2ClientAuthenticationProcessingFilter filter = new OAuth2ClientAuthenticationProcessingFilter(ConfigurationRequestPaths.ADMINISTRATION_LANDING);
UserInfoTokenServices tokenServices = new UserInfoTokenServices(resource.getUserInfoUri(), oktaOAuthClient.getClientId());
SavedRequestAwareAuthenticationSuccessHandler successHandler = new SavedRequestAwareAuthenticationSuccessHandler();
return filter;
Finally I've set up the WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter with the following:
.addFilterBefore(oktaFilter, BasicAuthenticationFilter.class);
The redirect for the subpath works correctly and goes to a sign in page, but I get an error after signing in that warns: Could not obtain user details from token...Caused by:
I believe this likely has to do with getting a 403 when hitting the okta userinfo endpoint:
Request is to process authentication
Retrieving token from https://dev-{value}
Encoding and sending form: {grant_type=[authorization_code], code=[{code}], redirect_uri=[http://localhost:8091/config], client_id=[{id}], client_secret=[{secret}]}
HTTP GET https://dev-{value}
Accept=[application/json, application/*+json]
Response 403
I've also tried the okta starter but it seems to break when used with another oauth login to github for another set of subpaths in the application. The spring version I'm using doesn't include the .oauthLogin() and other settings for httpsecurity that I've seen some guides on.
edit: Adding my spring dependency list for more clarification:
It sounds like you might be using the older Spring Security OAuth project:
This project has been deprecated. The newer Spring Security OAuth2 modules are great, and they are now first-class citizens, in Spring Security (they live in the official project now). Along with this Spring Boot 1.x is EoL, and is no longer getting patches and security updates.
Most of the guides you are seeing likely reference the newer libraries (e.g. things like .oauthLogin()).
Sorry for the typical StackOverflow answer of "don't do X", but here is what I would recommend:
Update your Spring Boot version
Migrate the newer OAuth libraries
Then add your new logic (this should be much easier after updating)
If you are already on Spring Boot 2 and the newer OAuth lib, let me know, and we can try to figure out why you don't have the newer HttpSecurity methods.

Spring Boot OAuth2 when implicit JWT is created?

How can I get details from the OAuth2 SSO Principal into my JWT? (instance of OAuth2Authentication getDetails as OAuth2AuthenticationDetails getDecodedDetails returns null)
I have...
Angular 6 client w/ implicit login as acme client (using angular-oauth2-oidc)
Spring Boot OAuth2 Authorization Server with JWT TokenService configuration w/ 3rd party SSO to GitHub
Auth server is configured with acme as implicit and GitHub client for SSO
Auth server exposes a /login/github
Auth server exposes a /me (protected by ResourceServer config)
When I login...
Angular app redirects to Auth service login
Auth service redirects to GitHub
[User Authenticates]
GitHub redirects to Auth Service
Auth Service initiates a session and issues a token
Auth Service redirects to Angular
The browser token is a proper JWT
Now, when I communicate with Auth Service /me:
Directly, I get a Principal that contains ALL of the details from GitHub (yay)
Indirectly from the Angular application passing the token via Authorization: Bearer ... header, I get a Principal that contains bare minimum OAuth client info for acme client (ugh)
I've tried a custom TokenEnhancer, but the OAuth2Authentication instance is already the bare minimum with no details. And, when the call is initiated from Angular, it doesn't have the same session cookie as when I call it directly (I don't want to share session - I want to put the details in the JWT).
[Update #1]
I tried a custom JwtAccessTokenConverter and used it in both of the #EnableAuthorizationServer and #EnableResourceServer (secures the /me endpoint) configuration classes. However it didn't work. I still get null details from OAuth2Authentication.
final JwtAccessTokenConverter converter = new JwtAccessTokenConverter();
converter.setAccessTokenConverter(new CustomTokenConverter());
The way Spring Lemon does this is replacing the OAuth2 and OpenID connect user services (see spring security docs). See LemonOAuth2UserService and LemonOidcUserService for details. For statelessness, it passes the client a shortlived JWT token as a param to targetUrl, as you can see in its OAuth2AuthenticationSuccessHandler class. It uses some cookies mechanism for doing all this statelessly, which can be further understood by looking at its HttpCookieOAuth2AuthorizationRequestRepository and how it's configured.
Here is an article explaining this in more details: .
