Thread behaviour when fromCallable() and subscribeOn() in same stream - java-8

I have created a Mono with .fromCallable() in Java spring-reactor. I thought it will run the lambda I provided asynchronously and use Mono.empty() as the return value. So, the execution of the entire stream would start off from a different thread.
I have 2 questions:
What is the execution order and number of threads if I call .subscribeOn() into the chain of operations?
Is it a good approach that I follow to check whether the response have the correct state in my below code?
private final Scheduler myScheduler = Schedulers
.newParallel("reactive-pricefetcher", 10, true);
final Mono<Mono<Object>> callableMono = Mono
.fromCallable(() -> {
return Mono.empty();
boolean stillInProgress =
.anyMatch(obj -> obj.getStatus() != DONE);
return DealsResponse.builder()
PS: I already know that using .subscribeOn() will move the entire stream chain into a different thread when subscribe() invoked.


Immediately return first emitted value from two Monos while continuing to process the other asynchronously

I have two data sources, each returning a Mono:
class CacheCustomerClient {
Mono<Entity> createCustomer(Customer customer)
class MasterCustomerClient {
Mono<Entity> createCustomer(Customer customer)
Callers to my application are hitting a Spring WebFlux controller:
public Flux<Entity> createCustomer(#RequestBody Customer customer) {
return customerService.createNewCustomer(entity);
As long as either data source successfully completes its create operation, I want to immediately return a success response to the caller, however, I still want my service to continue processing the result of the other Mono stream, in the event that an error was encountered, so it can be logged.
The problem seems to be that as soon as a value is returned to the controller, a cancel signal is propagated back through the stream by Spring WebFlux and, thus, no information is logged about a failure.
Here's one attempt:
public Flux<Entity> createCustomer(final Customer customer) {
var cacheCreate = cacheClient
err -> log.error("Customer creation failed in cache"));
var masterCreate = masterClient
err -> log.error("Customer creation failed in master"));
return Flux.firstWithValue(cacheCreate, masterCreate)
.onErrorMap((err) -> new Exception("Customer creation failed in cache and master"));
Flux.firstWithValue() is great for emitting the first non-error value, but then whichever source is lagging behind is cancelled, meaning that any error is never logged out. I've also tried scheduling these two sources on their own Schedulers and that didn't seem to help either.
How can I perform these two calls asynchronously, and emit the first value to the caller, while continuing to listen for emissions on the slower source?
You can achieve that by transforming you operators to "hot" publishers using share() operator:
First subscriber launch the upstream operator, and additional subscribers get back result cached from the first subscriber:
Further Subscriber will share [...] the same result.
Once a second subscription has been done, the publisher is not cancellable:
It's worth noting this is an un-cancellable Subscription.
So, to achieve your requirement:
Apply share() on each of your operators
Launch a subscription on shared publishers to trigger processing
Use shared operators in your pipeline (here firstWithValue).
Sample example:
import java.time.Duration;
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;
public class TestUncancellableMono {
// Mock a mono successing quickly
static Mono<String> quickSuccess() {
return Mono.delay(Duration.ofMillis(200)).thenReturn("SUCCESS !");
// Mock a mono taking more time and ending in error.
static Mono<String> longError() {
return Mono.delay(Duration.ofSeconds(1))
.<String>then(Mono.error(new Exception("ERROR !")))
.doOnCancel(() -> System.out.println("CANCELLED"))
.doOnError(err -> System.out.println(err.getMessage()));
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// Transform to hot publisher
var sharedQuick = quickSuccess().share();
var sharedLong = longError().share();
// Trigger launch
// Subscribe back to get the cached result
.firstWithValue(sharedQuick, sharedLong)
.subscribe(System.out::println, err -> System.out.println(err.getMessage()));
// Wait for subscription to end.
The output of the sample is:
We can see that error message has been propagated properly, and that upstream publisher has not been cancelled.

Sequential execution of Reactive tasks in reactor Java

I'm working on converting a blocking sequential orchestration framework to reactive. Right now, these tasks are dynamic and are fed into the engine by a JSON input. The engine pulls classes and executes the run() method and saves the state with the responses from each task.
How do I achieve the same chaining in reactor? If this was a static DAG, I would have chained it with flatMap or then operators but since it is dynamic, How do I proceed with executing a reactive task and collecting the output from each task?
Non reactive interface:
public interface OrchestrationTask {
OrchestrationContext run(IngestionContext ctx);
Core Engine
public Status executeDAG(String id) {
IngestionContext ctx = ContextBuilder.getCtx(id);
List<OrchestrationTask> tasks = app.getEligibleTasks(id);
for(OrchestrationTask task : tasks) {
// Eligible tasks are executed sequentially and results are collected.
OrchestrationContext stepContext =;
if(!evaluateResult(stepContext)) break;
return Status.SUCCESS;
Following the above example, if I convert tasks to return Mono<?> then, how do I wait or chain other tasks to operate on the result on previous tasks?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Reactive Task example.
public class SampleTask implements OrchestrationTask {
public Mono<OrchestrationContext> run(OrchestrationContext context) {
// Im simulating a delay here. treat this as a long running task (web call) But the next task needs the response from the below call.
return Mono.just(context).delayElements(Duration.ofSeconds(2));
So i will have a series of tasks that accomplish various things but the response from each task is dependent on the previous and is stored in the Orchestration Context. Anytime an error is occurred, the orchestration context flag will be set to false and the flux should stop.
Sure, we can:
Create the flux from the task list (if it's appropriate to generate the task list reactively then you can replace that arraylist with the flux directly, if not then keep as-is);
flatMap() each task to your method (which as per the question now returns a Mono;
Ensure we only consume elements while evaluateResult() is true;
...then finally just return the SUCCESS status as before.
So putting all that together, just replace your loop & return statement with:
.flatMap(task ->
.takeWhile(stepContext -> evaluateResult(stepContext))
(Since we've made it reactive, your method will obviously need to return a Mono<Status> rather than just Status too.)
Update as per the comment - if you just want this to execute "one at a time" rather than with multiple concurrently, you can use concatMap() instead of flatMap().

Reactor Flux conditional emit

Is it possible to allow emitting values from a Flux conditionally based on a global boolean variable?
I'm working with Flux delayUntil(...) but not able to fully grasp the functionality or my assumptions are wrong.
I have a global AtomicBoolean that represents the availability of a downstream connection and only want the upstream Flux to emit if the downstream is ready to process.
To represent the scenario, created a (not working) test sample
//Randomly generates a boolean value every 5 seconds
private Flux<Boolean> signalGenerator() {
return Flux.range(1, Integer.MAX_VALUE)
.map(integer -> new Random().nextBoolean());
Flux.range(1, Integer.MAX_VALUE)
.delayUntil(evt -> signalGenerator()) // ?? Only proceed when signalGenerator returns true
I have another scenario where a downstream process can accept only x messages a second. In the current non-reactive implementation we have a Semaphore of x permits and the thread is blocked if no more permits are available, with Semaphore permits resetting every second.
In both scenarios I want upstream Flux to emit only when there is a demand from the downstream process, and I do not want to Buffer.
You might consider using Mono.fromRunnable() as an input to delayUntil() like below;
Helper class;
public class FluxCondition {
CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(10); // it depends, might be managed somehow
Runnable r = () -> { latch.await(); }
public void lock() { Mono.fromRunnable(r) };
public void release() { latch.countDown(); }
FluxCondition delayCondition = new FluxCondition();
Flux.range(1, 10).delayUntil(o -> delayCondition.lock()).subscribe();
delayCondition.release(); // shall call this for each element
I guess there might be a better solution by using sink.emitNext but this might also require a condition variable for controlling Flux flow.
According my understanding, in reactive programming, your data should be considered in every operator step. So it might be better for you to design your consumer as a reactive processor. In my case I had no chance and followed the way as I described above

How to handle sse connection closed?

I have an endpoint streamed as in the sample code block. When streaming, I call an async method through streamHelper.getStreamSuspendCount(). I am stopping this async method in changing state. But I can not access this async method when the browser is closed and the session is terminated. I am stopping the async method in session scope when changing state. But I can not access this async method when the browser is closed and the session is terminated. How can I access this scope when Session is closed?
#RequestMapping(value = "/stream/{columnId}/suspendCount", produces = MediaType.TEXT_EVENT_STREAM_VALUE)
public Flux<Integer> suspendCount(#PathVariable String columnId) {
ColumnObject columnObject = streamHelper.findColumnObjectInListById(columnId);
return streamHelper.getStreamSuspendCount(columnObject);
getStreamSuspendCount(ColumnObject columnObject) {
//async flux
Flux<?> newFlux = beSubscribeFlow.get(i);
Disposable disposable = newFlux.subscribe();
beDisposeFlow.add(disposable); // my session scope variable. if change state, i will kill disposable (dispose()).
return Flux.fromStream(Stream.generate(() -> columnObject.getPendingObject().size())).distinctUntilChanged()
.doOnNext(i -> {
I think part of the problem is that you are attempting to get a Disposable that you want to call at the end of the session. But in doing so, you are subscribing to the sequence yourself. Spring Framework will also subscribe to the Flux returned by getStreamSuspendCount, and it is THAT subscription that needs to be cancelled for the SSE client to get notified.
Now how to achieve this? What you need is a sort of "valve" that will cancel its source upon receiving an external signal. This is what takeUntilOther(Publisher<?>) does.
So now you need a Publisher<?> that you can tie to the session lifecycle (more specifically the session close event): as soon as it emits, takeUntilOther will cancel its source.
2 options there:
the session close event is exposed in a listener-like API: use Mono.create
you really need to manually trigger the cancel: use MonoProcessor.create() and when the time comes, push any value through it
Here are simplified examples with made up APIs to clarify:
return theFluxForSSE.takeUntilOther(Mono.create(sink ->
sessionEvent.registerListenerForClose(closeEvent -> sink.success(closeEvent))
MonoProcessor<String> processor = MonoProcessor.create();
beDisposeFlow.add(processor); // make it available to your session scope?
return theFluxForSSE.takeUntilOther(processor); //Spring will subscribe to this
Let's simulate the session close with a scheduled task:
Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor().schedule(() ->
processor.onNext("STOP") // that's the key part: manually sending data through the processor to signal takeUntilOther
, 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
Here is a simulated unit test example that you can run to better understand what happens:
public void simulation() {
Flux<Long> theFluxForSSE = Flux.interval(Duration.ofMillis(100));
MonoProcessor<String> processor = MonoProcessor.create();
Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor().schedule(() -> processor.onNext("STOP"), 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

Spring execute a block of code after a delay

I have a Spring boot controller which makes two service calls. The second call should occur only after 10 secs, after getting response from first call.
public SomeResponse myAction() {
res = serviceCallA();
waitFor(10) {
return res;
The action doesn't have to wait for the response from serviceCallB(), to return response. Call to serviceCallB() just has to be triggered in separate thread.
Whats the best way to implement this? I need something like a ThreadPoolTaskExecutor, but with a delay.
Sample code would awesome..
Use a promise, not the horrible Thread.sleep from 1999 that wastes precious system resources. Your options are CompletableFuture, RxJava Publisher constructs, Spring's own Project Reactor.
Let serviceCallA return Mono<Something> (Project Reactor). Then:
.doOnEach(unused -> serviceCallB())
There's probably 6 ways to do this in each library, the above being one.
Very straightforward answer;
SomeResponse myAction() {
res = serviceCallA();
return res;
void serviceCallB() {
Thread.sleep(10000) // 10 secs
// do service B call stuff
More on #Async with Spring also this
Beware though, since these calls will be running these serviceCallB() logic in new threads, and if used without proper control, might cause memory issues & kill your server.
With java.util.concurrent package you have the Executors
ScheduledExecutorService ex = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor();
ex.schedule(() -> serviceCallB, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
